Ohio History Journal

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"A Lost Portrait? Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell," Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 319-325.
... NANCY SAHLI NANCY SAHLI A Lost Portrait Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell Frank Duveneck was probably Ohio's best known artist during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is certainly one whose reputation has been sustained to the present day Born in Covington Kentucky in 1848 he began his career decorating churches in the United States and Canada In 1870 he traveled to Munich to study with Wilhelm von Diez returning three years later to Cincinnati By 1877 Duveneck's ...

"Governor Edward Tiffin: Pioneer Doctor," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 349-361.
... GOVERNOR EDWARD TIFFIN PIONEER DOCTOR GOVERNOR EDWARD TIFFIN PIONEER DOCTOR by LINDEN F EDWARDS PhD Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University From time to time throughout history there has appeared upon the scene of action an outstanding individual who because of his innate ability and of the richness of the opportunity at hand rose head and shoulders above the common herd Such a man was Edward Tiffin pioneer doctor lay preacher governor parliamentarian statesman His untiring and successful ...

"Address of Governor Donahey," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 501-508.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 It is particularly appropriate that the address of welcome with which the program proper is to begin should be delivered by His Excellency the Governor of Ohio that staunch friend of the Society neighbor and fellow-citizen Vic Donahey May I present the Governor of Ohio The audience rose and extended a very cordial greeting to Governor Donahey When the applause concluded he spoke as follows Mr Chairman ...

Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 343-355.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio in Homespun and Calico By I T Frary Richmond Virginia Garrett and Massie 1 942 1 48 p 200 This is a saga of common people says the author of Ohio in Homespun and Calico in presenting his latest literary product to the reader I T Frary does not sing of arms and the hero but of the sturdy pioneering Ohioans who bore the burden of building a commonwealth and of whom as a bearer of their tradition he is justly proud I like those simple people who were mine a few ...

"The National Road: Main Street of America," Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 114-146.
... NORRIS F NORRIS F SCHNEIDER The National Road Main Street of America A way to the West-where was the best route George Washington pondered that question anew in September 1784 as he sat in a land agent's cabin near present-day Morgantown West Virginia Gathered about him were settlers from that near-wilderness area on the Cheat River who had come at his request to offer their opinions on the best route for a portage between the upper waters of the Potomac and a tributary of the Ohio River Land ...

"Remarks of President Taft," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 35-36.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 35 nized the cheering by standing upon his automobile and waving his hat Grant street Fifth avenue and Wood street were lined with thousands The moment the automobile bearing the President appeared in Water street it was the signal for the beginning of one of the greatest ovations ever extended a nation's chief executive in this day Every boat tooted whistles as did locomotives and factories The spectators cheered People on the ...

"The Cincinnati Tablet: An Interpretation," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 257-264.
... THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION By CHARLES C WILLOUGHBY The Great Horned Serpent of our American tribes was usually considered a god of waters lakes and streams His anger was manifested through storms thunder and lightning Forked lightning was the darting of his tongue The Algonquians of the Great Lakes believed that a monster serpent Gitche-Kenebig dwelt in these waters who unless appeased with offerings raised a tempest or broke the ice beneath ...

"The Ulrich Group of Mounds," by Truman B. Mills. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 162-175.
... THE ULRICH GROUP OF MOUNDS THE ULRICH GROUP OF MOUNDS BY TRUMAN B MILLS The Ulrich group of mounds have been so named by reason of the location of two of the mounds upon the farm of Mr Joseph Ulrich situated about two and one-half miles west of Farmersville in Jackson township Montgomery county Ohio Six or more mounds comprise the group four of which were examined by the writer during the summer months of 1916 and 1917 Except for one mound-that located upon the farm formerly owned by Mr J H ...

"The Battle of Lake Erie: September 10, 1813," by Mrs. John T. Mack. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 38-45.
... 38 Ohio Arch 38 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE September 10 1813 BY MRS JOHN T MACK It was a fair morning in September a gentle breeze was blowing down the lake rippling the water A little American fleet lay peacefully at anchor in the beautiful island-locked bay of South Bass Island its brave young commander and sturdy men anxiously waiting for the sign of a coming hostile sail A few days before with the Union Jack vauntingly flying they had passed the British ...

"William Sanders Scarborough: Early Life and Years at Wilberforce," by Francis P. Weisenburger. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 203-226, notes 287-289.
... WILLIAM SANDERS SCARBOROUGH EARLY LIFE AND YEARS AT WILBERFORCE by FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER The most renowned Negroes in American history have generally been men of vigorous action who in various ways have given spirited leadership to their race and to their country Such persons include Frederick Douglass John M Langston Booker T Washington and William E B Du Bois Other less aggressive individuals such as Richard Theodore Greener1 the first Negro graduate of Harvard University and a lawyer of ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1960-July 1961," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 343-354.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1960 - July 1961 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HENLEIN Paul C Early Cattle Ranges of the Ohio Valley Agricultural History XXXV 1961 150-154 The Jackson Cut-Off Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXXII 1960 187-191 A ditch in Wood County to drain the Black Swamp built in 1878 and 1879 RHOADES Rendell ed Some 'Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855' Ohio Historical Quarterly LXX 1961 152-156 ...

"Richard Plantaganet Llewellyn Baber: A Sketch and Some of His Letters," edited by Duane Mowry. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 370-381.
... RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER A SKETCH AND SOME OF HIS LETTERS DUANE MOWRY A few months since we received from Mr Duane Mowry of Milwaukee Wisconsin duplicates of some letters written by Mr R P L Baber formerly of Columbus Ohio to Judge James R Doolittle at one time United States Senator from Wisconsin With the view of publishing these letters Mr Mowry wrote the late E L Taylor for information concerning Mr Baber Mr Taylor's reply was also forwarded us ...

"The Literature of the Western Reserve," Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 101-128.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A WHEELER The Literature of the Western Reserve The northeastern portion of Ohio known variously as New Connecticut as the Western Reserve of Connecticut or simply as the Western Reserve has been viewed as a unique area by observers from the eighteenth century to the present The region's distinctiveness stems from its homogenous founding population of transplanted New Englanders whose firm hold determined its culture Writers often agreed these migrants implanted a set of values ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884, Part I," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 119-151.
... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part I edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade John Beatty the author of the diary which follows was the grandson of a Scotch-Irish immigrant who settled near Sandusky in 1815 His grandfather also named John Beatty was born in County Wexford Ireland on March 17 1774 At the age of eighteen he visited the United States and after some traveling about the country determined to settle in Norwich ...

"A Check-List of Oxford Imprints, 1827-1841," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 128-137.
... A CHECK-LIST OF OXFORD IMPRINTS 1827-1841 A CHECK-LIST OF OXFORD IMPRINTS 1827-1841 Periodicals The Literary Focus a monthly periodical edited and published by the Erodelphian and Union Literary Societies of the Miami University Stilus optimus et praestantissimus dicendi effector ac magister Oxford Ohio printed at the Societies' Press J D Smith pr 1827-28 Vol I June 1827-May 1828 12 issues June-November 1827 published by J B Camron pr Hamilton Ohio December 1827-May 1828 published by the ...

"Ancient Works at Marietta, Ohio," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 37-66.
... ANCIENT WORKS AT MARIETTA OHIO ANCIENT WORKS AT MARIETTA OHIO BY J P MACLEAN PH D The ancient earthworks at Marietta Ohio have received much attention and have been written about more than any of the prehistoric remains of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys These structures were great and ranked high in importance although not so extensive and complicated as certain other remains which have been fully considered At the time of the opening of the great West the Ohio river was the main artery that ...

"Thomas Morris," by James B. Swing. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 352-360.
... 352 Ohio Arch 3 52 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THOMAS MORRIS BY JAMES B SWING CINCINNATI 0 It is important that the memory of strong brave men who have been conspicuous in their day and influential for good should be kept green There is nothing more inspiring than the story of the life of an intellectual and moral hero There is a noble a great name in the history of Ohio that ought to be remembered and honored of all but that is well-nigh forgotten a name that perhaps most of our ...

"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker: A Review of Her Autobiography," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 377-408.
... MRS MRS JULIA B FORAKER A REVIEW OF HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY By C B GA LB RE ATH In his Notes of a Busy Life Senator J B Foraker pays the following tribute to his wife But among all the pleasing memories that attach to Delaware one remains to be mentioned that outranks all others considered either separately or collectively It was there I met courted and became engaged to Miss Julia Bundy daughter of Hon H S Bundy of Jackson County Ohio at that time and for a number of terms the Representative of his ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 722-726.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS The first annual conference of superintendents of parks under the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Museum and Library building August 7 and 8 1929 The work of the conference is set forth in the following PROGRAM FIRST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS Ohio State Museum August 7 and 8 1929 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 7 I 5 Introduction and ...

"Early Cincinnati," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 448-464.
... EARLY CINCINNATI EARLY CINCINNATI JOSEPH WILBY CINCINNATI The following article was written by Mr Joseph Wilby and read before The Optimist Club Cincinnati March 1st 1902 Mr Wilby is at present the president of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio -EDITOR The first council meeting of the town of Cincinnati is said to have been held on the 5th of March 1 80 2 The present occasion lacks a few days of being the one hundredth anniversary of that date but affords a fitting opportunity ...