Ohio History Journal

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"The Serpent Mound Saved," by F. W. Putnam. Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 187-190.
... THE SERPENT MOUND SAVED THE SERPENT MOUND SAVED IT gives us great pleasure to record that a beginning has been made in the work of effectually preserving the mounds and earthworks of our State The celebrated Serpent mound on the Lovett farm near the northern border of Adams county has been purchased for the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology of Cambridge Mass and henceforth will be sacredly preserved by them for the study of future archaeologists This purchase ...

"California Letters of Major General James McPherson, 1858-1860," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 38-50.
... edited by edited by WILLIAM F STROBRIDGE California Letters of Major General James McPherson 1858-1860 Alcatraz Island in the middle of San Francisco Bay was two thousand miles from Sandusky County the Ohio home of James Birdseye McPherson Second Lieutenant Army Engineers The West Point-educated Lieutenant arrived in California late in 1857 on the wooden side-wheeler Golden Gate His assignment was to supervise construction of fortifications on rocky windy Alcatraz None foresaw then that in ...

"Holmes County Rebellion-Fort Fizzle," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 30-43.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HOLMES COUNTY REBELLIONFORT FIZZLE J R VANCE I was born in a log cabin situated in Knox Township Holmes County Ohio almost three-quarters of a century ago and have lived here on the farm ever since My information in regard to the events I am about to narrate comes from various sources I heard my father and mother discuss events as they had happened As I grew older I began to ponder on these discussions and to ask questions Many times I ...

Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 314-322.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies DELAWARE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Delaware Wilbur Main President The society has been holding regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month At the meeting in February R B Powers gave a paper on genealogy Mrs John J Swickheimer spoke at the March meeting on the early history of Radnor Township In April the first number of a mimeographed bulletin was published for the purpose of publicizing the society by describing its aims and ...

"Government of Ohio," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 95-96.
... Editorialana Editorialana 95 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA The latest and one of the best encyclopedias to appear is that known as the Encyclopedia Americana published under the auspices of the Scientific American Company and edited by Frederick Converse Beach and a corps of competent assistants It comprises sixteen large volumes and is produced in the best mechanical and typographical form with copious illustrations maps tables etc One of its excellent features is that the articles on leading ...

"The American Historical Association," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 219-221.
... Editorialana Editorialana 219 they have been exterminated by war disease and failure of accustomed food supply consequented upon the advent of the whites The simple and primitive existence and the peculiar characteristics of these children of the forest are entertainingly depicted This chapter is followed by a valuable and full appendix of statistics concerning the Indians-treaties of the United States with the tribes the cost to the government in the case of these aboriginal wards the ...

"Henry Howe, The Historian," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 311-337.
... Henry Howe the Historian Henry Howe the Historian 311 HENRY HOWE THE HISTORIAN BY JOSEPH P SMITH You don't find Ohio much like it was in the good old times of forty years ago do you Mr Howe asked an elderly gentleman at Columbus in 1886 He seemed well informed and intelligent but inclined to mournfully disparage the present ' Those who compare the age on which their lot has fallen with a golden age which exists only in their imagination may talk of degeneracy and decay' cheerily answered the ...

"The Opening Scenes of the Rebellion," by S. K. Donavin. Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 125-136.
... THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION BY COLONEL S K DONAVIN In the spring of 1861 I was a reporter and traveling correspondent on the Daily Exchange newspaper of the City of Baltimore When the telegraph announced that Mr Lincoln had reached Pittsburg en route for Washington City to be inaugurated President of the United States I left Baltimore by the Northern Central Railway for the purpose of meeting him and noting the incidents of his journey When I reached ...

"Ships in the Wilderness: A Note on the Invasion of Canada, 1813," by Howard S. Miller and Jack Alden Clarke. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 124-128, notes 197-198.
... SHIPS IN THE WILDERNESS A NOTE ON THE INVASION OF CANADA 1813 by HOWARD S MILLER and JACK ALDEN CLARKE At the beginning of 1813 Lake Erie was dominated by a British naval force The English with their flotilla of transports came and went as they pleased supplying the troops that had occupied the whole of Michigan and now threatened Ohio It became increasingly apparent to President Madison and his closest military advisers that there was little chance of recovering Michigan and even less of ...

"The Northwest Territory," by Benjamin William Arnett. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 433-464.
... THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AN ADDRESS BY BISHOP BENJAMIN WILLIAM ARNETT D D WEDNESDAY EVENING OCT 11 1899 AT MUSIC HALL CHICAGO We have been called together by the authorities of the Autumnal Festival Celebration First we are to give thanks for the achievements of the present century for the triumph of mind over matter as well as the success that has attended the labors of our workmen the harvest of our farmers and the dividends that have accrued to our financiers It is ...

Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 442-450.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION Mrs Bertha C Fosnocht President The Association is cooperating with the Brecksville Board of Library Trustees in making a canvass of community sentiment regarding housing facilities for the town library a historical museum and other community activities An invitation was extended to about 24 organizations to send representatives to a meeting called for that purpose Friday evening September 1 9 DAYTON ...

"The Secret Six: An Inquiry into the Basic Materia Medica of the Thomasonian System of Botanic Medicine," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 52, Number 4, October-December, 1943, pp. 347-355.
... THE SECRET SIX THE SECRET SIX AN INQUIRY INTO THE BASIC MATERIA MEDICA OF THE THOMSONIAN SYSTEM OF BOTANIC MEDICINE By PHILIP D JORDAN PHD Perhaps no single man of medicine exerted a greater popular influence during the hectic days of scientific thought in the nineteenth century than did Dr Samuel Thomson Although the intimate details of his professional career did not always coincide with the stories which Thomson himself told1 the general biographical facts are rather well established The ...

"Research Projects in Ohio History," compiled by William D. Overman. Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 338-340.
... RESEARCH PROJECTS IN OHIO HISTORY RESEARCH PROJECTS IN OHIO HISTORY Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN A recent survey indicates that there are thirteen biographies and nearly thirty monographs and treatises in preparation or completed but not published dealing with the history of Ohio or the Ohio Valley A list of these alphabetically arranged by author includes the following Nellie C Armstrong and Glenn A Blackburn Historical Bureau Indianapolis John Tipton Papers progress Leland D Baldwin ...

"Editorialana," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 329-338.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA DAYTON DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION We are in receipt of the Calendar of the Jonathan Dayton Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Dayton Ohio The program of the chapter for this centennial year is so admirable that it deserves notice and imitation by other chapters Beginning with its March meeting and running through to its annual meeting in January 1904 it has arranged a series of topics pertinent to the Ohio year The subjects for the chapter's ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes and The Ohio State University," by Walter S. Hayes, Jr.. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 168-183, notes 206-208.
... Rutherford B Hayes and The Ohio State University by WALTER S HAYES JR It was bitterly cold the day former President Hayes arrived in Cleveland in January 1893 He had come from Columbus and was in search of someone to head the new manual training department for The Ohio State University Both as a member and as the president of the board of trustees he had been actively concerned with the establishment of a good manual training department for the institution Snow fell and was blown by a wind ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 214-237.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Howells and the Age of Realism By Everett Carter Philadelphia and New York J B Lippincott Company 1954 307p index 500 Mr Carter's scholarly study of William Dean Howells and his fellow realists is a sound valuable chapter in our literary and social history It is not a definitive biography such as Leon Edel's Henry James or Dixon Wecter's Sam Clemens of Hannibal but an intellectual portrait of Howells drawn by careful analysis and interpretation Mr Carter ...

"Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio," Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 105-113.
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS DITTBRENNER CURTIS H and GERALD G NEWBORG Guide to Researching Ohio County and Municipal Government Records Archives specialists Ohio Hist Soc F ULLER SARA S Guide to Research Materials on Ohio Black H istory Mss specialist Ohio Hist Soc GATHERUM PATRICIA B Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations on Ohio History Reference ...

"Fine Timber," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 16-24.
... FINE TIMBER FINE TIMBER By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS I went to woork a tuseday morning for Mr Gilman at 12 Shilings pr day he is a bulding 2 Ships and thare top timbers are all red seder and lokes I have worked wales 68 feet long fine timber in this Countery and as good land as Ever lay out adors I dont think I shall Stay in the Sittey maney months Ales is the wellest she has bin this five years but dont like Meriette thank God i am well and hartey But Alles is Cros as yousyell Thus wrote a settler ...

"The Kendal Community," by Wendall P. Fox. Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 176-219.
... THE KENDAL COMMUNITY THE KENDAL COMMUNITY WENDALL P FOX MASSILLON The following article concerning the Kendal Community was secured for publication through the courtesy of Mr Wendall P Fox of Massillon Ohio Mr Fox in an explanatory letter to the Editor makes the statement a portion of which we use as a preface to the article itself-E 0 R PREFACE According to the History of Stark County the first settlers came to Perry township in the summer of 1806 Perry township included the territory ...

"Ohio Land Patents," (Collections and Exhibits) by Kenneth W. Duckett. Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 51-60.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS Ohio Land Patents by KENNETH W DUCKETT NOT LONG AGO the public relations office at a United States Air Force base wrote a press release describing a nineteenth century land deed owned by one of its civilian employees According to the release a local authority had appraised the document signed by Thomas Jefferson as president of the United States and James Madison as secretary of state at 25 Autograph collectors the release continued had subsequently made offers of up ...