Ohio History Journal

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"Samuel Galloway," by Washington Gladden. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 263-278.
... Samuel Galloway Samuel Galloway 263 SAMUEL GALLOWAY BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN DD LL D It is hardly necessary to ask where the Galloways came from Their name bewrayeth them The southwesternmost peninsula of Scotland jutting out into the Irish Channel and separated by only a few miles of water from County Antrim in Ireland was known as the Galloway district Burns's country of Ayr was just north of it Carlyle's country of Ecclefechen and Dumfries was just east of it and Wordsworth's country of ...

Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 303-312.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY--PRE-CIVIL WAR OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY--PRE-CIVIL WAR PERIOD THE FIRST YEAR OF THE SECOND EPIDEMIC OF ASIATIC CHOLERA IN COLUMBUS OHIO--1849 By JONATHAN FORMAN Cholera because of its sudden appearance its high mortality and the frightfulness of its dead has always been a dramatic character in the history of the human race Some years ago the writer told the story of the first cholera epidemic in Columbus that of 18331 This was the great epidemic surpassing any pestilence that ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 147-156.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail By Ezra Meeker in collaboration with Howard R Driggs Professor of Education in English University of Utah Yonkers-on-Hudson New York World Book Co 1925 Pp X 225 This is one of the books of the Pioneer Life Series published by the World Book Company Yonkers-onHudson New York It is extensively and appropriately illustrated by ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923-III," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 239-286.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 3 JULY 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923-III Edited by JOHN A GARRA TY MYERS TO RHODES Cleveland March 16 1917 My Dear Mr Rhodes I was awful glad to receive your favor of the 5th1 It is indeed a source of much pleasure to receive a letter from you and its very considerate for you to write me as you do I know that you are a very busy man and the demands upon you from a social ...

"The First Purely Republican Form of Government in America," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 514-516.
... THE FIRST PURELY REPUBLICAN FORM OF THE FIRST PURELY REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT IN AMERICA BY WILLIAM M PETTIT The historical political controversy that raged in the years 1636-37 was over the demand of Anne Hutchinson that women be accorded equal political rights with men in Massachusetts Sir Harry Vane was elected governor in 1636 being a representative of the Hutchinson faction but in 1637 he was defeated by John Winthrop The General Court of Massachusetts tried the famous Hutchinson ...

"Address of C. L. Martzolff" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 17-21.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 17 ADDRESS OF C L MARTZOLFF It is said that a minister's text is but a peg upon which to hang his sermon If I were a minister the peg upon which I would hang this speech would be found among the jewels of the wonderful mines of King Solomon - The Book of Proverbs Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set Man has ever been a monument builder When the Israelites fought with the hosts of Amalek when the hands of Moses were ...

"Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor," by George Kummer. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 424-437.
... Specimens of Ante-Bellum Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor By GEORGE K UM MER Native American humor that is humor which by reason of its subject matter and technique possesses an emphatic native quality1 flourished vigorously in the backwoods of the United States for several decades before the Civil War Produced by the folk and recorded by rural doctors lawyers preachers and journalists it portrayed the comedy of character and background as seen in various parts of the country From it ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings for the Year 1886, with Abstracts of Addresses and Papers Presented Before the Society," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 291-302.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIOHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1886 WITH ABSTRACTS OF ADDRESSES AND PAPERS PRESENTED BEFORE THE SOCIETY COLUMBUS January 13th 1886 THE Society was called to order in the Chamber of the House of Representatives in the State House by Professor L D Brown The report of the Secretary showed the addition of ten members since the last meeting and several valuable donations to the library and museum The special committee ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders," by E. O. Randall. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 142-144.
... 142 Ohio Arch 142 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LAST EDITORIAL The following from The Columbus Evening Dispatch of September 2 1 919 is believed to be the last editorial contribution from Mr Randall to that paper It may be considered his final word on a subject to which he had given much thought and on which he had frequently written WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS The remarkable discoveries recently unearthed by the exploring department of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923-II," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 125-167.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923 - II Edited by JOHN A GARRATY RHODES TO MYERS Boston January 7 1913 Dear George I do not wonder that you were irritated in not getting an earlier answer to yours of Oct 15 last but I have been very busy since my return from Seal Harbor without however accomplishing very much1 In the first place I have had some unsatisfactory investments ...

"Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 148-151.
... Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Edited by ROBERT M WARNER ON THE MORNING OF MAY 25 1878 the girls of the female seminary at Painesville Ohio interrupted their normal school routine to bark mew crow and tell Mother Goose rhymes to a most unusual auditor--a strange looking machine which listened patiently to all their confidences and then performed the amazing feat of repeating them all back again to the intrigued listeners For the first time in their ...

"Geology as a Factor in Human Life and Character," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 52-85.
... GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN LIFE AND CHARACTER GERARD FOWKE Human history is a by-product of geology The earliest men fished in the rivers and the seas hunted in the mountains and the forests Shelter was as necessary as food and they had to live where they could find protection from inclement weather Where caves existed they were utilized where there was no such natural refuge an artificial one had to be provided This must be made of wood at first perhaps only of ...

"Woman's Suffrage in the Constitutional Convention of Ohio," by D. C. Shilling. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 166-174.
... 166 Ohio Arch 166 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications to live before he has had a chance for self-realization Why cut off a man's opportunities in his youth Why rob him of the holy right to live and to make the best of himself There are doubtless moments of exhiliration and glory in the dangers of battle but these are as nothing when balanced against the wholesale slaughter of men Herein then lies the secret of our anti-war spirit Not that we would not fight if necessary No people is more ...

"The Place of the Ohio Valley in American History," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 32-47.
... THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY IN AMERICAN HISTORY FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER Professor of History University of Wisconsin Mr Turner until the fall of 1910 was professor of American History in the University of Wisconsin He is now professor of Western American History at Harvard University and the past year 1910 was president of the American Historical Association He delivered the address herewith published at the meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association held ...

"Study of History-A Hindrance or a Help in the Perfecting of International Organization, The," by K. C. Leebrick. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 269-276.
... THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP IN THE PERFECTING OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION By K C LEEBRICK This statement was made by Nicholas Murray Butler at the 184th Commencement of Columbia University June 1 1938 Ideas and principles as well as kings can abdicate There are many disturbing signs--and not in Europe or in Asia alone--that Democracy is moving in no small measure unconsciously toward abdication The long and steady progress of ...

"The Relation of the Glacial Period to Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 174-186.
... THE RELATION OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD TO THE RELATION OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD TO ARCHAEOLOGY IN OHIO As yet no implements have been found in Ohio which can certainly be ascribed to the glacial age The hope that we may yet discover pre-glacial instruments in Ohio as we have discovered pre-glacial wood is however a sufficient justification of this paper if it shall succeed first in making clear the relation of the glacial period to archaeological discoveries in other portions of the world and if in ...

"The Underground Railroad," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 396-403.
... THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO The Underground Railroad was not under the ground nor was it a railway but there was a fitness in the name which caused its general use to express one of the most remarkable phases of the long struggle against slavery and the Slave Power The term was a popular mode of referring to the various ways in which fugitive slaves from the South were assisted in escaping to the North and especially to Canada It was often humorously ...

"The Evangelist as Theological Disputant: Charles Grandison Finney and Some Others," by Charles C. Cole, Jr.. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 219-233.
... THE EVANGELIST AS THEOLOGICAL DISPUTANT THE EVANGELIST AS THEOLOGICAL DISPUTANT CHARLES GRANDISON FINNEY AND SOME OTHERS by CHARLES C COLE JR Assistant Dean Columbia College Columbia University Interpreting the word of God defining dogma and disputing against heretical views have been primary tasks of religious leaders for many centuries A glance at the countless succession of theological battles from Augustine's condemnation of Pelagius through Wycliffe Hus Luther and Savonarola suggests that ...

"James Galloway, Sr.," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 613-614.
... JAMES GALLOWAY SR JAMES GALLOWAY SR In the January issue of the Q UARTERLY in the contribution entitled Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Clark County Ohio there is on pages 95-96 a sketch of James Galloway Sr which contains a number of errors These are due evidently for the most part to errors in previous sketches in county histories and to a confusion of the name of James Galloway Sr with other Galloways by the name of James The following sketch is by Dr W A Galloway of Xenia and is ...

Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 103-116.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht President New officers of the association are Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht president and treasurer Ernest Green first vice president Mrs Elmer Lewis second vice president Mrs Walter Lister secretary and Harriet Wright curator Trustees are Rev J Chandler Adams Mrs Albert Birdsall Benjamin P Forbes Ernest Green Mrs Elmer Lewis Ray Thayer and Dr Charles K Teter ...