Ohio History Journal

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"James Kilbourne: New Light on his Story," edited by Paul C. Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 193-206.
... edited by edited by PAUL C BOWERS JR GOODWIN F BERQUIST JR James Kilbourne New Light on his Story James Kilbourne played an important if not widely known role in the settlement and development of Ohio Born in Farmington Connecticut in 1770 Kilbourne became a prosperous merchant and land owner as well as a lay reader and clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church He was a man of stature in both the business and spiritual affairs of central Connecticut by the turn of the century In 1800 ...

"The Knowledge of Coal and Iron in Ohio Before 1835," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 219-230.
... THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN OHIO BEFORE 1835 BY PAUL WAKELEE STODDARD Today Ohio is one of the great coal-producing centers of the world a position which it has maintained for close on to a century The real starting-point of the development of the mineral resources of the state was the First Geological Survey which took place in the third decade of the nineteenth century and which has been considered in a previous article But what knowledge of the vast ...

"Significance of Perry's Victory," by Isaac J. Cox. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 460-466.
... SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY BY ISAAC J COX On the evening of February 23d 1910 the Ohio Perry's Victory Commission appointed by the Governor of Ohio to make suitable arrangements for the celebration of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie September 10 1913 had a hearing before a special joint meeting of both houses of the Ohio Assembly On this occasion Dr Isaac J Cox professor of American History in the Cincinnati University and President of the Ohio Valley ...

Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 86-88.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Civil War Letters of an Ohio Soldier SO Chamberlain and the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry By Dick and Judy Chamberlain Flournoy California Dick Chamberlain 1990 ix 67p illustrations Letters written by a Seneca County soldier during the years 1861 -65 are interspersed with the authors' explication of their contents A candid portrayal of campaigning with the Army of the Cumberland the letters speak with a certain rude eloquence of the tedium and hardship of the tented ...

"Martin Baum," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 204-219.
... MARTIN BAUM MARTIN BAUM By GEORGE A KATZENBERGER The nucleus of the material hereinafter collected is taken from an article1 by the eminent German-American historian Henry A Ratterman who from 1868 to 1887 published Der Deutsche Pionier in Cincinnati The historian will note that of all the great nations of western Europe during the centuries immediately following the discovery of America Germany alone took no official part in the colonization of the newly discovered hemisphere This was ...

"Ohio and the Panama Canal," by Charles D. Ameringer. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 3-12, notes 69-70.
... OHIO OHIO and the PANAMA CANAL by CHARLES D AMERINGER Uncle Sam digging under the influence of the Sons of Ohio at the right place So ran a toast proposed at the twenty-second annual banquet of the Cincinnati Commercial Club at the Queen City Club on November 13 1902 The reference was to the role Ohioans had played in the decision of the United States to construct an interoceanic canal in Panama and the man who offered the toast was in a position to know whereof he spoke He was Philippe ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes, Attorney at Law," by Watt P. Marchman. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 5-32, notes 184-186.
... Rutherford B Hayes Attorney at Law by WATT P MARCHMAN Rutherford Birchard Hayes began life without a father in Delaware Ohio on October 4 1822 a sickly child whose health was of deep concern to his mother His father Rutherford Hayes Jr formerly of Dummerston Vermont who had been a merchant of the firm of Noyes Mann and Hayes and who had brought his family to settle in Ohio in 1817 died suddenly on July 20 1822 before the birth of his son He left his widow with an estate consisting of a brick ...

"Marketing 'the great American commodity': Nathaniel Massie and Land Speculation on the Ohio Frontier, 1783-1813," by Jonathan J. Bean. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 152-169.
... JONATHAN J JONATHAN J BEAN Marketing the great American commodity Nathaniel Massie and Land Speculation on the Ohio Frontier 1783-1813 Few figures in early American history are as controversial as the land speculator The land speculator has been portrayed as both a parasitical landlord and an important figure fostering the economic development of the frontier The career of Ohio land speculator Nathaniel Massie highlights the problems faced by those engaged in land development in the early ...

"Notes-Geographical," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 486-488.
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications NOTES - GEOGRAPHICAL BY R W MCFARLAND LL D These notes are intended to draw attention to errors or slips which manage sometimes to get into print and which may mislead the unwary Attention is called to four such points FIRST It has been stated in the OHIO STATE AR CH A E OLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY that the United States military tract extended to the Ohio river This is an error See Vol 2 U S Laws page 565 act of June 1 1796 The ...

"Notes on Cholera in Southwestern Ohio," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 378-385.
... NOTES ON CHOLERA IN SOUTHWESTERN OHIO NOTES ON CHOLERA IN SOUTHWESTERN OHIO By DAVID A TUCKER JR M D The first invasion of the North American continent by epidemic or Asiatic cholera occurred in 1832 The disease appears to have been carried across the Atlantic by emigrants from Ireland who landed during April and May at Gross Isle thirtytwo miles below the city of Quebec Cholera had appeared in a serious epidemic at Jessore India on the Delta of the Ganges in 1816-1817 It had spread slowly ...

"Report of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 273-296.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF REPORT OF THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Forenoon Session--10 A M In the absence of the president and first vice-president the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by its second vice-president Wilber Stout on April 21 1936 in the auditorium of the Museum The attendance at this session was smaller than usual but was quite representative The ...

"Minutes of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 228-284.
... MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO Saturday October 10 1925 900 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present B F Prince George F Bareis W H Pengelly James S Hine E F Wood Joseph C Goodman W C Mills A E Domoney F C Furniss Dean M Hickson H O Whitaker Miss Martha J Maltby T B Alexander Mrs T B Alexander Mrs Charles A Covert Mrs ...

"Report and Minutes, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 203-218, 233-235.
... THE GENEALOGICAL SECTION THE GENEALOGICAL SECTION REPORTED BY HELEN S FULLER The joint session of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society took place at 7 PM April 1 in the auditorium of the Ohio State Museum Frank A Livingston presided and John F Carlisle presented a paper on William Holmes McGuffey His History and Genealogy in which he pointed out McGuffey's position concerning the selection of reading material adapted to the minds of ...

"Birthplace of John Brough," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 105-111.
... BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH EDGAR ERVIN The following article clears up the disputed question concerning the birthplace of John Brough one of Ohio's famous war governors It also presents many interesting events in the life of the governor Mr Edgar Ervin the writer is the present member of the Ohio House of Representatives from Meigs county Mr Ervin was educated in the country schools subsequently receiving special training for public life in the Capitol School of ...

"Membership in the General Assembly of Ohio," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 222-283.
... MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO BY B H PERSHING Professor in Wittenberg College Since pure democracy is not possible in any country with a numerous population every republic finds itself under the necessity of devising some system of representation The emergence in America of geographical areas having in every case a historical background and a political consciousness has made the problem more complex here than in lands in which artificial ...

"Siege of Fort Meigs," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 280-285.
... SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS SIEGE OF FORT MEIG S The Cleveland Herald and Gazette of June 3 1840 printed an extract from a speech delivered by the brave Col John O'Fallon at the raising of the log-cabin in St Louis This was during the famous Log Cabin Campaign summer and fall of 1840 The speech reflecting the political and public sentiment of the time will be read with interestEDITOR Colonel O'Fallon-who it may be stated delivered his speech from the ramparts of a miniature Fort Meigs -was an aid of ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Two Songs Inspired in Ohio," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 428-441.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO TWO SONGS INSPIRED IN OHIO BY C B GALBREATH While much has been said and written of the achievements of Ohio's men the public has not fully appreciated perhaps the extent of the influence of the gifted women of the state This is due doubtless to the fact that this influence is often exerted in ways somewhat obscure and indirect A gifted woman of course is a creature of physical and intellectual beauty endued with the power to lift man to the heights of ...

"Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 72-97.
... SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It has been usual heretofore to delay the printing of the proceedings of the annual meeting for the yearly report of the secretary to the Governor and the Society made at the end of the calendar year But hereafter the report of the annual meeting will appear in the succeeding issue of the QUARTERLYSEC'Y The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and ...

"Salmon P. Chase and the Election of 1860," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 515-607.
... SALMON P SALMON P CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 BY DONNAL V SMITH CHAPTER I CHASE IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1 86 0 I shall ever strive to be first wherever I may be let what success will attend the effort So wrote Salmon P Chase in 1830 then a young attorney practicing with the famous Wirt firm in Washington1 Shortly after he moved to Cincinnati the Queen City of the West there to begin a life of political activity which in a few short years took him through the various changes of the old Whig party ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 192-194.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 4th and 5th 1997 at Malone College in Canton Ohio The historical Encyclopedia of African American Associations is seeking scholars interested in contributing assigned entries This single-volume reference work will include associations established by African Americans and interracial groups working in the interest of African Americans For a list of entries and further information please ...