Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shakers

Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 187-224.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker Edited by Margaret Connell Szasz Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1994 xii 386p illustrations maps notes bibliography index 4500 Frontier history has been redefined within the last fifteen years Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker is a reflection both of emerging interests and shifting perspectives within the field In 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner described the American frontier as the westward ...

"Ohio's Contribution to National Civil Service Reform," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 76-204.
... 76 Ohio Arch 76 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications on the west much pleased with the town of cincinnati think it is the greatest place for business I ever saw verry far surpasses Baltimore in my opinion for all kinds of business We visited the market house in the morning and where verry much surprised at seaing 500 waggons their loaded with all kinds of marketing but were told that it was not an uncomon thing to sea 700 waggons there of a morning The population of Cincinnati is said to be ...

"Address of Hon. Walling (Centennial of Perry's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 72-78.
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications vindication of national honor and the only certain protection of vital interests is in respecting the nationality of others and in trusting for justice to the growing conscience of the race codified in international law and expressing itself through international arbitration On that as on a sure foundation rests the hope of the world's peace Once men dreamed of peace through the world sovereignty of some master mind like Alexander or some ...

"Literary Contributions (of E. O. Randall)," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 156-157.
... 156 Ohio Arch 15 6 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his countenance betokened a sensual rather than an intellectual quality of character he had not inherited the Napoleon cast of face he was Beauharnais not Bonaparte the forehead was broad the nose prominent suggesting a certain German type the eyes small grayish-blue in color rather expressionless as one biographer said 'if they were windows of his soul their blinds were constantly drawn' his hair was iron-gray his natural 'make-up' ...

"The Bicentennial of Major General Arthur St. Clair," by Theresa Vinton Pierce Krull. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 257-272.
... THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF MAJOR GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR1 BY THERESA VINTON PIERCE KRULL This paper was read before the Fifteenth Annual Indiana History Conference at Indianapolis December 8 1933 and is reprinted with permission from the Indiana History Bulletin vol 11 No 5 The bicentennial of Major General Arthur St Clair comes to our calendar with 1934 and should come to the hearts of all Indianans with a new or renewed sense of what Arthur St Clair means in the history of civil ...

"An Abolition Center," by Thomas J. Sheppard. Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 265-268.
... AN ABOLITION CENTER AN ABOLITION CENTER THOMAS J SHEPPARD In the spring of 1 80 2 two travelers met in the wilderness between Zanesville and Marietta Ohio Though they rode together by day and camped together by night each refrained from disclosing to the other the object of his journey That object was to purchase the section of land upon which later on grew up the village of Putnam now the Ninth Ward of the city of Zanesville The travelers were John McIntyre the founder of Zanesville and Dr ...

Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 147-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson By MICHAEL LES BENEDICT New York W W Norton amp Company Inc 1973 x 212p notes appendix bibliographical essay and index Cloth 695 paper 245 Among the countless studies of American political institutions few have dealt with impeachment Historians and political scientists writing about Reconstruction or President Andrew Johnson have avoided treating his impeachment in depth Although few scholars any longer accept the once ...

"Francisca Bauer, the Sister of the Woods," by Edmund L. Binsfeld. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 353-366.
... Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods By EDMUND L BINSFELD OLD THEODORE WILLIAMS of Norwalk Ohio liked to reminisce and when the Rev Frederick Rupert pastor at St Paul's Roman Catholic parish there was preparing what he called an outline history of the Catholic churches in that area Williams told the priest about the early days Among other things Williams said that when he was a boy of eight he saw at sunset one September evening in 1828 two ...

Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 285-318.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Lost America The Story of Iron-Age Civilization Prior to Columbus By Arlington H Mallery With the assistance of Mary Roberts Harrison Illustrations by Paula Mallery Introduction by Matthew W Stirling Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology Smithsonian Institution Columbus Ohio and Washington D C The Overlook Company 1951 xviii238p illustrations maps tables references index and appendix 450 This little volume has created a minor sensation in Ohio and other parts ...

Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 155-166.
... BOOK REVIEWS INDEPENDENT HISTORICAL SOCIETIES AN ENQUIRY INTO THEIR RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION FUNCTIONS AND THEIR FINANCIAL FUTURE B y W alter Muir Whitehill Boston The Boston Athenaeum 1962 Distributed by Harvard University Press xviii593p index 1250 For some years now historical-society journals one after another have been undergoing a transformation of format style and content into imitation popular magazines declared the New-York Historical Society annual report for 1961 Ohioans concerned ...

"Rufus Putnam Memorial Association," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 123-133.
... Editorialana Editorialana 123 that ordinance and especially the non-slavery clause was not the work of Nathan Dane of Massachusetts but of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia It is not our purpose to enter into this discussion which has been the theme of many a writer Our impression is that Mr Jefferson has not been duly accredited with the share due his ordinance as a basis for the one of 1787 Jefferson must says Curtis M Geer in his volume on the Louisiana Purchase be credited with the effort of ...

"Extracts from Winthrop Sargent's Journal. 1793-1795," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 273-282.
... Winthrop Sargent 273 Winthrop Sargent 273 became adopted amongst them his head shaved painted etc as is their custom upon such occasions and has since by his own account been much in favor with them He relates that he has been with them to the British posts Michilmackinac particularly That they are there equipped with all the necessaries to come to war against the United States--march out upon these occasions under English colors and are received when they return with scalps with military ...

"Ohio and Western Expansion," by Willis Arden Chamberlin. Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 304-336.
... OHIO AND WESTERN EXPANSION OHIO AND WESTERN EXPANSION BY PROFESSOR WILLIS ARDEN CHAMBERLIN DENISON UNIVERSITY Wonderful opportunity matched by daring enterprise - that is the formula to account for the marvelous development of the Buckeye State The growth of Ohio is the epitome of national expansion Its transformation from the wilderness in which roamed savage Redmen and wild beasts prowled to the present well-ordered commonwealth is the epic of American civilization Ohio was the first orderly ...

"William Sanders Scarborough: Early Life and Years at Wilberforce," by Francis P. Weisenburger. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 203-226, notes 287-289.
... WILLIAM SANDERS SCARBOROUGH EARLY LIFE AND YEARS AT WILBERFORCE by FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER The most renowned Negroes in American history have generally been men of vigorous action who in various ways have given spirited leadership to their race and to their country Such persons include Frederick Douglass John M Langston Booker T Washington and William E B Du Bois Other less aggressive individuals such as Richard Theodore Greener1 the first Negro graduate of Harvard University and a lawyer of ...

"Sketches of John and Ann (Simpson) Davis: Their Forbears and Descendants," by Eva (Sells) Jaeger. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 563-571.
... SKETCHES OF JOHN AND ANN SIMPSON DAVIS SKETCHES OF JOHN AND ANN SIMPSON DAVIS THEIR FORBEARS AND DESCENDANTS BY EVA SELLS JAEGER The History of every Family is a romance -- to those who search its pages a poem --Lamartine The history of the state of Pennsylvania from which came John and Ann Simpson Davis is unique in the manner of settlements made there as it offered an asylum for all mankind To this state came the Swedes who settled along the Delaware River the Dutch from Holland who in turn ...

"Paleolithic Man in the Western Reserve," by P. P. Cherry. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 109-111.
... Editorialana Editorialana 109 Marietta could not have been surpassed The place and time of the next annual meeting was left in the hands of the Executive Committee The proceedings in full of the meetings above including addresses etc will be published either in a later number of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Quarterly or in a separate publication by the same Society PALEOLITHIC MAN IN THE WESTERN RESERVE The following article was written by P P Cherry and published in ...

"Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1945," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 263-282.
... ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1945 To THE OFFICERS TRUSTEES AND MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Herewith is submitted the Annual Report of the Society for the year 1945 The cooperation and the many courtesies which you have shown to the staff personnel during the year are greatly appreciated Respectfully submitted April 1 2 19 46 HENRY C SHETRONE Director REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR The year 1945 was a ...

"Washington's First Battle Ground," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 385-390.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No 3 JULY 190 9 WASHINGTON'S FIRST BATTLE GROUND For many years it had been the ardent desire of the Editor to traverse the country of the Monongahela and the Youghiogheny where the youthful Washington began his diplomatic career entered his military life received his baptism of fire won his spurs in battle met his first defeat and succumbed to his only surrender experiences that taught him his preparatory lessons in the science of statesmanship and the art ...

"Recollections of Newark," Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 240-247.
... RECOLLECTIONS OF NEWARK RECOLLECTIONS OF NEWARK ISAAC SMUCKER Mr Isaac Smucker was born in the Shenandoah Valley Virginia in 1807 and became a citizen of Newark Ohio in 1825 as he relates in the article herewith published He early became an influential and distinguished personage in his community In 1837-8 he was a member of the Ohio Legislature and might have held other offices of greater prominence but he preferred the less conspicuous life and the opportunity it gave to indulge in his ...

Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 328-342.
... shakers in the form of a woman's breasts or a crockery container for false teeth that plays The Shadow of Your Smile Some are simply ordinary although it must say something about our jaded sensibilities that gardens of plastic flowers or imitation-brick fireplaces with electric logs arouse only a faint nausea But just what Vergil is it who guides us through this hell One who feels our powers to discern kitsch are so feeble that we must be told ...