Ohio History Journal

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"The State of Ohio in 1848 As Seen by Traugott Bromme" observations of Traugott Bromme, translated by Richard L. Bland. Volume 112, pp. 87-92, Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 87.
... Bland Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 87-92 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The State of Ohio as Seen by Traugott Bromme Translated by Richard L Bland The title page of Bromme's publication click to view larger image Introduction During the early part of the 1800s Europeans came to the United States in large numbers One such person was Traugott Bromme Bromme born near Leipzig in 1802 came to the United States in 1821 where he ...

"Conduct and Revolt in the Twenth-fifth Ohio Battery: An Insider's Account," by Dennis K. Boman. Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 163-183.
... DENNIS K DENNIS K BOMAN Conduct and Revolt in the Twenty-fifth Ohio Battery An Insider's Account On August 10 1861 in the town of Canfield Ohio twenty-eight year old Robert T McMahan enlisted as a private in the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry1 On September 3 the date of his muster he began a journal in which he noted the experiences and impressions of his service in the United States military2 McMahan first served as a cavalryman and then as a gunner for the Twenty-fifth Ohio Light Artillery ...

"An Ohio Doctor in the Early Navy," by Howard D. Kramer. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 155-174.
... AN OHIO DOCTOR IN THE EARLY NAVY AN OHIO DOCTOR IN THE EARLY NAVY by HOWARD D K RA MER Assistant Professor of History Western Reserve University Recently the journals of Lewis A Wolfley an Ohio doctor who served in the United States Navy from 1832 to 1844 were lent to the writer by a representative of Wolfley's descendants The manuscript material in the Wolfley Collection consists of the surgeon's journals on four cruises and his diary in Paris where he studied medicine under world-famous ...

"'Refugees to and from Canada and the Refugee Tract,'" Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 219-241.
... REFUGEES TO AND FROM CANADA AND THE REFUREFUGEES TO AND FROM CANADA AND THE REFUGEE TRACT BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR All that part of the City of Columbus which lies east of the Scioto River and between Fifth Avenue on the north and Steelton on the south a distance of four and one-half miles is on what is known in law and history as the Refugee Tract which was as we shall hereafter see set apart by the government for the benefit of Refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia This territory comprises ...

"Mound Builders of Ohio, The," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 148-151.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Really of what value to any one are the opinions of Mr Fowke The society cannot afford to become sponsors for Mr Fowkes' eccentricities It is far better that the entire edition be suppressed and all the books sent out recalled than that the society should suffer from this most inconsiderate of books If the Executive Committee will take such action it will not only meet with my approval but I will advocate the same before the entire Board ...

"Marius Robinson, A Forgotten Abolitionist Leader," by Russel B. Nye. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 138-154.
... MARIUS ROBINSON A FORGOTTEN ABOLITIONIST MARIUS ROBINSON A FORGOTTEN ABOLITIONIST LEADER By RUSSEL B NYE Marius Racine Robinson one of the more important figures of the antislavery movement in Ohio has been more or less lost from public view Neither the Dictionary of American Biography the National Cyclopaedia of Biography nor any of the standard biographical dictionaries list his name yet in the rise of abolitionism in Ohio he played a great part as agent editor organizer and propagandist -- ...

"Story of the First Geological Survey of Ohio, 1835-1842," by Paul Wakelee Stoddard. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 107-135.
... STORY OF THE FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STORY OF THE FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF OHIO 1835 - 18 42 BY PAUL WAKELEE STODDARD INTRODUCTORY NOTE The purpose of this paper is conceived to be the story of the First Geological Survey of Ohio not the findings of the Survey or the discoveries made It deals with the rise and fall of popular sentiment and the corresponding reaction in legislative halls Moreover this is legislative history--not social for the latter although far more valuable is subtle and ...

"John Chapman's Line of Descent from Edward Chapman of Ipswich," with an introduction by Robert Price. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 20-32.
... JOHN CHAPMAN'S LINE OF DESCENT FROM JOHN CHAPMAN'S LINE OF DESCENT FROM EDWARD CHAPMAN OF IPSWICH Compiled by FLORENCE E WHEELER With an Introduction by ROBERT PRICE Who Was Johnny Appleseed--Introduction Even before the death of John Chapman in 1845 the Johnny Appleseed story growing out of the man's colorful life had begun to break away from the roots of fact and to flower purely as a popular myth In the years since the apocryphal addenda aided and abetted by much fiction poetry and ...

"National Old Trails Road in Ohio," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 143-147.
... NATIONAL OLD TRAILS ROAD IN OHIO NATIONAL OLD TRAILS ROAD IN OHIO The Old Trails Chapter Daughters of the American Colonists Columbus Ohio unveiled a bronze tablet on the West Broad Street bridge in Columbus on October 5 1927 Mrs W C Moore Regent of the Chapter presided and Mayor James J Thomas made introductory remarks Mrs Lewis C Laylin of Columbus State Historian of the Daughters of American Colonists gave a short history of the road in Ohio and Mrs Frank C Martin State Regent unveiled the ...

"Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 191-200.
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO PREPARED BY MRS CYRUS THOMAS FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Continued from page 7 8 ANY observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in addition to those here stated will confer a favor upon the world by forwarding such information to Professor G F Wright Oberlin 0 the member of the Editorial Committee in charge of this department by whom the facts will be classified and published in future ...

"Old Northwest to Eastern Eyes, The," by Beverly W. Bond, Jr.. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 542-556.
... 542 Ohio Arch 542 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications small colleges and that some of our best citizenship found its inspiration in these institutions All of these colleges have had men and women of more than usual rank and standing in our commonwealth and I am proud to recognize their contribution to Ohio citizenship They have not been very exclusive in this because they have always exported their best to other colleges We have present Professor Beverly W Bond Jr from the University of ...

"George Frederick Wright: In Memoriam," Volume 30, Number 2, April, 1921, pp. 162-175.
... GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT IN MEMORIAM In the fullness of years and bearing the honors of a life devoted to science and the service of his fellow men Doctor George Frederick Wright President Emeritus of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society passed to his final reward April 20 1921 While he had been failing in strength for a few months past he was able to continue his work almost to the day of his death and was cheerfully looking forward to a return to health ...

Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 461-471.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XLII INDEX TO VOLUME XLII Abels A 71 Bicentennial commission for Ohio Names Abroader the better 392 of 8-9 Adams S E 114 Bicentennial commission for West VirAlexander W L quoted 128-129 ginia Names of 7 American Colonists in English Records Blaine James G Speech in Cincinnati Ser 1 reviewed 241-242 385-386 his affability 387-388 American Legion 64 Blazier Ann 39 Anchor iron 171 180 Blumenberg Hugo 29 Ashmun George 108 Bolles Col William M 169 Atkinson L A 176 Boone Col E A 223 ...

"George Kennan," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 224-226.
... 224 Ohio Arch 224 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications in Civil War time for he says that soon a hundred thousand men were singing 'And his soul goes marching on' It was the singing of this song by thousands of the boys in blue that inspired Julia Ward Howe the wife of Samuel G Howe the financial supporter of John Brown to write The Battle Hymn of the Republic a poem that still has its appeal to those who have not come completely under the spell of the new literature The world seems to be ...

Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 183-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Pioneering in Agriculture One Hundred Years of American Farming and Farm Leadership By Thomas Clark Atkeson and Mary Meek Atkeson New York Orange Judd Publishing Co I nc 1937 22 2p 3 00 This is the autobiography of Thomas Clark Atkeson of whom it was said that no man in his generation has done more for the betterment of American agriculture Atkeson was born in a log house on the banks of the Great Kanawha River in Virginia now West Virginia in 1852 His English ...

"Soldier Votes and Clement L. Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubertnatorial Election," by Arnold Shankman. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 88-104.
... ARNOLD SHANKMAN ARNOLD SHANKMAN Soldier Votes and Clement L Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubernatorial Election The Ohio gubernatorial election of 1863 was a hotly contested election with overtones extending to the national level The nation was engaged in a bitter civil war which showed no signs of terminating and many citizens of the Buckeye State were rapidly tiring of the conflict A large number of Ohio Democrats were dissatisfied with the Lincoln administration's handling of the war and ...

"The Battle of Picardy: Heroic Service of Three Ohio Soldiers," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 6-12.
... THEBATTLE OF PICARDY THEBATTLE OF PICARDY HEROIC SERVICE OF THREE OHIO SOLDIERS In an article of absorbing interest Frank H Simonds in the Review of Reviews for March 1920 describes the great German offensive which began March 21 1918 The Germans called this the Kaiser's Battle the English have named it the Second Battle of the Somme but it will probably be more generally and permanently known as the Battle of Picardy In the number of men engaged and the losses it was the greatest battle in ...

"The Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Rutherford Birchard Hayes at Spiegel Gove, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 328-425.
... THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Of which I was a great part is the classic motto which for almost twenty centuries hero after hero has proudly taken to himself President Hayes would smilingly have passed it by Perhaps no other phrase exists however which so effectively describes the pervasion of his personality through all the commemorative events and the scene in ...

"Remarks of Edward Everett Hale, D.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 140.
... REMARKS OF EDWARD EVERETT HALE D REMARKS OF EDWARD EVERETT HALE D D I AM sure that all of us who have come from a distance and listened to so many things have been impressed with the change in things I for one recollect perfectly well that the fathers of one hundred years ago would have all gone to bed at nine o'clock at night whoever came to address them whether it was a Shawnee Chief or Mad Anthony himself I am quite sure that at the bottom of the heart of even an Ohio gentleman there must ...

Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 414-436.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Men of Good Hope A Story of American Progressives By Daniel Aaron New York Oxford University Press 1951 xiv321p 400 Men of Good Hope is a sympathetic but considered analysis of the social philosophies of nine men whom the author believes have shaped or expressed progressive thought in America Emerson Theodore Parker Henry George Edward Bellamy Henry Demarest Lloyd William Dean Howells and Thorstein Veblen-precursors and prophetic agitators-and Theodore Roosevelt and ...