... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Carolyn Komer joined the Bowling Green State University Center for Archival Collections as a part-time conservatorbookbinder Reuben G Bullard and Willard W Winter of the Cincinnati Bible College recently served as core staff members of the Tel Abila excavations in Jordan Wilson Hoffman began his tenure as Thorn and Frances Pendleton Professor of History at ...
... 318 Ohio Arch 318 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications STANTON DAY Tuesday morning at ten o'clock the exercises of the day opened at the opera house with Capt John F Oliver master of ceremonies There was a fair audience of school children and others who had gathered to hear Dr W H Venable's address on Ohio Men and Ohio Ideas After an invocation by Rev E W Cowling rector of St Stephen's parish and lately from the mother state of Virginia the home of Jefferson Mr D W Matlack principal of ...
... ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI THE FIRST SCIENTIST OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY N P DANDRIDGE M D In presenting my address which custom has made one of the duties of the presiding officer I shall depart somewhat from the practice of my predecessors and instead of bringing before you some medical question based on my own work or attempting a discussion of some topic now of active interest I shall take you to the backwoods and try and interest you in the life ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTOROHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 19 1888 To the Members The annual reports of the Treasurer and the Secretary have been by them submitted to this Committee which in the absence of a meeting of the Trustees is authorized to act upon them We have examined them find them correct and approve and recommend them to your careful attention From the Treasurer's report you will learn that ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Edmund J Danziger of Bowling Green State University has been promoted to Chairman of the Department of History Gary R Hess of Bowling Green State University has been appointed Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve David C Skaggs of Bowling Green State University will take a leave of absence to attend the ...
... RAE WAHL ROHFELD RAE WAHL ROHFELD Newton D Baker and the Adult Education Movement In 1921 Newton D Baker returned from his cabinet position to practice law in Cleveland Ohio his adopted hometown He had completed the mammoth job of organizing the nation to fight a war and then of dismantling the bulk of the war machine when the fighting was over Before going to Washington as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of War Baker had been a progressive Cleveland politician serving as city solicitor during Tom ...
... STANTON -THE PATRIOT STANTON -THE PATRIOT ANDREW CARNEGIE At Gambier Ohio April 26 1906 there occurred an event deserving of more than a passing notice It was the occasion of the presentation to Kenyon College by Colonel John J McCook of New York one of the Ohio Family of the famous fighting McCooks of an oil portrait of Edwin M Stanton who was a student at Kenyon The painting was from the brush of the distinguished artist Charles P Filson Steubenville Ohio At the same time formal announcement ...
... John Henri Kagi--Biographical Notes 423 John Henri KagiBiographical Notes 423 at once raised a regiment of volunteers in Pennsylvania and served throughout the conflict with great distinction He was wounded a number of times and rose to the rank of brigadier general His son Edward entered the war as a private rose to the rank of captain and was killed in action Governor Geary in 1866 was elected governor of Pennsylvania a position which he held to within two weeks of his death which occurred ...
... DONALD J DONALD J RATCLIFFE Captain James Riley and Antislavery Sentiment in Ohio 1819-1824 Captain James Riley had an unusually powerful reason for hating slavery he had himself been a slave Riley was born in 1777 in Middletown Connecticut the fourth child of a humble farming family Between the ages of eight and fourteen he attended common school while earning his keep by working for local farmers At the age of fifteen tired of hard work on the land he decided to turn to a seafaring life ...
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY May 4 1929 1000 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present B F Prince Arthur C Johnson Van A Snider Claude Meeker E F Wood Morten Carlisle W D McKinney George Florence Rev S R Martin Mrs Gertrude Ball Mrs Anna M Kevin Charles F Walker William G Pengelly Homer Charles Mrs Homer Charles J E Tritsch ...
... A Toledo Trade Union and A Toledo Trade Union and The Arizona Constitution of 1910 By PAUL G HUBBARD THE PERSISTENT DEMAND FOR REFORM in American government was running strong in 1911 On the local level many cities were experimenting with the commission form of government which was supposed to eliminate some of the weaknesses of the mayor-council system and to thwart the bosses Following the lead of South Dakota in 1898 several states adopted the initiative and referendum to afford the people ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On August 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the conference room of the Public Library with the following members present Mr Geo F Bareis Col John W Harper Prof B F Prince Hon D J Ryan Secretary E O Randall and Mr E F Wood representing Mr S S Rickly Letters of regret on account of inability to attend were received from Mr W H Hunter Chillicothe Hon ...
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1955 -- July 1956 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BOGUE Donald J Metropolitan Growth and the Conversion of Land to Agricultural Uses Oxford Ohio Miami University 1956 33p JONES Robert Leslie Ohio Agriculture in History Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 227-258 RUMMELL L L Ohio Agriculture Today Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 259-271 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BOASE Paul H Slavery and the Ohio ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 223 injustices combined with the unfair and oppressive policy of Governor Berkeley and his failure to quell the Indian uprisings led at last to the rebellion of the downtrodden planters under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon a descendant of Lord Bacon Bacon led the planters successfully against the Indians and protected the frontiers then drove out Berkeley and remained master of Virginia until his death a few months later when Berkeley once more assumed control Then ...
... Rutherford B Hayes Attorney at Law by WATT P MARCHMAN Rutherford Birchard Hayes began life without a father in Delaware Ohio on October 4 1822 a sickly child whose health was of deep concern to his mother His father Rutherford Hayes Jr formerly of Dummerston Vermont who had been a merchant of the firm of Noyes Mann and Hayes and who had brought his family to settle in Ohio in 1817 died suddenly on July 20 1822 before the birth of his son He left his widow with an estate consisting of a brick ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISTS 122-132 Abolition's Axe Beriah Green Oneida Institute and the Black Freedom Struggle by Milton C Sernett rev 87-88 Above and Beyond A History of the Medal of Honorfrom the Civil War to Vietnam edited by Gordon Hardy bk note 170-171 Accounting reform Chapters in Ohio Progressivism The Cincinnati and Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research and Accounting Reform by Richard K Fleischman and R Penny Marquette 133-144 Adams Captain John C 44 Adams ...
... 54 Ohio Arch 54 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tion dissolved but Nelson agreed with Wayne Grier and Curtis in the opinion that an attachment should issue since there was no power in Congress to interfere with the judgment of the court under pretense of power to legalize the structure or by making it a post road Justice McLean dissented feeling that the principle involved was of the deepest interest to the growing commerce of the West which might be obstructed by bridges across the ...
... COMMENTS NOTES AND REVIEWS COMMENTS NOTES AND REVIEWS OTHER STATE SOCIETIES During the month of August last the Editor of the Quarterly enjoyed a tour of visitation to many of the State Historical Societies of the Eastern and Middle states A stop of two or three days was made at Washington D C where arrangements were perfected with the Publication Department securing for our Library all government documents pertinent to the purposes and work of our Society We were greatly delighted with ...
... 530 Ohio Arch 530 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications accompanied him on all his travels and he died the father of grown-up children He is described as a wisp of a man lank red-haired with a reddish mustache His hobby was a large peach orchard which his busy life gave him little time to enjoy Not only was he a great correspondent but he was a voluminous writer of books Here is a list said to be approximately complete Carpenter's Geographical Readers -- Asia 1897 North America 1898 South ...
... COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE A PAPER BY HIS GREAT-GRANDSON DAVID FISHER MR PRESIDENT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - From the printed circular I hold in my hand I read the seventh of April 1888 is a day in which the immediate descendants of the first settlers of Marietta principally have an interest As a descendant of Commodore Whipple it is with emotions of reverence pleasure and pride that I am permitted to be present at the Centennial Celebration of Marietta and pay respect to ...