Ohio History Journal

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Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 421-463.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII A Allen - Col commands KenAbbott David Ohio Presidential Electtucky infantry Ft Wayne 1812 or 1812 367 326 327 329 358 Indians kill spies Abolition in Kansas 192-205 of 359 Abolitionists 21 372 Allen County 376 Ackley J M Dr prominent CleveAllen E Rev 132 133 land physician 80 Allen John W Cleveland mayor 80 Adams American vessel 1812 355 Allen William Gov 100 Adams Ashel in War 1812 314 Almanac pioneer use of 267 HagersAdams Charles Francis 20 21 ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled: Address of H. C. Shetrone," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 591-596.
... Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 tried paths the kind of courage by which we can maintain our self-respect after it is restored and by which we can defend it from behind the walls of a new Fort Defiance Sustained by such courage we can go on and on invincible against whatever evil may be lurking in a new Fallen Timbers Let us then accept this bronze figure which you are soon to see as a symbol of civic courage--this figure of Anthony ...

"The Bicentennial of Major General Arthur St. Clair," by Theresa Vinton Pierce Krull. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 257-272.
... THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF MAJOR GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR1 BY THERESA VINTON PIERCE KRULL This paper was read before the Fifteenth Annual Indiana History Conference at Indianapolis December 8 1933 and is reprinted with permission from the Indiana History Bulletin vol 11 No 5 The bicentennial of Major General Arthur St Clair comes to our calendar with 1934 and should come to the hearts of all Indianans with a new or renewed sense of what Arthur St Clair means in the history of civil ...

"Recent Address of James Edwin Campbell," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 29-62.
... RECENT ADDRESSES OF RECENT ADDRESSES OF JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL HOW AND WHEN OHIO BECAME A STATE On the third day of September 1783 a treaty of peace was concluded at Paris between Great Britain and the United States of America The commissioners on behalf of the United States were Benjamin Franklin John Jay and John Adams who had negotiated it and Henry Laurens who arrived from captivity in the Tower of London just in time to sign it There had been nearly two years of vexatious wrangling over the ...

"Who Wrote 'The Harp of a Thousand Strings'?" by George Kummer. Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 221-231.
... Who Wrote Who Wrote The Harp of a Thousand Strings By GEORGE KUMMER OF THE ECCENTRICS who flourished in the backwoods areas of America in the first half of the nineteenth century the Hardshell Baptist preachers were among the most amusing to outsiders Travelers through the South and West found diversion in contemplating the oddities of these sermonizers who unlike the clergy of most other denominations made no bones about chewing tobacco or drinking whiskey in public1 Dead set against ...

"Worthington Medical College, The," by Jonathan Forman. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 373-379.
... THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE By JONATHAN FORMAN M D Those of you who drove in to this meeting may have noted as you approached Columbus the remnants of our pioneer days which still set forth clearly the identity of our original settlers Those of you who came from the west or southwest along highways 3 40 or 42 should have been impressed with the large farms with the original masters' houses set way back from the road reminiscent of Virginia from where came ...

"General George A. Custer," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 341-353.
... GENERAL GEORGE A GENERAL GEORGE A CUSTER JUDGE RICHARD M VOORHEES If after a lapse of twenty-three centuries the world still looks with respectful emotion on the mound which protects the dust of that phalanx of Spartan heroes who fought and fell at Thermopylae while resisting the tide of Persian invasion and in rescuing the land of popular liberty of letters and arts from a ruthless foe surely no apology is needed for claiming an hour's thoughtful consideration of the life character and ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes and The Ohio State University," by Walter S. Hayes, Jr.. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 168-183, notes 206-208.
... Rutherford B Hayes and The Ohio State University by WALTER S HAYES JR It was bitterly cold the day former President Hayes arrived in Cleveland in January 1893 He had come from Columbus and was in search of someone to head the new manual training department for The Ohio State University Both as a member and as the president of the board of trustees he had been actively concerned with the establishment of a good manual training department for the institution Snow fell and was blown by a wind ...

"Early Cincinnati's 'Unprecedented Spectacle,'" Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 5-17.
... EARL IRVIN WEST EARL IRVIN WEST Early Cincinnati's Unprecedented Spectacle When Isaac G Burnet Cincinnati's newly elected mayor called a meeting of the city's leading citizens for Tuesday night April 7 1829 to make arrangements for a debate between Robert Owen and Alexander Campbell this can be considered an official sanction for the extraordinary event that was being planned1 Robert Owen social reformer lecturer and founder of the then defunct communitarian colony at New Harmony Indiana had ...

"Oscar Wilde in Cleveland," by Francis X. Roellinger, Jr.. Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 129-138.
... OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND by FRANCIS X ROELLINGER JR Assistant Professor of English Oberlin College A Clevelander in search of amusement during the week of February 12 1882 could rejoice at the number and variety if not the excellence of his opportunities At the Euclid Avenue Opera House Mr John McCullough the eminent tragedian fresh from a brilliant season in London was presenting a repertoire that included Othello and Richard III At the Academy of Music Buffalo Bill ...

"Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for 'Art for Art's Sake,'" Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 112-117.
... COMMERCIAL VS COMMERCIAL VS SCIENTIFIC COLLECTING A PLEA FOR ART FOR ART'S SAKE WARREN K MOOREHEAD Curator of Archaeology Phillips Academy Andover Mass It occurs to me that so far as it could be accomplished without infringing upon the rights of individuals museum curators should combine against dealers in archeological specimens There seem to be two classes of these men and the one should not be confounded with the other Of recent years the dealers of archaeologic specimens have increased to ...

"Thomas Jefferson and the Removal of Governor St. Clair in 1802," by Randolph Chandler Downes. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 62-77.
... THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF GOVERNOR ST CLAIR IN 1802 BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor in History and Economics Marietta College While going through the papers of Thomas Jefferson at the Library of Congress and the Territorial Papers in the State Department last summer seeking to determine the relationship of Jefferson to the political situation in the Northwest Territory from 1800-1802 I obtained among other things copies of several ...

"Vatralsky's Tribute to MacGahan," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 141-147.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments N otes and Reviews 141 the contrary A shade of pathetic and almost tragic sadness was cast over the proceedings of the of the meeting by the fact that only a few short hours before the wires across the wide waters had flashed the news that General Roberts with the British troops had occupied Pretoria meaning that it was the beginning of the end for the plucky but all too rash Dutch descendants in the African republic and that England's star of empire was ...

Volume 59, Binding Supplement, , 1950, pp. 469-482.
... INDEX INDEX THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Volume 59 AARON MOHAWK INDIAN 33 Athens Co O California company organized Abolitionism blamed for the Civil War 150 in 263-264 About Historians 98-100 201-203 321Auburn 0 Forty-Niners from 265 323 448-451 Audubon - son of John James robbed Adams Charles Francis nominated for presien route to California 261 dent by National Christian Association Audubon John James connected with West284 ern Museum 373 Agassiz Louis founder of ...

"General Roeliff Brinkerhoff, 1828-1911" Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 353-367.
... GENERAL ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF GENERAL ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF 1828-1911 On Sunday June 4 19 11 at 930 in the evening at his beloved home in Mansfield Ohio the soul of General Roeliff Brinkerhoff took its peaceful flight to the eternal life beyond At the time of his demise General Brinkerhoff was President Emeritus Vol XX-23 353 354 Ohio Arch 354 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he was active President from the year 1893 to the ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 660-672.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Know Ohio a Souvenir of the Buckeye State By J L Clifton and B A Aughinbaugh 64 p Columbus Ohio 25 cents This is the title of a neatly printed attractively bound and extensively illustrated booklet of sixty-four pages each carrying eight by five inches of printed matter The writer has before him the revised proof sheets of the second printing of this work and is impressed with the belief that it will become very popular with ...

"The Ludlow Line," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 278-280.
... THE LUDLOW LINE THE LUDLOW LINE R W MCFARLAND It is well known that Virginia claimed most of the territory northwest of the Ohio river by reason of the grants made by the sovereign of England to the colonists In 1784 in accordance with a formal request made by Congress in 178 0 Virginia ceded to the United States all her claims to the territory reserving only the lands between the Scioto and the little Miami rivers This tract is usually called the Virginia Military District It was reserved for ...

"Communications Relating to the Celebration," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 234-244.
... COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE CELCOMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE CELEBRATION LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS OF CONGRATULATION MARIETTA April 6 1888 Dr I W Andrews Hartford Conn The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society in session at its annual meeting sends greeting and congratulates you on the great success of the Marietta Centennial so largely the result of your labors Nothing but your presence is wanting to complete it Our best wishes for your speedy recovery F C SESSIONS President HARTFORD ...

"Addresses Before the Ohio State Archaeological Society," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 430-463.
... ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The public meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the House of Representatives Columbus Ohio at eight o'clock p m March 3 1898 General Brinkerhoff presiding ADDRESS OF GENERAL BRINKERHOFF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-Before introducing the speakers of the evening it is proper for me as chairman perhaps to say a few words in regard to the origin and purpose of the Ohio State ...

"Logan Elm Park," (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 582-583.
... 582 Ohio Arch 582 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications We now have a driveway leading from the main entrance passing through the valley walnut grove over the hillside and through the battlefield returning to the main entrance Respectfully submitted W H ORTT Chairman On motion the report was accepted and ordered placed on file President Campbell called attention to the fact that at the last Annual Meeting the Society passed a resolution complimenting Director W C Mills on his long and ...