... ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND FRANK S BROOKS COLUMBUS If all the men who have been so fortunate as to have come under the benign influence of Professor McFarland were each to pay the tribute of laying one stone in his honor no towering modern structure would overlook the pile Such would be a fitting memorial for while indulgent toward many duller minds patiently helping to mould the characters of boys and men much of his incessant work has been among the stars Reluctantly I ...
... INDEX INDEX THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Volume 59 AARON MOHAWK INDIAN 33 Athens Co O California company organized Abolitionism blamed for the Civil War 150 in 263-264 About Historians 98-100 201-203 321Auburn 0 Forty-Niners from 265 323 448-451 Audubon - son of John James robbed Adams Charles Francis nominated for presien route to California 261 dent by National Christian Association Audubon John James connected with West284 ern Museum 373 Agassiz Louis founder of ...
... JOHN H JOHN H KLIPPART SECRETARY OF THE OHIO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 1856-1878 by JOHN F CUNNINGHAM Dean Emeritus College of Agriculture Ohio State University When a man devotes his abilities and his energy and his vision to developing something that is of fundamental interest to all the people and does such an outstanding job that he wins the hearty acclaim and the profound respect of his generation and when the results of his work become so much a part of our daily living that we regard ...
... THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Edwin Harness Mound is the largest of the fourteen mounds which are located within the earthworks of the Harness groupl and in close proximity to them and it would equal in dimensions more than all the other mounds of this group combined and perhaps the largest mound in the Scioto Valley proper although not equal in size to the great Hopewell Mound located on the north fork of Paint Creek and ...
... THE MILAN CANAL THE MILAN CANAL by C HAR LES E FROHMAN Few people today know that Milan Ohio was once a great shipping port and that its enterprise during the days when schooners sailed the Great Lakes resulted in the digging of a three-mile canal from Milan to a point in the Huron River where deep water and wide bends made passage safe The heyday of this undertaking came during the earliest days of the railroad and during that period when canals and politics made more than conversation The ...
... Life was hard and toilsome in the early years of Ohio statehood for those souls who left warm eastern firesides and crossed the Alleghenies into the new western land In the first years of their settling long hours of work and the necessities of bare existence left little time for correspondence with family and friends The letters that have been preserved show the writers to be unusually literate for the time and place and they take on added significance in view of their scarcity An unusual ...
... 156 Ohio Arch 15 6 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his countenance betokened a sensual rather than an intellectual quality of character he had not inherited the Napoleon cast of face he was Beauharnais not Bonaparte the forehead was broad the nose prominent suggesting a certain German type the eyes small grayish-blue in color rather expressionless as one biographer said 'if they were windows of his soul their blinds were constantly drawn' his hair was iron-gray his natural 'make-up' ...
... medicines imported from the medicines the smaller schools medicines In November 1869 medicines according to their medicines goes back a long medicines and new remedies wherewith they ...
... RUTH BORDIN RUTH BORDIN A Baptism of Power and Liberty The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874 Throughout the winter of 1873 and 1874 a grass roots women's temperance crusade swept through Ohio the Midwest and parts of the East Thousands of women marched in the streets prayed in saloons and organized their own temperance societies in hundreds of towns and cities of the American heartland The Crusade had an immense impact on these women Cut loose from the quiescence and public timidity that was their ...
... The Presbyterians of Ohio The Presbyterians of Ohio 211 ABSTRACT OF THE SERMON ON THE PRESBYTERIANS OF OHIO BY REV SYLVESTER F SCOVEL PRESIDENT OF WOOSTER UNIVERSITY WOOSTER OHIO PREACHED IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Christian is a cosmopolitan Every land is his fatherland since God is his father So every Christian is brother to all other Christians Yet we may have a just concern which shall be special for our country and our church We have a century of Presbyterian experience behind ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 469 DID THE MOUND BUILDERS HAVE HORSES Did the Mound Builders Have Horses is the subject of an editorial in the last issue of the American Sportsman March 2 The discovery of the skeleton of a horse dug up in the state of Nebraska started a discussion to which a number of the most eminent archeologists of the country have contributed their opinions Dr Phyle treated the subject at length in an essay some time ago The editorial is as follows A horseman is curious to know ...
... medicines the smaller schools medicines In November 1869 medicines according to their liking Even though he had no academic training he became one of the best known and respected chemists and pharmacists in the United States and his renown no doubt was a great asset to the school In 1879 the year's work was changed to two sessions ...
... THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO By ALBERT POST The criminal codes of colonial America were based on those of England but in the New World where the social structure and traditions were less binding these codes were modified by reducing the number of capital crimes In England during the eighteenth century over two hundred felonies were capital while in the North American colonies the average number was about twelve With the publication in 1764 of the Essay on ...
... Young Charley Dawes Goes to the Young Charley Dawes Goes to the Garfield Inauguration A Diary Edited by ROBERT H FERRELL CHARLES GATES DAWES vice president of the United States under Calvin Coolidge 1925-29 was a youth of fifteen when he left his home in Marietta Ohio and with his father--just elected to congress--went off to Washington early in 1881 to see James A Garfield inaugurated as president Young Charley was impressionable His interests were properly those of a person of his years ...
... GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR In 1865 Dr Edward Orton and his family came to Yellow Springs Ohio where he had accepted the position of Professor of Natural History in Antioch College From that date until the year 1932 a period of sixty-seven years the name Edward Orton has become widely known in Ohio and has stood for worthy effort and eminent achievement None has continuously and longer held a more honorable place in the public esteem and in the educational scientific and ...
... Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship 227 REJOICING IN DIVINE WORKMANSHIP Abstract of a sermon preached by the Rev George W Lasher D D editor of the Journal and Messenger Cincinnati Ohio in the First Baptist Church Text Psalm CXLIX 2 Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him let the children of Zion be joyful in their King There are two ways of writing history the one to refer every event to some over-ruling power superior to man and to human agency the other to find ...
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Temperance Benevolence and the City The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1874-1900 Here they come now fifty redoubtable and respectable women prayer books in one hand and umbrellas in the others for it looks like rain on this March morning of 1874 in Cleveland Ohio They are striding vigorously down Euclid Avenue headed for the several saloons on Public Square which they intend to close down with their hymns and fervent prayers They are the ...
... SANDUSKY PIONEER LINK BETWEEN SAIL AND RAIL SANDUSKY PIONEER LINK BETWEEN SAIL AND RAIL by LEOLA M STEWART Lakewood High School Lakewood Ohio Sandusky Ohio located on a large bay indenting the shore line of Lake Erie and possessing one of the finest natural harbors on the Great Lakes was the first port west of the Appalachians to profit from the advantages afforded by the combination of two means of transportation sail and rail It became the lake terminus of two railroads the Mad River and ...
... NEWS and NOTES ONE OF THE BETTER results of the effort to recognize the centennial of the Civil War has been the establishment of a project to collect and publish the correspondence and other papers of Ulysses S Grant supreme commander of the Union armies and eighteenth president of the United States To accomplish this end the Ulysses S Grant Association was created through the efforts of the Civil War centennial commissions of Ohio where Grant was born and lived his early years Illinois which ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE MORAVIAN RECORDS VOLUME TWO THE DIARIES OF ZEISBERGER RELATING TO THE FIRST MISSIONS IN THE OHIO BASIN EDITED BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT AND WILLIAM NATHANIEL SCHWARZE INTRODUCTION THE MISSIONS OF THE UNITAS FRATRUM The ancient church of the Unitas Fratrum the United Brethren or Moravians as they became widely known from their original home-land was all but utterly destroyed by the persecutions that accompanied the Thirty Years' War Fleeing ...