Ohio History Journal

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"The Mounds of Florida and Their Builders," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 445-454.
... THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS REV J F RICHMOND Mr Richmond now resident of McConnelsville Ohio was born and educated in New York in which city he was for many years pastor of a prominent Methodist Episcopal Church He is the author of several books For twenty years he made his home in Florida where he improved the opportunity of giving thoughtful investigation to the so-called Indian Mounds and the various theories concerning the race that ...

"The Northwest Territory," by Benjamin William Arnett. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 433-464.
... THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AN ADDRESS BY BISHOP BENJAMIN WILLIAM ARNETT D D WEDNESDAY EVENING OCT 11 1899 AT MUSIC HALL CHICAGO We have been called together by the authorities of the Autumnal Festival Celebration First we are to give thanks for the achievements of the present century for the triumph of mind over matter as well as the success that has attended the labors of our workmen the harvest of our farmers and the dividends that have accrued to our financiers It is ...

Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 97-110.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Better Known as Johnny Appleseed By Mabel Leigh Hunt Philadelphia and New York J B Lippincott Co 1950 212p 250 History is a mixture of legend and fact And of the two legend is the more important For it is what people think happened or say happened not what actually did happen that becomes significant over a period of time Truly no matter how close to an historical fact the research scholar may come the mass of people do not pay heed to him They believe the fiction ...

"Morgan Raid in Ohio, The," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 243-246.
... THE MORGAN RAID IN OHIO THE MORGAN RAID IN OHIO R W MCFARLAND In the article under the above heading published in the January number there are several errors which ought not to pass unnoticed The paragraph to which reference is made is as follows viz The Ohio Raid practically ended at Buffington Island although Morgan himself was not captured there but with a small portion of his men escaped and fled to Lake Erie being captured at New Lisbon in Columbiana county Ohio within one day's ride of ...

"Literary Contributions (of E. O. Randall)," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 156-157.
... 156 Ohio Arch 15 6 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his countenance betokened a sensual rather than an intellectual quality of character he had not inherited the Napoleon cast of face he was Beauharnais not Bonaparte the forehead was broad the nose prominent suggesting a certain German type the eyes small grayish-blue in color rather expressionless as one biographer said 'if they were windows of his soul their blinds were constantly drawn' his hair was iron-gray his natural 'make-up' ...

"Marietta's Example of a Settlement Pattern in the Ohio Country: A Reinterpretation," by Kim M. Gruenwald. Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 125-144.
... KIM M KIM M GRUENWALD Marietta's Example of a Settlement Pattern in the Ohio Country A Reinterpretation As historians of the Early Republic scholars of the Progressive era created a long-lasting influential school of interpretation for the decades following the American Revolution The Progressive school focused on the conflict between common men who favored local control and an elite which favored strong central authority-as they deemed it the forces of democracy versus the forces of ...

"The Miami Purchase of John Cleves Symmes," by R. Pierce Beaver. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 284-342.
... THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES SYMMES BY R PIERCE BEAVER I INTRODUCTION The Miami Country1 includes about five thousand square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining portion of Indiana2 in the main the basins and valleys of the two Miami rivers extending more than a hundred miles inland from a fifty-mile base on the Ohio The region holds a most important place in the history of Ohio and the Northwest In the days before the settlement of Ohio it ...

"Public Opinion and the Chinese Question, 1876-1879," by Gary Pennanen. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 139-148, notes 201-203.
... Public Opinion and the Chinese Question 1876-1879 by GARY PENNANEN Diplomatic problems are not considered to have been of much consequence during the presidency of Rutherford B Hayes While not many preWorld War I judgments concerning the history of the period have escaped revisionism an assessment of Hayes's diplomacy made by Charles R Williams in 1914 has withstood the test of time Few subjects of large importance in the foreign relations of the Government demanded action or attention during ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 287-296.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA MEETING OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In the historic and picturesque city of New Orleans on the days of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday December 29 30 and 31 1903 was held the nineteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association It proved to be an event of unusual interest and enjoyment The American Historical Association was organized at Saratoga New York September 10 1884 and now numbers some twenty-five hundred members comprising the leading ...

"John Brown and the Masonic Order," Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 24-32, notes 78-79.
... The Civil War had been fought out and peace had returned to the land when a group of churchmen and reformers led by the Rev Charles G Finney of Oberlin who had long served as president of Oberlin College turned to make war on secret societies and the Masonic order in particular The crusade mildly agitated a part of the country for some years but lacking as it did the frenzy hysteria and political potency of the anti-Masonic movement of the 1820's and 1830's it eventually fell of its own ...

"Manasseh Cutler, Lobbyist," Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 101-123.
... LOUIS W LOUIS W POTTS Manasseh Cutler Lobbyist On August 3 1787 the parson of the Congregational Church in Ipswich now Hamilton Massachusetts returned to his hamlet He calculated he had traversed 885 miles in his one-horse sulky in the past two months and considered it one of the most interesting and agreeable journies I ever made in my life It had in every view been prosperous but in many respects infinitely exceeded my expectations1 Somewhat the polymath he could cite among his feats the ...

"Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition, July 18, 1901," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 123-145.
... Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition 123 OHIO DAY AT PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION JULY 18 1901 Never was the Rainbow City more radiant attractive or active than on Ohio Day July 18 1 901 when thousands of Buckeyes made pilgrimage from their native state to Buffalo and proudly participated in the ceremonies and festivities of the formal dedication of the Ohio Building OHIO BUILDING The Ohio Building one of the finest and most admired state edifices on the ground ...

"Monument on the Site of Fort Washington: Ceremonies at the Unveiling of Monument, 1789-1808," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 1-20.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS MONUMENT ON THE SITE OF FORT WASHINGTON CEREMONIES AT THE UNVEILING OF MONUMENT 1789-1808 The monument erected in Third street between Broadway and Ludlow street in Cincinnati to mark the site of Fort Washington was unveiled on June 14 It was erected by a committee representing patriotic societies in Ohio as follows Mayflower Descendants-Mrs Frank J Jones Mr Herbert Jenney Mr W H Doane Colonial Dames of America-Mrs M Morris White Miss Anna K ...

"Flint Ridge," Volume 30, Number 2, April, 1921, pp. 90-161.
... 9 0 FLINT RIDGE FLINT RIDGE BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The explorations and studies recorded in this paper on Flint Ridge were undertaken for the purpose of securing for exhibition in the State Museum a complete collection of the various kinds of flint found at Flint Ridge as well as the implements used in quarrying the flint from its natural bed A preliminary examination of Flint Ridge beginning at its western edge in Hopewell Township Licking County Ohio extending eastward and ...

Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 171-204.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Guide to the Material in The National Archives Washington D C Government Printing Office 194 0 303p Paper 40 cloth 70 The first general guide to the materials in The National Archives made its appearance in 1938 as an Appendix to the Third Annual Report of the Archivist of the United States The present work is the successor to that initial guide and constitutes a key to some 320000 linear feet of records or those accessioned up to December 31 1939 It must be kept in ...

"Unkown Grave in Ohio, An," "An Unknown Grave," by John James Piatt. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 555-557.
... AN UNKNOWN GRAVE AN UNKNOWN GRAVE JOHN JAMES PIATT The following poem with preface was read by Mr Piatt at the Annual Banquet of the Ohio Society S A R held at the Columbus Club on the evening of April 19 1904 On the title page of an interesting volume of family history recently published at Columbus I read two sentencesthe first from Edmund Burke Those who do not treasure up the memory of their ancestors do not deserve to be remembered by posterity The other is from the Bible Children's ...

"Address of E. O. Randall" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 31-34.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 31 liberty that we are enjoying to-day and I wish to say that upon this spot this historic spot that the tide turned in favor of the American nation in the war of 1812-13 How unfortunate you are to have within your corporate limits the most historic spot in the United States of America I never stood upon this ground upon this battlefield until today My mind turns back to my youthful days when I read of the bravery of Croghan and his 160 men and I ...

"The Death and Funeral of President William Henry Harrison," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 605-612.
... THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY REV EDWARD S LEWIS One of the most notable campaigns for the presidency of the United States was that of 1840 in which Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison contended for that high office This was perhaps the most picturesque of the presidential campaigns The Democrats were strong and confident Harrison the Whig candidate was ridiculed by them as being only a western soldier living in a log ...

"Leo Lesquereux," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 279-291.
... Leo Lesquereux Leo Lesquereux 279 LEO LESQUEREUX BY EDWARD ORTON The revocation of the Edict of Nantes inflicted an irreparable injury upon the French nation in depleting it of its middle class from which its industrial energy its science literature and art were mainly drawn but the Protestant neighbors of France gained correspondingly thereby England Holland Switzerland and the English colonies in North America were greatly enriched by this enforced emigration These Huguenot exiles brought ...

"Nomination of Rutherford Hayes for the Presidency, The," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 95-110, notes 194-195.
... The Nomination of The Nomination of Ru t herford Hayes for the Presidency by KENNETH E DAVI S ON 96 OHIO HISTORY 96 OHIO HISTORY The Nomination of Rutherford Hayes for the Presidency For the first time since the Civil War the Republican party faced the possibility of defeat in 1876 so strong was public sentiment against the corruption of Grant's administration The Republican candidate would have the handicap of representing the scandal-torn party in power his Democratic opponent would ...