... INDEX VOLUME XXI INDEX VOLUME XXI Adams County Petroglyphs found in 213 Articles-Concluded Alder Jonathan Indians capture 266 The Indian village of Cush-og-wenk Anderson Judge Jas H - 432 Consul at Hamburg 490 The library at Paddy's Run 462 Political life of 490 Twenty-seventh annual meeting of Relations with Pres Lincoln 490 Society 468 Sketch of 489 Ashland CountySociety interest in 491 Hill's history of 383 Animals - Indians in 380 Bones of found in Jackson Co 192 Pioneer settlers of 384 ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSEPH BADGER THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO THE WESTERN RESERVE BY BYRON R LONG A preliminary word to the writing of this document is not unlike that which I wrote to the last article furnished for publication in this historical record In the sketch of Isaac N Walter printed in the April number of 1915 I dwelt at some length on the story of the Christian denomination with which he labored for many years as a minister My own personal connection ...
... II II BRIEF HISTORY OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY T H E EDITOR The Pioneers of Territorial Ohio seem to have been conscious of the fact that they were making history Intimations of this are found in the addresses and letters of St Clair and his associates and on the printed pages of William Maxwell's Centinel of the NorthWestern Territory The first definite movement of an organization to collect the materials of this early history appears to have been consummated ...
... FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 By FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL The name Moraviantown is well known to students of the War of 1812 for it was near this place that General William Henry Harrison defeated Colonel Henry A Procter and the famous Indian Chief Tecumseh was killed The Battle of the Thames is also known as the Battle of Moraviantown American histories of the war following official accounts usually omit to mention the sequel to the battle the plundering and ...
... 52 Ohio Arch 52 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The name Croghansville for the village was probably first suggested by Josiah Meigs Commissioner of the General Land Office in a letter from Washington City April 12 1816 in which among other words are these If it were left to me to name the town at Lower Sandusky I should name it in honor of the gallant youth Col Croghan -and should say it should be Croghansville The name is still preserved in that of the school on the hill on the East ...
... PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY BY JOSEPH A HOWELLS The days of the pioneers are past We may move into and settle a new country -- or a new part of our country -- but with the settler or immediately following him come the telegraph the railroad the printing office telephone electric lights water works churches and long before the first child born in the settlement is of age the place is an old town or city with all the modern improvements comforts and vices No ...
... THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT WINCHESTER WITH MENTION OF SOME OF THE PERSONS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH IT BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE O From the earliest record until the building of the Miami and Erie and the Wabash and Erie Canals along its course the Maumee River was known to be a great thoroughfare and we have good right to infer that the Aborigines from their first appearance in this region until the historic times made its ...
... TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 9 1 90 6 The Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the lecture room of the V M C A Building Columbus at 1 30 P M June 9 19 06 The following members were present Rev J W Atwood Columbus Judge J H Anderson Columbus Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R ...
... KENTON'S GAUNTLET AT CHILLICOTHE KENTON'S GAUNTLET AT CHILLICOTHE T J BROWN WAYNESVILLE OHIO The question of the identity of Old Town near Xenia with the Chillicothe where Kenton ran the gauntlet the first time has been thoroughly discussed in previous issues of the QUARTERLY and in my opinion the evidence in favor of it is decidedly satisfactory Prof McFarland's testimony seems conclusive of itself while the traditions bearing upon the question reach back to the earliest settlement of that ...
... WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WM HARVEY JONES This article is not sufficiently broad in its scope to include the history of every settlement in Ohio wherein the Welsh people may have largely resided and must therefore be confined to those communities which were originally settled by Welsh people Classified in this manner the leading Welsh settlements in Ohio are Paddy's Run Butler County Radnor Delaware County Welsh Hills Licking County of Gallia and Jackson Counties and ...
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE OHIO INDIANS ADDRESS AT FRANKLINTON CENTENNIAL BY COL E L TAYLOR SEPTEMBER 15 1897 We are engaged to-day in celebrating an event of a hundred years ago which was then apparently unimportant but which has led on to great and permanent results A hundred years ago a few intelligent and determined white men settled here in the then unbroken wilderness which settlement soon became and has ever since remained the center of a far-pervading ...
... INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY BY COLONEL W L CURRY In 1797 before a white settler had found a home in the tract of country now forming the county of Union a town was laid out on a large scale in what is now Darby Township on the south side of Big Darby Creek by Lucas Sullivant who named it North Liberty Doubtless Mr Sullivant expected his town would at some not distant day be a busy metropolis but he ruined its prospects by laying out in August of the same year 1797 the town ...
... EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTY BOUNDARIES EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTY BOUNDARIES BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor at Marietta College 1925-1927 FORMATION OF COUNTIES The first of Ohio's eighty-eight counties was established in 1788 The last revision in the boundaries was made in 1888 exactly one hundred years later The following study has taken all the data concerning the boundaries and by arranging them in eighteen chronological groups has presented graphically the evolution of Ohio's ...
... 18 Ohio Arch 18 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications Time like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day 0 God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our Guard while troubles last And our eternal home Thou who hearest prayer for Jesus' sake give ear to these our prayers and praises which we sum up in the words of our Lord Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth ...
... EARTHWORKS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO EARTHWORKS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO EDITOR OF THE QUARTERLY SIR The following completes the list of mounds etc that exist in Franklin county and that are known to me and not mentioned in the Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio I will here state that the first work described in that list as being in Franklin county viz Embankment etc is in Delaware county and is also described under the head of Delaware county I will also state that the second described work ...
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY FRANK P GOODWIN Professor American History Woodward High School Cincinnati O The Treaty of Greenville by a lasting peace with the Indians in so far as the eastern part of the Northwest Territory was concerned removed that influence which for six years had prevented the development of the colony planted in the Miami Country and for the first time since the beginning of the movement started in 1788 was it possible to ...
... MINUTES MINUTES 0F THE Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 18 AND 1 9 18 91 Thursday February 19th the society came to order in the State Library There being present the following members Wm E Moore of Columbus A A Graham of Columbus N S Townshend of Columbus H A Thompson of Westerville J A Anderson of Columbus L B Wing of Newark Geo F Bareis of Canal Winchester A R McIntire of Mt Vernon D J Ryan of Portsmouth J J Janney of Columbus S S Rickly of Columbus Thos E Van ...
... medicines and such compensation as is provided by this act for injured employees and in the event of death shall pay such amounts as are herein provided for funeral expenses and for compensation to the dependents of those partially dependent upon such employee and no such contract shall agree or be construed to agree to indemnify such employer other than hereinbefore designated for any civil liability for which he may be liable on account of ...
... THE TORY PROPRIETORS OF KENTUCKY LANDS THE TORY PROPRIETORS OF KENTUCKY LANDS BY WILBUR H SIEBERT Professor of European History Ohio State University From the days of its earliest settlement down through the American Revolution the Kentucky country was the scene of proprietary projects or hostile activities by Loyalists several of whom were first connected with Fort Pitt and afterward with the British post at Detroit It is needless to say that the hostile activities included more or less ...