Ohio History Journal

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"The River Raisin Monuments at Monroe, Michigan," by John M. Bulkley. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 141-154.
... THE RIVER RAISIN MONUMENTS THE RIVER RAISIN MONUMENTS AT MONROE MICHIGAN JOHN M BULKLEY The erection at Monroe Michigan in September 1904 of a monument to fitly commemorate one of the most important as it was one of the most tragic events in the history of the Northwest was a notable occasion in that city and witnessed by a most distinguished assemblage of men and women of Michigan Ohio and Kentucky The monument was made possible by the persistent and patriotic efforts of the ladies composing ...

"Braddock's Road," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 432-442.
... 432 Ohio Arch 432 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FIFTH SESSION At the Saturday afternoon session under the direction of Professor A E Morse of Marietta College the following papers were read and at the conclusion the members of the Association extended a most hearty vote of thanks to the President and officers of instruction of Marietta College where the meetings were held and to the people of the city of Marietta whose thoughtful care and attention had resulted in so successful a ...

"Forts Loramie and Pickawillany," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 479-486.
... FORTS LORAMIE AND PICKAWILLANY FORTS LORAMIE AND PICKAWILLANY BY R W MCFARLAND LL D One of the functions of an Historical Society is or at least ought to be to criticize doubtful and inexact statements in works professing to be History and where practicable to make known the truth Let us apply this principle to some of the statements made by different writers in reference to the places named at the head of this article But first it is well to give the location of the forts both of which were ...

Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 294-297.
... Historical News Historical News THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE MORMON CHURCH has microfilmed all military records of the division of soldiers' claims of the Ohio adjutant general's office The microfilmed records include grave registration data on Ohio veterans of all wars in which Ohioans participated rosters of Ohio soldiers in these wars and indexes to the rosters original hand-written muster rolls of the Ohio units in the Civil War records of payment to Squirrel Hunters rosters of Ohio ...

"Remarks of J. P. Moore" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 52-55.
... 52 Ohio Arch 52 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The name Croghansville for the village was probably first suggested by Josiah Meigs Commissioner of the General Land Office in a letter from Washington City April 12 1816 in which among other words are these If it were left to me to name the town at Lower Sandusky I should name it in honor of the gallant youth Col Croghan -and should say it should be Croghansville The name is still preserved in that of the school on the hill on the East ...

"Washington and the Ohio in 1770, as seen by a Voyager in 1932," by Edmond S. Sindlinger. Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 57-71.
... WASHINGTON AND THE OHIO IN 1770 AS WASHINGTON AND THE OHIO IN 1770 AS SEEN BY A VOYAGER IN 1932 BY EDMOND S SINDLINGER On October 5 1770 George Washington set out on his historic journey to the Ohio country This journey was made in the interest of the Virginia soldiers who had fought in the Indian wars and had been promised western lands as a reward for their services He arrived at Fort Pitt on October 17th Here he obtained two boats a large one for himself and seven companions and a canoe for ...

"Address of Mrs. John T. Mack," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 414-418.
... 414 Ohio Arch 414 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of their devotion It remains for us to take up the full burden of citizenship and to consecrate our lives to the task of making our country worthy of the sacrifices that have been made by those who in countless numbers have given their lives for its establishment and its preservation With a great price have our privileges of citizenship been purchased Woe ...

"Fort Miami and Fort Industry. With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 120-125.
... FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO There were at least five forts or stockades of defense in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River in its earlier history that were called Fort Miami namely 1 The first one was built in November 1679 by ReneRobert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle by the River St Joseph of Lake Michigan on rising ground near its mouth Parkman's La Salle ...

"Travel in the 1830's," by Robert Price. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 40-45.
... TRAVEL IN THE 1830's TRAVEL IN THE 1830's By ROBERT PRICE Leisurely trips of today have too much hurry--hurried trips of a past century had too much leisure If Mr William Fitch of Schodack Rensselaer County New York on a business expedition to Licking County Ohio in May and June 1836 could have had access to automobile and macadam he might have made the journey and back in four days with time to spare Instead being forced to utilize canal boat lake steamer stage carriage horse and wagon packet ...

"Siege of Fort Meigs, The," by H. W. Compton. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 315-330.
... The Siege of Fort Meigs The Siege of Fort Meigs 315 THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS BY H W COMPTON The construction of Fort Meigs by General William Henry Harrison in the early spring of 1813 and its siege by the British general Proctor and the renowned chief Tecumseh in May of that year was one of the important incidents in the war of 1812 But few of those who now look at the ruins of Fort Meigs slumbering upon the high grassy plateau opposite the village of Maumee can realize the fearful struggle ...

"Charles Tinker's Journal: A Trip to California in 1849," edited by Eugene H. Roseboom. Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 64-85.
... CHARLES TINKER'S JOURNAL CHARLES TINKER'S JOURNAL A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA IN 1849 edited by EUGENE H ROSEBOOM Professor of History Ohio State University I INTRODUCTION Don't go to California boys Don't go to Oregon There's wealth for you in the Buckeye State And wealth that may be won Aye wealth that may be won boys By true hearts strong and bold Then don't go to California Stay at home and gather gold1 If this somewhat belated appeal had appeared in print in the spring of 1849 the hundreds of ...

"Tours into Kentucky and the Northwest Territory: Three Journals by the Rev. James Smith of Powhatan County, Va., 1783-1794-1797," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 348-401.
... TOURS INTO KENTUCKY AND THE NORTHWEST TOURS INTO KENTUCKY AND THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY Three Journals by the Rev James Smith of Powhatan County Va 1783-1795-1797 SKETCH OF REV JAMES SMITH BY JOSIAH MORROW LEBANON OHIO The writer of the following journals was born in Powhatan county Virginia September 17 1757 and died near Columbia in the Northwest Territory July 28 1800 He resided in his native county nearly all his life his removal to the north side of the Ohio having been made less than two ...

"Address of President Wright," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 409-414.
... FORT McARTHUR MEMORIAL TABLET FORT McARTHUR MEMORIAL TABLET On July 4 1913 a memorial tablet erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution was unveiled with fitting and interesting ceremonies at the site of the old fort McArthur three miles southwest of Kenton on the Scioto River We publish the addresses delivered on that occasion by Prof G Frederick Wright President of The Ohio State Archaeological amp Historical Society and Mrs John T Mack of Sandusky ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT WRIGHT It is ...

"Towns Called Chillicothe, The," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 167-179.
... THE TOWNS CALLED CHILLICOTHE THE TOWNS CALLED CHILLICOTHE In Volume XI page 230 of the Society's Publications was a valuable article by Prof R W McFarland of Oxford Ohio on the Chillicothes This article led to an interesting discussion in the Chillicothe News-Advertiser of which Mr W H Hunter one of the trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is editor We reprint the articles which speak for themselves The communications by Dr Morgan and Prof McFarland appeared in the ...

"George Croghan," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 375-409.
... GEORGE CROGHAN GEORGE CROGHAN BY CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS PH D LL D Address delivered at Spiegel Grove Fremont O August 1 1903 before the George Croghan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution on the occasion of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the battle of Ft Stephenson Mr Williams is editor of The Indianapolis NewsE O R I Happy the country that has no history is an old old saying It falls trippingly on the tongue It passes current at unquestioned value in the ...

"Reminiscences of A Pioneer," edited by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 190-227.
... REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED The following reminiscences are from the pen of a Highland county pioneer one Thomas Rogers who as the recital reveals was born a Virginian and at the close of the American Revolution moved with his family to Kentucky and thence in 1795 with the Massie party journeyed to Paint Creek vicinity of Chillicothe and there abided This recital of the scenes of early times in Ohio is worthy of preservation and ...

"Pretty Scaly Times: The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877," by Brian M. Linn. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 171-181.
... BRIAN M BRIAN M LINN Pretty Scaly Times The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877 The employment of the Ohio National Guard at Newark during the railroad strike of 1877 represents an effective use of military force during a potentially explosive labor dispute In contrast to West Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania Illinois Missouri and Indiana the state authorities of Ohio did not have to call on federal troops to enforce civil authority During the strike relations between the militia ...

"Captain Thomas Morris on the Maumee," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 49-54.
... CAPTAIN THOMAS MORRIS ON THE MAUMEE CAPTAIN THOMAS MORRIS ON THE MAUMEE By HOWARD H PECKHAM In any historical celebration of the Maumee Valley Captain Thomas Morris may justly claim a brief mention He was the first British officer to ascend the Maumee River I say officer because it is possible that one or two Pennsylvania traders may have penetrated that far into Ohio in the 1740's or 1750's But Morris did something else too He has left us two accounts of his Maumee adventures--one a ...

"Test for the Ohio National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of 1884, A," by Mark V. Kwasny. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 23-51.
... MARK V MARK V KWASNY A Test for the Ohio National Guard The Cincinnati Riot of 1884 Riots have been a part of our history since the colonial days Crowds clashing with civil and military authorities violence in the streets and the deaths of citizens at the hands of law enforcement agencies-these are not unknown in the history of the United States The Cincinnati Riot March 28-30 1884 contained all of these elements For three days citizens police and soldiers of the Ohio National Guard ONG fought ...

"Fremont in History," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 49-66.
... Fremont in History Fremont in History 49 FREMONT IN HISTORY BY JULIA M HAYNES The Sandusky country in aboriginal history possesses a peculiar charm and fascinating interest During that period of years which fills western annals with the story of intrigue and bloody conflict the plains and prairies of the Sandusky valley were the home of the most powerful and most generous of the savage nations Less than a century ago these plains now covered by a thriving city presented an interesting variety ...