Ohio History Journal

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"The Origin and Location of the Firelands of the Western Reserve," by Helen M. Carpenter. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 163-203.
... THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS OF THE WESTERN RESERVE By HELEN M CARPENTER Copyrighted 1935 by Helen M Carpenter 163 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE British Invasions of Connecticut during the Revolutionary War 65 Appraisement of Losses and Granting of Relief 69 Title of Connecticut to Lands Granted 174 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Connecticut Company 175 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Ohio Company 181 ...

"The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War-II," Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 287-319.
... The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War--II By ROBERT LESLIE JONES v The Cattle Industry Outside the Specialized Grazing and Feeding Regions The grazing industry in Madison County and its neighbors and the feeding industry of the Scioto Valley attracted so much attention that it is difficult to realize that together they comprised only a minor fraction of the beef cattle industry in Ohio before 1850 The 20000 or so cattle driven from Madison ...

"Central Ohio Valley History Conference," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 415-417.
... Editorialana Editorialana 415 1838 President Van Buren appointed Mr Lucas governor of the Territory of Iowa In this position he exhibited great capabilities in the organization of the territory into the state The election of William H Harrison as Whig President in 1840 caused Mr Lucas' removal from the office of Iowa governor when he returned to Ohio and was nominated by the people of his home district for membership in United States Congress In the election he was unsuccessful He then sold ...

"Ohio Quakers and the Mississippi Freedmen-'A Field to Labor,'" Volume 78, Number 3, Summer, 1969, pp. 159-171, notes 221-222.
... Ohio Quakers and the Mississippi Freedmen -- A Field to Labor by Thomas H Smith During the American Civil War the Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends Orthodox was one of several religious sects that found use of warfare to maintain national unity repugnant The Friends however were not callous to the many sacrifices their neighbors had made and they did not remain idle during time of national crisis Instead of responding to the nation's martial needs this small group applied its ...

"Address of Judson Harmon" (Jamestown Exposition) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 180-185.
... 180 Ohio Arch 180 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dience wherein were many of our martyred President's intimate friends the full significance of the rendition of his loved hymn The orator of the day was the Hon Judson Harmon of Cincinnati whose address is herewith given ADDRESS OF JUDSON HARMON There are no States at whose celebrations Ohio is not a fitting guest From those older than herself came the men and women who opened her soil to the sunshine and replaced the shifting wigwams ...

"Behind Lincoln's Visit to Ohio in 1859," Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 28-47.
... BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 by EARL W WILEY Professor of Speech Ohio State University The wheels of Buckeye politics were set spinning on September 1 1859 That was the day when the Ohio Statesman published in Columbus tardily and reluctantly released the announcement that Senator Stephen A Douglas would barnstorm in Ohio during the Ranney-Dennison campaign then off to a running start Its editor George W Manypenny was chairman of the Democratic ...

"Ohio State Library Centennial," Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 96-114.
... OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Ohio State Library was observed on the evening of August 10 1917 No special significance attached to this particular date It is not known just when the State Library first opened It was doubtless available for the use of the general assembly at the regular session which began December 1 1917 Provision had been made for it and the initial supply of books purchased by Governor ...

"Road to Boston: 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells, The," edited by Robert Price. Volume 80, Number 2, Spring, 1971, pp. 85-154.
... edited by edited by ROBERT PRICE The Road to Boston 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells Young William Dean Howells' travel letters written for two Ohio newspapers during the summer of 1860 and collected here for the first time record the weeks immediately preceding one of the most oft-retold incidents in the story of American letters The time was the first week of August the place Boston's famed Parker House James Russell Lowell editor of the Atlantic Monthly was hosting a ...

"Crawford County 'Ez Trooly Dimecratic': A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 33-53, notes 93-95.
... CRAW FO RD COUNTY A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism by THOMAS H SMITH The Copperhead movement in the Middle West during the Civil War was not the simple case of pro-Southern sympathy and treason that the Republican propagandist charged but rather it was a complex of social economic and political antagonism to the Lincoln administration As diverse as its motives was the geographic heterogeneity of the movement no one specific locality or region held its nucleus Its strongest support however ...

"The Manufacture and Use of Aboriginal Stone Implements" by Gerard Fowke. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 514-533.
... THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL STONE IMPLEMENTS PROBABLY no other equal area in the Union has furnished so great a number and variety of the so-called Indian Relics as has been found within the southern half of Ohio and the adjacent portions of Kentucky and West Virginia Although few persons have made any particular study of them curiosity in regard to them is active among all classes and the successful collector often finds life made a burden by ...

"Prehistoric Earthworks in Wisconsin," by A. B. Stout. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 1-31.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS IN WISCONSIN A B STOUT University of Wisconsin In presenting this subject it seems best to the writer to treat somewhat in detail the various classes of earthworks and then to give a summary for the state as a whole with a brief discussion of the archaeological area to which it belongs With this plan in view the various artificial earthen structures in Wisconsin of prehistoric origin at least the greater number are ...

"Trailing Adam's Ancestors," by Henry C. Shetrone. Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 83-105.
... TRAILING ADAM'S ANCESTORS TRAILING ADAM'S ANCESTORS BY HENRY C SHETRONE Lest the above title may not be readily intelligible to the reader it may be explained that this paper has to do solely with the origin and antiquity of the human race It goes without saying that humans through the ages have concerned themselves with queries as to the genesis significance and destiny of their kind It is equally true that every race and every people from the lowest savagery to highest civilization have ...

"Service Men and Women of Ohio," by Major-General Benson W. Hough. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 520-523.
... 520 Ohio Arch 520 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications but they love it more because they have seen its crimson colors reproduced in the blood of America We love this country but they love it more because they have seen the sacrifices which have made it what it is and while we hope that we will have peace we are going to claim our right and recognize our right under any circumstance at any time to protect our homes our loved ones our country and our flag to maintain American institutions ...

"An Early Report on Oberlin College," by George Peirce Clark. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 279-282.
... AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE by GEORGE PEIRCE CLARK Among the most copious diarists of nineteenth-century America though certainly not among the best known was the Rev John Pierce AB Harvard 1793 Congregational pastor of Brookline Massachusetts Nineteen manuscript volumes deposited in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society1 testify at once to the industry and the limitations of Pierce as a chronicler of the res gestae of his time In the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 89-100.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On September 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the society Page Hall O S U with the following members present Mr George F Bareis Col John W Harper Mr W H Hunter Prof B F Prince Secretary E O Randall Hon D J Ryan Hon S S Rickly Prof G F Wright and Mr E F Wood The Secretary presented the resignation of Professor J P MacLean as Trustee of ...

"Ethan Allen Brown and Ohio's Canal System," Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 22-56.
... Ethan Allen Brown Ethan Allen Brown And Ohio's Canal System By JOHN S STILL The most important stimulus to Ohio's economy in the first half of the nineteenth century was the construction of a canal system and the individual most responsible for this accomplishment was Ethan Allen Brown Yeoman service it is true was rendered by Alfred Kelley Micajah Williams and others but from the years when his was a voice in the wilderness until the canals were actually in use Brown stood at the forefront ...

"The Western Reserve Historical Society," by Wallace H. Cathcart. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 463-473.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Finally a State Museum of History here in Ohio must take advantage of its exceptional opportunity to cooperate with the regional historical museums in the commonwealth After all your purposes are a common one namely to preserve and to teach the history of Ohio--your task is general theirs is particular The ideal State Museum which I have tried to picture should be applied to all the local museums A system ...

"Address of President Roosevelt" (McKinley Monument Dedication) Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 229-234.
... The McKinley Monument The McKinley Monument 229 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT We have gathered together to-day to pay our meed of respect and affection to the memory of William McKinley who as President won a place in the hearts of the American people such as but three or four of all the Presidents of this country have ever won He was of singular uprightness and purity of character alike in public and in private life a citizen who loved peace he did his duty faithfully and well for four years ...

"Fort Hill Indian Cemetery," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 319-321.
... FORT HILL INDIAN CEMETERY FORT HILL INDIAN CEMETERY BY FELIX J KOCH Antiquarians and others interested in the lost races of this continent have been delighted recently at the news of the discovery of still another Indian burial ground on Ft Hill at the mouth of the Big Miami River in the very southwest corner of Ohio Workmen building a road through the territory found arrow-heads and other Indian implements such as to indicate the proximity of a pre-historic cemetery and proceeding with care ...

"Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio," by Harley J. McKee. Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 131-144.
... HARLEY J HARLEY J McKEE Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio The approach to this subject is purely descriptive and is based on observations made during 1971 while the author was inspecting structures which had been recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey1 Among the records in question were a number of photographs of bridges on the old National Road taken late in 1933 for which the locations had not been as clearly given as HABS standards require A part of the ...