Ohio History Journal

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"Mrs. Trollope in Porkopolis," by William H. Hildreth. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 35-51.
... MRS MRS TROLLOPE IN PORKOPOLIS by WILLIAM H HILDRETH Professor of English Ohio State University On January 1 1828 Frances Milton Trollope an English housewife with three of her children left the port of New Orleans bound north on the steamboat Belvidere She was going to Cincinnati to set herself up in business Left behind in England were her husband Thomas and their two older sons Thomas Trollope a failure at both law and farming sat in England and brooded over his ill luck dosed himself with ...

"A Guide to the Communistic Communities of Ohio," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 1-15.
... A GUIDE TO THE COMMUNISTIC COMMUNITIES A GUIDE TO THE COMMUNISTIC COMMUNITIES OF OHIO BY KENNETH WILLIAM MCKINLEY One of the greatest obstacles to the study of the social sciences has been the inability to experiment Human lives cannot be molded and adjusted like so many pieces of metal or so many chemical elements For this reason it is important that history be made the laboratory of the social sciences The author of this brief guide therefore feels justified in presenting in an historical ...

"Lincoln on Labor: In Speech at Cincinnati, 1859," Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 284-289.
... 284 Ohio Arch 284 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications nished containing only a rickety table a broken chair and a dusty bookcase There was of course no carpet Then there was an old red plush lounge which would now hardly be considered good enough for kindling wood That law office was certainly a contrast to the mahogany furnished law offices of the present day When Lincoln was elected president that companionship between Robert Lincoln and McMullan and the latter's intimacy with the ...

"Western Reserve. How it Has Played an Important Part in the History of Ohio and of the Nation, The," by F. E. Hutchins. Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 259-273.
... The Western Reserve The Western Reserve 259 THE WESTERN RESERVE H OW IT HAS PLAYED AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO AND OF THE NATION BY F E HUTCHINS ESQ The Connecticut Western Reserve or as it is commonly called The Western Reserve has from the beginning played an important part not only in the affairs of the State of Ohio but also in those of the United States While there is a very good general idea of what this Reserve now is especially among its own people and those of the State ...

"Washington Gladden: First Citizen of Columbus," by C. George Fry. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 90-99, notes 130-131.
... WASHINGTON GLADDEN WASHINGTON GLADDEN FIRST CITIZEN OF COLUMBUS by C GEORGE FRY The story is told that Washington Gladden was once a guest at a downtown businessmen's luncheon in Columbusl A stranger was present and was introduced to Doctor Gladden Assuming him to be a physician he asked Sir where do you practice Gladden smiled and replied Oh I don't practice I just preach2 Friends and admirers of Washington Gladden knew however that he did practice as well as preach in many areas He was ...

Volume 46, Number 4, October, 1937, pp. 371-390.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLVI Abington Virginia--Presbytery 218 Antioch College 12 Abolition Intelligencer and Missionary Anti-slavery Friends 300 Magazine 221 Apollo Exhibition 74 Abolition society219-257 Apostle to the Indies 82 Abolitionists Ohio 240 Presbyterian 247 Appalachian Mountains 224 Abraham Bible 247 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American BiogAdams Alice D--Neglected Period of raphy 42 221 Anti-slavery in America 219 Arapaho Indians 85 Adams Henry--History of the ...

Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 160-178.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION Friends of Freedom Lincoln Chase and Wartime Racial Policy by Frederick J Blue 85-97 Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio An Architectural Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions by Byron D Fruehling and Robert H Smith 98-117 Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution by James McPherson 86-87 Accomac County Virginia 21 Adam Clayton Powell Jr The Political Biography of an American Dilemma by Charles ...

"Westernization of New England, The," by Albert Bushnell Hart. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 259-274.
... THE WESTERNIZATION OF NEW ENGLAND THE WESTERNIZATION OF NEW ENGLAND ALBERT BUSHNELL HART LL D Mr Hart is professor of American History at Harvard University the author of many standard and popular works on United States History In 1902 he was chosen editor-in-chief of the co-operative history of the United States projected under the auspices of the American Historical Association The article herewith published was the address deliverd by him at Marietta on the occasion of the erection of a ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 219-230.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently received two additions to its file of historical and genealogical materials the bill book of Hollister Bliss and Lytle a general store at Delphos from September 1850 to August 1854 and a five-volume compilation of Ohio gravestone inscriptions made by Charles Wagner of Columbus Mr Wagner's work contains thirty thousand inscriptions from grave markers in ...

"The Knowledge of Coal and Iron in Ohio Before 1835," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 219-230.
... THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN OHIO BEFORE 1835 BY PAUL WAKELEE STODDARD Today Ohio is one of the great coal-producing centers of the world a position which it has maintained for close on to a century The real starting-point of the development of the mineral resources of the state was the First Geological Survey which took place in the third decade of the nineteenth century and which has been considered in a previous article But what knowledge of the vast ...

"Meeting of the American Association of Museums, 1913," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 473-476.
... Editorialana Editorialana 473 hours are spent with his family at home where his large library is a notable attraction His appointment as Trustee is regarded by the people who know him well as an eminently appropriate one Albert Douglas of Chillicothe was elected by the Board of Trustees to serve as one of their number for the term of three years from May 23 1913 He was born in Chillicothe Ohio on April 25 1852 He is descended from patriotic New Englanders his great-grandfather having served in ...

"The First Constitution: What Influenced its Adoption and its Influence on Ohio," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 11-23.
... Centennial Celebration Centennial Celebration 11 The court house square was soon covered with stone and lumber for the present building but the corner stone was not laid until July 12th 1855 when the Hon Thomas Scott and myself had the honor of delivering addresses on the occasion from a point where the northeast pillar of the portico now stands Such was my personal connection with the building on whose frontage we have this day placed a tablet commemorating 'The site on which stood the first ...

"The Ohio G.A.R. and Politics from 1866 to 1890," by Edward Noyes. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 79-105.
... THE OHIO G THE OHIO G A R AND POLITICS FROM 1866 TO 1900 By EDWARD NOYES The Grand Army of the Republic was founded in Illinois by Dr B F Stephenson in early April 1866 and its First National Encampment was held in Indianapolis in November of the same year under the direction of the founder At the first meeting eleven departments were represented two years later when the Second National Encampment was convened in Philadelphia evidence of growth of the organization was noted in the fact that ...

"Joel Wright, City Planner," by Alfred J. Wright. Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 287-294.
... JOEL WRIGHT CITY PLANNER JOEL WRIGHT CITY PLANNER by ALFRED J WRIGHT Associate Professor of Geography Ohio State University The original plan for Columbus laid off by order of the General Assembly for the seat of Government for the State of Ohio was prepared by Joel Wright of Warren County This was in 1812 fifteen years after the founding of Franklinton whose sesquicentennial Columbus is celebrating in 1947 Events of this year cause us to turn attention to this Warren County citizen who was ...

"The Pittsburgh-Wheeling Rivalry for Commercial Headship on the Ohio," by James Morton Callahan. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 40-54.
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ring a man's relationship to the God who made him and the home over which he presides has a political significance You might as well talk of removing politics from business as to talk of asking the sun to stop shining as long as a human being votes upon the election of a man who will vote for a law there is always politics and there always should be politics Instead of there being too much politics in this country there is too little ...

"The Indian's Head," by Henry Bannon. Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 71-74.
... THE INDIAN'S HEAD THE INDIAN'S HEAD HENRY BANNON The white man when he first crossed the Allegheny Mountains and entered the Ohio Valley found many crude drawings of the figures of men and beasts on the rocks along the Guyandotte and Ohio rivers Of course it is not positively known whether these pictures were the work of Indians or of some tribes that preceded the Indians On the Kentucky shore about opposite the foot of Bond Street Portsmouth Ohio there still stands one of these inscribed ...

"The Short Life of Manhattan, Ohio," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 376-398.
... The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio By JOHN W WEATHERFORD Lured on by the geographical promise of the Maumee Valley and by the venturesome spirit of the times speculators in the middle 1830's scattered a brood of infant towns along the Maumee River there to compete for their lives If the founders and inhabitants of these rival towns--Port Lawrence Vistula Oregon Maumee Perrysburg Marengo and Manhattan--agreed on anything it was on the future greatness of the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 287-296.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA MEETING OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In the historic and picturesque city of New Orleans on the days of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday December 29 30 and 31 1903 was held the nineteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association It proved to be an event of unusual interest and enjoyment The American Historical Association was organized at Saratoga New York September 10 1884 and now numbers some twenty-five hundred members comprising the leading ...

"Minutes of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 584-683.
... MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETMINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 1927 FORENOON SESSION 1000 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present Dr B F Prince Arthur C Johnson Dr W O Thompson Gen Edward Orton Jr George F Bareis Dr Frank C Furniss C B Galbreath Mrs C B Galbreath Mrs Orson D Dryer Edwin F Wood Joseph C Goodman Fred J ...

"Ohio's Congressmen and the War of 1812," by William R. Barlow. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 175-194, notes 257-259.
... by WILLIAM R BARLOW By the spring of 1812 the little delegation of three that represented Ohio in the national congress could easily have agreed with ex-President John Adams that a black Cloud of War with England hangs over us1 Senator Thomas Worthington had thought war probable for some time and after the twelfth congress was called into early session in November 1811 to deal with weighty foreign problems he was convinced that hostilities were almost inevitable2 Yet when the fateful decision ...