Ohio History Journal

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"Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 438-523.
... 438 THE WORLD WAR MEMORIAL WING-NORTH FACADE DEDICATION OF OHIO'S WORLD WAR DEDICATION OF OHIO'S WORLD WAR MEMORIAL An event of first importance in the history of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is here to be recorded On April 6 1926 the Memorial Wing of the Museum and Library building of the Society was dedicated with impressive ceremonies This was the culmination of a movement that began soon after the close of the World War The collections of the Society had outgrown ...

"John Fitch, Inventor of Steamboats," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 397-408.
... JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS BY MIRA CLARKE PARSONS In the closing year of this century of wonders it is fitting that we should give a thought to the memory of the inventors and investigators to whom the world owes so vast a debt Fore-- most among them must stand the names of the men who first utilized the tremendous forces of steam and electricity For generations every schoolboy has been taught that Robert Fulton was the inventor of the steamboat That ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 7, 1939," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 124-126.
... 124 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 124 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY pared a display of historic medical and surgical instruments and in the next room is an especially fine exhibit of the evolution of costumes All of these are worthy of your attention PRESIDENT JOHNSON Is there any further business to be brought before this meeting If not a motion for adjournment is in order A motion for adjournment was offered by Howard R Goodwin seconded by Edward S Thomas and ...

"Sandy and Beaver Canal," Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 165-177.
... SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 B y W H VAN FOSSAN As a part of the Ohio system of canals the Sandy and Beaver was a branch from Bolivar Tuscarawas County to Smiths Ferry on the Ohio River forty miles below Pittsburgh Bolivar was its junction point with the Ohio and Erie Canal which extended from Cleveland to Portsmouth Its promoters were planning a more direct route to join Ohio and Lake Erie with the Pennsylvania canals between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh The practicability ...

"Invocation (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 416-419.
... LAYING CORNER STONE LAYING CORNER STONE OF THE SOCIETY'S BUILDING On the afternoon of Se p tember 12 1 912 the Trustees and officers of the Society laid the Corner Stone of the building of the Society located on the Campus of the Ohio State University The ground was first broken for the excavation on June 25th The weather on the day of the corner stone laying was ideal and a goodly audience of the friends of the Society including many professors of the University assembled to witness the ...

"Mark Twain's Hadleyburg," by Guy A. Cardwell. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 257-264.
... MARK TWAIN'S HADLEYBURG MARK TWAIN'S HADLEYBURG by GUY A CARDWELL Professor of English Washington University St Louis Citizens of Oberlin Ohio have claimed for their town the distinction of being the original for Hadleyburg in Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg The story reflects Twain's resentment they think at the unfavorable reception they accorded his readings in the First Congregational Church on February 11 1885 Mr Russel Nye examines and approves this Oberlin tradition in a ...

"The Origin of the Name of the Town of Worthington," by Helen M. Dudley. Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 248-259.
... THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE TOWN OF THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE TOWN OF WORTHINGTON BY HELEN M DUDLEY The lovely village of Worthington Ohio is a charming bit of old New England set down in the heart of Ohio's Scioto country near the pleasant slopes of the Olentangy Its atmosphere having been preserved intact by the careful protection of the many original features attesting its exceptional history and by the adaptation of new things to the old it has the distinction of being one of the ...

"Civil War Letters of George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 53-81.
... Civil War Letters of George M Civil War Letters of George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK George M Wise was born at Bellaire Ohio on September 5 1841 After attending Old Washington Academy four years he entered Jefferson College later Washington and Jefferson College prior to his enlistment There he was enrolled in the classical course of instruction After the war he was an accountant An expert in mathematics as well as geometry algebra and trigonometry he added by tens rather than units and ...

"Editorialana," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 328-344.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PRELIMINARY ANNUAL MEETING On May 14 1912 the following circular was issued to the members of the Society According to the provisions of the Constitution of the Society the Annual Meeting of the Society should be held not later than the last day of May It is earnestly desired that the Annual Meeting this year be deferred until after the bids have been received and if possible the contracts made with the builders for the erection of the building for the Society at ...

"The Ulrich Group of Mounds," by Truman B. Mills. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 162-175.
... THE ULRICH GROUP OF MOUNDS THE ULRICH GROUP OF MOUNDS BY TRUMAN B MILLS The Ulrich group of mounds have been so named by reason of the location of two of the mounds upon the farm of Mr Joseph Ulrich situated about two and one-half miles west of Farmersville in Jackson township Montgomery county Ohio Six or more mounds comprise the group four of which were examined by the writer during the summer months of 1916 and 1917 Except for one mound-that located upon the farm formerly owned by Mr J H ...

Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 296-318.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Howells amp Italy By James L Woodress Jr Durham N C Duke Uni versity Press 1952 xiv223p frontispiece portrait bibliography and index 350 Of late years there appears to be a trend toward a strong revival of interest in the life and writings of William Dean Howells an Ohio boy whose first years were rooted in journalistic experience on various Ohio newspapers including his father's and particularly with the Ohio State Journal in Columbus In this first book-length study ...

"The Archaic Cultures and the Adena People," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 173-181.
... THE ARCHAIC CULTURES AND THE ADENA PEOPLE THE ARCHAIC CULTURES AND THE ADENA PEOPLE by WILLIAM S WEBB Head Department of Anthropology University of Kentucky The Early Hunters Early man in America cannot boast a record of great antiquity There is no evidence to suggest his development from more primitive ancestors in very ancient times as is the case of man's record in the Old World Early man in America was a migrant coming to this continent from Siberia as a hunter of big game some time ...

"Thomas Walker Cridland," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 661-664.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 661 Forty-First Annual Meeting 661 President Johnson then introduced Mr Walter D McKinney a life member of the Society who had previously presented the rare original painting of Simon Kenton and who had brought to the meeting a painting of Thomas Walker Cridland Mr McKinney came forward with the painting in its pioneer frame which he presented to the Society in the following interesting and informing address THOMAS WALKER CRIDLAND Two years ago it was my privilege to ...

"Ninth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to the Governor from February 19, 1893, to February 19, 1894," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 396-402.
... NINTH ANNUAL REPORT NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ohio State Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY TO THE GOVERNOR From February 19 1893 to February 19 1894 To th e HON WILLIAM MCKINLEY Governor of Ohio SIR-The eighth annual report of this Society was a resume of the work to that time chiefly along lines connected with the department of American Archaeology and History at the World's Fair Since the date of that report our labors have been principally directed toward completing in the best manner ...

"Five Year Review of the Work of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives," Volume 52, Number 4, October-December, 1943, pp. 307-309.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 STILL FURTHER ASPECTS FIVE YEAR REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE OHIO COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL HISTORY AND ARCHIVES BY ROBERT G PATERSON PH D Material presented in this issue of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly by the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives represents another chapter of five continuous years of effort on the part of a small group of men throughout the State in an attempt to mirror the significant ...

Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 272-298.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Jacksonian Persuasion Politics and Belief By Marvin Meyers Stanford Calif Stanford University Press 1957 vii234p appendices bibliography and index 500 This slim volume is the latest in the recent series of attempts to discern the elusive meaning behind that deceptive textbook phrase Jacksonian democracy Professor Meyers' monograph will not win a Pulitzer prize be chosen as a book-club selection or reappear in paper-bound dress as a layman's treat It will for years ...

"General Edward S. Godfrey," by Hon. Calvin Pomeroy Godfrey. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 61-98.
... GENERAL EDWARD S GENERAL EDWARD S GODFREY By HON CALVIN POMEROY GODFREY It sadly befalls one this week as of April fifteenth to record in fidelity the demise of a noble man Putnam County's greatest military figure another of the distinguished martial sons of Ohio--Brigadier General Edward S Godfrey USA Retired That mortal and painless end of a quite meritorious and notable career occurred at the home in Cookstown Burlington County New Jersey at seven o'clock the evening of Friday April 1 1932 ...

"Economic Basis of Ohio Politics, 1820-1840," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 288-318.
... ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 By HAROLD E DAVIS The Geographic Basis Ohio was destined by her geographic characteristics to be the scene of conflicting economic interests and hence of conflicting political interests The land has in some respects a natural unity but in many respects that unity is lacking By far the greater part of the area of the state lies in the valley of the Ohio River so that geographically economically and politically ...

"The First Purely Republican Form of Government in America," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 514-516.
... THE FIRST PURELY REPUBLICAN FORM OF THE FIRST PURELY REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT IN AMERICA BY WILLIAM M PETTIT The historical political controversy that raged in the years 1636-37 was over the demand of Anne Hutchinson that women be accorded equal political rights with men in Massachusetts Sir Harry Vane was elected governor in 1636 being a representative of the Hutchinson faction but in 1637 he was defeated by John Winthrop The General Court of Massachusetts tried the famous Hutchinson ...

Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 93-124.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Alexandra Gripenberg's A Half Year in the New World Miscellaneous Sketches of Travel in the United States 1 888 Translated and edited by Ernest J Moyne Newark University of Delaware Press 1954 xv225p frontispiece and index This volume recounts the observations of Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg distinguished Finnish journalist author feminist and temperance advocate during a six months' visit to the United States in 1888 The baroness came to America as a delegate to an ...