... REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 By JAMES T WEED In November 1888 I was elected county surveyor of Gallia County Ohio and on the first Monday of January 1889 I assumed the duties of the office In the forty-five years since then I have done a great deal of surveying of land and city lots and highways and a little in mines Most of this work has been in Gallia County though I have practiced a little in the adjoining counties of Jackson and Vinton in nearby West Virginia ...
... THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF GOVERNOR ST CLAIR IN 1802 BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor in History and Economics Marietta College While going through the papers of Thomas Jefferson at the Library of Congress and the Territorial Papers in the State Department last summer seeking to determine the relationship of Jefferson to the political situation in the Northwest Territory from 1800-1802 I obtained among other things copies of several ...
... A CHECK-LIST OF OXFORD IMPRINTS 1827-1841 A CHECK-LIST OF OXFORD IMPRINTS 1827-1841 Periodicals The Literary Focus a monthly periodical edited and published by the Erodelphian and Union Literary Societies of the Miami University Stilus optimus et praestantissimus dicendi effector ac magister Oxford Ohio printed at the Societies' Press J D Smith pr 1827-28 Vol I June 1827-May 1828 12 issues June-November 1827 published by J B Camron pr Hamilton Ohio December 1827-May 1828 published by the ...
... PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT OF THE 1850's by DONALD K GORRELL The agitation for the abolition of slavery which pervaded the Ohio scene during the decade preceding the Civil War was accompanied by other reform movements one of which sought to curb intemperance In that age no other cause with the exception of abolition was pressed more by moralists than that of temperancel and no other group was more prominent among the advocates of ...
... Warren King Moorehead Warren King Moorehead And His Papers By JOHN W WEATHERFORD The enduring love of Warren King Moorehead 1866-1939 may be summed up in one word Indians When not busied with their ancient remains he was struggling with the manifold problems they face in this century Penobscot and Pueblo alike shared his attention When through the generosity of Ludwig King Moorehead and Singleton Peabody Moorehead the Ohio Historical Society acquired his papers it was principally because he ...
... Life Was Rugged a Century Ago Life Was Rugged a Century Ago Experiences of an English Immigrant By CARROL H QUENZEL George H Cadman was in his thirty-fourth year when he left Euston Street Station in his native London on the first lap of the trek to America Rather than wait nine whole days at Liverpool for the delayed departure of the Cambria the ship on which he had booked passage he paid an extra fee to be rowed seven miles to the Benjamin Adams and was outward bound in considerably less ...
... 420 Ohio Arch 420 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications between Fort St Clair and Fort Jefferson the following is an authentic account of that affair Lieut Lowrie of the second and Ensign Boyd of the first and second sub legions with a command consisting of about ninety noncommissioned officers and privates having under their convoy twenty wagons loaded with grain and commissaries' stores were attacked between daylight and sunrise seven miles advanced of Fort St Clair on the morning of the ...
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 27 This was the first massacre and the principal one during the Indian war then just opening Marietta had been settled two years before and Big Bottom as this place was then known was an overflow from that place and comprised altogether thirty-six persons The year before several other settlements were established from Marietta but thus far this was the most remote No state in the Union was settled by a more worthy or enterprising class of ...
... LAYING CORNER STONE LAYING CORNER STONE OF THE SOCIETY'S BUILDING On the afternoon of Se p tember 12 1 912 the Trustees and officers of the Society laid the Corner Stone of the building of the Society located on the Campus of the Ohio State University The ground was first broken for the excavation on June 25th The weather on the day of the corner stone laying was ideal and a goodly audience of the friends of the Society including many professors of the University assembled to witness the ...
... SYMMES' THEORY SYMMES' THEORY JOHN WELD PECK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CINCINNATI OHIO I want if I can to carry you back to the day when the West was new when the outposts of the nation were on the Mississippi when the boundless forests were scarred but here and there with clearings when Cincinnati the thriving town between Third street and the river was the undoubted and unrivaled Queen City of the West Those were the days of strong men The War of 1812 was just over The pioneer the pathfinder the ...
... Lucy Lucy Webb Hayes and her Family by EMILY APT GEER The public life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes has been studied by many historians but little has been written about the friendly sparkling woman he married and their large and active family of eight children Lucy Webb Hayes's concern for people helped her develop a lively interest in politics that served her equally well as the wife of a city solicitor in Cincinnati and as mistress of the White House while her husband was President Their ...
... THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE E 0 RANDALL In that striking and stirring century known as the sixteenth began the voyages of discovery and the expeditions for occupancy by the Anglo Saxon and the Gaul of the North American continent The French were led by Jacques Cartier who in 1534 entered the Gulf of St Lawrence Other chivalrous and adventurous Frenchmen followed with various experiences until 1608 when Samuel Champlain encamped upon the Heights of Quebec and established a ...
... THE HAYES MEMORIAL THE HAYES MEMORIAL FREMENT OHIO The Memorial building a beautiful structure of classic architecture built of gray Ohio sandstone is located among the great trees north of the Hayes residence facing Hayes Avenue Broad steps lead up to the bronze doors of the pillared portico On entering the great square hall or atrium flanked with eight massive columns one passes under the flags of the countries which claimed ownership of this region from the discovery of America until the ...
... BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS by ROBERT THOMAS Social Studies Instructor Pleasant Township High School Marion County Ohio On January 24 1848 James Wilson Marshall discovered flakes of gold in the tailrace of a sawmill he and John Sutter were erecting about fifty miles northeast of Sutter's Fort in Upper California As news of Marshall's discovery spread along the Pacific coast and then to all sections of the nation thousands of Americans rushed by land and by sea to the new E1 Dorado in ...
... edited and translated by edited and translated by PHILLIP J WOLFE and WARREN J WOLFE Prospects for the Gallipolis Settlement French Diplomatic Dispatches More than two centuries have passed since Gallipolis Ohio City of the Gauls was founded by French settlers It was on October 17 1790 that a group of French immigrants first set foot on the banks of the Ohio and found some eighty log huts awaiting them As colonists of the Scioto Company they had arrived in Alexandria Virginia and in other ...
... Civil War Letters of George M Civil War Letters of George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK George M Wise was born at Bellaire Ohio on September 5 1841 After attending Old Washington Academy four years he entered Jefferson College later Washington and Jefferson College prior to his enlistment There he was enrolled in the classical course of instruction After the war he was an accountant An expert in mathematics as well as geometry algebra and trigonometry he added by tens rather than units and ...
... PRINTING IN GAMBIER OHIO 1829-1884 PRINTING IN GAMBIER OHIO 1829-1884 by WYMAN W PARKER University Librarian University of Cincinnati Printing in Gambier Ohio extended for a little more than fifty years during the mid-nineteenth century Its history forms a neat and fairly typical illustration of the work of the ecclesiastical press of that century Projected as early as 1823 by Philander Chase first Protestant Episcopal bishop of Ohio the press began in 1830 to issue the first Episcopal ...
... FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO CLEVELAND'S HEALTH MUSEUM by BRUNO GEBHARD MD Director Cleveland Health Museum Cleveland prides itself in having the first health museum in the United States opened November 13 1940 But in 1820 Cincinnati established the first public science museum west of the Alleghenies the Western Museum Both were started by physicians who seem to have a natural affinity for museums Perhaps this is because a good physician must be a ...
... A Survey Of Publications A Survey Of Publications In Ohio History Archaeology And Natural History August 1954-July 1955 Co m piled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BRANDT George A Jr A Survey of the Development of Dairying and the Dairy Industry in the Toledo Milkshed Area Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXVII 1955-56 8-27 BROMFIELD Louis From My Experience The Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm New York Harper amp Brothers 1955 355p Personal experiences on Malabar Farm in Ohio and ...
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1952-JULY 1953 Compiled b y S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE MICK J R 4-H Club Golden Anniversary Marking the First Half Century of Boys' and Girls' Club Work in Ohio Being a History of the Movement in Williams County To Make the Best Better N p n d 16p POWER Richard Lyle Settlers on Corn Belt Soil Indiana Magazine of History XLIX 1953 161-172 RICKARD Anne M The University and ...