Ohio History Journal

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"Soldier Votes and Clement L. Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubertnatorial Election," by Arnold Shankman. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 88-104.
... ARNOLD SHANKMAN ARNOLD SHANKMAN Soldier Votes and Clement L Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubernatorial Election The Ohio gubernatorial election of 1863 was a hotly contested election with overtones extending to the national level The nation was engaged in a bitter civil war which showed no signs of terminating and many citizens of the Buckeye State were rapidly tiring of the conflict A large number of Ohio Democrats were dissatisfied with the Lincoln administration's handling of the war and ...

"Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler" by Louis W. Potts. Volume 111, pp.101-120, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 101.
... Potts Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 101-120 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Visions of America 17871501788 The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler By Louis W Potts Manasseh Cutler SC 2324 Ohio Historical Society Collections During the winter of 1786 the Congregational minister at Ipswich Hamlet later Hamilton took time from tending his flock of seventy or so congregants to jot his secular musings to Jeremy Belknap a fellow ...

"Letters of Thomas Buchanan Read," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 68-80.
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...

"Chillicothe's Elite: Leadership in a Frontier Community," by Jeffrey P. Brown. Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 140-156.
... JEFFREY P JEFFREY P BROWN Chillicothe's Elite Leadership in a Frontier Community The Northwest Territory was dominated by its small urban communities even though most settlers were farmers The towns became crucial regional centers for business politics and cultural affairs They served as headquarters for wealthy and powerful merchants provided a base for lawyer-politicians and often contained the homes of prominent rural landowners A few of the Northwest's towns eventually grew into great ...

"Howell's Campaign Biography of Rutherford B. Hayes: A Series of Letters," edited by Leo P. Coyle. Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 391-406.
... Howells' Campaign Biography Howells' Campaign Biography Of Rutherford B Hayes A Series of Letters Edited by LEO P COYLE In 1860 William Dean Howells wrote the campaign Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin his first venture in the field of biography Sixteen years later his literary position assured Howells again projected a campaign biography This time the subject was Rutherford B Hayes who occupied the White House from 1877 to 18811 The second campaign book avowedly ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting Held at Marietta, April 5th and 6th, 1888, in Connection with the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the Northwest Territory," Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 332-339.

"President Harding and His Cabinet," by Robert K. Murray. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 108-125, notes 185-188.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND HIS CABINET by ROBERT K MURRAY Among the many controversial facets involving the life of the twenty-ninth president of the United States few have prompted more conjecture and analysis than the choosing of his cabinet The fact that one of his selections achieved the distinction of being the only cabinet officer to go to jail that another resigned under a cloud of suspicion and still a third narrowly missed criminal conviction places Warren Gamaliel Harding in a unique ...

"Warren Gamaliel Harding," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 554-570.
... 55 4 WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING BY C B GALBREATH Since the founding of our government six Presidents of the United States have died in office Three of these were native sons of Ohio and one William Henry Harrison when elected to that high office was and for twenty-six years had been a citizen of this state Three of the six fell at the hands of assassins and two of these Garfield and McKinley were Ohioans The passing of all these was attended with widespread and sincere ...

"Washington, Pittsburgh and Inland Navigation," by Prof. Dyess. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 10-16.
... 10 Ohio Arch 10 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications paternalistic policy by the national government These potent matters extending to the very foundation of our national fabric are closely connected with the history of the navigation of the Ohio River and are to form topics for discussion during these sessions One hundred years have brought vast changes to this City It is doubtful to-day whether French workmen would have to be imported for shipyard laborers in this vicinity or whether it ...

"Military Day" (Jefferson County Centennial) Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 370-383.
... 370 Ohio Arch 370 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications MILITARY DAY The third day was Military day and no other county has better right to commemorate the memory of the soldier than Jefferson whether he be of the Revolutionary war of the Second War for Independence the Mexican war or the War Between the States Jefferson county furnished thousands of the bravest men in the Federal army during the War Between the States It is not necessary to mention their names - the mere mention of this ...

"Did the Mound Builders Have Horses?," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 469-470.
... Editorialana Editorialana 469 DID THE MOUND BUILDERS HAVE HORSES Did the Mound Builders Have Horses is the subject of an editorial in the last issue of the American Sportsman March 2 The discovery of the skeleton of a horse dug up in the state of Nebraska started a discussion to which a number of the most eminent archeologists of the country have contributed their opinions Dr Phyle treated the subject at length in an essay some time ago The editorial is as follows A horseman is curious to know ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: At Home," Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 319-335.
... CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME by EUGENE C MURDOCK In an earlier article published in this Quarterly the present author made an attempt to summarize the accomplishments of Cleveland's Tom L Johnson and to point out his contributions to the growth and development of the lake city1 As mayor of Cleveland from 1901 to 1910 Johnson established and maintained high administrative standards while pushing through a broad program of municipal reform He attracted wide attention ...

Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 407-412.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mrs Harry B Longsworth Secretary The society is making a drive for the collection of old family records Bible records diaries account books journals and correspondence ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HIISTORY William F Savoy State Director The general program is to collect and preserve the valuable documents of the Negro's history to form intercultural study groups for the proper intergrated study ...

Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 197-204.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HISTORY Columbus William F Savoy State Director The Columbus branch of the association observed the 23d annual celebration of Negro History Week during the second week in February Radio speakers were Dr James H Rodabaugh Mrs Julia Burrell Charles Allen Dr William Utterbeck Dr John Bennett Dr Allen Griffen Chester Gray and William F Savoy state director of the association Dr Rodabaugh and Mr Savoy ...

"Address of Hon. James A. McDonald (Centennial of Perry's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 63-72.
... The Centennial of Perry's Victory The Centennial of Perry's Victory 63 an approximation of the same moral responsibility for nations in dealing with each other that both good form and law impose upon individuals dealing with each other in society It will always be a source of regret to me that when England and France were willing to enter into general and unlimited arbitration treaties with us and the treaties were signed they failed for lack of ratification by the Senate They would not have ...

"Suggestions for a Plan of County Organization: Charles Dick Lays the Groundwork for the Campaign of 1896," edited by Thomas E. Felt. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 367-378.
... Suggestions for a Plan of County Suggestions for a Plan of County Organization Charles Dick Lays the Groundwork for the Campaign of 1896 Edited by THOMAS E FELT CAMPAIGN textbooks for the party faithful have been used to inspire electoral success for close to a hundred years in this country and were the document published below just another one of this familiar species it would deserve no particular notice But this is a campaign textbook with a difference Where its more conventional brothers ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders?," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 91-96.
... WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS J P MACLEAN PH D An ancient and unknown race of people possessing a welldeveloped type of civilization once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi This race has left no written history but the testimony of its existence and advancement in the arts and sciences is attested in the stupendous structures consisting of mounds walled enclosures and domestic implements which have long attracted the attention of observers scientists ...

"Columbus: Ohio's Capital," Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 72-78.
... COLUMBUS OHIO'S CAPITAL COLUMBUS OHIO'S CAPITAL BY ELMER EDWARD NOYES It has been stated by some authorities that Columbus was born a capital1 that Lucas Sullivant an early surveyor who laid out Franklinton in 1797 foresaw the future political possibilities of the district2 At the same time it is claimed by another authority that this was hardly possible since state lines had not yet been drawn at that early date3 In any case the seat of government was moved to Columbus in October 18164 and ...

"Visit from Benjamin Lundy, A," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 494-496.
... OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A VISIT FROM BENJAMIN LUNDY A letter of Ruth Galbreath wife of Nathan Galbreath dated New Garden Ohio 2nd mo 3rd 1833 contains among other things a description of a visit from Benjamin Lundy which may be of interest to readers of this issue of the QUARTERLY as it expresses the regard of Columbiana County Quakers for this reformer and bears testimony to the fact that ...

"James Ford Rhodes and the Negro: A Study in the Problem of Objectivity," by Robert Cruden. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 129-137, notes 198-199.
... James Ford Rhodes And the Negro A STUDY IN THE PROBLEM OF OBJECTIVITY by ROBERT CRUDEN The continuing debate among historians as to the scientific nature of their discipline involves as a basic element the problem of objectivity Is it possible for history to be objective in the sense that the physical and biological sciences are objective namely that its findings do not depend in any important sense on the personal idiosyncrasies or private feelings of those who reach them but are marked by a ...