Ohio History Journal

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"Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 272-282.
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO PREPARED BY MRS CYRUS THOMAS FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Continued from page 200 ANY observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in addition to those here stated will confer a favor upon the world by forwarding such information to Professor G F Wright Oberlin 0 the member of the Editorial Committee in charge of this department by whom the facts will be classified and published in a future ...

"Januarius Aloysius MacGahan: Eulogy (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 226-228.
... 226 Ohio Arch 226 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications JANUARIUS ALOYSIUS MACGAHAN Eulogy by William A Taylor Many years ago when a boy attending Dist No 6 school in Harrison township I was deeply but not then favorably impressed by this sentence in Kirkham's Grammar The evil that men do lives after them the good is often interred with their bones which I was called on to parse analyse and expatiate on generally by my teacher Philander H Binckley student philosopher literary writer and ...

Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 496-509.
... INDEX VOLUME XXI INDEX VOLUME XXI Adams County Petroglyphs found in 213 Articles-Concluded Alder Jonathan Indians capture 266 The Indian village of Cush-og-wenk Anderson Judge Jas H - 432 Consul at Hamburg 490 The library at Paddy's Run 462 Political life of 490 Twenty-seventh annual meeting of Relations with Pres Lincoln 490 Society 468 Sketch of 489 Ashland CountySociety interest in 491 Hill's history of 383 Animals - Indians in 380 Bones of found in Jackson Co 192 Pioneer settlers of 384 ...

"Commencement on the Ohio Canal at the Licking Summit," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 66-99.
... COMMENCEMENT ON THE OHIO CANAL COMMENCEMENT ON THE OHIO CANAL AT THE LICKING SUMMIT This great work was commenced on Monday the 4th inst under circumstances the most favorable and auspicious On the day previous all the roads leading to the point selected for the celebration were crowded with people on foot on horseback and in every description of vehicle hastening to witness the scene Almost every house within a distance of five miles was occupied but on the evening of that day by far the ...

"The Coffin of Edwin Coppock," by Thomas C. Mendenhall. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 452-456.
... THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK BY THOMAS C MENDENHALL There has recently been added to the collection of John Brown relics in the museum of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society another concerning which I have been requested to tell the following story On the morning of the tenth of April 1865 I left my room which was over the Farmers' National Bank on Main Street Salem Ohio intending to proceed to the High School in which I was a teacher But I did not ...

"Colonel John Murray," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 397-403.
... COLONEL JOHN MURRAY COLONEL JOHN MURRAY DAVID E PHILLIPS The readers of the Archaeological and Historical Quarterly can hardly fail to be interested in any matter intimately associated with the very beginnings of our Great Commonwealth The famous old mansion in Rutland Mass now owned by The Rufus Putnam Memorial Association and called The Cradle of Ohio has become one of the Shrines of American Patriotism and few have had so romantic an origin and history It was built about the year 176 0 and ...

"The Pittsburgh-Wheeling Rivalry for Commercial Headship on the Ohio," by James Morton Callahan. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 40-54.
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ring a man's relationship to the God who made him and the home over which he presides has a political significance You might as well talk of removing politics from business as to talk of asking the sun to stop shining as long as a human being votes upon the election of a man who will vote for a law there is always politics and there always should be politics Instead of there being too much politics in this country there is too little ...

"Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia: Introductory," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 64-66.
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Vo L 4 BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND VIRGINIA INTRODUCTORY Previous to 1783 Virginia never laid any claim to the Ohio River--or in fact to any territory west of the Alleghenies because this region was originally a part of the vast district claimed by the French and known as Louisiana The Mississippi River was discovered by French missionaries and was subsequently explored to its mouth by LaSalle who according to the customs of the nations ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 181-192.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ADDRESS to the People of the Western Country An by Daniel Drake 10 Adena 143-144 illustration 145 African Colonization Society 151 Albrecht Carl W bk notes 93 Allen William 149 Aller Kenneth P 135 Allison Col C W B 38 41 42 43 America Enters the World A People's History of the Progressive Era volume seven by Page Smith rev 77-79 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105 American Art Its Awful Attitude by John Frankenstein 8 16 23 American Philosophical ...

"Victor Gilbreath," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 575-582.
... VICTOR GILBREATH VICTOR GILBREATH BY C B GALBREATH The war with Mexico like all others had its sidelights its personal triumphs privations and tragedies among the men in the ranks Of course for the most part these are lost to history Occasionally however through some accidental circumstance these are lifted to the public view and endued with a degree of enduring fame not usually accorded to the central figure of the story The War of 1812 had its James Bird1 the war with Mexico had its Victor ...

Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 143-152.
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ACE of Roosevelt The 74 Ahlstrom Sydney E 66 Albacete MJ Architecture in Canton 87 with D'Arti and Reeves Ohio Quilts A Living Tradition 87 Alexander Charles C Here the Country Lies Nationalism and the Arts in Twentieth-Century America rev 135-37 American City 21 American Institute of Architects 7 29 Angel William D Jr book rev 121-22 Athony Wayne Trail 33 Anti-Saloon League of Cleveland 71 Annual Meeting Non-Partisan WCTU 1875 70 1889 72 Annual Report ...

"Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building: May 30, 1914," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 325-379.
... DEDICATION OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL DEDICATION OF THE OHIO STATE ARCH A EOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING MAY 30 1914 On the afternoon of Saturday May 30th Memorial Day following the annual meeting of the Society which was held in the morning the Society celebrated the dedication of the new building located on the campus 0 S U corner High Street and 15th Ave First President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The building facing the east ...

"'I Whipped Six Texans: A Civil War Letter of an Ohio Soldier," edited by Frank L. Klement. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 180-182, notes 203-204.
... I Whipped Six Texans A Civil War Letter of an Ohio Soldier edited by FRANK L KLEMENT James Pike a grandnephew of Zebulon M Pike the noted explorer was an unusual soldier in more ways than one He was the son of Sam Pike an outspoken critic of the Lincoln administration and a longtime editor of the Hillsboro Weekly Gazette the organ of Copperheadism in Highland County while the son performed heroically on the battlefields the father was accused of secessionist sympathies James Pike's prewar ...

"Langstroth, the 'Bee Man' of Oxford," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 147-164.
... LANGSTROTH THE BEE MAN OF OXFORD LANGSTROTH THE BEE MAN OF OXFORD by OPHIA D SMITH A revolution in beekeeping began on a summer day in 1838 when Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth saw a large glass globe filled with honey on the parlor table of a friend He was so fascinated by the beautiful sight that he went with his friend to visit his bees in an attic chamber In a moment all the intense curiosity of his childhood and boyhood seemed to burst into full flame When he went home that evening he took ...

"Address of General Andrew L. Harris" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 30-31.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications not to enslave men but to make men free to enlarge in a vast degree the zone of Republican government All honor to George Croghan and his heroic band All honor to the soldiers of the revolution All honor to the soldiers of the Mexican war All honor to the soldiers of the Union All honor to the soldiers of the Spanish-American war The American people honor them They honor them each and all They hold them forever within the embrace of their ...

"A Detailed Account of Mound Openings Done During the Months of July and August 1888" by Warren K. Moorehead and Clinton Cowen. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 534-540.
... A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING Done During the Months of July and August 1888 by Warren K Moorehead and Clinton Cowen IT occurred to me a number of times last year to spend the summer in opening mounds I had done considerable of this work in several counties of our State but had never spent more than one continuous week in the field When the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition opened in July and I was free from my duties having been actively engaged in ...

"Agricultural Trains: An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick. Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 34-45.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E AND ROBERT W MCCORMICK Agricultural Trains An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads The handbill said 110 PM Thursday October 26 19111 but by one o'clock a crowd had collected and was greeting each farm wagon or buggy as neighbors arrived A stranger might have described the gathering as festive not the exuberance of a 4th of July celebration but an expectant air akin to a farm auction or the county fair Beside the Hocking Valley Railroad ...

"Reuben Clement" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 86-87.
... 86 Ohio Arch 86 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications one officer and myself went to New York on recruiting service That was in 1814 I remained in New York about two years When we left New York we marched with recruits to fill up the companies stationed on the northern frontier I had re-enlisted on the 23d of November 1816 for five years We marched to Sackett's Harbor and I was there assigned to Company D Second Infantry The other recruits were distributed at the different stations I was ...

"Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 502-538.
... THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY CALL FOR ANNUAL MEETING COLUMBUS October 1 1921 The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will be held in the Museum and Library Building of the Society Wednesday October 12 1 921 The forenoon session which opens at half past nine o'clock will be devoted entirely to the reading of reports and other matters of routine business It ...

"Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 95-108.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 2 A P R I L 1958 Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells By JAMES B STRONKS IN THE SUMMER OF 1896 William Dean Howells then the most influential author and critic in the United States favorably reviewed a book of poems by a young Dayton Negro Paul Laurence Dunbar The review in the Harper's Weekly of June 27 1896--by a happy coincidence it was Dunbar's birthday--instantly and dramatically created a national reputation for ...