Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Anthony Wayne His Indian Campaigns," by Kathleen Mierka. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 386-391.
... THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST The Anthony Wayne Memorial Legislative Committee during the winter of 1944-45 in cooperation with the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State Department of Education sponsored a contest among the public parochial and private schools in Ohio on the subject of Anthony Wayne and the Indian Wars in Ohio 1790-1795 Several thousand students from all over the State entered the contest Winning essays in the ...

"Butter and Egg Business: Implications From the Records of a Nineteenth-Century Farm Wife," by Virginia E. McCormick. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 57-67.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E McCORMICK Butter and Egg Business Implications From the Records of a NineteenthCentury Farm Wife Few stereotypes have a clearer image or more persistent endurance than that of the nineteenth-century married woman who devoted herself to home and family and relied upon her husband as the economic provider This image produces the perspective that a dramatic increase has occurred in the labor force participation of women of all income levels including married women who ...

"The Ohio Valley Historical Association Fifth Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30-November 1, 1911: The 'New Orleans' Centennial," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 1-125.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Fifth Annual Meeting Pittsburgh Pa October 30-November 1 1911 THE NEW ORLEANS CENTENNIAL Robert Fulton who had profited by the experiments and experiences of John Fitch and James Rumsey a score or more years before made a successful trial with the steamboat Clermont on the Hudson River in 1807 The success of the Clermont on the New York river inspired her owners Fulton Livingston and Roosevelt with the ...

"George Bohan Wright," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 441-444.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA GEORGE BOHAN WRIGHT General George B Wright one of the oldest most widely known and highly esteemed citizens of Ohio died at the residence of his daughter Mrs Frank C Eaton Columbus Ohio on September 11 1903 General Wright's life was one save in his last years of incessant and intense activity and most successful achievement His parents were of the best New England stock and emigrated from Massachusetts to Ohio in 1808 Both his grandfathers were soldiers in the ...

"The Battleship Ohio," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 206-215.
... THE BATTLESHIP OHIO THE BATTLESHIP OHIO The battleship Ohio was built for the United States navy by the Union Iron Works San Francisco under contract dated October 8 1898 at a cost of 2899000 It was launched May 18 1901 in the harbor of San Francisco and christened by Miss Helen Deshler who was designated for this honor by Governor George K Nash who was present on the occasion as was also William McKinley then President of the United States Great crowds were present at these ceremonies ...

"Asa S. Bushnell," by J. W. Atwood. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 282-286.
... ASA S ASA S BUSHNELL REV J W ATWOOD Asa S Bushnell was born in Rome New York September 16 1834 and died in Columbus Ohio January 15 1 90 4 He came of a family long and honorably identified with the history and life of New England which included in its membership Horace Bushnell of Hartford one of the most forceful and original thinkers that America has produced its greatest theologian with the exception of Jonathan Edwards a great citizen and a profound scholar The family settled in ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 95-108.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR MEETING OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the American Historical Association to which the attention of the members of the Society was invited by a circular letter under date of December 17 1923 enclosing a detailed program of the meeting was held on schedule time in Columbus December 27-29 1923 The sessions of the Association and the related ...

"Remarks of J. V. Jones, Esq." (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 175-177.
... Remarks of J Remarks of J V Jones 175 REMARKS OF J V JONES ESQ LADIES AND GENTLEMENIt would hardly be proper for me to say fellow-citizens for the reason of having been absent from your county for nearly fifty-eight years During that time many changes have been wrought in the city of Gallipolis and Gallia county Eighty-one years ago a young married couple might have been seen slowly wending their way on horseback down the slopes of the Blue Ridge and foot-hills of the Allegheny Mountains of ...

"Address of Tod B. Galloway" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 33-34.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 3 3 ADDRESS OF TOD B GALLOWAY If I were to ask you what I should talk about I suppose you would answer me as the small boy did in Sunday School one day when a man got up and said Now children what shall I talk about and the bright boy said about one minute I am somewhat like an old Scotch preacher I once heard of A man went to church one day and he noticed that the preacher was crying a great deal during the delivery of his sermon Finally ...

"The Ohio Road Experiment, 1913-1916," by Wayne E. Fuller. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 13-28, notes 70-71.
... THE OHIO ROAD EXPERIMENT 1913-1916 by WAYNE E FULLER In December 1914 the Signal a Zanesville Ohio newspaper carried a story captioned Jacob Johnson of the West Pike Died Thursday The story was interesting not because Jacob Johnson was renowned but because he was at the time of his death eighty-seven years old and had lived his entire life west of Zanesville near the famous highway which the American people knew as the old National Road but which the people of Zanesville called the West Pike ...

"Kossuth Before Ohio Legislature," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 114-119.
... KOSSUTH BEFORE OHIO LEGISLATURE KOSSUTH BEFORE OHIO LEGISLATURE Copy of an address delivered before the General Assembly of Ohio February 6 1852 by Louis Kossuth the Hungarian Patriot His appearance before the Assembly was by invitation and after its delivery a Committee was appointed to wait upon him and procure the manuscript of the address This was secured with the autograph of Kossuth and is now preserved in the State Library This publication is made from the original manuscript-E O R MR ...

"Thomas Walker Cridland," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 661-664.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 661 Forty-First Annual Meeting 661 President Johnson then introduced Mr Walter D McKinney a life member of the Society who had previously presented the rare original painting of Simon Kenton and who had brought to the meeting a painting of Thomas Walker Cridland Mr McKinney came forward with the painting in its pioneer frame which he presented to the Society in the following interesting and informing address THOMAS WALKER CRIDLAND Two years ago it was my privilege to ...

"Membership in the General Assembly of Ohio," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 222-283.
... MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO BY B H PERSHING Professor in Wittenberg College Since pure democracy is not possible in any country with a numerous population every republic finds itself under the necessity of devising some system of representation The emergence in America of geographical areas having in every case a historical background and a political consciousness has made the problem more complex here than in lands in which artificial ...

"Research in State History: Its Problems and Opportunities," by Asa Earl Martin. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 565-589.
... RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES By DR ASA EARL MAR TIN INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The purpose of my paper is to discuss some of the problems connected with state history I assume that my audience is composed of those who have more than a passing interest in this topic and that they are primarily concerned with the questions which history teachers historical writers and the local historical societies face every day For that reason I have made no ...

"Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America: Claridon Township, 1810-1870," Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 101-121.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A WHEELER Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America Claridon Township 1810-1870 In 1812 Horace Taylor of Hartland Connecticut traveled to Ohio to buy and settle lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut on the Trans-Appalachian frontier He chose a relatively new township in the heart of the Reserve later called Claridon in Geauga County There in the western portion he located his farm helped found the Congregational church and established one of the backbone ...

"Celeron's Journal (Concluded from page 377)," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 481-483.
... CELERON'S JOURNAL CELERON'S JOURNAL Concluded from page 377 The 9th of October I set out from the lower part of the Narrows and came to pass the night at Point Pelee During our voyage across Lake Erie nothing happened worth mentioning On the 19th I arrived at Niagara where I was delayed three days from stress of weather The 22d I set out from Niagara for the southern part of Lake Ontario so as to pass that way to Fort Frontenac It took me fourteen days to sail over this lake and many of my ...

"Origin of the Cleveland Clinic, The," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 331-348.
... THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland At the request of Dr Jonathan Forman I have prepared an historical resume of the origin of the Cleveland Clinic beginning with the time when the founders began to work together professionally and ending with the opening of the institution which they created Much will be said about a figure that drew the first founders together and after that events will ...

"Medical Education in the 1890s: An Ohio Woman's Memories," edited by John B. Gabel. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 53-66.
... edited by edited by JOHN B GABEL Medical Education in the 1890s An Ohio Woman's Memories The material presented here is drawn from the unpublished papers of a long-time Columbus physician the late Ida May Wilson Written in 1941 when she was in her seventy-seventh year this excerpt records Dr Wilson's memories of her medical education during the years 1894-1896 at the Ohio Medical University1 Her description of the primitive training provided as late as the 1890s by an accredited medical school ...

"Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for 'Art for Art's Sake,'" Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 112-117.
... COMMERCIAL VS COMMERCIAL VS SCIENTIFIC COLLECTING A PLEA FOR ART FOR ART'S SAKE WARREN K MOOREHEAD Curator of Archaeology Phillips Academy Andover Mass It occurs to me that so far as it could be accomplished without infringing upon the rights of individuals museum curators should combine against dealers in archeological specimens There seem to be two classes of these men and the one should not be confounded with the other Of recent years the dealers of archaeologic specimens have increased to ...

"Mound Builders of Ohio, The," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 148-151.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Really of what value to any one are the opinions of Mr Fowke The society cannot afford to become sponsors for Mr Fowkes' eccentricities It is far better that the entire edition be suppressed and all the books sent out recalled than that the society should suffer from this most inconsiderate of books If the Executive Committee will take such action it will not only meet with my approval but I will advocate the same before the entire Board ...