Ohio History Journal

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"Paleolithic Man in the Western Reserve," by P. P. Cherry. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 109-111.
... Editorialana Editorialana 109 Marietta could not have been surpassed The place and time of the next annual meeting was left in the hands of the Executive Committee The proceedings in full of the meetings above including addresses etc will be published either in a later number of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Quarterly or in a separate publication by the same Society PALEOLITHIC MAN IN THE WESTERN RESERVE The following article was written by P P Cherry and published in ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society: Report of the Executive Committee for the Year Ending February 19, 1888," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 384-394.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTOROHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 19 1888 To the Members The annual reports of the Treasurer and the Secretary have been by them submitted to this Committee which in the absence of a meeting of the Trustees is authorized to act upon them We have examined them find them correct and approve and recommend them to your careful attention From the Treasurer's report you will learn that ...

"NOTES, REVIEWS AND COMMENTS," by THE EDITOR. Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 561-564.
... NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A NEW BOOK BY LANDON C BELL That scholarly and indefatigable research worker Landon C Bell life member of our Society has published an attractive and substantial volume of 503 pages entitled Sunlight on the Southside Lists of Titles 17481783 Lunenburg County Virginia The carefully prepared index to this work covers 82 pages The book will be reviewed in our next issue COATES KINNEY An Interpretation of the Life and Poetry of ...

"The Report of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 536-622.
... THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-SIXTH ANTHE REPORT OF THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MORNING SESSION The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society convened at 10 o'clock am Tuesday April 26 1932 in the auditorium of the Museum and Library building of the Society There were present Dr W O Thompson Mr O K Reams Mr Lowry Sater Miss Jeannette Shields Mrs C B Galbreath Mr J W Johnson Mr Dudley T Fisher Sr Dr Harlow Lindley ...

"Mill Creek Park and the Source of Mill Creek," by Charles Burleigh Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 137-207.
... MILL CREEK PARK MILL CREEK PARK AND THE SOURCE OF MILL CREEK BY CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH When the earth took spherical and solid form it presented in the earliest ages whose records have been deciphered on the rocks a surface of land and water The continental areas were then limited and low Much of what now constitutes the dry land was under water In North America the land portions were chiefly north of the Great Lakes What is now the Mississippi valley was then covered by a great inland sea ...

"Unveiling of Tablet at Campus Martius," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 482-493.
... a 482 UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS A number of interesting functions attended the unveiling of the tablet on the Campus Martius House September 28 1921 as the most historical spot in the state The exercises were conducted under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution who selected this spot and presented the tablet On the evening of September 27 Mr Edward MacTaggart threw open his stately old home The Anchorage to the members of ...

"The Centennial of Miami University," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 322-344.
... THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY A H UPHAM PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH MIAMI UNIVERSITY The third week of June was marked by a highly significant and somewhat unusual occasion down in the southwest corner of Ohio Miami University old mother Miami was celebrating the completion of her first centenary of corporate existence and he r children unto the third and f o u r t h generation came from the corners of the earth bringing t r i b u t e of congratulation a n d g ...

"Private Collections of Manuscripts," by Frank T. Cole. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 399-401.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 399 we need most in this great work of rescue and preservation Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen are more Lyman C Drapers-men who with knapsack on their backs are not only willing but anxious to go on foot if need be many miles to the left and to the right to secure a journal a diary a memorandum an autograph letter that shall be preserved and become a priceless document to those who are to come ...

"Spiritual Force in Early Western Culture, The," by James M. Miller. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 261-268.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 261 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 261 and our record in military production would have been far more brilliant than it was In the afternoon session held in the Auditorium of the Ohio State Museum and presided over by Stanton L Davis of the Case School of Applied Science the following papers were read by James M Miller of Waynesburg College Waynesburg Penna and by Philip D Jordan of Miami University THE SPIRITUAL FORCE IN EARLY WESTERN CULTURE By JAMES ...

"Western Opinion and the War of 1812," by John F. Cady. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 427-476.
... WESTERN OPINION AND THE WAR OF 1812 WESTERN OPINION AND THE WAR OF 1812 BY JOHN F CADY M A I The determining factor in any situation is the active positive element involved in it In the realm of physics for example force is measured by the product of mass and velocity but the direction of movement is determined by the positive active velocity not by the passive mass acted upon So it is in historical and political movements The desires and convictions of the positive progressive group are of ...

"Powder Horn, The," (Collections and Exhibits) by William G. Keener and Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 320-323.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE POWDER HORN by WILLIAM G KEENER and DONALD A HUTSLAR OUR COUNTRY MUST AND SHALL BE DEFENDED WE WILL ENJOY OUR LIBERTY OR PERISH IN THE LAST DITCH In a parlor game these ringing phrases might be attributed to a Samuel Adams or a Patrick Henry They belong instead to one Tim Tansel Together with a running deer the arms of the United States a young lady vaguely representing Liberty four equestrian military figures and a tribute to A Gin Jackson they comprise the ...

"Charles F. Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America," Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 128-144.
... Charles F Charles F Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America By MEL GORMAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF street lighting is one of the most important factors which can be considered in gauging the social history of urban life Until the middle of the eighteenth century there was very little incentive for the dweller to leave his house after dark but with the advent of the industrial revolution the tempo of life exerted more and more pressure of activities which could not be ...

"Catherine Cougar: Probaby the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 295-303.
... CATHERINE GOUGAR CATHERINE GOUGAR Probably the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement BY FRANK WARNER M D D SC COLUMBUS OHIO On the farm of Alfred Immell situated on the pike from Columbus to Chillicothe some ten miles north of the latter city lies buried Catherine Gougar Her remains have lain here since 1801 when she died at the age of sixty-nine years She died within two years of the establishment of Ohio as a State and within view ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled: Address of H. Ross Ake," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 596-598 .
... 596 Ohio Arch 596 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications for regret nor yet a wrongful act although the methods employed were not always beyond reproach It was not in the scheme of things that such a vast and fertile country should remain the abode of a handful of savages -- perhaps never more than 50000 in number the advance of civilization demanded the change and the Indian gave way to civilization and today But he was an Ohioan just the same who lived loved fought and died on Ohio soil ...

"Samuel A. Hudson's Panorama of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers," by Joseph Earl Arrington. Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 355-374.
... Samuel A Samuel A Hudson's Panorama Of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers By JOSEPH EARL ARRINGTON John Banvard and John Rowson Smith were the pioneers in applying the panoramic art form of enlarged and continuous views to the western river system1 Samuel A Hudson followed close behind them with his panorama of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers the first to picture the majestic Ohio He had earlier created such a panorama of the Hudson River2 and later was to make one of the Gold Regions in ...

"Necrology," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 109-110.
... Thirty-First Annual Meeting Thirty-First Annual Meeting 109 Mound These are to be sold at the park by the custodian at 25c cloth bound and 10c paper bound The revenue derived from this sale will be turned over to the Treasurer of the Society Mr Wood In October we had the steel observation tower at the mound repainted We also had the barn and the fences on the property whitewashed and in October under the direction of a landscape gardener and through his courtesy we planted seventy ornamental ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 240-244.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Detroit's First American Decade 1796-1805 By F Clever Bald University of Michigan Publications History and Political Science Vol XVI Ann Arbor Mich University of Michigan Press 1948 276p including bibliographical essay and index 450 This is far more than a study of a few neglected years in the early history of a great metropolis interesting only to the local pride school of history enthusiasts the zealous antiquarians and the patient genealogists Here is local history ...

Volume 54, Binding Supplement, , 1945, pp. 429-457.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIV GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIV ABBOTT LYMAN 51 Allen William 329 Abolition movement and Granville O Allison Charles M 255 223 literature 238 Allison Mrs Jessie 255 Abolitionists Rev John Rankin 234 Amanda see Fort Amanda Academy of Natural Science 198 Amber routes 10 Ackerknecht Erwin H Malaria in the Amendments to Society's constitution Upper Mississippi Valley 1760-90 provisions for 260 rev by Jonathan Forman 413-16 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Ackley Horace ...

"Dedication of Tablet at Chillicothe," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 458.
... 458 Ohio Arch 458 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Inscription on tablet placed by U S D 1 812 on the Ross County Court House Chillicothe Ohio May 17 1933 CHILLICOTHE CAPITAL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AND FIRST CAPITAL OF OHIO The State of Ohio was made possible by the Treaty of Paris 1783 which made the Great Lakes the northern boundary of the new United States In 1787 Congress established the Northwest Territory dedicated to freedom and public education with General Arthur St Clair ...

"Emilius Oviatt Randall: A Biographical Sketch," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 117-123.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 117 tion from his voice--he needed no pen--the subject-matter being wide and comprehensive He gave us the benefit of his thought and wit upon such topics as The Boston Tea Party Washington in the West Our First Inhabitants The Original Ohio Land Company etc etc but the crowning favor was bestowed just one year ago on Washington's birthday when his subject was Americanization at Home and Abroad We marveled as we sat enthralled by his eloquence how ...