Ohio History Journal

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"Hayes Memorial," by Lucy E. Keeler. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 481-490.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 fought for freedom and tolerance and your Society with its new facilities can do much to see that that fight was not in vain In this work which we think of great value your elder sister pledges you its constant and sincere help with the conviction that the glory and achievement of one is that of all Mr Greve is a graduate of Harvard and the Cincinnati Law school a prominent attorney of Cincinnati and author ...

"Stone Graves in Brown County, Ohio," by Gerard Fowke. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 193-204.
... STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO BY GERARD FOWKE On both sides of the Ohio river from Manchester Ohio to Dover Kentucky a distance of twenty-five miles were formerly many stone graves or cairns A few stood at varying intervals for some miles below Dover and as far up the river as Huntington West Virginia and some remain along North Fork of Licking river in Mason county Kentucky They were most abundant from Manchester to Ripley on the Ohio side of the river ...

"A Classification of Ohio Place-Names," by William Coyle. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 273-282.
... A CLASSIFICATION OF OHIO PLACE-NAMES A CLASSIFICATION OF OHIO PLACE-NAMES by WILLIAM COYLE Associate Professor of English Wittenberg College For the academic mind classification is an occupational disease But sifting data into logical categories is a harmless though pedestrian form of mental exercitation which may possess a certain value in suggesting new approaches to the data or in providing a framework for systematic examination and discussion Although the full story behind each Ohio ...

"What An Historical Building Should Do For Pittsburgh," by Clarence S. Brigham. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 111-119.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...

Volume 52, Number 4, October-December, 1943, pp. 373-384.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The History of the State of Ohio Edited by Carl Wittke Vol I The Foundations of Ohio By Beverley W Bond Jr Vol II The Frontier State 1803-1825 By William T Utter Vol III The Passing of the Frontier 1825-185 0 By Francis P Weisenburger Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1941-2 Vol I xx507p Illustrations and maps Vol II xiv454p Illustrations maps and tables Vol III xiv524p Illustrations and maps 2500 per set of 6 volumes For the early history ...

"The Rise of the Denominational College," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 52-58.
... THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE BY RUSSELL M STOREY Of all the groups that had their part in the early educational life of the Ohio Valley none more completely ran the gamut of pioneer experiences than the founders and builders of the denominational colleges They were hewers of wood and drawers of water in their persons they combined the functions of builder janitor teacher business manager and president together with whatever other odds and ends ...

"Robert Cumming Schenck, First Citizen and Statesman of the Miami Valley," by Fred B. Joyner. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 286-297.
... ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND STATESMAN OF THE MIAMI VALLEY by FRED B JOYNER Professor of History Miami University In 1937 in a radio address celebrating Founders Day of Miami University President A H Upham called attention to the fact that the university had sent two ambassadors to the Court of St James Whitelaw Reid was one Robert Cumming Schenck was the other The work of the former is well known The career of Schenck is less well known A ...

"Response and President's Address," by H. W. Elson. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 161-166.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 16 1 commemorated in our own beautiful memorial building holding his library and numerous family relics while his remains with those of his wife lie beneath the family monument on the beautiful knoll in Spiegel Grove which is approached only by traversing the original Harrison trail of the war of 1812 As coworkers in this field of historic investigation we welcome you to our capital and lay open ...

"Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 484-545.
... THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO December 15 1920 930 A M Pursuant to a call issued December 10 1920 the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session at the Museum and Library Building The meeting was called to order by President Campbell The following members were present G Frederick Wright Daniel J Ryan Waldo C Moore W O Thompson E F Wood J ...

"Simon Kenton-Thomas W. Cridland, Pioneers," by Walter D. McKinney. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 117-131.
... SIMON KENTON -- THOMAS W SIMON KENTON - - THOMAS W CRIDLAND PIONEERS BY WALTER D MCKINNEY Today it is my great privilege to place in the custody of this Society the framed portrait of a man This I might do in short form which would be forgotten at the conclusion of the ceremony but the subject of the portrait and the portrait itself -- and the maker of the frame and the frame itself -- are deserving of greater consideration by the society and myself The subject of the portrait is Simon Kenton ...

"The 1856 Election in Ohio: Moral Issues in Politics," Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 24-44.
... VICTOR B VICTOR B HOWARD The 1856 Election in Ohio Moral Issues in Politics In recent years a growing number of social scientists have taken the position that ethnic and cultural diversity of American society and not ideologies of platforms of the major parties have been the chief factors in determining American political alignments1 Samuel P Hays insists that party ideologies never reflect the major concern of the local electorate and on that level ethno-cultural issues are much more ...

"The First Constitution: What Influenced its Adoption and its Influence on Ohio," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 11-23.
... Centennial Celebration Centennial Celebration 11 The court house square was soon covered with stone and lumber for the present building but the corner stone was not laid until July 12th 1855 when the Hon Thomas Scott and myself had the honor of delivering addresses on the occasion from a point where the northeast pillar of the portico now stands Such was my personal connection with the building on whose frontage we have this day placed a tablet commemorating 'The site on which stood the first ...

"Edward Livingston Taylor," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 322-325.
... 322 Ohio Arch 322 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and the other the officers of the American fleet of Commodore Perry and the British fleet of Captain Barclay The day's outing was delightfully closed by a steam-yacht trip from Port Clinton to Put-in-Bay where a short stop was made and a glimpse taken of the proposed site of the monument to be erected in September 1912 commemorative of Perry's encounter on Lake Erie EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR An innumerable host of admiring acquaintances ...

"Ohio's German-Language Press and the Peace Negotiations," by Carl Wittke. Volume 29, Number 1, January, 1920, pp. 49-79.
... OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BY CARL WITTKE Instructor in American History Ohio State University Long before the conclusion of the armistice all of Ohio's German-language newspapers that had survived the trials and stress of the first years of the war had completed their strategic retreat from a position of open pro-Germanism to one of unswerving loyalty to the cause of America At the beginning of the war it was perhaps to ...

"Ohio History Conference, The," Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 411-468.
... THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE In order to formally launch the new and enlarged program of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society particularly as it concerns local and county historical societies colleges and universities and juvenile interests a state-wide Conference was called for Friday February 7 to which all members of the Society and all others interested were invited Special invitations were extended to all the local historical societies in the ...

"William Cortenus Schenck, Pioneer and Statesman of Ohio," by Fred B. Jones. Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 363-371.
... WILLIAM CORTENUS SCHENCK PIONEER AND WILLIAM CORTENUS SCHENCK PIONEER AND STATESMAN OF OHIO By FRED B JOYNER It is the purpose of this sketch to resurrect from oblivion a pioneer and statesman of early Ohio William Cortenus Schenck For some time I have been studying the life of Robert Cumming Schenck the illustrious son of this early pioneer Through a study of the Schenck papers now in my possession through the courtesy of Mrs J Sprigg McMahon of New York City I have become convinced that the ...

"The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics: Division of the Democracy, 1858" Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 157-192.
... LORLE A LORLE A PORTER The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics Division of the Democracy 1858 The division of the Democratic party in 1857-58 over the issue of the Lecompton Constitution for Kansas proved to be a decisive turning point in American history President James Buchanan by accepting this semi-fradulent attempt to admit Kansas into the Union as a slave state bitterly divided the only remaining national party Senator Stephen A Douglas the Little Giant opposed the constitution and ...

"The Ohio Experience: A Symposium on Historic Sites Administered by the Ohio Historical Society," Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 244-263.
... The Ohio Experience A Symposium The Ohio Experience A Symposium On Historic Sites Administered By the Ohio Historical Society THE FOLLOWING FIVE PAPERS were given by members of the staff of the Ohio Historical Society at the annual meeting of the North American Association of Historic Sites Public Officials held in Columbus October 7 1957 They deal with five different aspects of the Society's work with its historic properties acquisition development interpretation financing and administration ...

"Mary Dean Vincent Mound," by A. B. Coover. Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 36-43.
... MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND A B COOVER Mr Coover is a Life Member of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and has assisted Prof W C Mills in many of the archaeological explorations made by the Society Mr Coover acted as Curator of the Museum of the Society during the absence of Prof Mills while in charge of the Society's exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition It was during this time that Mr Coover made the explorations herein described - EDITOR Under directions ...

"Presentation of McGuffey Readers," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 157-180.
... PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS On Tuesday evening February 15 1927 a meeting of unusual interest was held in the audience room of the Museum and Library Building on the Ohio State University Campus The program announced a joint session of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio The purpose of the meeting is indicated in the following announcement The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio presents to the Ohio ...