Ohio History Journal

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"Legislation in the Northwest Territory," by A. A. Graham. Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 303-318.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY MARCH 1888LEGISLATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY APRIL 2 1788 a band of forty-eight pioneers left the mouth of the Voughiogheny in the Mayflower of the West Floating out into the Monongahela they emerged on the broad bosom of the Ohio and began an easier journey down that beautiful river to their chosen homes in the valley below Five days after they landed on the bank of the Muskingum river at its confluence with the Ohio and the first ...

"The Ohio Free Soilers and Problems of Factionalism," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 17-32, notes 89-93.
... THE OHIO FREE SOILERS AND PROBLEMS OF FACTIONALISM by FREDERICK J BLUE The history of the Free Soil party in Ohio from 1849 until it was dissolved in 1854 was one of incessant factional conflict One source of controversy was the question whether the party should form a coalition with one of the major parties or should continue as a separate party This controversy over the organization of the party was finally successfully resolved when Free Soil leaders helped form the new Republican party and ...

"History of the Underground Railroad in Mechanicsburg," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 209-254.
... HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN MECHANICSBURG BY RALPH M WATTS Champion of those who groan beneath Oppression's iron hand In view of penury hate and death I see thee fearless stand Still bearing up thy lofty brow In the steadfast strength of truth In manhood sealing well the vow And promise of thy youth Go on for thou hast chosen well On in the strength of God Long as one human heart shall swell Beneath the tyrant's rod Speak in a suffering nation's ...

"Ohio's Deep Roots in Connecticut," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 74-82.
... OHIO'S DEEP ROOTS IN CONNECTICUT OHIO'S DEEP ROOTS IN CONNECTICUT By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS To Elijah Backus Esq one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of New London Comes Zebedee Wood one of the Granjurors of our Soverign Lord the King for the County of New London and Complains amp Gives Your Worshop to Understand that Gideon Baker of Norwich in Said County was on or about the Midle of August Last Guilty of Transgression of Law in Sd Norwich for that he the Sd Baker Did Breek ...

Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 407-418.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director Herbert Bronstein has been appointed assistant to the director His appointment became effective in June In celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the arrival of the first Jews in America the archives has published a special large tercentenary issue of the American Jewish Archives a second part to which will appear in January 1955 In the next few weeks the first of a ...

"Mrs. Kite's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 360-362.
... 360 Ohio Arch 360 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dresses followed by Hon Geo E Pomeroy of Toledo Past Governor of Society Colonial Wars Prof G F Frederick Wright Hon James M Richardson of Cleveland President General Sons of the American Revolution and Colonel Webb C Hayes To all who attended the exerices were of great interest and made the day memorable while the hospitality of Port Clinton's patriotic people to all the visiting delegates will long be gratefully remembered Prof Wright ...

"Campus Martius Secured," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 297-299.
... Editorialana Editorialana 297 Section 2 That the care and control of the site of Fort Laurens located in Tuscarawas county Ohio and being the first fort established west of the Ohio river shall be vested in the board of trustees of the Ohio archaeological and historical society who shall hold the lands and property thereon subject to such use as the general assembly may by law direct Section 3 That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act and defraying the expenses of the ...

"The Kirtland Phase of Mormonism," by W. J. McNiff. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 261-268.
... THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM By W J MCNIFF Kirtland Ohio was but a stepping stone for the Mormons as they restlessly pushed on towards the setting sun Somewhere in the West they planned a city of Zion Their leader prophesied a land of milk and honey gleaming with alabaster towers where righteousness would reign in the hearts of man The Kirtland phase came as an interlude between the future Zion of Missouri and the scornful attitude of the New Yorker In 1 827 ...

"Stanton-The Patriot," by Andrew Carnegie. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 290-310.
... STANTON -THE PATRIOT STANTON -THE PATRIOT ANDREW CARNEGIE At Gambier Ohio April 26 1906 there occurred an event deserving of more than a passing notice It was the occasion of the presentation to Kenyon College by Colonel John J McCook of New York one of the Ohio Family of the famous fighting McCooks of an oil portrait of Edwin M Stanton who was a student at Kenyon The painting was from the brush of the distinguished artist Charles P Filson Steubenville Ohio At the same time formal announcement ...

Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 349-359.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The meeting of the society on May 5 was addressed by John H Davison on the subject How We Came To Be Where We Are a review of the conquest of the Ohio Country Recent issues of the Reporter have carried a record of soldiers of the War of 1812 buried in Allen County Persons having additional information on such soldiers are requested to communicate with the society so as to make ...

Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 170-173.
... CARL W CARL W ALBRECHT Book Notes The Papers of Henry Bouquet Volume 5 September 1 1760-October 31 1761 Edited by Louis M Waddell John L Tottenham and Donald H Kent Harrisburg The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1984 xxx 875p illustrations bibliography chronology index Henry Bouquet born in Switzerland in 1719 passed his early military training and experience in the service of several European states In 1756 he was recruited to serve as a lieutenant colonel in the Royal American ...

"Free Love in Ohio: Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit Fruit Colony," by Robert S. Fogarty and H. Roger Grant. Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 206-221.
... ROBERT S ROBERT S FOGARTY AND H ROGER GRANT Free Love in Ohio Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit Fruit Colony During the closing years of the nineteenth century Americans frequently read newspaper and magazine reports of a new wave of communitarianism Just as individuals of good hope united in the antebellum period to create the Bethels Zoars Fruitlands and other utopias colony building likewise flourished after the Civil War particularly during the cataclysmic depression of the mid1890s While ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 190-204.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR VERILY THE WORLD DO MOVE Under this caption the Lancaster Daily Eagle of September 13 1927 publishes the following editorial In another portion of this paper we reproduce possibly for the twentieth time a resolution supposed to have been passed by a Lancaster School Board away back a hundred years ago in 1828 These records of the school board of that period are not obtainable and even though they were this resolution denying ...

"Minutes of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 584-683.
... MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETMINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 1927 FORENOON SESSION 1000 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present Dr B F Prince Arthur C Johnson Dr W O Thompson Gen Edward Orton Jr George F Bareis Dr Frank C Furniss C B Galbreath Mrs C B Galbreath Mrs Orson D Dryer Edwin F Wood Joseph C Goodman Fred J ...

Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 89-92.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Illinois Census Returns 1 80 -1818 Edited by Margaret Cross Norton Illinois State Historical Library Collections XXIV Statistical Series II Springfield Illinois Illinois State Historical Library 1935 32 9p Illinois Cens u s Ret urn s 1820 Edited by Margaret Cross Norton Illinois State Historical Library Collections XXVI Statistical Series III Springfield Illinois Illinois State Historical Library I934 466p The first volume of the Statistical Series Illinois Election ...

"Society-a Half Century of Progress, The," by John F. Carlisle. Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 375-390.
... PROCEEDINGS 375 PROCEEDINGS 375 Mr Sherman a musical program of three numbers was given by Mr Franklin Price of Circleville He sang Until by Sanderson Lift Thine Eyes by Logan and To Horse to Horse by Stephens Following the musical program Mr John F Carlisle gave the following address appropriate to the occasion his subject being The Society--a Half Century of Progress There are doubtless persons in this audience who have gathered here as to their father's house They salute their Society on ...

"The Pease Map of the Connecticut Western Reserve," by Russel H. Anderson. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 270-278.
... THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT WESTERN RESERVE by RUSSELL H ANDERSON The Connecticut Western Reserve in northeastern Ohio is of such special importance in the history of the Old Northwest that the early maps of the area are of particular value and interest The first printed map of the Reserve the Pease map of 1798 and its subsequent revision of 1807-8 as the Pease and Tappen map was published in such a way as to cause some confusion It is the purpose of this ...

"Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths: A Speech of Frederick Douglass," Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 3-9, notes 67.
... Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths A Speech of Frederick Douglass ed it ed by LARRY G ARA In the spring of 1852 Frederick Douglass visited Cincinnati to attend an antislavery convention Douglass a former slave had already gained national renown as a writer editor and speaker1 While in Cincinnati Douglass frequently spoke and also took the occasion to carry his message to another town in the area Harveysburg in Warren County Ohio where he addressed a church congregation In his speech2 ...

"Centennial Anniversiary of the Birth of Ulysses S. Grant," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 221-288.
... CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ULYSSES S GRANT BY C B GALBREATH CELEBRATION AT POINT PLEASANT CLERMONT COUNTY OHIO Of all citizens of the United States born in Ohio the most famous in his day and generation as Judge Hugh L Nichols has observed was General Ulysses S Grant That he still holds that high place among the distinguished sons that Ohio has given to the Republic and the world was attested by the outpouring of people to celebrate the ...

"Accessions to Archaeological Collection," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 253-254.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 253 Fortieth Annual Meeting 253 186--addition Mrs Gardiner adds 13 dolls to collection 103-'25 NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTION 9--addition Mastodon and elk teeth presented by Mr C M Ault Piketon O 2-20-'25 29--Collection of mussel shells presented by Mrs F L Cornell Black Lick O 3-24-'25 30--Specimen of coral presented by Mr E P Wilson Columbus O 5-16-'25 31--Fossil shark tooth presented by Mr H C Baird Pataskala O 8-24-'25 32--Stalactite presented by Mr E W Eley New Orleans ...