Ohio History Journal

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"Address of Professor Fish (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 344-349.
... 344 Ohio Arch 344 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Of which we too may but a portion b e In that sum-total solidarity Of human beings spread across the earth In generations birth succeeding birthThe living who raise the citadels we know The dead whose bones earth bosomed long ago And this good company that meets today Proves the large truth of what I've sought to say For why should we whose daily tasks alone So press upon us that we scarcely own The present hour still take on us to gaze ...

"Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the OHio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 27, Number 4, October, 1918, pp. 511-552.
... THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOC I ETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO September 25 1918 The meeting was called to order by President G Frederick Wright There were present G Frederick Wright George F Bareis W H Cole B F Prince W L Curry E F Wood Mrs Howard Jones J S Roof J E Campbell H F Burket D J Ryan A M Schlesinger J M Henderson William Walker E O Randall D H Gard W C Mills H C Shetrone L P Schaus J ...

"J. Morton Howell: His Gift to the Museum of the Ohio State Archaeological Society," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 321-325.
... J J MORTON HOWELL HIS GIFT TO THE MUSEUM OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY When Egypt had attained the degree of independence that entitled her to an envoy extraordinary and a minister plenipotentiary from the United States President Harding made a survey to determine who would be best suited to inaugurate diplomatic relations between our country and the ancient seat of civilization in the Valley of the Nile Very naturally such a person was found among the native sons of Ohio Dr J ...

"The Shandon Centennial," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 1-11.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE SHANDON CENTENNIAL ALBERT SHAW NEW YORK On August 26 and 27 1903 there was held at Shandon Butler County Ohio a centennial celebration of the Congregational Church and community of that place The order of exercises embraced addresses by the Reverend M P Jones Pastor of the Church Mrs M P Jones Mr Stephen R Williams Mr Minter C Morris Mr Stanley M Roland Mr Michael Jones Miss Edna Manuel Dr W O Thompson Mr Murat Halstead and Dr Albert ...

"Richard Plantaganet Llewellyn Baber: A Sketch and Some of His Letters," edited by Duane Mowry. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 370-381.
... RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER A SKETCH AND SOME OF HIS LETTERS DUANE MOWRY A few months since we received from Mr Duane Mowry of Milwaukee Wisconsin duplicates of some letters written by Mr R P L Baber formerly of Columbus Ohio to Judge James R Doolittle at one time United States Senator from Wisconsin With the view of publishing these letters Mr Mowry wrote the late E L Taylor for information concerning Mr Baber Mr Taylor's reply was also forwarded us ...

"A Confederate Prisoner at Camp Chase: Letters and a Diary of Private James W. Anderson," by George C. Osborn. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 38-57.
... A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE Letters and A Diary of Private James W Anderson by GEORGE C OSBORN Associate Professor of the Social Sciences University of Florida Since this article is drawn almost wholly from the diary and letters of Private James W Anderson perhaps a brief sketch of this Confederate soldier's early life will not be amiss James Anderson was born on a farm in McNary County Tennessee in 1835 He secured what little formal education he ...

"The Arkansas Traveller," Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 296-308.
... THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER By THOMAS WILSON U S NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON D C Some years of my teens were passed in the town of Salem Columbiana county Ohio This was before any railroads passed through that country I remember the first meeting of citizens ever held there under the direction of Mr Zadok Street for the purpose of securing subscriptions of money or right-of-way for the construction of what was then to be the Ohio amp Pennsylvania Railway afterwards the ...

Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 463-475.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently acquired a Kodagraph film reader a gift from the president James A MacDonell Several old Lima newspapers have been microfilmed up to 1912 Current papers have been filmed since January 1 1947 During recent months the society has been engaged in a campaign to collect unpaid pledges for the proposed 175000 museum A large percentage of the necessary funds ...

"Relief for Soldier's Families in Ohio During the Civil War," by Joseph E. Holliday. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 97-112, notes 194-196.
... AN ACT AN ACT For the r e li e f of the families of volunteers in the State or United States service SE CTION 1 Be it enacted by t h e General Assembly of the State of Tax levied Ohio That for the reli ef of the necessities of the families of volunthree-fifths of a teers who now are or hereafte r may be in the service of this st at e mill on the or the United S tates there be and hereby is levied and assessed for dollar valuathe ye a r 1862 three-fifths of one mill on the dollar v aluation on ...

"Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death" Ann Clymer Bigelow. Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 5-25.
... Bigelow Winter-Spring 2001 pp 5-25 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M Edmiston The Fabric of His Life and Death By Ann Clymer Bigelow My Poor Father was a man of fine fealing but the Cold hand of death Laid him low from the journal of Evan Edmiston1 Dozens of ...

"Joshua Reed Giddings: A Champion of Political Freedom," by Byron R. Long. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 1-47.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSHUA REED GIDDINGS A CHAMPION OF POLITICAL FREEDOM BY BYRON R LONG There never was a time perhaps when there was less need for furnishing material for readers than just now The worldwar has been productive of thot and action such as has enlisted thousands of good writers who are keeping record of incidents and are setting down impressions which are moving the souls of men as profoundly as any that human life has experienced The excuse for ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 194-224.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History A Comprehensive Reference Book of Special Interest to Teachers in Ohio Schools Compiled by George F Jenny Columbus Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission 1953 124p 050 A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History is at once the most comprehensive and the most challenging publication of its nature that has come to our desk Inspirational seems a misnomer for a work of this sort but it is just that Surely ...

"Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for 'Art for Art's Sake,'" Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 112-117.
... COMMERCIAL VS COMMERCIAL VS SCIENTIFIC COLLECTING A PLEA FOR ART FOR ART'S SAKE WARREN K MOOREHEAD Curator of Archaeology Phillips Academy Andover Mass It occurs to me that so far as it could be accomplished without infringing upon the rights of individuals museum curators should combine against dealers in archeological specimens There seem to be two classes of these men and the one should not be confounded with the other Of recent years the dealers of archaeologic specimens have increased to ...

"High Lights in Ohio Literature," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 255-279.
... HIGH LIGHTS IN OHIO LITERATURE HIGH LIGHTS IN OHIO LITERATURE BY EMILIUS O RANDALL PhB Cornell LLB LLM O S U LLD Ohio An address delivered before the OHIO SOCIETY OF NEW YORK at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on the evening of November 12 1917 Matthew Arnold the apostle of sweetness and light in one of his delightful after-dinner speeches before the Royal Academy reminded his hearers that Fauriel the French literary historian tells of a company of Greeks settled somewhere in Southern Italy in the ...

Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 311-337.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Refugees of Revolution The German Forty-Eighters in America By Carl Wittke Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1952 x385p index 600 At any time Carl Wittke's Refugees of Revolution would at once take its place as an important contribution to our knowledge of the national history But its appearance now is especially timely both because the centennial of the Revolutions of 1848 has been recently observed and because the United States has again received many ...

"Presentation of McGuffey Readers," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 157-180.
... PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS On Tuesday evening February 15 1927 a meeting of unusual interest was held in the audience room of the Museum and Library Building on the Ohio State University Campus The program announced a joint session of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio The purpose of the meeting is indicated in the following announcement The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio presents to the Ohio ...

"William Corless Mills: In Memoriam," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 205-219.
... WILLIAM CORLESS MILLS WILLIAM CORLESS MILLS IN MEMORIAM The founder of an institution of merit with an assured future is peculiarly fortunate Through the early years of its growth he may struggle onward with meager means to overcome indifference and more serious obstacles but when success at last crowns a life devoted to a worthy purpose when the founder lives to see his work recognized and on every side accorded the meed of praise the satisfaction of such a triumph is more gratifying than a ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 722-726.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS The first annual conference of superintendents of parks under the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Museum and Library building August 7 and 8 1929 The work of the conference is set forth in the following PROGRAM FIRST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS Ohio State Museum August 7 and 8 1929 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 7 I 5 Introduction and ...

"The Northwest," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 155-156.
... GIRTY'S ISLAND GIRTY'S ISLAND BY N B C LOVE DESHLER O Girty's Island in the Maumee River a hundred years ago was the headquarters of the Indians and was the home for a time of Simon Girty Rich in verdant foliage of varied green And many kindred growth of stately trees Plants flowers and vines with nectar for bees Blended in a quivering summer sheen And around the waters ebbying tide Bending low long boughs with vines interlace And reflect in the liquid mirror's face Scintillating like moving ...

"Diary of Manasseh Cutler," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 221-224.
... Editorialana Editorialana 221 manding why Rogers and his men had come thither without his permission and what was their errand Up to this time the shrewd and ambitious chieftain had been the firm ally of the French but when Rogers informed him that Canada had been surrendered to the English and that he was on his way to take possession of Detroit the calumet was smoked and harmony seemed established Then follow the details of the Pontiac conspiracy Pontiac the great Ottawa Chief may be ...