Ohio History Journal

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"Address of Hon. Samuel H. Doyle" (Treaty of Greenville Centennial) Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 256-257.
... 256 Ohio Arch 256 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL H DOYLE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in this celebration We have a common interest in this historic event with you I will detain you but a few minutes We have been together and associated together in four of the great important events that have touched the Northwest When Wolfe met the French at Quebec this territory was ...

Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 419-432.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Taft Story By William S White New York Harper amp Brothers 1954 x282p illustrations and index 350 Within certain limits William S White a very able New York Times Washington correspondent has produced a useful study of the late Senator Taft It should be added quickly however that the limits are indeed limited The book does not pretend to be a biography in fact it is without documentation woefully out of balance and loosely put together Still there emerges a ...

"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton," edited by James H. Rodabaugh. Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 1-27.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1956 From England to Ohio 1830-1832 The Journal of Thomas K Wharton Edited by JAMES H RODABAUGH This is the journal of an immigrant boy who came from his native England to the United States in 1830 and lived for nearly two years in Ohio It was transcribed by the author in 1854 and here and there recollections were added It is an interesting journal for several reasons It relates in detail the story of the ...

"Mound Builders of Ohio, The," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 148-151.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Really of what value to any one are the opinions of Mr Fowke The society cannot afford to become sponsors for Mr Fowkes' eccentricities It is far better that the entire edition be suppressed and all the books sent out recalled than that the society should suffer from this most inconsiderate of books If the Executive Committee will take such action it will not only meet with my approval but I will advocate the same before the entire Board ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 403-408.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OLENTANGY RIVER The name Olentangy applied to an important tributary of the Scioto River has been a puzzler to the etymologists It is said to be of Indian origin but its root significance has never been determined The statement is made in the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications Vol 6 page 93 that this name was legalized through the interest of Colonel Kilbourne We are told that in the year 1833 Colonel ...

"An Ohio Army Officer of World War I: Major General Joseph T. Dickman," by Sister Mary Clement Stueve. Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 34-66.
... AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH T DICKMAN by SISTER MARY CLEMENT STUEVE CPPS The various political and economic upheavals which invariably follow major wars often tend to obscure the history of the men who were personally engaged in the conflicts And men who gave their entire life to a military career and who are necessarily absent from boyhood surroundings are sometimes quickly forgotten by their native localities Joseph Theodore ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1900-1930," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 214-243.
... Learning and Piety in Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1900-1930 By SHERMAN B BARNES FACED WITH AN expanding subdivision of knowledge growing vocational ambitions and increasing enrollments in the early decades of the present century Ohio colleges began to find difficulty in keeping in balance their traditional system of combining learning with religious faith When President Barrows hoped that Oberlin would never become a place where God is politely bowed out of the classroom he observed ...

"The Short Life of Manhattan, Ohio," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 376-398.
... The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio By JOHN W WEATHERFORD Lured on by the geographical promise of the Maumee Valley and by the venturesome spirit of the times speculators in the middle 1830's scattered a brood of infant towns along the Maumee River there to compete for their lives If the founders and inhabitants of these rival towns--Port Lawrence Vistula Oregon Maumee Perrysburg Marengo and Manhattan--agreed on anything it was on the future greatness of the ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 101-106.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 for the purpose of recapturing the lost arts of prehistoric man in the utilization of flint and other lithic materials and for the establishment of a laboratory of actual materials to be used for purposes of comparison This project it will be recalled was financed by Messrs Arthur C Johnson and H Preston Wolfe pending other sources of support The Director had hoped that the Lithic Laboratory might become a ...

"Winthrop Sargent," by Charles Sprague Sargent. Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 229-236.
... WINTHROP SARGENT WINTHROP SARGENT BY CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT Winthrop Sargent IV Harvard A M 1771 b Gloucester May 1 1753 d on a steamer near New Orleans La January 3 1820 m Rebecca daughter of Colonel Benjamin Tupper1 by whom he had a child who died in infancy m second Natchez Mississippi October 24 1798 Mary widow of Daniel Williams and daughter of James McIntosh2 and Eunice Hawley b Stratford Connecticut January 20 1764 d Philadelphia January 9 1844 After leaving Cambridge Mr Sargent ...

"The Ohio Canal: An Account of its Completion to Chillicothe," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 597-604.
... THE OHIO CANAL THE OHIO CANAL AN ACCOUNT OF ITS COMPLETION TO CHILLICOTHE BY GEORGE PERKINS About this time 1831 the news of the completion of the Ohio Canal reached our village This immense undertaking was brought about by the lack of proper means of transportation The roads throughout the state were primitive The wagons that traversed them were inadequate to transport products and needed goods and a universal sentiment was aroused for building a canal Uncle John Briggs and Samuel Probst ...

Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 89-114.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Kensington Stone A Mystery Solved By Erik Wahlgren Madison University of Wisconsin Press 1958 xiv228p illustrations bibliography and index 500 Few artifacts of American history have aroused as much interest as the Kensington stone This stone with its runic inscriptions supposedly discovered by a Minnesota farmer in 1898 has been the subject of several books by Hjalmar Holand No American scholar has taken the trouble to examine in detail the case which Holand has ...

"Industrial Beginnings in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 242-253.
... INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO By WILLIAM ALEXANDER MABRY The abundance of fertile land was unquestionably the lodestone which attracted most of the early settlers to the Ohio Country But along with the pioneer farmers came numbers of skilled mechanics to build the boats and erect the little mills and shops that were so much needed to furnish those necessities that could not be profitably brought from the East No tariff was necessary to protect the infant ...

"Fowke's Book Reviewed," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 143-148.
... Fowke's Book Reviewed Fowke's Book Reviewed 143 which seem to be very real and very correct This should also be the case with the person who studies the earthworks of Ohio He should be so familiar with ancient Society as to make the monuments speak and interpret the works and relics so that they will be suggestive of the people who used them A negative criticism does not serve any good purpose Every writer should rise to a plane higher than the ordinary observer and should put into the works ...

"'I Whipped Six Texans: A Civil War Letter of an Ohio Soldier," edited by Frank L. Klement. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 180-182, notes 203-204.
... I Whipped Six Texans A Civil War Letter of an Ohio Soldier edited by FRANK L KLEMENT James Pike a grandnephew of Zebulon M Pike the noted explorer was an unusual soldier in more ways than one He was the son of Sam Pike an outspoken critic of the Lincoln administration and a longtime editor of the Hillsboro Weekly Gazette the organ of Copperheadism in Highland County while the son performed heroically on the battlefields the father was accused of secessionist sympathies James Pike's prewar ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884, Part II," Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 390-427.
... PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 mental illness they were eager to consult psychiatrists of the Veterans Administration or in private practice Thus the public as a whole has gained considerably from this tremendous growth of psychiatry Some of the secrecy and shame which people felt when consulting a psychiatrist has faded Indeed some individuals are as proud of speaking about their psychiatrists as the patients who speak enthusiastically about their operations ...

"A History of Local Agricultural Societies in Ohio to 1865," Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 120-140.
... A HISTORY OF LOCAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES A HISTORY OF LOCAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES IN OHIO TO 1865 BY ROBERT LESLIE JONES Local agricultural societies are among the victims of the present war To cooperate in conserving rubber and in eliminating unnecessary travel many of them cancelled their fairs in 1942 and doubtless most if not all will do so in 194 3 The disappearance of the fairs even if it is temporary emphasizes their significance as an institution and makes it worth while to trace the ...

"Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 419-454.
... UNVEILING OF FORT RECOVERY MONUMENT UNVEILING OF FORT RECOVERY MONUMENT On July 1st at Fort Recovery the splendid monument just erected at that place was unveiled with imposing and fitting ceremonies This monument was the result of the generous appropriation of 25 000 made by Congress It commemorates the defeat of General St Clair on November 4 179 1 and the defeat of the Indians under Little Turtle in the Wayne campaign on June 30th and July 1st 1794 The monument is a beautiful shaft of stone ...

"Address of E. O. Randall" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 21-26.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 21 the rocky fortresses of the Appalachians Puritan and Cavalier looked down together upon the fair valley of the Ohio To them it was as the revelation to the prophet on Pisgah - the Promised Land They were permitted to enter But to hold it they fought with stubborn tenacity Every foot was contested But forward went this army across the prairies of Indiana and Illinois until the smoke curled from the settler's cabin on the banks of the ...

"War Mothers of Ohio," by Elizabeth L. Clark. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 518-520.
... 518 Ohio Arch 518 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Following Mr Burton's address President Johnson said We may well hope that a million radio listeners scattered from lakes to gulf and from coast to coast have been sitting at their instruments listening to these lessons of truth and magnetism We are greatly indebted to Mr Burton for the message which he has brought us I am sure you will all join in a vote of thanks to him for coming to Columbus and appearing before this assembly Mr ...