... FORT McARTHUR FORT McARTHUR The following address delivered by the late Dr A W Munson on Memorial day of 1895 at Shingle Grove near Ft McArthur burying ground was read at a recent D A R meeting in Kenton and will be especially interesting to our readers now as this year 1912 marks the centennial of the founding of the old fort Comrades and FriendsWe have met here on this pleasant afternoon of May 30 1895 in this beautiful grove beneath these grand forest trees around these graves to do honor ...
... A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN BY EDGAR B WESLEY John Allen author of the following letter was the son of James Allen and was born in Rockbridge County Virginia on December 30 17721 The family moved to Kentucky in 1787 and settled near the present Hustonville Lincoln County John experienced the usual excitements of the frontier and on one occasion pursued a band of Indians down Rolling Fork into what is now Casey County2 About 1790 the family moved to ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 31 liberty that we are enjoying to-day and I wish to say that upon this spot this historic spot that the tide turned in favor of the American nation in the war of 1812-13 How unfortunate you are to have within your corporate limits the most historic spot in the United States of America I never stood upon this ground upon this battlefield until today My mind turns back to my youthful days when I read of the bravery of Croghan and his 160 men and I ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE BEGINNING OF THE OHIO COMPANY AND THE SCIOTO PURCHASE BY MAJOR E C DAWES The beginning of the year 1783 saw the Revolutionary war virtually at an end although the final treaty of peace was not signed until September third The colonies had achieved their independence at the price of the lives of many and the fortunes of all of their defenders The Continental currency despite the fiat of the government had long since ceased to be of value ...
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...
... Address of Governor McKinley Address of Governor McKinley 207 ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR McKINLEY DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 8 1895 INTRODUCTION BY J R KNOX - The people of Ohio like to see their Governor the soldiers of the army like to see their old comrade everybody wants to see McKinley and I have the pleasure now fellow citizens of presenting to you Governor McKinley of Ohio who will now address you Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen Your president has said that the people of Ohio want ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS FELIX RENICK PIONEER BY CHARLES SUMNER PLUMB Professor of Animal Husbandry Ohio State University The following historical contribution relates to the life of a man who became a notable figure in the pioneer days of Ohio The motive underlying the preparation of this sketch is to pay tribute to the memory of Felix Renick in recognition of the great service he rendered to the improvement of American Shorthorn cattle According to William Renick ...
... THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED By permission of The Ohio Teacher The school histories have always said much about the Mecklenburg Resolutions being the prelude to the Declaration of Independence Indeed some histories make so much of it that you doubt if Thomas Jefferson would ever have mustered up courage sufficient to pen the immortal lines beginning When in the course of human events etc had he not had this brave precedent ...
... FORT ST FORT ST CLAIR CELEBRATION OF ST CLAIR DAY No history of the Northwest Territory would be complete without conspicuous reference to what is now Preble County Ohio Through its primeval forests General Arthur St Clair in the autumn of 1791 marched on his ill-fated expedition to disastrous defeat by the Indians near the present site of Fort Recovery to return later in disorderly retreat Over the same route General Anthony Wayne advanced with his legions by careful stages in October 1793 to ...
... INDEX VOLUME XXI INDEX VOLUME XXI Adams County Petroglyphs found in 213 Articles-Concluded Alder Jonathan Indians capture 266 The Indian village of Cush-og-wenk Anderson Judge Jas H - 432 Consul at Hamburg 490 The library at Paddy's Run 462 Political life of 490 Twenty-seventh annual meeting of Relations with Pres Lincoln 490 Society 468 Sketch of 489 Ashland CountySociety interest in 491 Hill's history of 383 Animals - Indians in 380 Bones of found in Jackson Co 192 Pioneer settlers of 384 ...
... JONATHAN ALDER JONATHAN ALDER COL WM CURRY The tales of adventure and bloodshed related by the early pioneers of Ohio of their dangers and hardships have been familiar to me since boyhood Among others of whom I heard many harrowing stories related by my father and other pioneers was of Jonathan Alder who was at one time a resident of Union county Ohio and a noted pioneer and frontiersman Like Captain Samuel Davis the famous Indian fighter he was taken captive by the Indians and the latter part ...
... FORT MORROW SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 FORT MORROW SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 HONORED According to an early historian of Marion County Ohio Nathaniel Wyatt Sr exchanged 80 acres of military land in Pickaway County for a tract of 200 acres in Section 3 Waldo Township Marion County On this tract he built the Wyatt Brick Tavern and on it was also built Fort Morrow in the year 1812 Wyatt's Hotel was comprised in the enclosure of the pickets made from split slats around the old fort The old ...
... JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION By HOWARD H PECKHAM When the Revolutionary War ended the new United States of America faced a problem that is acutely familiar to us today Nobody wanted to remain in the Army or Navy At the conclusion of the Revolution there were probably 20000 to 30000 men under arms The single unifying aim of the war -- independence from Great Britain - - appeared to have been won at least on the battlefield Acknowledgement of ...
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY COUNTRY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER My story will be confined to the sixteen miles which separate Fort Stephenson at the Lower Falls of the Sandusky river now Fremont from the banks of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Portage river Port Clinton the point visited by all Indians and French in coming from or going to Detroit and the northwest and later the point from which General Harrison's army left American soil to ...
... MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR It will always seem strange that the Indian tribes erected no monuments of an enduring character to mark the last resting place of their dead especially so as they had constantly before them the example of the burial mounds of the race that preceded them in the occupancy of the country as well as the later example of the white race whose custom of marking the graves of their dead was ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 581 Reviews Notes and Comments 581 the entire list of the regiment before finding the name of the soldier whose record is sought If the name of his regiment is not given the quest is almost hopeless In such cases it is a great saving of time to write at once to the War Department at Washington for the record This will not be necessary in searching for the record of a World War veteran Any person having access to this World War Roster can readily without assistance ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY MARCH 1888LEGISLATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY APRIL 2 1788 a band of forty-eight pioneers left the mouth of the Voughiogheny in the Mayflower of the West Floating out into the Monongahela they emerged on the broad bosom of the Ohio and began an easier journey down that beautiful river to their chosen homes in the valley below Five days after they landed on the bank of the Muskingum river at its confluence with the Ohio and the first ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1957 The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio By CARL G KLOPFENSTEIN The history of the removal of the Woodland Indians of the eastern half of the United States to new homes in the West in the 1830's and 1840's under the auspices of the United States government was a significant phase of the westward movement of the white man across the continent--if only for the fact that it was one solution employed in ...
... GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS By CARL WITTKE In Dr Quaife's announcement of plans for the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention I found the title and the theme for my address this evening The purpose of the Convention in the words of its general chairman is to cultivate and deepen our pride in the historical heritage which is the common possession of four great commonwealths and to assemble in pleasant association men and women of good will ...
... GOVERNORS OF OHIO 1803-1903 GOVERNORS OF OHIO 1803-1903 JEAN DICK CHEETHAM In accordance with the provisions of the constitution of 1802 Schedule Sec 6 an election for governor members of the general assembly etc was held on the second Tuesday of January 1803 Edward Tiffin being elected Chief Executive The General Assembly convened at Chillicothe on the first Tuesday of March 1803 but it was to hold regular sessions thereafter on the first Monday in December in every year Article 1 Sec 25 ...