Ohio History Journal

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"Hull's Trace or Trail," by Robert P. Kennedy. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 583-587.
... HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL BY GEN ROBT P KENNEDY In the early times the roads or passages cut through the heavy timber of the country were called traces or trails and thus we read about Zane's trace the roadway cut by Ebenezer Zane his brother Jonathan and his son-in-law John McIntyre from Wheeling on the Ohio River in Virginia to the Limestone on the Ohio River in Kentucky the first trace roadway or passage from the East to this section of the great northwest The trace which ...

"William Allen Trimble: United States Senator from Ohio," by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 225-246.
... WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO MARY MCARTHUR THOMPSON TUTTLE A woman's way of writing History differs essentially from the conventional style and methods approved by great historians It is well that this is so for the student of history obtains thus now and then a lighter more transparent atmosphere a more sympathetic view of a life than could be presented by the massive outlines of the great scholars who strive for the philosophy of life as well as ...

"Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and the 'Sandusky Country,'" by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 357-430.
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY COUNTRY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER My story will be confined to the sixteen miles which separate Fort Stephenson at the Lower Falls of the Sandusky river now Fremont from the banks of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Portage river Port Clinton the point visited by all Indians and French in coming from or going to Detroit and the northwest and later the point from which General Harrison's army left American soil to ...

Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 419-421.
... Historical News Historical News THE LOYOLA UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT has established an annual national master's essay competition open in the academic year 1959-60 The first William P Lyons Master's Essay Award will be made for the best essay submitted by July 15 1960 in manuscript form from those which have merited MA degrees from American universities during 1959-60 The award will recognize work that is exemplary in style and method based solidly on original sources and interpretatively ...

"McClellan's Western Virginia Campaign of 1861" by Richard O. Curry. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 83-96, notes 193-194.
... As the secession crisis in the Old Dominion approached its climax in May 1861 the Unionists of northwestern Virginia looked anxiously to the state of Ohio for deliverance from tyranny On May 26 1861 only three days after Virginia formally seceded from the Union Major General George B McClellan commander of the department of the Ohio launched his invasion to preserve western Virginia for the Union To his troops McClellan issued the first in a series of colorful if exaggerated manifestoes that ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1961-July 1962," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 240-253.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 BAIRD Clarke B Pataskala Memories Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 123-124 The author's recollections of archaeological finds in the 1890's Cache of 280 Blades Discovered by D E Baker Ohio Archaeologist XII 1962 7-9 Found in Defiance County along the banks of the Auglaize River GOSLIN Robert M Projectile Point in Elk Skeleton Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 85 The skeleton was found in Lake Mac-O-Chee Logan County PRUFER Olaf H The Paleo-Indian ...

"Major David Ziegler," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 127-174.
... MAJOR DAVID ZIEGLER MAJOR DAVID Z I EGLER BY GEORGE A KATZENBERGER A custom has grown up of commemorating the Centennial anniversary of the birth or death of prominent men as well as of other important events and as it is a hundred years since the death of the subject of this sketch and I fail to find David Ziegler's name in any of the indices of the nineteen volumes of the publications of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I have gathered a number of items concerning the ...

"George Will and George Will, Jr.: Pioneers Who Served Their Country Well," by Grace Reah Johnson. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 615-622.
... GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR HE following address was delivered by Grace Reah Johnson on October 26 1 93 0 dedicating a bronze memorial which marks the final resting place of George Will and George Will Junior in the cemetery at McArthur Ohio George Will was a soldier of the American Revolution and George Will Junior served with Anthony Wayne in the campaign of 1794 and also in the second war with Great Britain 181 2-14 They had lain buried in a neglected ...

"The Establishment of the Second Moravian Mission on the Pettquotting," by Fred Coyne Hamil. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 207-212.
... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION ON THE PETTQUOTTING by FRED COYNE HAMIL Assistant Professor of History Wayne University New Salem the original Moravian mission on the Pettquotting now the Huron River in northern Ohio was abandoned in 1791 after four troublous years In 1804 another settlement of Christian Indians was made close to the old site but it too failed after a few years and had to be given up This second venture had its ...

"Ships in the Wilderness: A Note on the Invasion of Canada, 1813," by Howard S. Miller and Jack Alden Clarke. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 124-128, notes 197-198.
... SHIPS IN THE WILDERNESS A NOTE ON THE INVASION OF CANADA 1813 by HOWARD S MILLER and JACK ALDEN CLARKE At the beginning of 1813 Lake Erie was dominated by a British naval force The English with their flotilla of transports came and went as they pleased supplying the troops that had occupied the whole of Michigan and now threatened Ohio It became increasingly apparent to President Madison and his closest military advisers that there was little chance of recovering Michigan and even less of ...

"Flatboating Down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio," edited by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 287-309.
... FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI 1867-1873 Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta Ohio PART I edited by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College I The phrase flatboating down the Ohio is apt to evoke a mental picture of an immigrant family setting off from Pittsburgh aboard a broadhorn or of a group of backwoodsmen from almost any tributary taking advantage of the spring freshets to get their ...

"Celeron's Journal (Concluded from page 377)," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 481-483.
... CELERON'S JOURNAL CELERON'S JOURNAL Concluded from page 377 The 9th of October I set out from the lower part of the Narrows and came to pass the night at Point Pelee During our voyage across Lake Erie nothing happened worth mentioning On the 19th I arrived at Niagara where I was delayed three days from stress of weather The 22d I set out from Niagara for the southern part of Lake Ontario so as to pass that way to Fort Frontenac It took me fourteen days to sail over this lake and many of my ...

"Colonel Frederick W. Galbraith, Jr.: Newly Elected National Commander of the American Legion," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 469-472.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 469 COLONEL FREDERICK W GALBRAITH JR NEWLY ELECTED NATIONAL COMMANDER OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Colonel Galbraith enjoys the distinction of having been both sailor and soldier in the course of his career He was born at Watertown Massachusetts May 6 1874 and later attended grammar school in Springfield that state He was graduated from a nautical training school at Boston in 1893 and served in various positions aboard American sailing ships ...

"Reminiscences of an Ohio Volunteer," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 304-323.
... REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER By PHILIP D JORDAN and CHARLES M THOMAS Introduction When Fort Sumter felt the crash of Confederate guns on April 12 1861 a nation knew that an irresistible conflict had at last reached a climax Chattering telegraph keys took the drama of Charleston harbor through the North in frantic haste In the village of Oxford Ohio students of Miami University were gathering for chapel services President John W Hall himself from the ...

"Powder Magazine at Fort Hamilton," by William C. Miller. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 404-407.
... POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON DR WILLIAM C MILLER It is generally understood that the Revolutionary War ended with the surrender of Cornwallis October 19 1781 and a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent acknowledging the independence of the colonies and by this treaty the United States were to have and hold as part of its domain the territory from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River and south of the Great Lakes except Florida which was ceded to Spain But did ...

"Conduct and Revolt in the Twenth-fifth Ohio Battery: An Insider's Account," by Dennis K. Boman. Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 163-183.
... DENNIS K DENNIS K BOMAN Conduct and Revolt in the Twenty-fifth Ohio Battery An Insider's Account On August 10 1861 in the town of Canfield Ohio twenty-eight year old Robert T McMahan enlisted as a private in the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry1 On September 3 the date of his muster he began a journal in which he noted the experiences and impressions of his service in the United States military2 McMahan first served as a cavalryman and then as a gunner for the Twenty-fifth Ohio Light Artillery ...

"Pioneer Life in Ashtabula County," by Joseph A. Howells. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 551-562.
... PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY BY JOSEPH A HOWELLS The days of the pioneers are past We may move into and settle a new country -- or a new part of our country -- but with the settler or immediately following him come the telegraph the railroad the printing office telephone electric lights water works churches and long before the first child born in the settlement is of age the place is an old town or city with all the modern improvements comforts and vices No ...

"James Backus: Citizen of Marietta, 1788-1791," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 161-172.
... JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS There are about 150 Horses Sixty Cows amp Seven Yoak of Oxen here The Emigrants that pass down the river for Kentucky amp other parts of the Western Country are amazing We have a militia formed who assemble every Sunday amp are fined for not attending We have preaching or service read regularly once a week likewise a school Thus wrote James Backus1 from Marietta to his parents in ...

"General Joshua Woodrow Sill," by Albert Douglas. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 105-119.
... GENERAL JOSHUA WOODROW SILL GENERAL JOSHUA WOODROW SILL BY ALBERT DOUGLAS FOREWORD With some sixty years intervening since the Civil War and with the generation of men and women to whom it was a fearful reality almost all gone from earth it cannot be hoped that many who knew him personally will read this slight memoir of one of Ohio's great and best soldiers of that war But to these few and especially to those who have urged me to use the letters and memoranda in my hands for the preparation ...

"Cornstalk, The Indian Chief," by Mrs. Orson D. Dryer. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 613-626.
... CORNSTALK THE INDIAN CHIEF CORNSTALK THE INDIAN CHIEF BY MRS ORSON D DRYER Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top When the wind blows the cradle will rock A certain queer little cradle hanging from a limb of a tree in a great green forest about the year 1720 is rocking to and fro as the soft summer wind sways the branches above it It is a gay and pretty cradle soft and warm with the skin of the moose and gorgeous with bird feathers and brightly colored quills of the porcupine and from it shine out ...