... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Indian Arts in North America By George C Vaillant New York and London Harper amp Brothers 1939 63p 96pl 500 This book is essentially a volume of plates illustrating the arts of the North American Indians Each of the ninety-six plates is a photograph of an actual specimen from either a prehistoric or historic Indian group The illustrations were selected with three factors in mind the tribal style the potential interest to a modern audience and the susceptibility of the ...
... 344 Ohio Arch 344 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications PIONEER DAY At the close of a very imposing Pioneer and Industrial parade the people gathered at LaBelle park and on the beautiful lawns that terrace the immediate neighborhood at the intersection of Fourth street and LaBelle avenue in full view of the Ohio river and under the shade of hundreds of trees they crowded to listen to the addresses Hon J J Gill a descendant of an old and honorable Mt Pleasant family as chairman of the day ...
... MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 by PAUL B SEARS Professor of Botany Oberlin College My theme is law It is a curious paradox that science whose practitioners proudly boast that they take nothing for granted rests upon faith Science is in fact what our theological friends would call an act of faith The faith to which I refer is a profound belief that the universe of our experience is a universe of law and order2 Without a conviction that the world of experience must ...
... MARVIN FLETCHER MARVIN FLETCHER War in the Streets of Athens On an August evening in 1904 terror struck the citizens of the small southeastern Ohio town of Athens Thousands of Ohio National Guard and regular army troops were on joint maneuvers in the area On the evening of August 19 some of the regulars marched into town with the aim of freeing one of their comrades who had been arrested by some national guardsmen and locked in the county jail When the military police tried to stop them the ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Nursing in Ohio A History By James H Rodabaugh and Mary Jane Rodabaugh Columbus The Ohio State Nurses' Association 1951 xiv 2 73p illustrations appendices source notes and index 400 Ohio for many years has shown unusual interest in the history of medicine Stimulated by the eager enthusiasm of Dr Jonathan Forman a group of researchers has met annually for more than a decade to add immeasurably to the knowledge of nineteenth-century science in the Middle West A steadily ...
... edited by edited by HENRY J YEAGER Nouvelles du Scioto The Story of a Fraud The original settlement of what is now southern Ohio at the end of the eighteenth century was marred by scandalous treatment of the French immigrants by the promoters of the Scioto Land Company Through its agency in Paris the company using misleading information sold land to Frenchmen eager to settle in America The Parisians suffered considerable physical hardship on their voyage to say nothing of the mental anguish in ...
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVII For Index of Authors see Contents ABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF Stevens H R A Study of Notable Ohioans 159-167 Abstract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 1 1938 215-217 Advancing the Ohio Frontier by Frazer Ells Wilson--Book review by J O M 188-191 American Frontier by Elisabeth Peck--Book review by Lois R Hiestand 374 AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS--FOREIGN ...
... THE BLACK HAND THE BLACK HAND JOHN D II M KINLEY The Licking river the Pataskala of the Indians as it draws near the eastern boundary of Licking county Ohio flows in a winding course for a distance of about two miles through a narrow and picturesque sandstone gorge known as the Licking Narrows High hills border upon both banks their rocky sides exposed in many places to a height of fifty to sixty feet almost continuously on the north bank and often rising out of the bed of the stream Just at ...
... The Chillicothe Germans by LA VERN J RIPPLEY For nearly a century an element of German culture could be observed in the community life of Chillicothe Ohio Until World War I brought an abrupt end to the general use of their language the Germans developed their own churches schools publications cultural societies and special activities on a scale comparable with other Ohio localities Now however half a century later the Chillicothe Germans as an ethnic group are little more than a dim memory ...
... DR DR WILLIAM A GALLOWAY Dr William A Galloway a life member of the Archaeological and Historical Society a scholarly gentleman long interested in the local history of his section of the State a public-spirited citizen and prominent physician died at his home in Xenia early in the afternoon of November 7 1931 He had been ill for almost a year as a result of ptomaine poisoning which left him with a weakened heart He seemed to rally from the attack in the early autumn This buoyed the hopes of ...
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 93 Mr Williams in presenting Gov James E Campbell said Conspicuous as Mr Randall was in many different and varied activities there is one field in particular where he stood pre-eminent and that was the field of archaeology Fine as he was in literary ability he there had his rivals happy as he was as an after-dinner speaker and toastmaster others there ventured to challenge his superiority but in knowledge of the early history of Ohio and of its ...
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 tions in manuscripts newspaper files and local history being especially notable ADDRESS OF CHARLES T GREVE At the conclusion of Mr Cathcart's address which was liberally applauded Professor Siebert introduced Mr Charles T Greve Secretary of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio and well-known author who spoke as follows Mr Chairman and Our Hosts The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...
... FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 by HARRY R STEVENS Duke University Since the days when Frederic L Ritter and Oscar G T Sonneck established modern musicology in the United States between 1883 and 1910 two simple but rigid traditions have dominated the writing of American musical history One is made up of the lives of composers and performers and descriptions of their work The second and more important one is the chronicle of ...
... JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN M JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN MD 1850-1936 by GEORGE M CURTIS MD James Fairchild Baldwin surgeon extraordinary was born in the little village of Orangeville New York on February 12 1850 He died at Columbus Ohio on January 20 1936 approximately 86 years of age He had practiced almost sixty years and nearly forty of these as a surgeon A master of his craft this rugged individualist was finally conquered by one of the surgical diseases of which the least was then known i e ...
... THE EXECUTION OF JOHN BROWN THE EXECUTION OF JOHN BROWN BY MURAT HALSTEAD The execution of John Brown was on the second of December 1859 the scene in a field a furlong south of Charlestown seven miles from Harper's Ferry The sensation caused by the John Brown raid was something wonderful The excitement of the whole country was out of all proportion to the material incidents The shock was because the feeling of the people that the slavery question had reached an acute stage and demanded ...
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 RIO GRANDE COLLEGE-REV J M DAVIS PRESIDENT When asked but a few hours ago to take part in the exercises of this forenoon I gladly consented for in my opinion no interest that has been developed in Gallia county in the first century of its settlement is more worthy of being brought to remembrance and notice than its educational interests and my connection for a number of years with Rio Grande college enables me to set forth briefly ...
... ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1945 To THE OFFICERS TRUSTEES AND MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Herewith is submitted the Annual Report of the Society for the year 1945 The cooperation and the many courtesies which you have shown to the staff personnel during the year are greatly appreciated Respectfully submitted April 1 2 19 46 HENRY C SHETRONE Director REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR The year 1945 was a ...
... AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH T DICKMAN by SISTER MARY CLEMENT STUEVE CPPS The various political and economic upheavals which invariably follow major wars often tend to obscure the history of the men who were personally engaged in the conflicts And men who gave their entire life to a military career and who are necessarily absent from boyhood surroundings are sometimes quickly forgotten by their native localities Joseph Theodore ...
... JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER by OPHIA D SMITH The man who made Arkansaw Traveler famous was not an ordinary country fiddler He was a courtly Italian gentleman a musical genius who might have become one of the great violinists of all time The melody as well as the story of the Arkansaw Traveler was attributed to Joseph Tosso over and over in the Cincinnati press during the sixty years he lived in that city He was renowned for his inimitable rendition of ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 557 THE OHIO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW Since the publication of the QUARTERLY for January 1920 frequent complaints have been made by the representatives of one of the dominant political parties in regard to the article entitled The Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law It has been charged that the author of that article Mr Mengert is a partisan that he has not stated fairly the leading facts in regard to the attitude of prominent public men ...