Ohio History Journal

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"Samuel Galloway," by Washington Gladden. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 263-278.
... Samuel Galloway Samuel Galloway 263 SAMUEL GALLOWAY BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN DD LL D It is hardly necessary to ask where the Galloways came from Their name bewrayeth them The southwesternmost peninsula of Scotland jutting out into the Irish Channel and separated by only a few miles of water from County Antrim in Ireland was known as the Galloway district Burns's country of Ayr was just north of it Carlyle's country of Ecclefechen and Dumfries was just east of it and Wordsworth's country of ...

"The Ohio Valley Historical Association Fifth Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30-November 1, 1911: The 'New Orleans' Centennial," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 1-125.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Fifth Annual Meeting Pittsburgh Pa October 30-November 1 1911 THE NEW ORLEANS CENTENNIAL Robert Fulton who had profited by the experiments and experiences of John Fitch and James Rumsey a score or more years before made a successful trial with the steamboat Clermont on the Hudson River in 1807 The success of the Clermont on the New York river inspired her owners Fulton Livingston and Roosevelt with the ...

"The Lebanon Centennial," Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 198-214.
... THE LEBANON CENTENNIAL THE LEBANON CENTENNIAL ORATION OF WILLIAM H VENABLE NOTE--On Thursday September 25 1902 the people of Lebanon Warren county Ohio held appropriate exercises celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the settlement of that time honored town The exercises were held in the opera house Mr John E Smith acting as President There were many distinguished speakers present who made addresses Our space in this Quarterly will not permit of the extended report which we would like ...

"Bear Hunt in Yellowstone Park-1872," by W. H. Holmes. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 511.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 younger son William Heberling Holmes having a wife and three daughters is in business in Detroit BEAR HUNT IN YELLOWSTONE PARK -- 1872 BY W H HOLMES I had a curious little bear hunt experience in the Gallatin Range when I was with the first Hayden expedition We started out to climb one of the mountains one party going in one direction and the other with the outfit in another direction As we went along we ...

"Mythical Exposition of a 'Myth,'" Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 218-224.
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications beyond the common average and level of trivial earthliness No matter how inconsistent impossible and desperate a thing might appear to others if John Brown said he would do it he was sure to be believed His words were never taken for empty bravado wrote Frederick Douglass That enthusiasts like Gerrit Smith should be carried away was perhaps natural But Emerson was not an enthusiast Thoreau was not Theodore Parker was not All these men ...

"Early Steamboat Travel on the Ohio River," by Leslie S. Henshaw. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 378-402.
... EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER BY LESLIE S HENSHAW CINCINNATI OHIO October 1911 marks a centennial of considerable importance to the Western country for it was in that month in 1811 that the first steamboat on Western waters passed down the Ohio River The boat a side-wheeler1 was built at Pittsburgh under the direction of Nicholas J Roosevelt of New York an agent of Fulton the inventor and Livingston the financial aid and was called the New ...

"Israel Ward Andres, D.D., LL.D., Memorial Address Before the Ohio Archaeological Historical Society, Delivered at Marietta, June 26, 1888," by William P. Cutler. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 253-275.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY Vol II SEPTEMBER 1888 No 2 ISRAEL WARD ANDREWS DD LLD MEMORIAL ADDRESS BEFORE THE OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY DELIVERED AT MARIETTA JUNE 26 1888 BY WILLIAM P CUTLER A CHRISTIAN missionary was discussing the grand problem of immortality with a learned Chinese philosopher presenting to him the truth as revealed in God's word and believed by all Christians He was met with the declaration made with evident sincerity by the Chinaman ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884: Part IV," Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 165-195.
... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part IV edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade Sunday May 11 1884 Went to hear Dr Gladden this morning He preached from the text Lord I believe help thou my unbelief It was the posture of the man's mind which interested the preacher It was that of one trying to believe and anxious to have all impediments to full belief cleared away Not that of one who exclaims obstinately I do not believe ...

"Ethan Allen Brown and Ohio's Canal System," Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 22-56.
... Ethan Allen Brown Ethan Allen Brown And Ohio's Canal System By JOHN S STILL The most important stimulus to Ohio's economy in the first half of the nineteenth century was the construction of a canal system and the individual most responsible for this accomplishment was Ethan Allen Brown Yeoman service it is true was rendered by Alfred Kelley Micajah Williams and others but from the years when his was a voice in the wilderness until the canals were actually in use Brown stood at the forefront ...

Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 243-257.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Long Meadows By Minnie Hite Moody New York Macmillan Co 194 1 657p 3 00 Genealogy as genealogy makes mighty dry reading to any but members of the family treated history may be but often is not written with suppressed excitement but when both genealogy and history are molded in the form of fiction by the hand of an artist then we get a masterpiece transcending both genealogy and history That is the result Mrs Minnie Hite Moody has achieved in Long Meadows which is the ...

"Remarks of Governor James E. Campbell" (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 161-163.
... Remarks of Gov Remarks of Gov James E Campbell 161 REMARKS OF GOVERNOR JAMES E CAMPBELL It was a long-deferred pleasure one year ago on the 19th of October to make my first visit here I learned after arriving that it was an auspicious day being the ninety-ninth anniversary of the landing upon the banks of yonder river of the little band of French settlers who founded this handsome and flourishing city During an address to the people who gathered on that occasion to hear the political ...

"The Herbert Bigelow Case: A Test of Free Speech in Wartime," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 108-121.
... HERBERT SHAPIRO HERBERT SHAPIRO The Herbert Bigelow Case A Test of Free Speech in Wartime On October 28 1917 Cincinnati minister the Reverend Herbert Bigelow was kidnapped in Newport Kentucky shortly before he was to address a Socialist antiwar meeting there He was forced into a waiting automobile and driven across the county line into Kenton County where he was severely beaten After being turned loose by the vigilantes Bigelow made his way to a nearby house and was taken back across the Ohio ...

"The Cincinnati 'Bible War,' 1869-1870," by Harold M. Helfman. Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 369-386.
... THE CINCINNATI BIBLE WAR 1869-1870 THE CINCINNATI BIBLE WAR 1869-1870 by HAROLD M HELFMAN Instructor in History Ohio State University James M O'Neill in his able exposition of Religion and Education Under the Constitution has hurled a challenge to the historian The ending of the use of the public schools as substantially Trinitarian Protestant schools at public expense is a story in which there are doubtless many chapters yet to be written1 The present study of a decision by the Cincinnati ...

"The Birthplace of President Hayes: A Study in Oral Tradition," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 167-172.
... THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES A STUDY IN ORAL TRADITION by C E VAN SICKLE Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University and JAMES T MAY The people of Delaware Ohio have long pointed with pride to the fact that their city is the birthplace of President Rutherford B Hayes A Delaware tradition so old that no one now living seems to remember anything about its origin marks as his birthplace a two-story brick house which it asserts his father had built and ...

"Why is Ohio Called the Buckeye State?," by William M. Farrar (Marietta Centennial). Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 174-179.
... WHY IS OHIO CALLED THE BUCKEYE STATE WHY IS OHIO CALLED THE BUCKEYE STATE AN ADDRESS BY WILLIAM M FARRAR THE name Buckeye as applied to the State of Ohio is an accepted sobriquet so well recognized and so generally understood throughout the United States that its use requires no explanation although the origin of the term and its significance are not without question and therefore become proper subjects of consideration during this Centennial year The usual and most commonly accepted solution ...

"Peter Witt, Tribune of the People," by Carl Wittke. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 361-377.
... The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Published by THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF EDITORS WILLIAM CHARVAT Ohio State University HENRY C SHETRONE Ohio State Museum WILLIAM E SMITH Miami University ALBERT T VOLWILER Ohio University FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER Ohio State University CARL W I TTKE Western Reserve University Editor JAMES H RODABAUGH Associate Editor HENRY J CAREN Assistant Editor S ...

"The Ohio Academy of History: History of a Decade, 1932-1942," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 167-172.
... THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY HISTORY OF A DECADE 1932-1942 BY HAROLD E D AV I S Attending the annual meetings of the Ohio College Association in the late twenties the author noted that his fellow historians were rarely present even in the meetings of the Social Science Section After attending the Ohio History Conference arranged by Dr Harlow Lindley in the spring of 1931 he was convinced of the desirability of some organization however informal which would bring ...

"The Making of Pine Tar in Hocking County," by Pascal A. Bright. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 151-160.
... THE MAKING OF PINE TAR IN HOCKING THE MAKING OF PINE TAR IN HOCKING COUNTY BY PASCAL A BRIGHT One of the primitive industries in southern Ohio where pine trees are found native was the making of pine tar In the summer of 1929 in company with Mr Emory Bainter who then lived on Big Pine Creek Mr A L Burgess of Columbus whose photographs have done so much to help popularize the state parks and his son I was on a trip in the park region of Hocking County We were in the hollow which contains Sand ...

"Salmon P. Chase," by Joseph B. Foraker. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 211-340.
... Journal of Cyrus P Journal of Cyrus P Bradley 211 'Society to him Is blithe society who fills the air With gladness and involuntary song' Of his evenings at home he also quotes lines from Wadsworth strangely and beautifully coincident with his own experience of the howling wind outside But let him range round he does not harm We build up the fire we're snug and warm Untouch'd by his breath see the candle shines bright And burns with a clear and steady light Books have we to read hush that ...

"Sorrow of the Nations: In Memoriam of Wm. McKinley, The," by John P. Smith. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 385-387.
... The Sorrow of the Nations The Sorrow of the Nations 385 THE SORROW OF THE NATIONS IN MEMORIAM WM MCKINLEY BY JOHN P SMITH SHARPSBURG MARYLAND Corresponding Member of the Maryland Historical Society and of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society There's darkness over every land - Man takes his fellow by the hand The hearts of men now almost fail For all the earth is one sad wail There's sorrow in the hut and hall Our land's enshrouded with a pall The bells of death do sadly toll ...