Ohio History Journal

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"Appendix: Report of the Registrar and a List of Accessions 1933-'34," by H. R. Goodwin. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 332-336.
... 332 Ohio Arch 332 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ilton Montana Dr J M Brennan University of Kansas Dr Alan Stone U S National Museum Washington Dr T H Hubbell University of Michigan Dr C L Fluke University of Wisconsin and others Your curator gave 29 lectures during the year before 3000 people and gave one talk over radio station WOSU besides leading a number of field-trips for various scientific organizations During the last meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science he was appointed ...

"Accessions to Historical Collection," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 248-253.
... 248 Ohio Arch 248 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ACCESSIONS TO HISTORICAL COLLECTION 596--Hand-bags presented by Mrs M C Hopewell Chillicothe O 9-29-'24 597--Portrait of Simon Kenton by Morgan loaned by Mr W D McKinney Columbus O 10-2-'24 598--Acts of State of Ohio and other books presented by Mrs G W Landes Columbus O 10-2-'24 599--Quartermaster's Record 1793 presented by Mr F E Wilson Greenville O 10-2-'24 600--Collection of carpenter planes presented by F P Hall Co Columbus O ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Society Building, Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, May 4, 1929, 10:00 A.M.," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 512-569.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY May 4 1929 1000 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present B F Prince Arthur C Johnson Van A Snider Claude Meeker E F Wood Morten Carlisle W D McKinney George Florence Rev S R Martin Mrs Gertrude Ball Mrs Anna M Kevin Charles F Walker William G Pengelly Homer Charles Mrs Homer Charles J E Tritsch ...

"The Underground Railroad: A Re-evaluation," by Larry Gara. Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 217-230.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 3 JULY 1960 The Underground Railroad A Re-evaluation By LARRY GARA FOR MANY YEARS discerning scholars have suspected the inadequacy of traditional accounts of the underground railroad yet the elusive nature of source material for re-evaluating the history of the mysterious institution has apparently discouraged such reinterpretation1 Even some recent encyclopedia articles textbooks and monographs describe the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 216-224.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE AVERY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A philosophical essayist on the study of history tritely remarks that a historian should be possessed of industry conscience and imagination Industry and patience to faithfully exhume the facts conscience to truthfully and impartially exploit them and imagination to vividly portray the scenes and events involved that the reader in his mind's eye may perceive them realistically reproduced Such is the ideal historian Such an one to ...

"The MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 215-244.
... THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT A DEDICATION AT NEW LEXINGTON MacGahan was preparing to attend and write up the International Congress at Berlin when declining to abandon a sick friend at Constantinople he was himself attacked with the malignant fever that had prostrated his friend and died after a few days' illness June 9 1878 In the year 1884 his remains at Constantinople were disinterred and brought by the United States steamer Powhatan to this country In New York city the ...

"Leo Lesquereux," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 279-291.
... Leo Lesquereux Leo Lesquereux 279 LEO LESQUEREUX BY EDWARD ORTON The revocation of the Edict of Nantes inflicted an irreparable injury upon the French nation in depleting it of its middle class from which its industrial energy its science literature and art were mainly drawn but the Protestant neighbors of France gained correspondingly thereby England Holland Switzerland and the English colonies in North America were greatly enriched by this enforced emigration These Huguenot exiles brought ...

"Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference: Papers Read at its First Meeting, November 20-21, 1953, The," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 151-152.
... THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE PAPERS READ AT ITS FIRST MEETING NOVEMBER 20-21 1953 In 1951 the board of trustees authorized the staff of the state historical society to set up a project to be known as the Ohio Historic Indian Center As a part of the work of this project a research associate was assigned to a study of the Indians and the campaigns of the Indian Wars 1790-95 The Anthony Wayne Parkway Board has cooperated with the society in ...

Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 442-450.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION Mrs Bertha C Fosnocht President The Association is cooperating with the Brecksville Board of Library Trustees in making a canvass of community sentiment regarding housing facilities for the town library a historical museum and other community activities An invitation was extended to about 24 organizations to send representatives to a meeting called for that purpose Friday evening September 1 9 DAYTON ...

"County and Local Historical Material in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Library," Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 261-327.
... COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL IN THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Compiled by CLARENCE L WEAVER and HELEN M MILLS PREFACE A great many requests come daily for information on the history of localities in the State In 1936 the first edition of this list was compiled and published with the title County Historical Material in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Library as a convenient guide to this material ...

"Place-Names in Franklin County, Ohio," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 135-159.
... PLACE-NAMES IN FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO PLACE-NAMES IN FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO BY W EDSON RICHMON D Introduction For at least three centuries it has been manifestly impossible for any one man to take all knowledge as his province The specialization brought about by the widening strain of human knowledge is most easily seen in the fields of modern science Especially among the younger and smaller sciences there is no self-sufficiency however and each finds it necessary to rely upon its sisters So it is ...

"A Letter of Rufus Putnam's to Nehemiah Hubbard, Esquire, A Non-Resident Proprietor of Marietta, Ohio," by Frank Ankenbrand, Jr.. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 213-215.
... A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH HUBBARD ESQUIRE A NON-RESIDENT PROPRIETOR OF MARIETTA OHIO Contributed by FRANK ANKENBRAND JR This letter written by Rufus Putnam1 the founder of the city of Marietta Ohio gives but an inkling of the many petty annoyances that beset a man of vision Here are all the little irksome things the exasperating delays and hindrances the mosquito bites of adversity such as irritated the men who hewed from the vast American ...

"Judge John Cleves Symmes," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 75-76.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS JAMES R MORRIS James R Morris was born at Rogersville Green County Pennsylvania January 10 1 820 He died at Woodsfield Ohio December 24 1899 His father Joseph Morris was elected to Congress in 1843 and re-elected two years later Joseph Morris moved with his family to Waynesburgh Pennsylvania in 1828 in the following year to Antioch Ohio and two years later to Woodsfield Ohio ...

Volume 30, Binding Supplement, , 1921, pp. 543-566.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXX INDEX TO VOLUME XXX Abby Kelley Salem rescue of 380Anti-slavery speakers have difficulty in 387 finding rooms for meetings 375 Adams Charles testimonial of to characArago Etienne joins Victor Hugo and ter of Edwin Coppoc 402-403 associates in letter to widow of John Adams John Quincy hostility of proBrown 278 slavery men toward 198 Archaeological History of Ohio quoted Addison Judge 15 on primitive method of quarrying flint Administrative reorganization reports of 112-113 ...

"Greatness of Ohio," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 310-316.
... GREATNESS OF OHIO GREATNESS OF OHIO Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Admission of Ohio into the Federal Union held under the Auspices of the Ohio Republican Association of Washington City May 23 1903 BY HON D K WATSON PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION One hundred years ago a portion of what was known as the Northwest Territory was admitted as a State into the Federal Union By an act of Congress the people of the future state were to give it a name Subsequently the name Ohio ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting Held at Marietta, April 5th and 6th, 1888, in Connection with the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the Northwest Territory," Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 332-339.

"Historic Medallions," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 432.
... 432 Ohio Arch 432 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications blood in his veins Senator Curtis of Kansas also points with pride to his Indian ancestry HISTORIC MEDALLIONS The Greenville Advocate of February 22 contains an extended article by Mr George A Katzenberger announcing the moving of the Second National Bank of Greenville to its new building on the 24th of that month The new home of the bank has appropriate medallions prints of which were distributed on post cards These are described in ...

"Rescue Headquarters House at Camp Sherman," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 712-716.
... RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP SHERMAN Mr Louis H Warner Chairman of the Pueblo Lands Board in a contribution to the February issue of the National Republic writes Did you ever consider how closely we associate men and events with certain buildings and structures To think of one is to recall the other This seems always to have been so Can you think of the temples of Old Jerusalem the Parthenon of Ancient Greece or the Roman Forum without at once being ...

"Theodore Dwight Weld's Antislavery Mission in Ohio," by Vernon L. Volpe. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 5-18.
... VERNON L VERNON L VOLPE Theodore Dwight Weld's Antislavery Mission in Ohio Since the pioneering work of Gilbert H Barnes and Dwight L Dumond Theodore Dwight Weld has been a favorite subject of study for historians interested in the religious roots of the antislavery movement Son of a Connecticut Congregational minister Weld was finally converted to evangelical reform in 1826 by the great New York evangelist Charles Grandison Finney whose controversial new measures provoked so much debate among ...

"General Mason and his Letter On Railroads," by B. F. Prince. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 254-258.
... GENERAL MASON AND HIS LETTER ON RAILROADS GENERAL MASON AND HIS LETTER ON RAILROADS B F PRINCE Almost every community of considerable size and age has furnished one or more characters who have been prominent for a life and acts that were for the good of that special locality and often for the state or nation at large One who stood in this threefold relation was Hon Samson Mason of Springfield Ohio Mr Mason was born in the state of New York in 1793 He attended the public schools of the day ...