Ohio History Journal

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"Professor Leonard's Poem (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)" Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 341-344.
... The Wisconsin Archaeological Society The Wisconsin Archaeological Society 341 about Madison describing the locations of the camps trail and fur-trade stations as described by early travelers He was followed by Mr Emilius O Randall secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society who protested that he was not a professional archaeologist history being his bent if he had any bent at all and regretted that his place on the program was not filled by Prof W C Mills the successful ...

"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker: A Review of Her Autobiography," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 377-408.
... MRS MRS JULIA B FORAKER A REVIEW OF HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY By C B GA LB RE ATH In his Notes of a Busy Life Senator J B Foraker pays the following tribute to his wife But among all the pleasing memories that attach to Delaware one remains to be mentioned that outranks all others considered either separately or collectively It was there I met courted and became engaged to Miss Julia Bundy daughter of Hon H S Bundy of Jackson County Ohio at that time and for a number of terms the Representative of his ...

"Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, March 22, 1907," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 242-256.
... TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MARCH 22 1907 The Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Library and Museum Room of the Society Page Hall Ohio State University at 2 00 P M March 22 1 907 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr A J Baughman Mansfield General R Brinkerhoff ...

"Cornelius Sedam and His Friends in Washington's Time," by Emma S. Backus. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 28-50.
... CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN WASHINGTON'S TIME1 BY MRS EMMA S BACKUS Cincinnati Ohio The old days were great because the men who moved in them had mighty qualities --THEODORE ROOSEVELT Grand old times with a grand old father This tribute to the times and the man was penned by a son of the subject of this sketch in 1885 when Matthew Sedam then residing at Terre Haute Indiana wrote reminiscently to his younger brother David at Cincinnati recalling early ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884, Part I," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 119-151.
... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part I edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade John Beatty the author of the diary which follows was the grandson of a Scotch-Irish immigrant who settled near Sandusky in 1815 His grandfather also named John Beatty was born in County Wexford Ireland on March 17 1774 At the age of eighteen he visited the United States and after some traveling about the country determined to settle in Norwich ...

"Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar" Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 165-189.
... Gold Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 165-189 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar By David M Gold In 1859 the Judiciary Committee of the Ohio House of Representatives rejected the idea that laws should be enacted to enhance women's rights in any ...

"Some Ohio Caves and Rock Shelters Bearing Evidences of Human Occupancy," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 1-34.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SOME OHIO CAVES AND ROCK SHELTERS BEARING EVIDENCES OF HUMAN OCCUPANCY BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology CANTER'S CAVES -- KETTLE HILL CAVE Caves caverns and rock-shelters are fruitful sources of archaeological evidence particularly as regards the early phases of human development Primitive humans the world over very naturally repaired to these readymade retreats in time of stress whether from inclement weather danger from wild beasts ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 240-244.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Detroit's First American Decade 1796-1805 By F Clever Bald University of Michigan Publications History and Political Science Vol XVI Ann Arbor Mich University of Michigan Press 1948 276p including bibliographical essay and index 450 This is far more than a study of a few neglected years in the early history of a great metropolis interesting only to the local pride school of history enthusiasts the zealous antiquarians and the patient genealogists Here is local history ...

"The Firelands Grant," by Clarence D. Laylin. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 435-451.
... The Firelands Grant The Firelands Grant 435 THE FIRELANDS GRANT BY CLARENCE D LAYLIN This article is the outgrowth of a paper read before the Political Science Club of Ohio State University The discussion which followed the reading of the paper among members of that club led to further investigation the result of which is the article as here produced-EDITOR In treating of the settlement of new countries the general and proper method is to recite the history of its pioneer days Without the ...

"Accessions to Historical Collection," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 248-253.
... 248 Ohio Arch 248 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ACCESSIONS TO HISTORICAL COLLECTION 596--Hand-bags presented by Mrs M C Hopewell Chillicothe O 9-29-'24 597--Portrait of Simon Kenton by Morgan loaned by Mr W D McKinney Columbus O 10-2-'24 598--Acts of State of Ohio and other books presented by Mrs G W Landes Columbus O 10-2-'24 599--Quartermaster's Record 1793 presented by Mr F E Wilson Greenville O 10-2-'24 600--Collection of carpenter planes presented by F P Hall Co Columbus O ...

"Conduct and Revolt in the Twenth-fifth Ohio Battery: An Insider's Account," by Dennis K. Boman. Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 163-183.
... DENNIS K DENNIS K BOMAN Conduct and Revolt in the Twenty-fifth Ohio Battery An Insider's Account On August 10 1861 in the town of Canfield Ohio twenty-eight year old Robert T McMahan enlisted as a private in the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry1 On September 3 the date of his muster he began a journal in which he noted the experiences and impressions of his service in the United States military2 McMahan first served as a cavalryman and then as a gunner for the Twenty-fifth Ohio Light Artillery ...

"Thirteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 17, 1897 to February 1, 1898," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 407-429.
... THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 17 1807 TO FEBRUARY 1 1898 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E O RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1898 407 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio SIR-I have the honor to submit herewith the thirteenth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 17 1897 to February 1 1898 This ...

"Towards a National Antislavery Party: The Giddings-Sumner Alliance," by Beverly Wilson Palmer. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 51-71.
... BEVERLY WILSON PALMER BEVERLY WILSON PALMER Towards a National Antislavery Party The Giddings-Sumner Alliance Shortly after meeting Joshua Reed Giddings in 1846 Charles Sumner in a 30 December 1846 article in the Boston Courier praised the Ohio Congressman for his opposition to the Mexican War Emphasizing Giddings's roots in New England Sumner wrote New England may be happy that her voice was heard at so early a stage of this important discussion and in a manner calculated to influence it so ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 181-193.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Dorothy R Donaldson President David Ault has been serving as vice president of the society since the death of the former vice president Walter Ellet Wilberta Johnston has been acting secretary and treasurer during the prolonged illness of Mabel Hartzell The society participated in the observance of the state sesquicentennial with a special program in September Dr B J Stanton gave a historical address ...

Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 61-70.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Richard Nixon 1969 Washington DC Office of the Federal Registrar National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration 1971 lii 1081p appendices and index 1450 Most students of the history of the United States particularly those working in the recent period have long since found this continuing series to be a valuable research tool one to which they can turn with confidence for a standard and ...

"Abraham Lincoln Visits with His People," by J. H. Cramer. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 66-78.
... ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE by J H CRAMER Associate Professor of History Youngstown College The crossroads of America nurtured Abraham Lincoln they were home to him He spent most of his life in the villages and small towns of the Middle West and the thriving city of Springfield Illinois numbered only seven thousand persons in its population during the years in which Lincoln was one of its leading citizens The teeming life of the American city ...

"Biography of Gov. Robert Lucas," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 160-172.
... 160 Ohio Arch 160 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HEMISPHERE - EXTRA COLUMBUS OHIO SEPT 17TH 1834 BIOGRAPHY OF GOV ROBERT LUCAS BY A CITIZEN OF COLUMBUS THE life and services of all public men holding high official stations in the government of the country are a species of public property and it is right and proper that the body of the people who are subject to be called upon to act directly upon the merits and fitness of candidates for popular favor should be made acquainted with ...

"Ohio in the Mexican War," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 277-295.
... OHIO IN THE MEXICAN WAR OHIO IN THE MEXICAN WAR BY DANIEL J RYAN This article is a chapter from Volume IV of the History of Ohio by Messrs Randall and Ryan It is printed by permission of the publishers The Century History Company 54 Dey St New York N YEDITOR The office of Governor did not prove attractive to Mr Corwin It afforded no opportunity to display either his talents or abilities In those days it was a position more of dignity than of power He used to say that his principal duties were ...

"Record of the American Press, The," by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 228-240.
... 228 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 228 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY in Europe and we are becoming politically alive in every direction that there exists as never before the possibility of cultivating such a higher form of political science and history This new political science will not aim primarily at dictating political decisions but prepare the ground for such decisions it will reveal and illuminate combinations in the realm of politics and history which ...

"John Sherman," by George U. Harn. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 309-336.
... JOHN SHERMAN JOHN SHERMAN GEORGE U HARN Mr Harn is a native Ohioan having been born at Wooster where he was trained in the printing and journalistic profession When a mere lad he became the Columbus correspondent for the Cincinnati TimesChronicle now the Times-Star Later he became one of the owners of the Mansfield Herald with the business and editorial control of which he was connected for many years Under President McKinley Mr Harn was agent of the United States Internal Revenue Commission ...