Ohio History Journal

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Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 568-587.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIII INDEX TO VOLUME XIII A Articles - Concluded Abolition in Ohio 50 History of Ft Hamilton Miller Adams County - 97 Todd's Trace in 318 Historic Worthington Parsons 71 Trebor Tavern in 307 John Brough Hooper 40 Zane's Trace in 318 Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe Agriculture Prehistoric people engaged Brown 483 in 189 Marcus A Hanna Dick 355 American Economic Association MeetOhio in the Spanish and Philippine ing of 288 War Anderson 551 American Historical Association 121 K ...

"Address of President Wright (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:)," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 326-339.
... 326 Ohio Arch 326 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications main and spacious entrance to the campus of the Ohio State University A structure imposing and attractive in architectural form it is therefore the first of the many handsome buildings that dot and adorn the college grounds to greet the view not only of the visitors to the university but to all those who pass by on the chief thoroughfare of the capital city Certainly the trustees of the Ohio State University were generous when they ...

"Address of Hon. Randolph Walton (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 235-244.
... The MacGahan Monument The MacGahan Monument 235 Ladies and gentlemen of New Lexingtonyou who are the neighbors and the kin of MacGahan-you do well to dedicate on this the natal day of your country's freedom a monument to your great apostle of freedom You do well to set up a reminder to the coming generations of the glory and the human kindliness of the liberator of a people But yours is not the power nor the privilege of building the most enduring monument to MacGahan That monument is to be ...

"Life Among the Lowly: An Early View of an Ohio Poor House," edited by Frank P. Levstik. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 84-88.
... edited by edited by FRANK R LEVSTIK Life Among the Lowly An Early View of an Ohio Poor House The care of the poor in Ohio during the early nineteenth century was largely based on English legislation of the sixteenth seventeenth and eighteenth centuries In 1795 statutes of the Northwest Territory provided a means whereby the poor could be employed through a system of annual farming-out to the lowest bidder The farmers were thus authorized to keep the poor at moderate labor For the next two ...

"A 'Backwoods Utopia': The Berea Community of 1836-1837," by David Lindsey. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 272-296.
... A Backwoods Utopia A Backwoods Utopia The Berea Community of 1836-1837 By DAVID LINDSEY In April 1836 three remarkable men--a farmer-turned-circuit rider a farmer-turned-evangelist and a teacher-turned-farmer--met on the banks of the Rocky River in northeastern Ohio Each man had come a devious route to that spot James Gilruth born of Scotch immigrant parents in western Virginia in 1793 fought briefly in the War of 1812 before taking up a farm in Ohio's Scioto River valley Undergoing a deep ...

"Memorial to Thomas Wilson," by W. C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 157-159.
... MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON W C MILLS This memorial was submitted by the writer at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society June 6 1902EDITOR It is my sad duty to record for the annals of our Society the decease of our esteemed friend Dr Thomas Wilson late curator of Archaeology in the Smithsonian Institution Washington D C whose death occurred early Sunday morning May 4th 1 90 2 Dr Wilson was a great friend of our Society and was also ...

"A History of Flood Control in Ohio," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 474-503.
... A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO BY ARTHUR E MORGAN AND C A BOCK The great ice cap which covered northeastern North America during the Glacial period is estimated to have been about two miles thick in the region north-east of the Great Lakes The weight of this great mass caused it to creep gradually toward the ocean on the east and toward the south where the pressure was less In this relentless advance it ground off the hill tops and filled up the valleys ...

"Classes and Company Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike," by James L. Baughman. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 175-192.
... JAMES L JAMES L BAUGHMAN Classes and Company Towns Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike Much of the scholarship on organized labor in the 1930s remains burdened by the polemics of the decade Historians have often only refined what writers for the union had composed for mass consumption a few decades earlier A complex history full of intricate relationships David Brody writes has almost uniformly been presented as a simple struggle between workers and managers1 In doing so labor scholars ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 426-433.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ANNIVERSARY OF VISIT OF LAFAYETTE TO OHIO CELEBRATED IN CINCINNATI One great city in the United States at least appropriately celebrated the centenary of Lafayette's visit to America The city of Cincinnati under the leadership of Mrs Lowell F Hobart Ohio Regent of the D A R Mrs Charles A Meyers Regent of the Cincinnati chapter of this organization Mrs Thomas Kite ...

Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 90-94.
... Historical News Historical News The Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation of Pittsburgh has made a grant of fifteen thousand dollars to the Harmonie Associates Inc for their use in a program of aid to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in the restoration of Old Economy at Ambridge Pennsylvania a commission property The money will be used to refurbish the document room and four administrative research rooms and to install proper microfilm equipment files and stacks Provisions in the ...

"The First Ten Years of the Toledo Blade," by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 428-440.
... THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE TOLEDO BLADE By DOUGLAS C MCMURTRIE The Toledo Blade is approaching its one hundredth birthday--a long life for a mid-western newspaper-- and it occupies still as it did during its infancy a commanding position in the life of its community In view of its long service the history of its beginnings becomes of special interest There is here presented a detailed record of the first decennium of its existence The Blade was not the first ...

"NOTES" Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 99-100.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue MILO M QUAIFE is Secretary and Editor of the Burton Historical Collection Detroit Public Library Detroit Michigan PHILIP C NASH is President of the University of Toledo CARL WITTKE is Professor of History and Dean of Oberlin College LEWIS BLAKE DUFF is a resident of Welland Ontario Canada and a business man who makes a hobby of Canadian and local history He is a past President and member of the Council of the Ontario Historical Society R CLYDE FORD is a ...

"Were the Mounds Used for Dwellings," by I. N. Smith. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 111-113.
... Editorialana Editorialana 111 living authorities He informed me at that time that he had been trying to induce Professor Wright to visit Wadsworth for that purpose Every one who is acquainted with Capt T D Wolbach knows that it is utterly impossible for him to deceive Habit makes character and his word alone is worth most men's bond WERE THE MOUNDS USED FOR DWELLINGS As a sample of the various curious theories advanced by different writers concerning the purposes of the mounds we give the ...

"General Edward Orton, Jr.," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 337-351.
... GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR In 1865 Dr Edward Orton and his family came to Yellow Springs Ohio where he had accepted the position of Professor of Natural History in Antioch College From that date until the year 1932 a period of sixty-seven years the name Edward Orton has become widely known in Ohio and has stood for worthy effort and eminent achievement None has continuously and longer held a more honorable place in the public esteem and in the educational scientific and ...

Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 431-439.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Mrs Fred R Donaldson President At the March meeting of the society Melvin Van Winkle was elected to the board of trustees and Mrs Melvin Van Winkle was elected the society's representative to the Stark County Historical Society A current project of the organization is the placing of a marker in the old Williamsport Cemetery at the graves of William and Martha Teeters co-founders of Williamsport in 1827 ...

"Major Caleb Stark in Ohio," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 150-159.
... MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO GEORGE H TWISS A biography of Governor Lucas and the outlining of an important and fiercely contested case through the Courts of Ohio in the form of a petition to the legislature by the plaintiff Major Caleb Stark appears in this issue of the Quarterly They appear in conjunction since they both came from the same source and are unquestionably of the same authorship The unique character and vigorous ability the distinguished and valuable ...

"Simeon Porter: Ohio Architect," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 169-190, notes 210-212.
... SIMEON PORTER OHIO ARCHITECT by ERIC JOHANNESEN Of the many carpenters and master builders who gave the Western Reserve villages in northern Ohio their characteristic look of colonial New England in the first decades of the nineteenth century only a handful are known today Similarly the architects of the great era of urban growth in the United States during the two decades before the Civil War are largely anonymous Yet a few known builders belonged to both periods and spanned the transition ...

"Tecumseh and His Descendants," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 143-153.
... TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS BY C B GALBREATH Much has been written of the famous Shawnee Indian chief Tecumseh who was born in Clark County Ohio in a village near the site of Springfield and who died leading his braves in the battle of the Thames Canada where the Americans under William Henry Harrison signally defeated the combined forces of the British and their Indian allies Nothing remains to be said of this natural born leader of his race but those who have ...

"Mrs. Kite's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 360-362.
... 360 Ohio Arch 360 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dresses followed by Hon Geo E Pomeroy of Toledo Past Governor of Society Colonial Wars Prof G F Frederick Wright Hon James M Richardson of Cleveland President General Sons of the American Revolution and Colonel Webb C Hayes To all who attended the exerices were of great interest and made the day memorable while the hospitality of Port Clinton's patriotic people to all the visiting delegates will long be gratefully remembered Prof Wright ...

"George F. Bareis," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 325-336.
... GEORGE F GEORGE F BAREIS In his home town in the capital of the State and beyond its borders a large circle of friends and associates heard with deep regret the news of the death of George F Bareis He had been in failing health for a portion of the past year but had been seriously ill only a short time He passed away at Grant Hospital Columbus at 240 P M on Thursday January 7 1932 325 326 Ohio Arch 326 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Especially was his loss felt in the Ohio State ...