Ohio History Journal

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"Whistle-Stopping Through Ohio," by Richard O. Davies. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 113-123, notes 196-197.
... WHISTLE-STOPPING Through Ohio by RICHARD O DAVIES Ohio played an important role in returning Harry S Truman to the White House in 1948 Prior to the election he had been foredoomed to defeat by all reputable political seers Ohio was seen as being safely within the Republican fold and was supposedly prepared to take part in a nationwide Republican blitz Elmo Roper for example quit taking samples of voter preference as early as September 9 with the comment that only a political convulsion could ...

Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 40-76.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume One 1830-1859 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 xxxvii 538p illustrations editing principles chronology abbreviations list of recipients notes 13000 per set The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume Two 1859-1874 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 vii 703p illustrations notes index 13000 per set Literary giant Henry James dubbed him the ...

Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 89-114.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Kensington Stone A Mystery Solved By Erik Wahlgren Madison University of Wisconsin Press 1958 xiv228p illustrations bibliography and index 500 Few artifacts of American history have aroused as much interest as the Kensington stone This stone with its runic inscriptions supposedly discovered by a Minnesota farmer in 1898 has been the subject of several books by Hjalmar Holand No American scholar has taken the trouble to examine in detail the case which Holand has ...

"Proceedings of the Annual Ohio History Conference (Including the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, and the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Ge Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 221-288.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE Including the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History and the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society Held at Columbus April 4-6 194 0 in Cooperation with Ohio State University the Committee on Archives and Medical History of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and Local ...

"No Haymarket for Cincinnati," by James M. Morris. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 17-32.
... JAMES M JAMES M MORRIS No Haymarketfor Cincinnati As the news spread from Chicago of the events of May 4 1886 a new word came to be emblazoned into the hearts and minds of the American people That wordconnoting fear revolution anarchism and terror-was Haymarket Every man reading the newspapers or talking with his friends and neighbors of the events of that day could not but be aware of the fact that the anarchists who had wormed their way into the bloodstream of American life had finally let ...

"Caleb Atwater: Versatile Pioneer," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 79-88.
... CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER A RE-APPRAISAL By HENRY C SHETRONE BACK EAST Educator minister lawyer and antiquarian advocate of internal improvements co-founder of Ohio's school system Ohio's first historian intellectual and social pioneer of the Middle West Such was Caleb Atwater of Massachusetts New York--and Ohio Without an understanding of the times in which Caleb Atwater lived particularly of his years in the East before coming to Ohio one might well ...

"Proceedings of the Annual Ohio History Conference," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 95-163.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE Including the Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History and the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society Held at Columbus April 6-8 1939 in Cooperation with Ohio State University the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives and Local Historical Societies throughout the State Columbus ...

"Shull's Road," by John William Scholl. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 293-294.
... SHULL'S ROAD SHULL'S ROAD The following letter addressed to the Editor by John William Scholl professor emeritus in the University of Michigan contains enough of historical data to warrant its publication as a matter of record ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN April 6 1946 Dear Sir I have before me a Road Map of Montgomery County Ohio made revised in 1936 by Victor C Smith then County Engineer which contains an especially interesting error Near the northeast corner of the county in Wayne Township there is a ...

"Colonel William Leontes Curry," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 486-490.
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications where they fell at the hands of the Indians This I think should be one of the first things to be done by the Commissioners The pioneer history of Ohio is filled with soul-stirring events and I know our posterity will read with grateful hearts the story of the builders of the great foundation on which now stands in high esteem in all lands of the world our great State of Ohio Good-night COLONEL WILLIAM LEONTES CURRY Colonel William ...

"Ohio Farmstead: Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts, The," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 221-237.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR The Ohio Farmstead Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts Ohio's rural landscape though dwindling constitutes a significant area of the state some 17 million acres largely in the central and western counties1 However Ohio's agrarian past is still evident in the urban centers where an occasional farm building remains on-site often adapted to some commercial use such as a dairy store or carry-out-an ignominious end at best The barn in particular has become a romantic ...

"Early Newspapers in the Virginias," by Henry S. Green. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 190-202.
... 190 Ohio Arch 190 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the beginning to within a few years it was the headquarters of that Order in America From its halls its preachers went into all parts of the country We now find our time gone and we are only getting into out subject Other events are quite as interesting and valuable but we have restricted ourselves to the very first as closely as possible and the half has not been told Some one ought to write a history of the first forty years of ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1959-July 1960," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 379-393.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1959--July 1960 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE DODDS Gilbert F Early Horticulture in Franklin County Franklin County Historical Society Special Bulletin No 4 December 1959 1-15 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT FILLER Louis Slavery and Antislavery Subjects in Search of Authors Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 179-182 GARA Larry The Underground Railroad A Re-evaluation Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 337-354.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will be held in the Museum and Library Building Saturday September 9 1922 The forenoon session which opens at nine o'clock will be devoted chiefly to reports of officers and the various committees of the Society Matters of more than ordinary importance will be ...

"Samuel S. Rickly," Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 137-140.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA SAMUEL S RICKLY Samuel Strasser Rickly died at his residence at 347 East Broad street Columbus Ohio on the evening of November 22d 1905 Mr Rickly was one of the founders of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and from the date of its organization was one of its most influential and valuable members It is due his memory at this time to recall and place on record the inestimable service which he has rendered the society On the evening of February 12 ...

"Twelfth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 18, 1896 to February 1, 1897," Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 291-325.
... TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 18 1896 TO FEBRUARY 1 1897 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E 0 RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1 897 291 292 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio SIRI have the honor to submit herewith the twelfth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 19 1896 to February 1 1897 This ...

"'Richest and Best / Is the Wine of the West': The Ohio River Valley and the Jewish Frontier" by Amy Hill Shevitz. Volume 112, pp. 4-18, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 4.
... Shevitz Winter-Spring 2003 pp 4-18 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved 147Richest and Best Is the Wine of the West148 The Ohio River Valley and the Jewish Frontier By Amy Hill Shevitz On July 3 1825 the small Jewish community of Cincinnati Ohio sent a fund-raising letter to the long-established congregation in Charleston South Carolina Appealing for financial assistance in the erection of a House to worship the God of our ...

"Unrecorded Incident of Morgan's Raid, An," by William Marion Miller. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 169-170.
... AN UNRECORDED INCIDENT OF MORGAN'S RAID AN UNRECORDED INCIDENT OF MORGAN'S RAID BY WM MARION MILLER Many pages have been written concerning the exploits of the famous Confederate raider General John Morgan and the details of his famous expedition into Ohio and his subsequent capture have been ably discussed in this journal1 There exists however a vast amount of oral material--some of it legendary and apocryphal in character even to the extent of bordering on folklore Now and then one finds a ...

"Charles W. Heard, Victorian Architect," Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 130a-142a, notes 174-175.
... 130 OHIO HISTORY 130 OHIO HISTORY not to be bound by the result23 Under these circumstances talk of a Hayes Garfield or other candidacy persisted Hayes lightened the tension perhaps by giving a reception Monday evening for the incoming Republican governor General Edward F Noyes It was attended by the warring factions and described by Hayes as A very lively happy thing24 Late on Tuesday evening two Republicans--a state senator and a representative--rang Hayes's doorbell They assured him that ...

Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 188-203.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The French in the Mississippi Valley 17 401750 By Norman Ward Caldwell Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol XXVI No 3 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1941 113p Map bibliography The author has used for this study the rich photostatic collection of documents relating to French and Indian affairs in the Illinois country made by the Illinois Historical Survey Most notable perhaps is his use of the expense bills of the western posts from the colonial records in ...

"Interstate Controversies Arising from Injuries to Commerce, Navigation and Public Health," by George Cowles Lay. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 101-105.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Assn Fifth Annual Meeting 10 1 that will stop short of nothing that is humanly possible China is arousing herself to a new national life that contains possibilities of the most tremendous scope America and China are natural complements to each other The Yangtse and Mississippi Valleys have more in common than any other two equal tracts of country in the world The concluding paper of the morning was read by George Cowles Lay of New York The portion relating to ...