Ohio History Journal

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"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 42, Number 2, April, 1933, pp. 239-244.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR LIFE OF A NOTABLE SCHOLAR AND UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT William Watts Folwell The Autobiography and Letters of a Pioneer of Culture Edited by Dr Solon J Buck The University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis Minnesota 1933 An autobiography of more than usual interest and value has recently come to our library It is entitled William Watts Folwell The Autobiography and Letters of a Pioneer of Culture It is edited by the wellknown ...

Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 409-416.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL L For Index to Authors see Contents page iii-iv ABERNETHY THOMAS P--Three Virginia Frontiers Book review by Francis Phelps Weisenburger 293-294 The Accomplishments and Future Program of the Ohio Historical Records Survey Project by James H Rodabaugh 277-292 Address at Fort Meigs by W J Cameron 84-88 Address at the Grave of Johnny Appleseed by Robert C Harris 4546 AKELEY MARY L JOBE--The Wilderness Lives Again Carl Akeley and the ...

Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 124-131.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Canal Era A Case Study of Government and the Economy 1820-1861 By HARRY N SCHEIBER Athens Ohio University Press 1969 xviii 430p maps tables appendices bibliography and index 1000 This book is a study in political economic and ideological history focused at the state level for the period 1820 to 1861 The author assumes and demonstrates 1 that in the area of transportation the state government occasionally implemented policy aims by outright public enterprise 2 ...

Volume 36, Binding Supplement, , 1927, pp. 685-701.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI A B Abolitionism in Ohio 193-194 DemoBaatz Capt C L Fort Laurens the crats denounce 212 Liberty League Story of the Acquisition of its Site resolutions 237 Free Soilers 240 by the State of Ohio 480-486 adpassim dress at unveiling of Boundary-line Absquatulators 278-280 295 monument 582-583 Adams Mrs Cecelia McMillen 16 Bailey Dr Gamaliel 232 Adams Charles F 250 283 Baird Prof F S 499 Adams County Ohio 133-134 Baker Phoebe 5 8 An Adventure with the ...

"Town of Tallmadge-The Bacons and Shakespeare, The," by T. C. Mendenhall. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 590-612.
... THE TOWN OF TALLMADGE--THE BACONS THE TOWN OF TALLMADGE--THE BACONS AND SHAKESPEARE BY T C MENDENHALL The two ends of my topic seem widely separated both in space and in time thousands of miles in space and hundreds of years in time The object of this paper is to bridge this gap to give some information about the one and to show how its story may be of tremendous significance to the other First then the Town of Tallmadge I use the word town in that larger finer sense in which it is generally ...

"Rarey, The Horse's Master and Friend," by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 487-539.
... RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND BY SARA LOWE BROWN It is one of the honors of Franklin county Ohio that early in the second quarter of the Nineteenth century it produced in the person of John Solomon Rarey a man who bore to all the world the message that in kindness there is power Ralph Waldo Emerson said of him that he had turned a new leaf in civilization while William Lloyd Garrison testified to his fitness to teach the world a great and everywhere ...

"Ohio Farmstead: Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts, The," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 221-237.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR The Ohio Farmstead Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts Ohio's rural landscape though dwindling constitutes a significant area of the state some 17 million acres largely in the central and western counties1 However Ohio's agrarian past is still evident in the urban centers where an occasional farm building remains on-site often adapted to some commercial use such as a dairy store or carry-out-an ignominious end at best The barn in particular has become a romantic ...

Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 477-508.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLIV A E F--166th Infantry 365 American history 328 333 A L A 357 American Land Board 439 Adams Andrew 172 American liberty 315 Adams George 308 American Library Association see A L Adams James 449 A Adams John opposed Society of CincinAmerican medicine 451 nati 84 American Museum of Natural History 282 Adams John Quincy opposed Society of American Nation 350 Cincinnati 84 American people 312 318 Adams S 449 American Political Leaders 350 Adams Samuel ...

"Down the Rhine to the Ohio: The Travel Diary of Christoph Jacob Munk, April 21-August 17, 1832," by August C. Mahr. Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 266-310.
... DOWN THE RHINE TO THE OHIO DOWN THE RHINE TO THE OHIO The Travel Diary of Christoph Jacob Munk April 21-August 17 1832 by AUGUST C MAHR Professor of German Ohio State University The diary published in the following pages in the original German with an English translation merits attention for two principal reasons 1 it gives a complete almost day-by-day account of its writer's emigration with his family from Germany to Ohio and 2 it covers their entire journey that is not only the ocean voyage ...

"The Cleveland World War Machine," by Elbert J. Benton. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 448-474.
... THE CLEVELAND WORLD WAR MACHINE THE CLEVELAND WORLD WAR MACHINE BY ELBERT J BENTON The Great War found America without a war organization One phenomenon of the war of the United States with Germany was the response of the people in the crisis The war was interpreted as a people's war and the people made it their own It was a veritable uprising of the American people in the defense of the high moral cause which their President had marked out for them and the result was one of the most ...

"Richland County Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 505-508.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The ninth annual meeting of the Richland County Historical Society was held in Mansfield Wednesday June 26 1907 Preliminary to the business session a procession was formed in front of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial building and marched to the court house lawn where a short patriotic service was held at the Block-house from the flag staff of which a beautiful flag floated gracefully in the breeze The meeting was called to order ...

"The 1856 Election in Ohio: Moral Issues in Politics," Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 24-44.
... VICTOR B VICTOR B HOWARD The 1856 Election in Ohio Moral Issues in Politics In recent years a growing number of social scientists have taken the position that ethnic and cultural diversity of American society and not ideologies of platforms of the major parties have been the chief factors in determining American political alignments1 Samuel P Hays insists that party ideologies never reflect the major concern of the local electorate and on that level ethno-cultural issues are much more ...

"Hayes Memorial," by Lucy E. Keeler. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 481-490.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 fought for freedom and tolerance and your Society with its new facilities can do much to see that that fight was not in vain In this work which we think of great value your elder sister pledges you its constant and sincere help with the conviction that the glory and achievement of one is that of all Mr Greve is a graduate of Harvard and the Cincinnati Law school a prominent attorney of Cincinnati and author ...

Volume 56, Binding Supplement, , 1947, pp. 459-485.
... INDEX INDEX The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly VOLUME LVI ABBOTT FREELAND K 449 American Heritage 201 Abbott John S C cited 352 American Historical Review article by A Ablamowicz Madame ----- musician Nevins in 114 34 43 American Hotel Cleveland 254 Abolition study of 312 American Journal of Science and Arts Abolitionists and Kossuth 245 255 cited 53 Academies 13 in Franklin Co 327 American Journal of the Medical Sciences See also Schools Colleges and uni360 375 versities ...

"Columbus: Ohio's Capital," Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 72-78.
... COLUMBUS OHIO'S CAPITAL COLUMBUS OHIO'S CAPITAL BY ELMER EDWARD NOYES It has been stated by some authorities that Columbus was born a capital1 that Lucas Sullivant an early surveyor who laid out Franklinton in 1797 foresaw the future political possibilities of the district2 At the same time it is claimed by another authority that this was hardly possible since state lines had not yet been drawn at that early date3 In any case the seat of government was moved to Columbus in October 18164 and ...

"The Humiliation of Henry Ward Beecher in the West," Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 94-100.
... THE HUMILIATION OF HENRY WARD BEECHER IN THE HUMILIATION OF HENRY WARD BEECHER IN THE WEST by DAVID MEAD Assistant Professor of English Michigan State College In the columns of Ohio's newspapers of nearly a century ago lies the dramatic account of Henry Ward Beecher's rejection as a lecturer by the indignant citizens of the West a story which has not been revealed by the biographers of the great Eastern divine Not that Beecher was the first celebrity to be humiliated by Ohio's lecture public ...

Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 505-514.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XV INDEX TO VOLUME XV A Avery Elroy M History of United States by 271 Abolition Chase's part in 314 States by 271 Finney John 189 Abolitionists Treatment of 209 Alder Jonathan meets Lucas Sullivant Badger Rev Joseph Missionary work 382 of 164 Sketch of 379 Banking National system of 329 Andrews Prof M R Address at Big Baughman A J Gathering of historical Bottom dedication 30 material by 391 Portrait of 30 The Underground Railway by Animals Prehistoric use of 66-72 189 An Indian ...

"Twelfth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 18, 1896 to February 1, 1897," Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 291-325.
... TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 18 1896 TO FEBRUARY 1 1897 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E 0 RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1 897 291 292 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio SIRI have the honor to submit herewith the twelfth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 19 1896 to February 1 1897 This ...

"Kossuth Comes to Cleveland," Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 242-257.
... KOSSUTH COMES TO CLEVELAND KOSSUTH COMES TO CLEVELAND by ANDOR M LEFFLER Pastor First Hungarian Lutheran Church Cleveland At Cleveland's University Circle stands the unpretentious statue of Louis Kossuth Hungarian patriot It is one of the many thousands of typical nineteenth-century creations found in public gardens in almost any city of the Old World Indeed this statue was shipped from Hungary and is the exact replica of the one standing in a public garden at Nagy Szalonta1 It was a gift to ...

"Albion W. Tourgee: Propagandist and Critic of Reconstruction," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 27-44.
... Albion W Albion W Tourgee Propagandist And Critic of Reconstruction By TED N WEISSBUCH LESS THAN FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Ohioan Al b ion W Tourgee was referred to as the most neglected figure in American literature Increasing interest in the writers of the Civil War and Reconstruction era has caused a swing in the pendulum and now his name crops up often in the growing literature dealing with this period in our history Tourgee's work has always interested a small but devoted group of literary ...