Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary of the City of Gallipolis, Ohio. October 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1890," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 1-233.
... PROCEEDINGS PROCEEDINGS OF THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE CITY OF GALLOPOLIS OHIO October 16 17 18 and 19 1890 PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS As early as April 1890 the citizens of Gallipolis through their Board of Trade took action to secure a proper celebration of the approaching centennial of the city's settlement On April 22 1890 at a meeting of the Board of Trade the following named gentlemen were elected an Executive Committee of arrangements John L Vance Chairman C Fred Henking W B Shober ...

"Three Important Documents Relating to Western Land Cessions," by B. A. Hinsdale. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 276-288.
... THREE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS RELATING THREE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS RELATING TO WESTERN LAND CESSIONS AMONG the documents relating to western land cessions brought before Congress that are not found in the Journals are the three printed below They are all of great interest and all difficult of access I am not aware that the last one has ever been printed The first two are found in Hening's Statutes of Virginia Vol X the third is printed from a copy furnished by the Secretary of State of the State of ...

"Birth Places of Three Ohio Presidents," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 117-122.
... BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BY FELIX J KOCH Ohio has been well-named The Mother of Presidentsand while to give the list of all the Chief Executives who were either born or who grew up -for some years at least - within her confines were tedious -it is an interesting play of the Fates worthy the noting that three Presidential birthplaces are so closely located one to another that a day's motor jaunt out from Cincinnati permits of one visiting them ...

"Jeptha H. Wade and the Cleveland and Cincinnati Telegraph Company," by Russell H. Anderson. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 80-93.
... JEPTHA H JEPTHA H WADE AND THE CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI TELEGRAPH COMPANY by RUSSELL H ANDERSON Director Western Reserve Historical Society Jeptha H Wade was the organizer moving spirit and principal owner of the Cleveland and Cincinnati Telegraph Company and the story of his activities in building and operating its line leads into his career in the nation-wide telegraph field especially as a principal in the Western Union Telegraph Company It was with this Ohio line that Wade capitalizing ...

"Collections of the Rutherford B. Hayes State Memorial," Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 151-157.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS A ND EXHIBITS COLLECTIONS OF THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES STATE MEMORIAL ONE OF OHIO'S finest historical properties is the Rutherford B Hayes State Memorial located in Spiegel Grove the twentyfive-acre home estate of the nation's nineteenth president at Fremont Administered jointly by the Ohio Historical Society and the Rutherford B Hayes and Lucy Webb Hayes Foundation this public memorial includes the stately Victorian brick mansion of the president and his family the graves ...

"At Zeisberger's Grave" (Zeisberger Centennial) by John Milburn Harding. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 178-179.
... 178 Ohio Arch 178 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications MEMORY OF ZEISBERGER A poetical tribute by John Milburn Harding New Philadelphia Ohio November 17 1 90 8 AT ZEISBERGER'S GRAVE One hundred years after he died There are tombs of the high there are graves of the low There are sepulchers sacred in story But the grave hollowed here just a century ago Has a halo of unselfish glory 'Mid the scenes of thy triumphs and direst defeat Near the spring rich in savage tradition Here you gave up the ...

"Henry Kurtz: Man of the Book," by Donald F. Durnbaugh. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 114-131, notes 173-176.
... HENRY KURTZ HENRY KURTZ MAN OF THE BOOK by DONALD F DURNBAUGH At 900 AM on Monday January 12 1874 Elder Henry Kurtz of Columbiana Ohio was found in his favorite rocking chair his lifeless hands holding one of his well-loved volumes The septuagenarian publisher communitarian advocate and Brethren churchman expired as he had lived -- as a man of the book1 Kurtz was born on July 22 1796 in the duchy of Wtirttemberg the son of George Jacob d 1846 and Regina Henrietta Kurtz d 1857 His ...

"Down South Before the War. Record of a Ramble to New Orleans in 1858" Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 488-513.
... DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR RECORD OF A RAMBLE TO NEW ORLEANS IN 18 58 ON the second day of December 1857 in company with my friend and fellow-student Alexis E Holcombe of Ravenna Ohio I started on an unpremeditated journey through Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi and Louisiana A tolerably complete diary kept during the six months of our sojourn in the South furnishes the material of the following narrative We set out from Lebanon Ohio by stage-coach for Cincinnati from ...

"John Brown and the Masonic Order," Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 24-32, notes 78-79.
... The Civil War had been fought out and peace had returned to the land when a group of churchmen and reformers led by the Rev Charles G Finney of Oberlin who had long served as president of Oberlin College turned to make war on secret societies and the Masonic order in particular The crusade mildly agitated a part of the country for some years but lacking as it did the frenzy hysteria and political potency of the anti-Masonic movement of the 1820's and 1830's it eventually fell of its own ...

"Blennerhassett," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 127-163.
... BLENNERHASSETT BLENNERHASSETT1 I BLENNERHASSETT TRUTH is not only stranger than fiction but often sadder than the grimmest fancy can portray Few pages of American history present more of the picturesque and none offer so much of the pitiful as do those that tell the story of Blennerhassett This man whom Parton the would-be whitewasher of Aaron Burr calls eccentric romantic idle and shiftless descended from choice Irish stock The source of his blood is traced to the times of King John Harman ...

"Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia: Introductory," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 64-66.
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Vo L 4 BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND VIRGINIA INTRODUCTORY Previous to 1783 Virginia never laid any claim to the Ohio River--or in fact to any territory west of the Alleghenies because this region was originally a part of the vast district claimed by the French and known as Louisiana The Mississippi River was discovered by French missionaries and was subsequently explored to its mouth by LaSalle who according to the customs of the nations ...

"The Central Ohio Valley Historical Conference," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 99-103.
... Editorialana Editorialana 99 A daughter of Mr Nichols the anti-slavery man is yet living and gives in a letter to me interesting facts She says My father and mother became earnest anti-slavery advocates in 1841 and from that time until the war the colored people knew my parents as friends and our home was a refuge When old enough probably about the year '48 or '49 I became greatly interested in the black people who came quietly to our kitchen door after dark and left before daylight often we ...

"The Death and Funeral of President William Henry Harrison," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 605-612.
... THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY REV EDWARD S LEWIS One of the most notable campaigns for the presidency of the United States was that of 1840 in which Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison contended for that high office This was perhaps the most picturesque of the presidential campaigns The Democrats were strong and confident Harrison the Whig candidate was ridiculed by them as being only a western soldier living in a log ...

"Professor Edward Orton, 1829-1899. A Memorial Address" by Washington Gladden. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 409-432.
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 255-256.
... Twenty-second Annual Meeting Twenty-second Annual Meeting 255 above named gentlemen as Trustees The Secretary cast the ballot as instructed and the five men designated were declared elected as Trustees of the Society to serve for the ensuing three years ending at the Annual Meeting in 1910 Mr Wood in making the report of the Nominating Committee stated that the committee further desired to recommend that General R Brinkerhoff be elected by the Society President Emeritus for life Such action he ...

"War Mothers of Ohio," by Elizabeth L. Clark. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 518-520.
... 518 Ohio Arch 518 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Following Mr Burton's address President Johnson said We may well hope that a million radio listeners scattered from lakes to gulf and from coast to coast have been sitting at their instruments listening to these lessons of truth and magnetism We are greatly indebted to Mr Burton for the message which he has brought us I am sure you will all join in a vote of thanks to him for coming to Columbus and appearing before this assembly Mr ...

"Sisterhood, Inc.: The Status of Women Commission Movement and the Rise of Feminist Coalition Politics in Ohio, 1964-1974," by Kathleen A. Laughlin. Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 39-60.
... KATHLEEN A KATHLEEN A LAUGHLIN Sisterhood Inc The Status of Women Commission Movement and the Rise of Feminist Coalition Politics in Ohio 1964-1974 Phyllis Schlafly's STOP ERA organization campaigned vigorously against ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment ERA in Ohio during the early 1970s Armed with loaves of bread tied with pink ribbons bus loads of STOP ERA supporters came to the state capitol in Columbus to lobby against the Amendment when the Ohio House of Representatives' State ...

"McKinley Monument: Dedicated September 30, 1907," Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 225-237.
... McKINLEY MONUMENT McKINLEY MONUMENT DEDICATED SEPTEMBER 30 1907 Soon after the tragic death of President William McKinley many leading citizens of the nation such as Senator Hanna Justice Day Governor Herrick Hon George B Cortelyou and other prominent state and national officials united in the organization of The McKinley National Memorial Association The purpose was the erection at Canton Ohio of a monument suitable to the memory of the beloved and noble President Subscriptions poured in from ...

"No Haymarket for Cincinnati," by James M. Morris. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 17-32.
... JAMES M JAMES M MORRIS No Haymarketfor Cincinnati As the news spread from Chicago of the events of May 4 1886 a new word came to be emblazoned into the hearts and minds of the American people That wordconnoting fear revolution anarchism and terror-was Haymarket Every man reading the newspapers or talking with his friends and neighbors of the events of that day could not but be aware of the fact that the anarchists who had wormed their way into the bloodstream of American life had finally let ...

Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 305-313.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies CAMPUS MARTIUS MUSEUM Edith S Reiter Curator On May 2 the Museum was the subject of the second of a series of semimonthly broadcasts given over station WMOA by the Marietta Chamber of Commerce The broadcasts are done in the manner of the Information Please broadcast Questions were on the Museum its exhibits and the early history of Marietta CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Charles Stickell President The annual birthday party of the ...