Ohio History Journal

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"The Feurt Mounds and Village Site," by William C. Mills. Volume 26, Number 3, June, 1917, pp. 305-449.
... THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Feurt Mounds and Village Site are situated about five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the east side of the Scioto river in Clay township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which this group of mounds and the village site is located is a part of the estate of Mr William C Feurt which consists of more than 400 acres of rich bottom lands and sloping hillsides and is considered one of the most ...

"Explorations of the Gartner Mound and Village Site," by William C. Mills. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 129-189.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE GARTNER MOUND AND EXPLORATIONS OF THE GARTNER MOUND AND VILLAGE SITE WM C MILLS CURATOR OF THE STATE ARCH AND HIST SOCIETY The Gartner mound located partly upon the land of Mr Adam Gartner and partly upon that of Miss Elizabeth Lievy is situated about six miles north of Chillicothe on the east side of the Scioto river The river bank at this point is quite high upward of 70 feet above low water mark and is very irregular with here and there spurs running up to the river ...

"Shaker Medicines," by Harry D. Piercy. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 336-348.
... SHAKER MEDICINES SHAKER MEDICINES by HARRY D PIERCY MD When I began the study of this aspect of Shaker industry I was soon impressed with the large volume of material available As I read I became more and more interested because I found here the reflection of the therapeutic means and methods used to heal the sick in the remote past In the famous Papyrus Ebers dating about 1552 Bc are found the names of many herbs and mineral products that have been used by physicians from that early day down ...

"Baum Prehistoric Village," by William C. Mills. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 45-136.
... BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE WILLIAM C MILLS The Baum Prehistoric Village site is situated in Twin Township Ross County Ohio just across the river from the small borough of Bourneville upon the first gravel terrace of Paint Creek The Paint Creek valley is drained by Paint Creek a stream of irregular turbulence flowing in a northeasterly direction and emptying into the Scioto River south of Chillicothe The Valley at the site of this village upwards of two miles in width is ...

"Attack on Fort St. Clair," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 419-420.
... Editorialana Editorialana 419 his trustees that he would not serve unless they would pledge themselves to raise an endowment fund They decided to start at once The financial committee which will have charge of raising the fund consists of L P Baldwin D Z Norton and W S Hayden Its power to name other members is unlimited Until the endowment fund is raised the museum will be supported as for the past two years in part on its guarantee fund and in part from the proceeds of a lecture course The ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1954-July 1955," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 438-453.
... A Survey Of Publications A Survey Of Publications In Ohio History Archaeology And Natural History August 1954-July 1955 Co m piled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BRANDT George A Jr A Survey of the Development of Dairying and the Dairy Industry in the Toledo Milkshed Area Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXVII 1955-56 8-27 BROMFIELD Louis From My Experience The Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm New York Harper amp Brothers 1955 355p Personal experiences on Malabar Farm in Ohio and ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: At Home," Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 319-335.
... CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME by EUGENE C MURDOCK In an earlier article published in this Quarterly the present author made an attempt to summarize the accomplishments of Cleveland's Tom L Johnson and to point out his contributions to the growth and development of the lake city1 As mayor of Cleveland from 1901 to 1910 Johnson established and maintained high administrative standards while pushing through a broad program of municipal reform He attracted wide attention ...

"Ohio's Religious Organizations and the War," by Martha L. Edwards. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 208-224.
... OHIO'S RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AND THE WAR OHIO'S RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AND THE WAR MARTHA L EDWARDS 'LAKE ERIE COLLEGE What have the churches of Ohio had to do with the war The answer to this question must of necessity await investigation since the source material upon which final judgments are to be based cannot now be assembled There is however evidence already at hand in the collections of the Historical Commission of Ohio which permits a tentative sketch of what the churches of the ...

"Thirteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 17, 1897 to February 1, 1898," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 407-429.
... THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 17 1807 TO FEBRUARY 1 1898 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E O RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1898 407 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio SIR-I have the honor to submit herewith the thirteenth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 17 1897 to February 1 1898 This ...

"Fort Laurens," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 648-649.
... 648 Ohio Arch 648 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications It is planned to visit the industrial plants of Dayton and the wonderful flood-prevention work If Mr Wright accompanies the visitors on their tour it may be a profitable day for the Society -- we may secure the first successful airship of the Wright brothers This plane while not in Dayton has not been sent to England If the Society secures the airplane and the mastodon skeleton a place to exhibit them must be provided and the Society ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1967-1968," Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 149a-163a.
... Race Principles and Policy of Rutherford B Hayes by GEORGE SINKLER When Rutherofrd B Hayes came to the presidency the race problem was waiting in all its urgency The subject was by no means new to him As an Ohio Congressman at the very beginning of his political career he endorsed the Radical program of reconstruction In unemotional terms this meant having a penchant for Negro rights and the preservation of the political power of the Republican party though not necessarily in that order1 A ...

Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 92-100.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Mrs Walter S Lister Secretary The society is working on a project to restore the first schoolhouse in Brecksville BUTLER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Hamilton A S Anderson President New officers elected in November are A S Anderson president William E Lakeman vice president Fred Hammerle treasurer and Mrs Henry Kessling secretary pro tem This society was incorporated during the past ...

"Brand Whitlock's Macochee: Puritan Theo-Politics in the Midwest," by Abe C. Ravitz. Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 257-275.
... Brand Whitlock's Macochee Brand Whitlock's Macochee Puritan Theo-Politics in the Midwest By ABE C RAVITZ TO BE REGARDED as an American Hardy or an American Turgenev was a lifelong ambition of Brand Whitlock wellknown midwest political figure and diplomat who to his everlasting disappointment failed in his ambitious quest for such literary renown1 Held in high esteem however by political scientists and historians alike for his successful methods in the administration of local government and ...

"New Horizon in History, A," by Bruce Catton. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 221-228.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 3 JULY 1956 A New Horizon in History By BRUCE CATTON When Ulysses the wise old man of Greek mythology prepared to take off on his final voyage beyond the sunset he summed up his knowledge of life in the one remark I am a part of all that I have met By this I suppose Ulysses was simply saying that history was not a thing apart from him He had lived he had contributed his bit to the life of his times and in turn had ...

"Construction of the Wabash and Erie Canal," by Lee Newcomer. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 199-207.
... CONSTRUCTION OF THE WABASH AND ERIE CANAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE WABASH AND ERIE CANAL By LEE NEWCOMER Perhaps the most important event in the early history of northwestern Ohio was the opening in 1843 of the Wabash and Erie Canal from Toledo to Lafayette Indiana During the brief period between that date and the coming of the railroads this canal was responsible for opening up a large and important agricultural area Immigrants from the East poured into the Maumee Valley farms were cleared and ...

"The Akron Centennial: July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1925," by Edwin W. Brouse. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 522-547.
... THE AKRON CENTENNIAL THE AKRON CENTENNIAL JUL Y 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 1925 BY EDWIN W BROUSE The plans for the Centennial found their first public expression in the appointment of an executive committee of seven men and women by Mayor D C Rybolt The Mayor was selected chairman of this committee This Committee spent much time in constructive work both in formulating plans and in digesting the multifarious suggestions which were offered to them As a result of this preliminary work two additional ...

"New Light from a Lincoln Letter on the Story of the Publication of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates," by Robert S. Harper. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 177-187.
... New Light from a Lincoln Letter New Light from a Lincoln Letter On the Story of the Publication Of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates By ROBERT S HARPER AN ABRAHAM LINC O LN LETTER that adds another link to the chain of known events that led to publication in Columbus in 1860 of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates lies unheralded in the library of the Ohio Historical Society It sheds a little more light on what David C Mearns chief of the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress Lincoln authority and ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1948-July 1949," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 442-462.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1948--JULY 1949 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE GATES Paul Wallace Cattle Kings in the Prairies Mississippi Valley Historical Review XXXV 1948-49 379-412 Ohio source and market for cattle HAYTER Earl W Seed Humbuggery among the Western Farmers 18501888 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly LVIII 1949 52-68 JONES Robert Leslie The Introduction of Farm ...

"William Sanders Scarborough: Scholarship, The Negro, Religion, and Politics," by Francis P. Weisenburger. Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 25-50, notes 85-88.
... WILLIAM SANDERS SCARBOROUGH SCHOLARSHIP THE NEGRO RELIGION AND POLITICS by FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER During the years in which William Sanders Scarborough was professor and then president at Wilberforce University his scholarly activities in the field of linguistics his work and writings in the field of race relations his contributions in the areas of religious journalism and church organization and his varied public services were significant Each of these demands some consideration As was ...

"Christmas Tree," by Charles Burleigh Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 132-135.
... 132 Ohio Arch 132 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications POEMS BY C B GALBREATH1 MORNING GLORIES From the shadows of night they called for the dawn In notes that were subtle and clear In a strain of music too exquisite For the range of mortal ear From their leafy columns and battlements That were moist with the morning dew A call for light and a reveille From the bells of their bugles they blew And lo up the east in the blush of the rose Came the tremulous light of the morn And earth awoke in ...