... J J J J AMPERE'S JOURNEY THROUGH OHIO A Translation from His Promenade en Amerique by MILDRED CREW Jean-Jacques Ampere 1800-1864 was born in the village of Polimieux near Lyons in the house where his father was born and where his grandfather had lived This grandfather was a merchant and also a justice of the peace who had remained at his post during his government's attempt to suppress the Jacobins and when the city of Lyons fell to the terrorists in 1793 was thrown into prison and eventually ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE MORAVIAN RECORDS VOLUME TWO THE DIARIES OF ZEISBERGER RELATING TO THE FIRST MISSIONS IN THE OHIO BASIN EDITED BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT AND WILLIAM NATHANIEL SCHWARZE INTRODUCTION THE MISSIONS OF THE UNITAS FRATRUM The ancient church of the Unitas Fratrum the United Brethren or Moravians as they became widely known from their original home-land was all but utterly destroyed by the persecutions that accompanied the Thirty Years' War Fleeing ...
... THOMSONIANISM IN OHIO THOMSONIANISM IN OHIO By FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Ohio has long been a battleground Because of its geographical position its terrain and its internal and bordering waterways it was the site of many wars between different Indian nations before the white man came and also near the end of the eighteenth century the location of the major warfare between the white men and the Indians Because of the geographical position fertility of the soil and ownership during the colonial ...
... MRS MRS JULIA B FORAKER A REVIEW OF HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY By C B GA LB RE ATH In his Notes of a Busy Life Senator J B Foraker pays the following tribute to his wife But among all the pleasing memories that attach to Delaware one remains to be mentioned that outranks all others considered either separately or collectively It was there I met courted and became engaged to Miss Julia Bundy daughter of Hon H S Bundy of Jackson County Ohio at that time and for a number of terms the Representative of his ...
... DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION By EDWARD C MILLS D D S F A C D To obtain a true concept of dentistry and dental education during the period under consideration it is necessary to present a general summary of previous conditions and of the qualifications activities and contributions of some of the pioneers in dentistry which ultimately developed into the present system of dental education The course of empire has ever been westward--and this truism may apply in ...
... 470 Ohio 470 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Baldwin holds that more than two thousand years have elapsed since the Mound Builders lived in the Ohio Valley In conclusion we are not in a position to state whether the Mound Builders were the race that exploited the pre-historic horse on this continent or whether they degenerated into Indians All we know for a certainty is that the pre-historic man had a pre-historic horse and that he both rode and ate him and that the horse in improved ...
... ESSAY AND COMMENT ESSAY AND COMMENT Historiography and WARREN G HARDING re The Shadow of Blooming Grove Warren G Harding in his Times by Francis Russell New York McGraw-Hill Company 1968 xvi691p index 1250 The image of Warren G Harding has been derived largely from pre1940 books by Samuel Hopkins Adams Frederick Lewis Allen Mark Sullivan and William Allen White To these life-and-times accounts must be added the memoirs of Nan Britton Harry Daugherty and Gaston B Means The picture presented was ...
... A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO BY P W HUNTINGTON President Huntington National Bank Columbus Ohio The early history of banking in the state of Ohio is much obscured by want of records on the subject but enough is known to demonstrate the fact that banking has been an important factor in the growth of the commonwealth from the beginning of its existence down to the year 1912 The first institution in Ohio to issue notes for circulation as money was the Miami Exporting ...
... 9 0 FLINT RIDGE FLINT RIDGE BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The explorations and studies recorded in this paper on Flint Ridge were undertaken for the purpose of securing for exhibition in the State Museum a complete collection of the various kinds of flint found at Flint Ridge as well as the implements used in quarrying the flint from its natural bed A preliminary examination of Flint Ridge beginning at its western edge in Hopewell Township Licking County Ohio extending eastward and ...
... A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE Letters and A Diary of Private James W Anderson by GEORGE C OSBORN Associate Professor of the Social Sciences University of Florida Since this article is drawn almost wholly from the diary and letters of Private James W Anderson perhaps a brief sketch of this Confederate soldier's early life will not be amiss James Anderson was born on a farm in McNary County Tennessee in 1835 He secured what little formal education he ...
... 190 Ohio Arch 190 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the beginning to within a few years it was the headquarters of that Order in America From its halls its preachers went into all parts of the country We now find our time gone and we are only getting into out subject Other events are quite as interesting and valuable but we have restricted ourselves to the very first as closely as possible and the half has not been told Some one ought to write a history of the first forty years of ...
... HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN MECHANICSBURG BY RALPH M WATTS Champion of those who groan beneath Oppression's iron hand In view of penury hate and death I see thee fearless stand Still bearing up thy lofty brow In the steadfast strength of truth In manhood sealing well the vow And promise of thy youth Go on for thou hast chosen well On in the strength of God Long as one human heart shall swell Beneath the tyrant's rod Speak in a suffering nation's ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 217 Reviews Notes and Comments 217 In 1844 he went to Palestine Illinois to spend his remaining days with his daughter Mrs Rachel L Kitchel Here he was highly honored by the citizens of the village On July 4 1845 he delivered his last public address Appearing in his continental uniform bowed with the infirmities of age his emotions almost overcame him as he contrasted the feeble beginnings of the Republic with the splendid destinies assured in the future In an ...
... McKINLEY MONUMENT McKINLEY MONUMENT DEDICATED SEPTEMBER 30 1907 Soon after the tragic death of President William McKinley many leading citizens of the nation such as Senator Hanna Justice Day Governor Herrick Hon George B Cortelyou and other prominent state and national officials united in the organization of The McKinley National Memorial Association The purpose was the erection at Canton Ohio of a monument suitable to the memory of the beloved and noble President Subscriptions poured in from ...
... JOSEPH RAY1 JOSEPH RAY1 By JERRY DENNIS Joseph Ray was born in Ohio County Virginia now Ohio County West Virginia on November 25 1807 His ancestry was of English origin and can be traced back to John Ray the naturalist William Ray his father was born in Ireland in 1782 and had settled with his parents near West Liberty Virginia in 1789 On February 25 1807 William married Margaret Graham a native of Westchester County Pennsylvania They were among the early pioneers of the Upper Ohio Valley The ...
... 344 Ohio Arch 344 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications PIONEER DAY At the close of a very imposing Pioneer and Industrial parade the people gathered at LaBelle park and on the beautiful lawns that terrace the immediate neighborhood at the intersection of Fourth street and LaBelle avenue in full view of the Ohio river and under the shade of hundreds of trees they crowded to listen to the addresses Hon J J Gill a descendant of an old and honorable Mt Pleasant family as chairman of the day ...
... JOHN M JOHN M MULDER The Heavenly City and Human Cities Washington Gladden and Urban Reform Historians have generally viewed the rise of the social gospel during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a response to the problems posed by industrialization immigration and urbanization Ever since the publication of Arthur M Schlesinger's pioneering analysis in 19321 historians have examined American religious groups especially American Protestants to determine the ways in which they ...
... THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS The committee found that limitations of time made it necessary to rely on questionnaires in compiling a bibliography of the historical writings of Ohioans during the year 1949 Members of the Ohio Academy of History staff members of departments of history in the state's colleges and universities and officials of local historical societies were asked to list their writings In relying on the use of the ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 295 THE MEMOIRS OF RUFUS PUTNAM Compiled and annotated by Miss Rowena Buell Marietta Ohio Houghton Mifflin amp Co Boston and New York This is a work of rare historical value and one which every student of history and particularly of Ohio history will covet and consult with great satisfaction It consists mainly of the official papers and correspondence connected with the life and deeds of General Rufus Putnam who was the leader in the little band of pilgrims who came ...