Ohio History Journal

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Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 407-413.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Dorothy S Donaldson President Six scrapbooks on the Alliance Centennial of 1950 compiled by members of the society have been completed and turned over to the Alliance Chamber of Commerce the Alliance Review the Carnegie Library Mount Union College Library and the Alliance Historical Society The project of placing bronze markers at historic sites is being continued The society holds its meetings three ...

"The Finns in Ohio," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 452-460.
... THE FINNS IN OHIO THE FINNS IN OHIO BY EUGENE VAN CLEEF The United States has been developed by motley groups of peoples from numerous divergent lands principally from European countries Among the representatives from these foreign nations are stalwart migrants from fascinating Finland In the course of a century or more the Finns have settled largely in our northern tier of states Their numbers today including those born in this country but of foreign or mixed parentage total 320536 Slightly ...

"The Western Reserve Historical Society," by Wallace H. Cathcart. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 463-473.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Finally a State Museum of History here in Ohio must take advantage of its exceptional opportunity to cooperate with the regional historical museums in the commonwealth After all your purposes are a common one namely to preserve and to teach the history of Ohio--your task is general theirs is particular The ideal State Museum which I have tried to picture should be applied to all the local museums A system ...

"Slavery and the Ohio Circuit Rider," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 195-205.
... Slavery and the Ohio Circuit Rider Slavery and the Ohio Circuit Rider By PAUL H BOASE There can be no doubt about John Wesley's hatred of slavery Both the trade and practice were condemned as the execrable sum of all villainies and if ranked in order of precedence few if any sins surpassed the buying and selling the bodies and souls of men women and children with the intention to enslave them Wesley's early followers were good disciples equally energetic in their efforts to stamp out the evil ...

"The American Historical Association," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 219-221.
... Editorialana Editorialana 219 they have been exterminated by war disease and failure of accustomed food supply consequented upon the advent of the whites The simple and primitive existence and the peculiar characteristics of these children of the forest are entertainingly depicted This chapter is followed by a valuable and full appendix of statistics concerning the Indians-treaties of the United States with the tribes the cost to the government in the case of these aboriginal wards the ...

"Horace Mann and Antioch College," by George Allen Hubbell. Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 12-27.
... HORACE MANN AND ANTIOCH COLLEGE HORACE MANN AND ANTIOCH COLLEGE GEORGE ALLEN HUBBELL PH D Mr Hubbell is a member of the Faculty of Berea College Kentucky and was formerly a professor at Antioch College of which Mr Horace Mann was president -EDITOR Ohio is the favorite daughter of the Eastern States The cannon of the Revolution had scarcely cooled when the Ordinance of 1787 was adopted and sturdy men began to look over the borders of Virginia Pennsylvania New York Connecticut and Massachusetts ...

"William Davis Gallagher," by W. H. Venable. Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 358-375.
... WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER BY W H VENABLE WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER poet editor and public official was born in Philadelphia August 21 1808 His father Bernard Gallagher familiarly called Barney was an Irishman a Roman Catholic a participant in the rebelli on that in 1 80 3 cost Robert Emmett his life Barney Gallagher migrated to the United States landing at the city of brotherly love where by the aid of John Binns editor of the Shamrock he obtained work Some time afterward ...

"Proceedings of the Annual Ohio History Conference," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 95-163.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE Including the Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History and the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society Held at Columbus April 6-8 1939 in Cooperation with Ohio State University the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives and Local Historical Societies throughout the State Columbus ...

"Report of the Committee on Fort Meigs, Fort Miami and the Battlefield of Fallen Timbers," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 261-262.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 261 Fortieth Annual Meeting 261 In addition to the usual repairs and upkeep it became necessary to reroof the dwelling of the custodian including a new roof over the porch and to repair the summer-house This has been done at a cost of 12747 The great increase of visitors at the Park has required an additional supply of drinking water and made it necessary to drill an additional well on the premises This has been done at a cost including casing and pump of 1982 0 The ...

"Historical Organizations in Ohio," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 231-235.
... HISTORICAL ORGANIZATIONS IN OHIO HISTORICAL ORGANIZATIONS IN OHIO Allen County Historical and Archaeological Society Lima James A MacDonell President Mrs H B Longsworth Secretary Alliance Historical Society Alliance Mrs Fred Donaldson President Ashland County Historical Society Ashland William A Duff Secretary Association for the Study of Negro Life and History Columbus William F Savoy State Director Barnesville History Club Barnesville Francis H Hibbard President Bezaleel Wells Historical ...

"Colonel James Kilbourne," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 22-30.
... COLONEL JAMES KILBOURNE COLONEL JAMES KILBOURNE BY C B GALBREATH Colonel James Kilbourne one of the founders of Bucyrus was a prominent pioneer of Ohio He was born at New Britain Connecticut October 19 1770 He was descended from an ancient Scottish family but his ancestors for many years had lived in England before emigrating to America His father who was a farmer encouraged his son to make his home with Mr Griswold the father of Bishop Griswold of the Protestant Episcopal Church in order that ...

"The Ohio Election of 1838: A Study in the Historical Method?," Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 85-100.
... VERNON L VERNON L VOLPE The Ohio Election of 1838 A Study in the Historical Method Historians are not immune from occasionally making minor errors such as misreading the results of a state election Unfortunately due to the nature of the craft one historian's lapse may assume the status of historical fact once it finds its way into the secondary literature where the original slip suddenly takes on a life of its own Through sheer repetition by other scholars a historical myth is created that is ...

"Significance of Memorials," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 477-491.
... SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS BY DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman and Fellow Citizens The Guests At the outset let me express the appreciation in which we all join of the patriotic generosity on the part of the General Assembly of the state of Ohio in making an appropriation for the erection of the statue which today we dedicate I may also express our appreciation of the presence on this occasion of His Excellency the Honorable A V Donahey Governor of Ohio of former Governor ...

"Winthrop B. Smith: Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series," by Mauck Brammer. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 45-59.
... MAUCK BRAMMER MAUCK BRAMMER Winthrop B Smith Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series William Holmes McGuffey 1800-1873 is generally credited with the phenomenal spread of moral eclecticism throughout the United States during the middle third of the nineteenth century Much of the credit should go however to his canny publisher Winthrop B Smith who was the first to recognize the evocative magic of the word eclectic as an advertising device He also wrested complete ownership of the McGuffey ...

"The Historic Rural Church," by Roy E. Bowers. Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 89-100.
... THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 BY Roy E BOWERS The historic rural church of the Northwest Territory of which Tallmadge is a distinguished example has passed through three phases and is now entering a fourth This is especially true of Ohio These phases are First that of rapid energetic and often heroic pioneering This in Ohio ended about 1830 Second that of tension and conflict ending with the Civil War Third that of prosperity and slow decline through the Civil War to ...

"Raisch-Smith Site, An Early Indian Occupation in Preble County, Ohio, The," by Ross Moffet. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 428-441.
... DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 persons present authorized their names to be signed to the constitution when it should be properly transcribed paid two dollars each as a membership fee and then after an informal talk adjourned to meet at the call of the President I have been reading to day three very interesting and able articles The first by Andrew D White President of Cornell University entitled The Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth in which he condemns the spirit of ...

"Farrar's Groundhog Speech," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 331-333.
... Editorialana Editorialana 3 31 Mrs Tuttle is a writer of great merit being a lady of unusual culture and scholarship Her husband was the late Prof Herbert Tuttle the distinguished historical writer and lecturer at Cornell University With her husband Mrs Tuttle spent some years abroad and became proficient as a linguist and an artist She not only writes in a delightful manner but wields the artist's brush both in portraiture and landscape with equal talent and charm That she is deeply ...

"Remarks of Secretary Randall" (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:) Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 339-356.
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 339 who were following us in the retreating continental Ice Sheet in Ohio as the Eskimo are still doing in Alaska and Greenland Thus geology and archaeology join hands in our state to shed light on the earliest conditions under which man struggled to maintain his existence in this world of thorns and thistles of earthquakes and volcanoes and of waxing and waning ice sheets The contrast between those conditions and those in which ...

Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 597-613.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII Alder Jonathan early pioneer honored Bible Indian translates Gospels into with marker 533-536 sketch of life Shawnee language 339-340 Bibles proby great-granddaughter 534-535 advided for prisoners at Ohio Penidresses by C B Galbreath L C tentiary 390 Dick and others 535 unveiling by Bibliography Shorthorn Cattle 65-66 descendants 535 list of descendants works of George Kennan 226 Mitchpresent 535-536 ener's Legend of the White Woman Alford Thomas ...

"The Indian in Ohio: With a Map of the Ohio Country," Volume 27, Number 3, July, 1918, pp. 274-510.
... THE INDIAN IN OHIO THE INDIAN IN OHIO With a Map of the Ohio Country BY H C SHETRONE ASSISTANT CURATOR Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society FOREWORD The accompanying narrative is offered in response to an apparent demand for a briefly comprehensive account of the aboriginal inhabitants of the territory comprised within the State of Ohio The need of such an addition to the already extensive literature on the subject is suggested by frequent inquiry on the part of visitors to the ...