Ohio History Journal

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"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 641-646.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DR DANIEL DRAKE'S MEMOIR OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1779-1794 The April-September number of the Quarterly Publications of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio prints a very interesting and historically valuable monograph from an unpublished manuscript in the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society It is edited by Dr Beverly W Bond Jr associate professor ...

"Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 396-420.

"Rediscovering the Old Northwest," by Christopher B. Coleman. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 637-656.
... Report of the 44th Annual Meeting 637 Report of the 44th Annual Meeting 637 associated with not only academic work but state historical work in years past an officer of the Indiana Historical Society and editor of the Indiana Magazine of History who for a time left the state of Indiana and was engaged in educational work in one of the colleges of Pennsylvania It was an opportunity that came to me a few years ago when leaving the state historical work in Indiana to recommend Dr Coleman as my ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 262-266.
... NEWS and NOTES SEVERAL LANDMARKS in American history which are of importance to Ohio historiography and which were published many years ago have been reprinted in a series called American Classics in Political Economic and Literary History being issued by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co Inc of New York They are My Autobiography by S S McClure The Acquisition of Political Social and Industrial Rights of Man in America by John Bach McMaster The Literature of the Middle Western Frontier by Ralph ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 440-448.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Colonel Dick Thompson the Persistent Whig By Charles Roll Indiana Historical Collections XXX Indianapolis Indiana Historical Bureau 1948 xvi 315p illustrations and index 250 Richard Wigginton Thompson the grand old man of Indiana politics was 22 years of age when he migrated to Bedford Indiana from his birthplace in Culpeper County Virginia where he was born June 9 1809 In Bedford he taught school briefly worked in a store studied law in his spare time founded with ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Society Building, Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, May 4, 1929, 10:00 A.M.," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 512-569.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY May 4 1929 1000 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present B F Prince Arthur C Johnson Van A Snider Claude Meeker E F Wood Morten Carlisle W D McKinney George Florence Rev S R Martin Mrs Gertrude Ball Mrs Anna M Kevin Charles F Walker William G Pengelly Homer Charles Mrs Homer Charles J E Tritsch ...

"Thomas Ewing, Sr.: Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank," by Abby L. Gilbert. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 4-24.
... ABBY L ABBY L GILBERT Thomas Ewing Sr Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank Thomas Ewing Sr lawyer Ohio Senator and Cabinet officer who asserted we must have a National Bank and Abbott Lawrence Massachusetts industrialist politician statesman and philanthropist who firmly believed the currency of this wide extended country never could be properly regulated without some great central controlling power over the State banks were very influential in the attempt to charter a third national bank in ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 439-442.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Arnold Snyder PhD candidate at McMaster University has joined Bluffton College as an assistant professor of history and philosophy Gary A Hunt formerly of Boston University replaced Richard W Ryan as Department Head of the Ohio University Library's Archives and Special Collections Department as of July 1 1979 David E Kyvig Associate Professor at the ...

"Crawford County 'Ez Trooly Dimecratic': A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 33-53, notes 93-95.
... CRAW FO RD COUNTY A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism by THOMAS H SMITH The Copperhead movement in the Middle West during the Civil War was not the simple case of pro-Southern sympathy and treason that the Republican propagandist charged but rather it was a complex of social economic and political antagonism to the Lincoln administration As diverse as its motives was the geographic heterogeneity of the movement no one specific locality or region held its nucleus Its strongest support however ...

"Report of the Committee on Historical Societies," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 263-266.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 healthy condition even though it carries the scars of the damage caused by storm three years ago The General Gibson Grove that was planted a year ago is growing with few losses and they are being replaced Thousands of people continue to visit this historic old tree annually On October 4th the Ohio History Day Association held its annual meeting at the Park and with most unfavorable weather conditions had more than 3000 people present Mr ...

"The Influence of the Ohio River in Western Expansion," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 7-10.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 7 sylvania State College excellently fulfilled its purpose of forming a general introduction to the sessions of the three-days meeting THE INFLUENCE OF THE OHIO RIVER IN WESTERN EXPANSION BY EDWIN ERLE SPARKS President Pennsylvania State College Of the five great continents on the globe three have been conquered have been opened and have been civilized within the span of recorded history It is possible therefore to make a ...

"The Religion of William Tecumseh Sherman," by Jack J. Detzler. Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 26-34, notes 68-70.
... 26 26 THE RELIGION OF WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN by JACK J DETZLER Throughout his adult life William Tecumseh Sherman fought a battle with himself and his family that was far more personally intense and disturbing than any of his epic military campaigns this conflict was in a word a battle for his soul1 His religious faith and state of grace received frequent discussion within his family circle An incessant dialogue went on between this Godfearing but nonsectarian husband and his dedicated Roman ...

"Man and Nature in Modern Ohio," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 144-153.
... MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 by PAUL B SEARS Professor of Botany Oberlin College My theme is law It is a curious paradox that science whose practitioners proudly boast that they take nothing for granted rests upon faith Science is in fact what our theological friends would call an act of faith The faith to which I refer is a profound belief that the universe of our experience is a universe of law and order2 Without a conviction that the world of experience must ...

"Index to Minutes of Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 36, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 702-707.
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accessions to Museum 600-605 Braden James A 584 599 Allyn M Q 645 Braun Herman Sr 599 Amos Frank C 584 Brundage Dr H M 645 Archaeological and Historical Society Buchwalter Captain E L 636 holds Annual Meeting 584-683 new Burr Karl E 645 policies 647-651 change in fiscal year Burroughs John Address on by G amendments to Constitution ...

"Report of the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Held April 1-2, 1938," Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 197-248.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD APRIL 1 -2 1938 Business Session 10 00 A M Friday April 1 Ohio State Museum Meeting called to order by Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr president MR JOHNSO N This is the Annual Business Meeting of the Society and the small attendance this morning might be regarded as disappointing excepting for the fact that it indicates to me that the Society must be pretty ...

"The Old Maysville Road," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 442-463.
... 442 Ohio Arch 442 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General Braddock did not live to realize all the evil consequences which his defeat brought upon the frontiers The road which he had opened from the Potomac to within seven miles of Fort Duquesne became again an Indian warpath In the three years following this battle it was used by a few small parties of French and many bands of Indians as an open road to the Potomac whence they ravaged the English settlements in Virginia Maryland and ...

"Oscar Wilde in Cleveland," by Francis X. Roellinger, Jr.. Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 129-138.
... OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND by FRANCIS X ROELLINGER JR Assistant Professor of English Oberlin College A Clevelander in search of amusement during the week of February 12 1882 could rejoice at the number and variety if not the excellence of his opportunities At the Euclid Avenue Opera House Mr John McCullough the eminent tragedian fresh from a brilliant season in London was presenting a repertoire that included Othello and Richard III At the Academy of Music Buffalo Bill ...

"Ohio, The Gateway of the West," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 137-181.
... OHIO THE GATEWAY OF THE WEST OHIO THE GATEWAY OF THE WEST BY CARRIE B ZIMMERMAN The story of Ohio the Gateway of the West reveals in its rapid development its swift evolution from a primeval wilderness to one of the most highly cultivated industrial and agricultural centers in the world what can be accomplished when given extraordinary geographic conditions combined with rare qualities of human character With a northern shore-line of more than two hundred miles stretching along Lake Erie and ...

"Hayes Memorial," by Lucy E. Keeler. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 481-490.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 481 fought for freedom and tolerance and your Society with its new facilities can do much to see that that fight was not in vain In this work which we think of great value your elder sister pledges you its constant and sincere help with the conviction that the glory and achievement of one is that of all Mr Greve is a graduate of Harvard and the Cincinnati Law school a prominent attorney of Cincinnati and author ...

"Ohio State Library Centennial," Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 96-114.
... OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Ohio State Library was observed on the evening of August 10 1917 No special significance attached to this particular date It is not known just when the State Library first opened It was doubtless available for the use of the general assembly at the regular session which began December 1 1917 Provision had been made for it and the initial supply of books purchased by Governor ...