... THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE BY C B GALBREATH Beautiful in winter when the earth is robed in white beautiful in the springtime when the grass comes creeping everywhere when buds open and the robin and the bluebird are heard among the trees beautiful in the summer twilight when the foliage is dense and green when the katydid in the tree top in staccato song answers to the chirp of the cricket below when the well-kept mounds are decked with flowers sweet prophecies of the resurrection ...
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OF ISAAC J COX The subject of Prof Cox's address was Ohio and Western Sectionalism Prof Cox is professor of American History in the University of Cincinnati He is president of the Mississippi Valley Historical Society and was formerly president of the Ohio Valley Historical Society It is a truism to state that natural forces determine the essential facts of history but at the same time we may assert that men of vision show the ...
... PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS On Tuesday evening February 15 1927 a meeting of unusual interest was held in the audience room of the Museum and Library Building on the Ohio State University Campus The program announced a joint session of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio The purpose of the meeting is indicated in the following announcement The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio presents to the Ohio ...
... 520 Ohio Arch 520 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications but they love it more because they have seen its crimson colors reproduced in the blood of America We love this country but they love it more because they have seen the sacrifices which have made it what it is and while we hope that we will have peace we are going to claim our right and recognize our right under any circumstance at any time to protect our homes our loved ones our country and our flag to maintain American institutions ...
... Fowke's Book Reviewed Fowke's Book Reviewed 143 which seem to be very real and very correct This should also be the case with the person who studies the earthworks of Ohio He should be so familiar with ancient Society as to make the monuments speak and interpret the works and relics so that they will be suggestive of the people who used them A negative criticism does not serve any good purpose Every writer should rise to a plane higher than the ordinary observer and should put into the works ...
... DENNIS K DENNIS K BOMAN Conduct and Revolt in the Twenty-fifth Ohio Battery An Insider's Account On August 10 1861 in the town of Canfield Ohio twenty-eight year old Robert T McMahan enlisted as a private in the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry1 On September 3 the date of his muster he began a journal in which he noted the experiences and impressions of his service in the United States military2 McMahan first served as a cavalryman and then as a gunner for the Twenty-fifth Ohio Light Artillery ...
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO C B GALBREATH If a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of a nation--ANDREW FLETCHER No names are deathless save those of the world's singers - FRANCES E WILLARD If this ascription of power and immortality seems somewhat sweeping and a little too poetically generous the fact remains that music affecting as it does the emotional in man and touching all its keys exerts a distinct influence on individual and ...
... 302 Ohio Arch 302 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications it to go beyond what is now the confines of Pickaway Township Further the Cresaps of the present are of the opinion that Logan should have been consistent with the words of his message by his attendance at the Treaty when only six miles distant notwithstanding his threatening note of July 1774 to Captain Michael Cresap tied to a War Club and left in the house of Roberts after Logan had massacred the family Also Logan was inconsistent ...
... Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage 37 1 Indians which eventually led to his dismissal from the service His distinguished engineer Montresor was left to rebuild the fort which however was only partially accomplished There is not much more recorded concerning the portage of old Fort Sandoski until the War of 1812 when after the victory of Commodore Perry on September 10 1813 General Harrison with his entire army moved down from his headquarters at ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Bloody Mohawk By T Wood Clarke New York The Macmillan Company 194 0 372p 350 The author begins his story at the beginning so to speak when the Iroquois first settled in the Mohawk Valley The story ends with the war for American Independence inasmuch as the last three chapters are composed of biographical sketches of the little-known leaders of the patriots the loyalists and of the Iroquois in that struggle We are told that this is a frankly popular history and ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter Volumes VII-VIII Indiana Territory 1800-1816 U S Dept of State Publications Nos 1383-1384 Washington D C Government Printing Office 1939 2v 784 p 496 p 200 150 The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has received volumes VII and VIII of the Territorial Papers of the United States compiled and edited by Dr Clarence Edwin Carter of the Department of State ...
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 625 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 625 Front Inscription To General Anthony Wayne who organized the 'Legion of the United States' by order of President Washington and defeated Chief Little Turtle's Warriors here at Fallen Timbers August 20 1794 This victory led to the Treaty of Greenville August 3 1795 which opened much of the present State of Ohio to white settlers Left Inscription In memory of the white settlers massacred 17831794 Back ...
... An Iron Workers' Strike in An Iron Workers' Strike in The Ohio Valley 1873-1874 By HERBERT G GUTMAN DURING THE EAR L Y MONTHS of the depression of 1873 a serious strike of iron workers took place in the Ohio Valley The stoppage affected iron mills in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky and in Indiana Illinois Missouri and Tennessee as men left work in mills in large cities like Cincinnati Indianapolis and St Louis and in smaller industrial towns like Ironton and Portsmouth Ohio Newport and ...
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 449 doubtless be a matter of regret to everyone that the railroad has recently changed the name of the station and the brakeman no longer calls out Black Hand but Toboso It is to be hoped that commercial as well as historic interest will induce the new electric line to perpetuate the name of Black Hand In a beautiful introduction to her legend among other things Mrs Gebhart says The Indian legend pertaining to this relic of a prehistoric race was told me by ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Roy F Nichols is Professor of History in the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Raymond F Fletcher is Business Manager of the Portsmouth Ohio Times Howard H Peckham is Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau and Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis William Alexander Mabry is Professor of History in Mount Union College Alliance Ohio Cathaline Alford Archer Mrs John Clark Archer of Hamden Conn interests herself in local and family ...
... ROBERT M ROBERT M MENNEL The Family System of Common Farmers The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm 1840-1858 The early history of the Ohio Reform School for Boys1 which opened in 1858 provides a unique opportunity to analyze the development of attitudes and policies toward juvenile delinquency and related problems such as dependency and neglect-all major concerns of nineteenth century society As the first American institution to combine a decentralized family or cottage building plan with an ...
... BOOK REVIEWS JAMES HALL SPOKESMAN OF THE NEW WEST By Randolph C Randall Columbus Ohio State University Press 1964 xvi371p illustrations bibliography and index 750 Randolph Randall's account of the life of James Hall 1793-1868 to whom Herman Melville acknowledged a literary debt in The Confidence-Man provides an interesting panorama of the larger life of the eastern and Ohio Valley frontier during the years of explosive change and growth that came between the War of 1812 and the War between the ...
... 142 Ohio Arch 142 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LAST EDITORIAL The following from The Columbus Evening Dispatch of September 2 1 919 is believed to be the last editorial contribution from Mr Randall to that paper It may be considered his final word on a subject to which he had given much thought and on which he had frequently written WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS The remarkable discoveries recently unearthed by the exploring department of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...
... THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM By W J MCNIFF Kirtland Ohio was but a stepping stone for the Mormons as they restlessly pushed on towards the setting sun Somewhere in the West they planned a city of Zion Their leader prophesied a land of milk and honey gleaming with alabaster towers where righteousness would reign in the hearts of man The Kirtland phase came as an interlude between the future Zion of Missouri and the scornful attitude of the New Yorker In 1 827 ...
... Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform by John D Buenker During the highly productive progressive era of the early 1900's Ohioans enacted a myriad of reforms designed to cope with the serious political economic and social problems of the day Included in their efforts was the updating of the state constitution more attuned to the complexities of twentieth century life The contributions made to this record by such eminent reformers as Tom L Johnson Samuel Golden Rule Jones Brand ...