Ohio History Journal

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"Pretty Scaly Times: The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877," by Brian M. Linn. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 171-181.
... BRIAN M BRIAN M LINN Pretty Scaly Times The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877 The employment of the Ohio National Guard at Newark during the railroad strike of 1877 represents an effective use of military force during a potentially explosive labor dispute In contrast to West Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania Illinois Missouri and Indiana the state authorities of Ohio did not have to call on federal troops to enforce civil authority During the strike relations between the militia ...

"Worlds in Collision," by Immanuel Velikovsky - "An 1850 Preview of 'Worlds in Collision,'" by Carl Wittke. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 1-9.
... AN 1850 PREVIEW OF WORLDS IN COLLISION AN 1850 PREVIEW OF WORLDS IN COLLISION by CARL WITTKE Professor of History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky is still on the best seller lists The book written by a Russian-born physician and Bible student who explored the sciences from medicine and law to psychoanalysis in many European centers of learning continues to be the storm center of one of the liveliest controversies that has ...

"Early Newspapers of Cincinnati," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 169-183.
... EARLY NEWSPAPERS OF CINCINNATI EARLY NEWSPAPERS OF CINCINNATI BY V C STUMP The first newspaper was printed in Cincinnati November 9 17931 At that time Cincinnati was a small village in the wilderness Only the hardier pioneers had dared to face the hardships and to cross the Alleghany Mountains in spite of the menace of the British and Indians on the North Among these few was one William Maxwell an editor from New Jersey who set up a little printing office in a log cabin which stood on the ...

Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 164-171.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS AMERICA'S FRONTIER HERITAGE By Ray Allen Billington Histories of the American Frontier Series edited by Ray Allen Billington New York Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc 1966 xiv302p end notes and bibliography 575 In his Westward Expansion one of the standard texts on the westward movement to 1900 Ray Billington traces in narrative fashion and with near encyclopedic detail the history of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific The two shortest chapters are the first ...

"Address of President Wright (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:)," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 326-339.
... 326 Ohio Arch 326 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications main and spacious entrance to the campus of the Ohio State University A structure imposing and attractive in architectural form it is therefore the first of the many handsome buildings that dot and adorn the college grounds to greet the view not only of the visitors to the university but to all those who pass by on the chief thoroughfare of the capital city Certainly the trustees of the Ohio State University were generous when they ...

Volume 63, Binding Supplement, , 1954, pp. 433-443.
... Index Index THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Volume 63 ABOUT HISTORIANS 74-76 192Bahmer Robert H Keep the Record 193 293-295 416-418 Straight 225-239 Academic Procession An Informal HisBaker Nina Brown Cyclone in Calico tory of the American College 1636The Story of Mary Ann Bickerdyke 1953 by Ernest Earnest rev 307-308 rev 426-427 Adams William A 255 Baldwin Charles C and Pease map of The Admission of Ohio to the Union Western Reserve 270-271 by Benjamin H Pershing ...

Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 294-297.
... Historical News Historical News THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE MORMON CHURCH has microfilmed all military records of the division of soldiers' claims of the Ohio adjutant general's office The microfilmed records include grave registration data on Ohio veterans of all wars in which Ohioans participated rosters of Ohio soldiers in these wars and indexes to the rosters original hand-written muster rolls of the Ohio units in the Civil War records of payment to Squirrel Hunters rosters of Ohio ...

Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 94-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Indiana History A Book of Readings Compiled and edited by Ralph D Gray Bloomington Indiana University Press 1995 xiv 442p index 3995 cloth 2295 paper None of the states of the Old Northwest has more persistently embodied the Midwestern middle-class ideal of small towns and commercial agriculture than Indiana Unlike Ohio Illinois Michigan or Wisconsin Indiana did not develop a huge industrial center No Chicago Cleveland Milwaukee Detroit or Cincinnati emerged in the ...

"Pioneer Schools and School Masters," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 36-51.
... PIONEER SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL MASTERS PIONEER SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL MASTERS BY D C SHILLING One of the most striking facts found in a study of the history of the Ohio Valley is the early appearance of the log schoolhouse When the primitive conditions of the country together with the everpresent danger from Indian attacks are taken into consideration one is forced to conclude that only a sincere and abiding faith in the efficacy of popular education prompted the pioneers to make the sacrifices ...

"An Eddy in the Western Flow of American Culture: The History of Printing and Publishing in Oxford, Ohio, 1827-1841," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 103-127.
... AN EDDY IN THE WESTERN FLOW OF AMERICAN AN EDDY IN THE WESTERN FLOW OF AMERICAN CULTURE The History of Printing and Publishing in Oxford Ohio 1827-1841 By JESSE H SHERA 103 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is I am well aware not customary to append to a study as brief as this a lengthy list of acknowledgments Nevertheless there are in this instance certain major obligations the public recognition of which I am convinced is not an act of supererogation Accordingly I would express my ...

Volume 50, Binding Supplement, , 1941, pp. 417-431.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME L GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME L Aberdeen O 118 American Periodical Literature Index Abolitionists 262 to Early 316 Aboriginal Man 141-4 American Philosophical Society336 Ackley Horace 340 American Public Health Association Adams Co250 365 382 Adams John 58 American Republicans 20 Adams John Quincy 21 American Revolution 4 17 25 31 33 Adams Randolph G12 47 99 36 37 44 60 66 71 72 74 85 86 87 Adams Samuel 186 88 244 274 Adena Mounds 203 American State Papers 317 Adena Plain ...

"The Political Career of Harry M. Daugherty, 1889-1919," by James N. Giglio. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 152-177.
... JAMES N JAMES N GIGLIO The Political Career of Harry M Daugherty 1889-1919 Historians have written about Harry Micajah Daugherty only within the context of the Warren G Harding era His association with the 1920 campaign and the Harding presidency has received extensive coverage Works on the 1920's have amply covered his involvement in the administration scandals Daugherty's pre1912 career however has been virtually ignored only a scant outline of early political adventures has come from the ...

"William H. West," by William Z. Davis. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 404-414.
... WILLIAM H WILLIAM H WEST BY WILLIAM Z DAVIS The following is an address in memory of Judge William H West delivered by Hon William Z Davis of the Ohio Supreme Court at the meeting of the Ohio Bar Association Cedar Point July 12 1911 This writing is not a biography but an appreciation of one of the most notable members of the Ohio Bar in his generation As a counsellor as a trial lawyer and advocate in the halls of 404 William H William H West 405 legislation as attorney general as judge of ...

"Ohio Canals: Public Enterprise on the Frontier, The," by Chester E. Finn. Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 1-40.
... THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE ON THE FRONTIER By CHESTER E FINN On July 4 1825 the little town of Newark Ohio celebrated the grandest and most glorious fourth of its history The notables of the State and of other States were congregated there and a momentous event in the history of Ohio was about to take place After suitable celebrations in the town the group adjourned to Licking Summit escorted by brilliantly uniformed troops of militia and followed by ...

"Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the OHio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 27, Number 4, October, 1918, pp. 511-552.
... THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOC I ETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO September 25 1918 The meeting was called to order by President G Frederick Wright There were present G Frederick Wright George F Bareis W H Cole B F Prince W L Curry E F Wood Mrs Howard Jones J S Roof J E Campbell H F Burket D J Ryan A M Schlesinger J M Henderson William Walker E O Randall D H Gard W C Mills H C Shetrone L P Schaus J ...

"Fort Amanda Park," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 655-656.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 655 Forty-First Annual Meeting 655 of the Museum and Library Building together with all the addresses and a number of illustrations To this has been added a brief history of the Society by the Secretary It is intended to use this material in part in an intensive campaign for an increase in the membership of the Society The fifth and final volume of the Diary and Letters of Rutherford B Hayes is now in type and will soon be ready for distribution There is an ...

"Claude Meeker (1861-1929). IN MEMORIAM: Addresses Delivered at a Special Meeting of the Kit-Kat Club of Columbus, Ohio, December 2, 1930," Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 590-614.
... CLAUDE MEEKER CLAUDE MEEKER 1861-1929 IN MEMORIAM Addresses Delivered at a Special Meeting of the Kit-Kat Club of Columbus Ohio December 2 1930 Interesting remarks were also made on this occasion by Mr Osman C Hooper who brought a message from Professor French and with it a copy of Mr Meeker's book-plate which Professor French had made for him Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr spoke of Mr Meeker's never failing interest in newspaper work and stated that he had prepared a number of articles the last year ...

Volume 53, Binding Supplement, , 1944, pp. 413-441.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII ABBEY ROBERT 185 Altenburg Clarence E A Modern ConAbolition and abolitionists 7 8 9 33 T quistador in South America rev by Morris 15 N S Townshend elected G M Potts 408 to legislature by 359 Alton Ill 12 disturbances 8 Aborigines American 97 Alton O 145 Academic Institute 128 Alum Creek 58 137 138 145 155 Academy conducted by Nathaniel Holmeaning 139 ley 130 Alva Okla 54 Academy for boys A Kinmont's 122 Amalthea see Central College ...

"Samuel Medary, Journalist and Politician, 1801-1864," by Helen P. Dorn. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 14-38.
... SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND POLITICIAN 1801-1864 BY HELEN P DORN Ohio has produced some of the most interesting and challenging and certainly the most virile journalists in the United States Nevertheless the memory of man is short and prominent figures are soon forgotten unless their achievements are recreated by future generations Samuel Medary was such a man He was born of Quaker parents in Montgomery County Pennsylvania at the beginning of the nineteenth ...

Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 597-613.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII Alder Jonathan early pioneer honored Bible Indian translates Gospels into with marker 533-536 sketch of life Shawnee language 339-340 Bibles proby great-granddaughter 534-535 advided for prisoners at Ohio Penidresses by C B Galbreath L C tentiary 390 Dick and others 535 unveiling by Bibliography Shorthorn Cattle 65-66 descendants 535 list of descendants works of George Kennan 226 Mitchpresent 535-536 ener's Legend of the White Woman Alford Thomas ...