Ohio History Journal

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Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 177-187.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador New Mexico By Edward Twitchell Hall Jr Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology Vol II Pt I New York Columbia University Press 1944 96p Illus 200 This is a report of excavations carried on in north-central New Mexico by a joint expedition from Columbia University and the Laboratory of Anthropology Santa Fe New Mexico The purpose of the expedition was to expand our knowledge of the Rosa culture phase the oldest known ...

Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 164-171.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS AMERICA'S FRONTIER HERITAGE By Ray Allen Billington Histories of the American Frontier Series edited by Ray Allen Billington New York Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc 1966 xiv302p end notes and bibliography 575 In his Westward Expansion one of the standard texts on the westward movement to 1900 Ray Billington traces in narrative fashion and with near encyclopedic detail the history of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific The two shortest chapters are the first ...

"Boz Reports on Ohio," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 195-202.
... BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO By ROBERT PRICE On Tuesday the twenty-sixth of April 1842 Charles Dickens writing from America to John Forster in London began his letter with the heading Niagara Falls upon the English Side1 Then very suggestively he drew ten dashes underneath the word English 2 Dickens' first tour of the United States then just about completed had not been altogether pleasant The typical British attitude of the time toward people and things in the States had probably ...

"Marion Centennial Celebration," by J. Wilbur Jacoby. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 380-413.
... MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BY J WILBUR JACOBY OUTLINE OF HISTORY OF MARION COUNTY In this centenary year for the city of Marion it is not inappropriate to preface this article with a brief outline of the history of Marion County Marion County was named after the famous Revolutionary General Francis Marion and attached to Delaware County by act of February 20 1820 For more than twenty-five years thereafter the southern limit of the county was the Greenville ...

"Fort Hill, Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 260-264.
... FORT HILL OHIO FORT HILL OHIO FORT HILL is situated in the southeastern corner of Highland county Ohio one and a half miles west of Pike county line and three miles north of the village of Sinking Springs The base of the hill is bounded on the north and west by the East Fork of Ohio Brush Creek Its elevation is about five hundred feet above the bed of the stream and thirteen hundred feet above the level of the sea The base of the hill rests upon one hundred and fifty feet of Niagara limestone ...

"Caleb Atwater: Pioneer Politician and Historian," Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 18-37.
... Caleb Atwater Caleb Atwater Pioneer Politician and Historian By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER THE FIRST SIGNIFICANT SUMMARY of Ohio's past was an historical introduction by Salmon P Chase to his compilation of the Statutes of Ohio1 At that time Chase a graduate of Dartmouth College who had studied law in a somewhat informal way under William Wirt attorney general of the United States 1817-29 was waiting for clients as a fledgling lawyer in Cincinnati2 James Kent the distinguished New York jurist ...

"Ohio Surveys from the Air," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 53-57.
... OHIO SURVEYS FROM THE AIR OHIO SURVEYS FROM THE AIR By ALFRED J WRIGHT Many Ohioans have been interested in studying the evolutionary aspects of today's landscapes Very likely many more will think along these lines during the year marked as it is by the sesquicentennial celebration of the founding of Ohio There have recently come into the possession of the State Archaeological and Historical Society some air photographs of one aspect of this evolutionary thought Through the good offices of the ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 360-390.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Handbook of the Civil War By Robert S Harper Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1961 78p illustrations map and bibliography Paper 100 This compact work is crammed with highly useful information Beginning with Abraham Lincoln's earliest appearances in Ohio before the disruption of the Union it covers in rapid-fire fashion a wide range of topics Ohio's reaction to secession to the firing on Fort Sumter and the state's ...

"George Armstrong Custer," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 623-631.
... GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER BY C B GALBREATH Grant Sherman and Sheridan This is the group of Civil War generals which is usually put forward as Ohio's unrivalled contribution to leadership in the great struggle between the North and the South These three have been honored with statues on the famous monument Ohio's Jewels at the northwest corner of the Capitol building of that State in Columbus Grant and Sherman were each born in Ohio and received their appointment to ...

"Bryan's Benefactor: Coin Harvey and His World," Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 299-325.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1958 Bryan's Benefactor Coin Harvey and His World By JEANNE TT E P NICHOLS THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES are temperamentally given to experiments to impatient and Utopian solutions according to a distinguished British historian of the present day1 following a line of thought traversed by many other analysts domestic and foreign past and present Few Americans would deny that the nation has shown a lively ...

"The Early Judiciary, Early Laws and Bar of Ohio," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 141-160.
... The Early Judiciary of Ohio The Early Judiciary of Ohio 141 THE EARLY JUDICIARY EARLY LAWS AND BAR OF OHIO A proper study of the early judicial system and early laws of our State carries us to a period when as a part of the great Northwest Territory we were under control of the Federal Government On the 13th day of July 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the ordinance for The Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Relative to the judiciary the ...

"The Beginnings of the Colonial System of the United States," by I. W. Andrews. Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 1-9.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY JUNE 1887 THE BEGINNINGS OF THE COLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES1 THE formation of this society comes at an opportune moment In a little more than three years a century will have elapsed since the first permanent white settlement was made within the limits of the great region Northwest of the River Ohio That settlement was the beginning not only of this good State of Ohio but also of Indiana Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin which have all ...

"The Preservation of Documents" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 404-412.
... THE PRESERVATION OF DOCUMENTS THE PRESERVATION OF DOCUMENTS ONE of the earlier issues of the QUARTERLY contained timely suggestions regarding the preservation of old documents letters and memoranda relating to our early history There has also been no little discussion on this question elsewhere notably in the American Historical Association The result has been to awaken an interest in such articles and a search in old trunks in garrets and in other such receptacles incident to our American ...

"Struggle for Statehood in Ohio, The," by Ruhl Jacob Bartlett. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 472-505.
... THE STRUGGLE FOR STATEHOOD IN OHIO THE STRUGGLE FOR STATEHOOD IN OHIO BY RUHL JACOB BARTLETT M A The admission of Ohio as a state into the Union marked the end of a long and bitter political contest both within and without the Northwest Territory It was that age old conflict between the forces that are progressive and those that are conservative for it must be remembered that the closing years of the 19th century marked a period of rapid political transition in American history The colonists ...

"Tecumseh," by Jessie F. V. Donnell. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 497-498.
... Tecumseh Tecumseh 497 says her husband was killed fighting by the side of Tecumseh in the battle of the Thames but Shane speaks of him as quoted by Drake as Tecumseh's friend and brother-in-law Wasegoboah It would appear from this that Masonville had united with the Indians assumed an Indian name and becamereconciled to Tecumseh Shane further states that after the War of 1812 Tecumsapease went to Quebec probably with her nephew Pugeshashenwa whence after a time she returned to Detroit where ...

"Pioneer Days in Central Ohio," by Henry B. Curtis. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 243-254.
... PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO1 IT is pleasant my friends to realize the sentiment that not only peace has its triumphs as well as war but that domestic and home life hath its excitements and enjoyments as well as the political arena In this day of public strife-in the middle of a campaign in which the embattling squadrons of the several political parties of the day are arrayed against each other in the contest for civil power-we rest on our arms and come together as ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 158-163.
... NEWS and NOTES ADLAI E STEVENSON United States ambassador to the United Nations has given his papers relating to his campaign for governor of Illinois in 1948 and the papers of his terms as governor 1949-53 to the Illinois State Historical Society Springfield In a statement accompanying his letter of gift Ambassador Stevenson said Feeling that the preservation of papers affecting our past is important for the future and because of my family's long residence in Illinois and close connection ...

"Depression and New Deal in Ohio: Lorena A. Hickok's Reports to Harry Hopkins, 1934-1936," Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 258-277.
... BERNARD STERNSHER BERNARD STERNSHER Depression and New Deal in Ohio Lorena A Hickok's Reports to Harry Hopkins 1934-1936 Lorena A Hickok newspaperwoman and friend of Eleanor Roosevelt served as Harry Hopkins' Chief Field Investigator during his tenure as head of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration FERA between 1933 and 1935 and the Works Progress Administration WPA from 1935 to 1938 Born in East Troy Wisconsin in 1893 Hickok began her journalistic career with the Milwaukee Sentinel and ...

"Communications Relating to the Celebration," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 234-244.
... COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE CELCOMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE CELEBRATION LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS OF CONGRATULATION MARIETTA April 6 1888 Dr I W Andrews Hartford Conn The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society in session at its annual meeting sends greeting and congratulates you on the great success of the Marietta Centennial so largely the result of your labors Nothing but your presence is wanting to complete it Our best wishes for your speedy recovery F C SESSIONS President HARTFORD ...

Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 264-268.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS THREE YEARS IN CHILE BY MRS GEORGE G MERWIN Edited with an introduction by C Harvey Gardiner Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1966 xviii102p 450 Not widely recognized for what it really is an interesting early Ohio book has been published as the fourth in a valuable series of Latin American Travel reprints The book is presented as a New York publication of Follett Foster amp Company in 1863 and the editor neither mentions the fact that it first came out two years ...