... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 12 1958 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Ohio Academy of History was held at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 12 1958 Three concurrent morning sessions offered papers on a variety of topics In the area of American social history with Walter Rumsey Marvin of the Ohioana Library in the chair Protestantism and the American Labor Movement 1827-1869 was presented by Clair M Cook of the ...
... compiled by compiled by DAVID R LARSON Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS BELL OLIVER History of Ohio seventh grade school text Research Associate Educational Research Council DITTBRENNER CURTIS H Guide to County and Municipal Government Records in Ohio Archives Specialist Ohio Hist Society DOOLEN RICHARD M THOMAS H SMITH and HARRY R STEVENS Readings and Sources in Ohio History Hist profs Ohio Univ LARSON DAVID R Reference Guide to Researching Ohio History ...
... GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND by WILLIS THORNTON The Mormon interlude at Kirtland Ohio was by no means the transplantation of an alien tree into an unaccustomed soil The ground at Kirtland was not only well prepared for the planting but was already sprouting luxuriant vegetation so closely akin to Mormonism that the simplest cross-pollination and grafting provided a native stand of Mormon timber Yet despite this apparently auspicious climate relations between the ...
... EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER BY LESLIE S HENSHAW CINCINNATI OHIO October 1911 marks a centennial of considerable importance to the Western country for it was in that month in 1811 that the first steamboat on Western waters passed down the Ohio River The boat a side-wheeler1 was built at Pittsburgh under the direction of Nicholas J Roosevelt of New York an agent of Fulton the inventor and Livingston the financial aid and was called the New ...
... K K AUSTIN KERR The Movement for Coal Mine Safety in Nineteenth-Century Ohio In the nineteenth century Ohioans as other Americans faced a host of new situations arising from the industrial revolution As the level of industrial production increased unique forms of occupational organization emerged which often confronted workers or the public with unaccustomed hazards creating demands that government begin regulating the affairs of private industry By the 1860s state government began addressing ...
... GEORGE E GEORGE E STEVENS THE CINCINNA TI POST AND MUNICIPAL REFORM 1914-1941 City government in Cincinnati underwent a drastic overhaul in the 1920's Once called the worst governed city in the United States by Lincoln Steffens1 Cincinnati became a model of good government so quickly that the transformation amazed even the most idealistic reformers The new regime showed so complete a reversal of form from the old that it left observers dazed wrote Alvin F Harlow2 This reversal of form was made ...
... SIMON KENTON -- THOMAS W SIMON KENTON - - THOMAS W CRIDLAND PIONEERS BY WALTER D MCKINNEY Today it is my great privilege to place in the custody of this Society the framed portrait of a man This I might do in short form which would be forgotten at the conclusion of the ceremony but the subject of the portrait and the portrait itself -- and the maker of the frame and the frame itself -- are deserving of greater consideration by the society and myself The subject of the portrait is Simon Kenton ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The United States 1830-1850 The Nation and Its Sections By Frederick Jackson Turner New York Peter Smith 1950 xiv602p maps and index 500 This book was originally published by Henry Holt in 1935 For several years it has been difficult to obtain and scholars and librarians have reason to be grateful both to Henry Holt for releasing the book and to Peter Smith for the reissue Technically this photo-offset edition is excellent and it is doubtful if any but an expert in ...
... A VANISHING RACE A VANISHING RACE MRS JENNIE C MORTON Frankfort Ky Read by the author before the Ohio Valley Historical Association at their meeting with the Kentucky State Historical Society in the New Capitol October 16th 1909 Whether we call the Indian North American or South American we know the Indian race historically as a peculiar and distinctly marked people-disappearing gradually into oblivion An authentic history of the race has not been written but the traditions concerning it ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 469 folio volumes comprising some 10000 fools-cap pages of notes of the recollections of frontier warriors and pioneers either written by themselves or taken down from their own lips and wellnigh 5000 pages more of original manuscript journals memorandum books and old letters written by nearly all the leading border heroes of the West This collection under the direction of Dr Thwaites has been classified mounted in folios catalogued and indexed in a most accurate and ...
... 406 Ohio Arch 406 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TERMS EXPIRE IN 1917 Col Webb C Hayes Fremont Dr W O Thompson Columbus Dr G Frederick Wright Oberlin APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR Hon J W Harper Cincinnati 1915 Hon J W Yeagley New Philadelphia 1915 Hon James E Campbell Columbus 1916 Hon Myron T Herrick Cleveland 1916 Prof B F Prince Springfield 1917 Mr E O Randall Columbus 1917 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING JUNE 29 1914 The annual meeting of the trustees of the Society ...
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS AR NOLD G ARY J An Inventory to the Microfilm Edition of the Washington Gladden Papers at the Ohio Historical Society MSS Processor Ohio Hist Society CHACE LAURA L and ALICE M VESTAL Guide to Manuscripts at the Cinci nn ati Histo ri cal Society Librarians Cincinnati Hist Society DITTBRENNER CURTIS H and PAU L D YON Guide to ...
... LLOYD SPONHOLTZ LLOYD SPONHOLTZ The Politics of Temperance in Ohio 1880-1912 The Price of an Ohio License What's the price of a license How much did you say The price of men's souls in the market today A license to sell to deform to destroy From the gray hairs of age to the innocent boy How much did you say How much is to pay How compare with your gold A license to poison a crime oft retoldFix a price on the years and the manhood of manWhat's the price did you say1 In 1913 the Anti-Saloon ...
... THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF 1888 by EVERETT WALTERS Instructor Department of History Ohio State University When Governor Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio arrived at Chicago on June 16 1888 to attend the National Republican Convention he found his fellow delegates in confusion Despite the Ohio delegation's commitment to Senator John Sherman by the state convention of 1887 there was evidence that certain delegates might break their pledge ...
... RUSSELL D RUSSELL D PARKER The Philosophy of Charles G Finney Higher Law and Revivalism As it related to the antislavery crusade in the United States the higher law doctrine involved an insistence that slavery was contrary to the principles upon which the nation was established in that there were rules of right existing in the public mind prior to the framing of the Constitution These rules were expressed in the Declaration of Independence the true basis of government In American history the ...
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA AND THEODORE E BURTON by WILBUR DEVEREUX JONES Instructor in History University of Georgia The tempestuous career of Marcus A Hanna during the triumphant days of the Republican party at the turn of the century is still the object of considerable interest to the historian While his importance is generally recognized possibly even exaggerated the available biographical material on Hanna is not very satisfactory partly because the accounts tend to be biased partly because ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORTS Due to the fact that the annual meetings of the various Ohio educational conferences usually held the first week in April and the meetings of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Committee on Medical History and Archives were not held this year the annual History Conference was cancelled for 1943 and arrangements were made only for the annual business meeting of the Society scheduled ...
... MARC L MARC L HARRIS The Process of Voluntary Association Organizing the Ravenna Temperance Society 1830 With attention beginning now to focus on voluntary association as a characteristic feature of pre-Civil War American life it is important not to lose sight of the phenomenon of voluntary organization as itself a historical problem One aspect of this problem that particularly needs discussion is a complex of issues arising from the extraparliamentary nature of voluntary groups This aspect ...
... edited by edited by MARVIN R ZAHNISER John W Bricker Reflects Upon the Fight for the Bricker Amendment John W Bricker long a prominent name in the politics of Ohio and the United States will forever be known to students of American history as the author of a proposed amendment to the Constitution1 Popularly called the Bricker Amendment this Senate Joint Resolution was first introduced on September 14 1951 as Senate Joint Resolution 102 Following extensive consultation Senate hearings and much ...
... FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO CLEVELAND'S HEALTH MUSEUM by BRUNO GEBHARD MD Director Cleveland Health Museum Cleveland prides itself in having the first health museum in the United States opened November 13 1940 But in 1820 Cincinnati established the first public science museum west of the Alleghenies the Western Museum Both were started by physicians who seem to have a natural affinity for museums Perhaps this is because a good physician must be a ...