... HERE IS LA FAYETTE HERE IS LA FAYETTE BY JOHN ME RRILL WEED La Fayette we are here said General Pershing as he stood beside the tomb in Picpus Cemetery one historic day in 1917 It was a dramatic incident It shows that Pershing had a quality that would scarcely have been suspected in a doughty warrior a flair for capturing the popular imagination of two nations It is not a legend it is too recent for that Moreover we have a statement from the General's headquarters staff attesting the words ...
... Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet By EUGENE C MURDOC K Anyone who studies the life of Tom L Johnson always is impressed by the close ties of love and loyalty that bound his co-workers to him Even stout enemies conceded that Johnson had a compelling personal appeal Tempestuous Charles A Otis Jr who spent over a million dollars trying to unseat the mayor recalls Johnson's thrilling personableness You couldn't know him without liking him Otis observed William R ...
... ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST BY CAROLINE M ZIMMERMAN The museum of the Clark County Ohio Historical Society houses many objects worthy of song or story many objects around which cluster a wealth of romantic lore fit to inspire a modern saga of great worth and beauty Of all these objets d'art there is doubtless none that carries a greater feminine appeal than a quaint little piano more than a century old the first in fact to have been brought into the county There it stands ...
... medicines In an appendix to one of his books it is stated that the army authorities were so pleased with his favorable results that they asked him to devise an army ration so he went to Cincinnati hired six laboring men to board with him living on army biscuit and coffee17 In eighteen days all had consumption of the bowels or chronic diarrhea and so did the doctor who had lived on the same diet Each had from six to thirty stools per day Then ...
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD APRIL 1 -2 1938 Business Session 10 00 A M Friday April 1 Ohio State Museum Meeting called to order by Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr president MR JOHNSO N This is the Annual Business Meeting of the Society and the small attendance this morning might be regarded as disappointing excepting for the fact that it indicates to me that the Society must be pretty ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Journey Through My Years An Autobiography By James M Cox Simon and Schuster New York 1946 xi 463p 450 When the youthful James M Cox left his job with the Cincinnati Enquirer to become the private secretary of a Congressman his initiation into public life had begun Cleveland was one of his first heroes and the debates of the Fifty-third Congress which he followed closely were his equivalent for a university course At 28 Cox acquired his first newspaper In Taft's ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Newspaper -- Its Making and Its Meaning By members of the Staff of the New York Times New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1945 207p 200 During the spring of 1945 twelve members of the New York Times staff contributed to a series of lectures which was given to a group of selected New York public school teachers under the auspices of the Board of Education of New York City Staff members participating were selected on the basis of their field of specialization and ...
... Governor Rutherford B Hayes NOTES ON PAGE 191 GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B HAYES 59 by DANIEL R PO R TER The spirits of a discontented Congressman from Cincinnati were decidedly lifted late in January 1867 by a letter from William Henry Smith Ohio's Secretary of State The letter sounded out Representative Rutherford B Hayes as a possible gubernatorial candidate This was the first indication Hayes received that he was being considered instead of incumbent Governor Jacob D Cox ...
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LI GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LI ABBREVIATION use of by Americans 106 American Colonization Soc Shunk Abolition and abolitionists 1837 in E W Ohio in Africa79-88 Ill 53 hinder Ohio in Africa American Journal of Dental Science 295 plan 87 American Journal of Dental Surgery 296 Academies in early Ohio 93 American Library Assoc 194 Accessions to Society's Library pamAmerican Medical Assoc 290 phlets periods and vols 216 American Medical Botany 313 Accommodations of travel in ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 399 we need most in this great work of rescue and preservation Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen are more Lyman C Drapers-men who with knapsack on their backs are not only willing but anxious to go on foot if need be many miles to the left and to the right to secure a journal a diary a memorandum an autograph letter that shall be preserved and become a priceless document to those who are to come ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABSTRACT of Book I and Book A Hamilton County Ohio Probate Records 1829-1834 89 Adams family Descent From Glory Four Generations of the John Adams Family by Paul C Nagel rev 97-98 Adams John Quincy 166 167 AFL See American Federation of Labor Ake Harvey 81 82-83 Alcott Amos Bronson Amos Bronson Alcott An Intellectual Biography by Frederick C Dahlstrand 184 Alexander Charles C book rev 109-10 Allen Charles C 173-74 Amalgamated Association of Iron Steel and ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 31 liberty that we are enjoying to-day and I wish to say that upon this spot this historic spot that the tide turned in favor of the American nation in the war of 1812-13 How unfortunate you are to have within your corporate limits the most historic spot in the United States of America I never stood upon this ground upon this battlefield until today My mind turns back to my youthful days when I read of the bravery of Croghan and his 160 men and I ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION 37-56 Abortion in America The Origins and Evolution of National Policy by James C Mohr rev 218-220 Achenbaum W Andrew Old Age in the New Land The American Experience Since 1790 rev 427-429 Act of February 26 1816 poor house authorization 84 Adams John 133 Adams John Quincy 12 13 16 17 18 1920 22 23 24 26 29 46 Adams-Clay party 13 17 Addams Jane 62 Adelphic Society of Western Reserve College 201 204 206 Adkins vs Children's Hospital 190 ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI Abbott Julius D tells of the last visit tobacco pipes 513-522 bone impleof Grant to Clermont County 245 ments 522-523 chipped flint impleAbbott Louise her paper on The Grants ments 523-525 implements made of at Bethel 241-245 copper 525-528 ornaments of copper Adams Charles Francis Jr 83 his let529-555 bead necklaces 555-556 beads ter urging Carl Schurz to take part in of metal 556-557 objects made of Ohio political campaign of 1875 83-84 shell 557-559 ...
... MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES BY FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI A quadroon girl in Sunday best strolled down the quiet little main street of Ripley in southern Ohio not long since and coming to the crest of the bluff whence the long descent begins to the river she rested her arms on an immaculately white monument set to the famous old abolitionists of Ripley-the place where Eliza crossed the ice in the story-and waved a handkerchief in signal to some dusky paramour ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Anthony Wayne Trouble Shooter of the American Revolution By Harry Emerson Wildes New York Harcourt Brace and Co 1941 514 p Illus and maps 375 This volume is a biography written by one who knows intimately the Pennsylvania background of the famous Revolutionary hero The author was born in the neighboring state of Delaware holds a degree from the University of Pennsylvania and has served as literary editor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger He moreover has lived for many ...
... 470 Ohio 470 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Baldwin holds that more than two thousand years have elapsed since the Mound Builders lived in the Ohio Valley In conclusion we are not in a position to state whether the Mound Builders were the race that exploited the pre-historic horse on this continent or whether they degenerated into Indians All we know for a certainty is that the pre-historic man had a pre-historic horse and that he both rode and ate him and that the horse in improved ...
... DR DR ALVA CURTIS IN COLUMBUS THE THOMSONIAN RECORDER AND COLUMBUS' FIRST MEDICAL SCHOOL By JONATHAN FORMAN M D In 1769 in the town of Astead New Hampshire was born one Samuel Thomson He lived and grew up as a farmer's son He became a keen observer of men and things He was particularly interested in all that he could learn about the healing art He was entirely self-taught and he learned from the Indians about him from the old women who were handy with the sick and from the medical books ...
... FRANK L FRANK L KLEMENT Ohio and the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg Ohioans had more than a passing interest in the dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg on November 19 1863 A decisive three-day battle fought in the surrounding countryside on July 1-3 1863 had claimed the lives of many of the state's soldiers some of whom were hurriedly buried in shallow graves or merely covered with spadefuls of dirt where they had fallen No other governor not even ...