Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For totero

"Body Snatching in Ohio During the Nineteenth Century," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 329-351.
... BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University The history of the science of human anatomy is not merely a biographical record of the leading personalities or a compilation of the discoveries and achievements in that science it is also the story of a bitter struggle between a scientific spirit which demands human bodies for dissection and an antipathy of the public mind toward the practice of ...

"Opening Remarks," by John W. Bennett. Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 153-154.
... OPENING REMARKS OPENING REMARKS by JOHN W BENNE TT On behalf of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State University I want to welcome you all to this first meeting of the organization tentatively entitled Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference Our discussions today will be general rather than specific a matter of viewpoints and perspectives of the three disciplines represented in the meeting--archaeology ethnohistory and history We hope this will be the ...

Volume 30, Binding Supplement, , 1921, pp. 543-566.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXX INDEX TO VOLUME XXX Abby Kelley Salem rescue of 380Anti-slavery speakers have difficulty in 387 finding rooms for meetings 375 Adams Charles testimonial of to characArago Etienne joins Victor Hugo and ter of Edwin Coppoc 402-403 associates in letter to widow of John Adams John Quincy hostility of proBrown 278 slavery men toward 198 Archaeological History of Ohio quoted Addison Judge 15 on primitive method of quarrying flint Administrative reorganization reports of 112-113 ...

"Joseph Tosso, the Arkansaw Traveler," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 16-45.
... JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER by OPHIA D SMITH The man who made Arkansaw Traveler famous was not an ordinary country fiddler He was a courtly Italian gentleman a musical genius who might have become one of the great violinists of all time The melody as well as the story of the Arkansaw Traveler was attributed to Joseph Tosso over and over in the Cincinnati press during the sixty years he lived in that city He was renowned for his inimitable rendition of ...

"Albion W. Tourgee: Propagandist and Critic of Reconstruction," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 27-44.
... Albion W Albion W Tourgee Propagandist And Critic of Reconstruction By TED N WEISSBUCH LESS THAN FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Ohioan Al b ion W Tourgee was referred to as the most neglected figure in American literature Increasing interest in the writers of the Civil War and Reconstruction era has caused a swing in the pendulum and now his name crops up often in the growing literature dealing with this period in our history Tourgee's work has always interested a small but devoted group of literary ...

"The Northeastern Religious Press and John Brown," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 128-145.
... THE NORTHEASTERN RELIGIOUS PRESS AND THE NORTHEASTERN RELIGIOUS PRESS AND JOHN BROWN by WILLIAM S ROLLINS Analyst National Research Council On October 16 1859 long-smoldering passions in North and South which within a year and a half would burst into the flame of civil war were thrown new fuel On that day John Brown and eighteen staunch followers raided Harper's Ferry Virginia to free the slaves1 After more than twenty-four hours of havoc Colonel Robert E Lee commanding a handful of United ...

"A Brand From the Critics' Fire: Or A Word for Whitlock," by Winthrop Tilley. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 145-154.
... A BRAND FROM THE CRITICS' FIRE OR A WORD FOR A BRAND FROM THE CRITICS' FIRE OR A WORD FOR WHITLOCK by WINTHROP TILLEY Associate Professor of English University of Connecticut Now in midcentury when so much badly needed revaluation of America's literary product is going forward seems an appropriate time to speak a word for Brand Whitlock The new Literary History of the United States by Spiller and others mentions Whitlock only as a single-taxer a humanitarian and an early realist and adds that ...

"Relic Department of the Centennial" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 245-252.
... RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL ONE of the interesting and attractive features of the celebration was the display of historical relics It was a matter of great regret to the Committee that a list and catalogue of the articles with the names of owners and exhibitors could not be prepared before the celebration The following is a complete list of articles displayed The value of the list would be greatly enhanced could the name of the owner of each of the ...

"Ohio's Fugitive Slave Law," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 216-240.
... OHIO'S FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW OHIO'S FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW BY C B GALBREATH Recently the writer received a request for information on Ohio's Fugitive Slave Law Our school histories make clear what the national Fugitive Slave Law was but they rarely give any account of the measures adopted and enacted by certain northern states designed to accomplish the same purpose some years before the enactment included in the Compromise of 1850 which aroused a storm of opposition throughout the North It is the ...

"Jared Potter Kirtland, M. D., 'The Sage of Rockport,' November 10,1793-December 18, 1877," by George M. Curtis. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 326-337.
... JARED POTTER KIRTLAND M JARED POTTER KIRTLAND MD THE SAGE OF ROCKPORT NOVEMBER 10 1793--DECEMBER 18 1877 By GEORGE M CURTIS M D A portly old gentleman with a robust commanding physique was Dr Jared Potter Kirtland of the eighteen seventies So massive was his rotund frame that to the unutterable delight of wide-eyed visiting youngsters he would sit and read in those preEdisonian days with a candle propped upon his powerful chest His home at East Rockport Ohio was surrounded by exotic shrubs and ...

"Thomas Corwin and the Conservative Republican Reaction, 1858-1861," by Daryl Pendergraft. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 1-23.
... THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN REACTION 1858-1861 by DARYL PENDERGRAFT Assistant Professor of History Iowa State Teachers College By the year 1858 it had become apparent to many of the leaders of the young Republican party that the party's future success required a stronger appeal to the conservative elements of the North The taint of radicalism that was attached to the new party was plainly frightening many of the property-owning ...

"Address of Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 451-455.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 451 Rich in saving common-sense And as the greatest only are In his simplicity sublime Surely we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch no inspiration from his ardor for humanity if we feel no impulse to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so great I at least thing of him always as of One who never turned his back but marched breast forward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right ...

Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 226-241.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABRIDGMENT of the Laws by Nathan Dane 72 Academic Seal of The Ohio State University 68 Achenbaum W Andrew Shades of Gray Old Age American Values and Federal Policies since 1920 rev 112-13 Acreage Owned by 43 French Persons in the District of Gallipolis in Washington County July 1 1800 65-67 Table 66 Adams John Quincy 6 Adams Robert 130 Adult education 34-45 Aeneid by Vergil 73 Agricultural Experiment Station 39 Agricultural extension service 34-45 ...

"John Butler Tytus: Inventor of the Continuous Steel Mill," Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 132-145, notes 176-177.
... John Butler Tytus Inventor of the Continuous Steel Mill by GEORGE C CROUT and WILFRED D VORHIS The continuous rolling mill which produces an unending ribbon of steel to meet the needs of modern world-wide industrial societies was developed by an Ohioan John Butler Tytus While many men at the American Rolling Mill now the Armco Steel Corporation with home offices at Middletown helped in the development of this revolutionary process of steel production it was Tytus who never wavered in his ...

"Governor Willis' Address (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 412-419.
... 412 Ohio Arch 412 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications GOVERNOR WILLIS' ADDRESS Governor Willis spoke as follows Ladies and Gentlemen It is indeed a rare privilege to be present and take a part in these interesting exercises on a day set apart in honor of our patriotic dead to be invited to join in this commemoration of one whose private life was an inspiration and whose public service was a benediction On this historic ground you have today united in this splendid celebration which has its ...

"The Pease Map of the Connecticut Western Reserve," by Russel H. Anderson. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 270-278.
... THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT WESTERN RESERVE by RUSSELL H ANDERSON The Connecticut Western Reserve in northeastern Ohio is of such special importance in the history of the Old Northwest that the early maps of the area are of particular value and interest The first printed map of the Reserve the Pease map of 1798 and its subsequent revision of 1807-8 as the Pease and Tappen map was published in such a way as to cause some confusion It is the purpose of this ...

"Test for the Ohio National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of 1884, A," by Mark V. Kwasny. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 23-51.
... MARK V MARK V KWASNY A Test for the Ohio National Guard The Cincinnati Riot of 1884 Riots have been a part of our history since the colonial days Crowds clashing with civil and military authorities violence in the streets and the deaths of citizens at the hands of law enforcement agencies-these are not unknown in the history of the United States The Cincinnati Riot March 28-30 1884 contained all of these elements For three days citizens police and soldiers of the Ohio National Guard ONG fought ...

"The President and the 'Deacon' in the Campaign of 1912: The Correspondence of William Howard Taft and James Calvin Hemphill, 1911-1912," edited by Willard B. Gatewood. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 35-54, notes 73-75.
... The President and the Deacon in the Campaign of 1912 The Correspondence of William Howard Taft and James Calvin Hemphill 1911-1912 edited by WILLARD B GATEWOOD The reform impulse of the progressive movement strong and virile after a decade of growth dominated the political atmosphere in which the presidential campaign of 1912 took place So pervasive was its influence that the election turned out to be more of an intramural competition among various schools of progressive thought than a contest ...

Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 470-489.
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISM at Oberlin 87 Abraham Lincoln by Ehrgott Forbriger amp Co 413 illustration 412 Abraham Lincoln Late President of the US Assassinated April 14th 1865 by Gibson amp Co 413-414 417 illustration 413 Abraham Lincoln Writing the Emancipation Proclamation by David Gilmour Blythe 404-406 illustrations cover Autumn 1980Number 4 404 Adams Charles Frances Jr 381 Adams Henry 381 Admission Age Quartiles 1859-79 Ohio Reform Farm table 289 Aesculapius 232 ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1952-July 1953," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 378-397.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1952-JULY 1953 Compiled b y S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE MICK J R 4-H Club Golden Anniversary Marking the First Half Century of Boys' and Girls' Club Work in Ohio Being a History of the Movement in Williams County To Make the Best Better N p n d 16p POWER Richard Lyle Settlers on Corn Belt Soil Indiana Magazine of History XLIX 1953 161-172 RICKARD Anne M The University and ...