Ohio History Journal

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"William T. Coggeshall: 'Booster' of Western Literature," by William D. Andrews. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 210-220.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D ANDREWS William T Coggeshall Boosterof Western Literature Students of nineteenth-century America have long been familiar with a type of person that intellectual historian Daniel Boorstin precisely labeled the booster1 Typically he was a small-town midwestern newspaper editor or dry-goods entrepreneur anxious to make a killing for himself and a reputation for his town--the order of his desires was never clear Promotion was his method the most insignificant occurrence in his ...

"Rufus Putnam House at the Campus Martius Museum, The," (Collections and Exhibits) by Daniel R. Porter. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 183-187.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS the RUFUS PUTNAM HOUSE at the Campus Martius Museum by DANIEL R PORTER THE RUFUS PUTNAM house at the Campus Martius Museum State Memorial is the most outstanding architectural combination of New England tradition and frontier necessity preserved in Ohio today The house exemplifies as well the military and domestic challenges which faced the pioneers who established Marietta the first authorized United States settlement in the Old Northwest It was natural that New ...

Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 205-214.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Journey Through My Years An Autobiography By James M Cox Simon and Schuster New York 1946 xi 463p 450 When the youthful James M Cox left his job with the Cincinnati Enquirer to become the private secretary of a Congressman his initiation into public life had begun Cleveland was one of his first heroes and the debates of the Fifty-third Congress which he followed closely were his equivalent for a university course At 28 Cox acquired his first newspaper In Taft's ...

"Ohio WCTU and the Prohibition Amendment Campaign of 1883," by F. M. Whitaker. Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 84-102.
... F M WHITAKER F M WHITAKER Ohio WCTU and the Prohibition Amendment Campaign of 1883 The Woman's Christian Temperance Union may be said to be a product of Ohio in at least two ways One its foundation is the only lasting result of a phenomenon of the winter and spring of 1873-1874 known as the Woman's Crusade which achieved its first success and national recognition in Ohio This movement in which bands of respectable ladies marched in groups upon saloons in various locations singing praying and ...

"Augustus Newton Whiting," by Frank Theodore Cole. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 392-394.
... AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING FRANK THEODORE COLE Mr Whiting was of the Massachusetts family of that name his grandfather's home being in Westford near Lowell Only two children of this grandfather William Whiting had families These were Augustus Whiting who married a daughter of Judge Gustavus Swan of Columbus 0 and lived in New York City and Isaac Newton Whiting who was a book-seller and publisher in Columbus for many years He married September 7 1835 Orrel daughter of Col ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 101-106.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 for the purpose of recapturing the lost arts of prehistoric man in the utilization of flint and other lithic materials and for the establishment of a laboratory of actual materials to be used for purposes of comparison This project it will be recalled was financed by Messrs Arthur C Johnson and H Preston Wolfe pending other sources of support The Director had hoped that the Lithic Laboratory might become a ...

"State Parks (Report of the Committee on Parks)," by F. C. Furniss. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 614-620.
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications STATE PARKS As Chairman of the Committee on Parks I have the following report to submit Acting under the instruction of our President Mr Arthur C Johnson I visited the following properties during the year Logan Elm Park Mound City Park Fort Laurens Park Schoenbrunn Park Seip Mound Park Serpent Mound Park Fort Ancient Park Campus Martius Observing the magnitude of the task assigned to me in trying to visit and direct improvements in all ...

"Further Notes on Granville's Anti-Abolition Disturbances of 1836," Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 365-368.
... FURTHER NOTES ON GRANVILLE'S ANTIFURTHER NOTES ON GRANVILLE'S ANTIABOLITION DISTURBANCES OF 1836 By ROBERT PRICE The American Colonization Society may have had as its chief objective the return of American Negroes to their native Africa but it also afforded a ready means of organized opposition for the enemies of abolition Anyhow such was the case in Granville Ohio during the years 1835-36 when the fires of anti-slavery controversy were burning brightly in that particular neighborhood No doubt ...

"The Fugitive Slave Law in the Eastern Ohio Valley," Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 116-128, notes 170-171.
... THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LA W in the Eastern Ohio Valley by LARRY GARA The fugitive slave law of 1850 was an essential part of the sectional compromise of that year1 As such it had ramifications that went far beyond the mere question of returning runaway bondsmen to their southern claimants At times the symbolic significance of the enactment overshadowed its real impact on the lives of those whom it touched Nevertheless there were some Americans of the 1850's who viewed the law as concerned ...

Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 422-444.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Life of Mr Justice Clarke A Testament to the Power of Liberal Dissent in America By Hoyt Landon Warner Cleveland Western Reserve University Press 1959 ix232p frontispiece bibliography and index 500 In the past few years there has been a marked revival of interest in the United States Supreme Court as is shown by the flood of articles monographs and books that have appeared on the court and its members Such interest may reach a high point when the full-length study ...

"Worthington Medical College, The," by Jonathan Forman. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 373-379.
... THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE By JONATHAN FORMAN M D Those of you who drove in to this meeting may have noted as you approached Columbus the remnants of our pioneer days which still set forth clearly the identity of our original settlers Those of you who came from the west or southwest along highways 3 40 or 42 should have been impressed with the large farms with the original masters' houses set way back from the road reminiscent of Virginia from where came ...

"Behind Lincoln's Visit to Ohio in 1859," Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 28-47.
... BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 by EARL W WILEY Professor of Speech Ohio State University The wheels of Buckeye politics were set spinning on September 1 1859 That was the day when the Ohio Statesman published in Columbus tardily and reluctantly released the announcement that Senator Stephen A Douglas would barnstorm in Ohio during the Ranney-Dennison campaign then off to a running start Its editor George W Manypenny was chairman of the Democratic ...

"Doctors and Diseases on the Ohio Frontier," Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 222-240.
... MARILYN VAN VOORHIS WENDLER MARILYN VAN VOORHIS WENDLER Doctors and Diseases on the Ohio Frontier Nineteenth century Ohio historian Samuel Hildreth observed that As a class no order of men have done more to promote the good of mankind and develop the resources and natural history of our country than the physicians Hildreth likely referred to professional contributions in the field of natural science yet doctors also played an integral part in bringing civilization to the frontier Whether drawn ...

"Argument Concerning Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 67-126.
... Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia 67 ARGUMENT CONCERNING BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND VIRGINIA BY SAMUEL F VINTON May it please your honors I cannot but regret that my learned friend the Hon John M Patton who opened this case for the Commonwealth of Virginia has somewhat impaired the value of so good an argument by the introduction into it both at its commencement and conclusion of a topic so very foreign to the subject now under consideration To ...

"Checklist of Major Research Projects Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees," Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 212-215.
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research Projects Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio 1973 REFERENCE WORKS GUTGESELL STEPHEN C Union Guide to Ohio Newspapers Chief Cataloger Ohio Historical Society LEVSTIK FRANK R Guide to State Archives at the Ohio Historical Society Assistant State Archivist Ohio Historical Society PIKE KERMIT J Guide to the Manuscripts in the Shaker Collection at the Western Reserve Historical ...

"Caleb Atwater as Historian," Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 27-33, notes 58-59.
... CALEB ATWATER CALEB ATWATER AS HISTORIAN by PHILIP SKARDON Caleb Atwater whose A History of the State of Ohio Natural and Civil published in 18381 was the first lengthy survey of Ohio's development has remained relatively obscure to this day despite a multi-faceted career with several exceptional achievements He has been credited variously with producing the earliest systematic and well authenticated account of the prehistoric Indian remains in the Ohio Valley2 and with being a founder of ...

"Recent Writings on Midwestern Economic History," Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 1-31.
... 1 1 The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 1 J ANUARY 1 960 Recent Writings on Midwestern Economic History By HARRY R STEVENS ACADEMIC HISTORIANS OF MIDWESTERN ECONOMY have studied their subject long and productively but having established at an early date certain approaches to their material and forms in which to present it that were quite satisfactory they have continued to make use of them with surprising tenacity1 Soon after they began to work in the 1880's they developed three ...

"Address at Marietta, Ohio, 1858, by Hon. Thomas Ewing," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 186-207.
... ADDRESS AT MARIETTA OHIO 1858 ADDRESS AT MARIETTA OHIO 18581 BY HON THOMAS EWING EDITED BY C L MARTZOLFF ATHENS OHIO Ladies and GentlemenWe meet to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the first landing of our Pioneer Fathers on the shores of the Ohio in the North Western Territory An age-the full age allotted to men has elapsed since that hardy band of brave men and brave women fresh from the war of the Revolution a few of the boldest and most adventurous of the relics of that war through ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 1-29.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923 Edited by JOHN A GA RR ATY In the eighteen eighties when James Ford Rhodes was still a Cleveland ironmaster he was in the habit of being shaved and having his formidable Picadilly Weepers trimmed by a young Negro barber named George A Myers Later after Rhodes had retired from business to take up his distinguished career as a historian ...

Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 116-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Synagogues of Kentucky History and Architecture By Lee Shai Weissbach Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1995 xiv 184p illustrations tables appendices notes index In this second volume in the Perspective's on Kentucky's Past series professor Weissbach provides a comprehensive survey on Kentucky's Jewish communities and synagogues and one of the first works that studies small Jewish communities outside the major American urban centers Presenting information ...