Ohio History Journal

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"Flint Ridge," Volume 30, Number 2, April, 1921, pp. 90-161.
... 9 0 FLINT RIDGE FLINT RIDGE BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The explorations and studies recorded in this paper on Flint Ridge were undertaken for the purpose of securing for exhibition in the State Museum a complete collection of the various kinds of flint found at Flint Ridge as well as the implements used in quarrying the flint from its natural bed A preliminary examination of Flint Ridge beginning at its western edge in Hopewell Township Licking County Ohio extending eastward and ...

"Address of Rev. Edward Everett Hale" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 94-98.
... ADDRESS OF REV ADDRESS OF REV EDWARD EVERETT HALE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE ILLINOIS COUNTY FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES I certainly shall detain you but a very few minutes I am speaking only because I am commissioned by the Governor of Massachusetts We think our State has spoken very well here to-day already Massachusetts sends her hearty congratulations to you and as Dr Loring says Massachusetts does not forget her children her grandchildren and the children of her grandchildren ...

"Logan Elm Park," (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 582-583.
... 582 Ohio Arch 582 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications We now have a driveway leading from the main entrance passing through the valley walnut grove over the hillside and through the battlefield returning to the main entrance Respectfully submitted W H ORTT Chairman On motion the report was accepted and ordered placed on file President Campbell called attention to the fact that at the last Annual Meeting the Society passed a resolution complimenting Director W C Mills on his long and ...

"Address of Hon. Samuel H. Doyle" (Treaty of Greenville Centennial) Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 256-257.
... 256 Ohio Arch 256 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL H DOYLE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in this celebration We have a common interest in this historic event with you I will detain you but a few minutes We have been together and associated together in four of the great important events that have touched the Northwest When Wolfe met the French at Quebec this territory was ...

Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 89-92.
... Historical News Historical News Eventful Years and Experiences by Bertram W Kom has recently been published by the American Jewish Archives Cincinnati These studies deal with the life of the American Jew and include an essay on Isaac M Wise among others with Ohio connections Richard C Knopf historian of the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board has had several articles published recently Wayne's Western Campaign The Wayne-Knox Correspondence appeared in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography ...

"History of the Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850," Volume 27, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1918, pp. 1-271.
... ...

"Stone Graves in Brown County, Ohio," by Gerard Fowke. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 193-204.
... STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO BY GERARD FOWKE On both sides of the Ohio river from Manchester Ohio to Dover Kentucky a distance of twenty-five miles were formerly many stone graves or cairns A few stood at varying intervals for some miles below Dover and as far up the river as Huntington West Virginia and some remain along North Fork of Licking river in Mason county Kentucky They were most abundant from Manchester to Ripley on the Ohio side of the river ...

"Struggle for Statehood in Ohio, The," by Ruhl Jacob Bartlett. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 472-505.
... THE STRUGGLE FOR STATEHOOD IN OHIO THE STRUGGLE FOR STATEHOOD IN OHIO BY RUHL JACOB BARTLETT M A The admission of Ohio as a state into the Union marked the end of a long and bitter political contest both within and without the Northwest Territory It was that age old conflict between the forces that are progressive and those that are conservative for it must be remembered that the closing years of the 19th century marked a period of rapid political transition in American history The colonists ...

"Socialist Party of Ohio-War and Free Speech," by Richard A. Folk. Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 104-115, notes 152-154.
... Socialist Party of Ohio-- War and Free Speech by Richard A Folk D uring World War I Ohio Socialists faced the dilemma of what action to take when two imperialistic-capitalistic economies come into conflict According to theoretical Marxism Socialists could not support a struggle the purpose of which was to expand the capitalist system In the United States the Socialist party's National Executive Committee followed this doctrine in August 1914 when it proclaimed the party's opposition to the ...

"Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio: An Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions," by Byron D. Fruehling and Robert H. Smith. Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 98-117.
... BYRON D BYRON D FRUEHLING AND ROBERT H SMITH Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio An Architectural Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions During the decade that preceded the Civil War the underground railroad became increasingly active in Ohio and elsewhere in the north1 Although underground originally may have had much the same figurative connotation that it has today in expressions such as underground newspaper it was almost inevitable that the term ...

"Sieur De La Salle, The Great French Explorer, Along the Maumee and Wabash Rivers in the years 1669 and 1670," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 107-113.
... SIEUR DE LA SALLE SIEUR DE LA SALLE The Great French Explorer Along the Maumee and Wabash Rivers in the years 1669 and 1670 BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO M Jean Talon Intendant of New France wrote to Louis XIV king of France under date of loth October 1670 that he had dispatched persons of resolution who promise to penetrate further than has ever been done the one to the West and to the Northwest of Canada and the others to the South West and South Paris Document I New York ...

"The Northwest Territory," by Benjamin William Arnett. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 433-464.
... THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AN ADDRESS BY BISHOP BENJAMIN WILLIAM ARNETT D D WEDNESDAY EVENING OCT 11 1899 AT MUSIC HALL CHICAGO We have been called together by the authorities of the Autumnal Festival Celebration First we are to give thanks for the achievements of the present century for the triumph of mind over matter as well as the success that has attended the labors of our workmen the harvest of our farmers and the dividends that have accrued to our financiers It is ...

"Address of Captain Alexis Cope" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 462-469.
... 462 Ohio Arch 462 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications will stand as the testimonial of a grateful people to the life and services of a truly beloved man To this building and the beautiful grove surrounding it will come generations of American citizens our children grandchildren and their descendants and draw an inspiration to a life of unselfishness and honor as they become more and more familiar with the life and character of Rutherford Birchard Hayes that crowned and glorious life ...

"The Burial Place of John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed). Report of the Commission Appointed by the American Pomological Society to Investigate Its Location," Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 181-187.
... REPORTS REPORTS THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN JOHNNY APPLESEED Report of the Commission Appointed by the American Pomological Society to Investigate Its Location Much has been published and more said and written regarding the life and work of John Chapman Johnny Appleseed the pioneer collector and planter of apple seeds and the distributor of seedling apple trees in western New York and Pennsylvania and throughout the Ohio Valley northern Ohio and Indiana and southwestern Michigan While a ...

"Some Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders and Indians" by Gerard Fowke. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 380-403.
... SOME POPULAR ERRORS IN REGARD TO MOUND SOME POPULAR ERRORS IN REGARD TO MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS THE erroneous ideas of persons otherwise well informed concerning archaeological matters would amaze one who could attain to any considerable knowledge of the science without previously becoming familiar to some extent with the many absurd theories and notions promulgated by authors ignorant of their subject and writing only to strike the popular mind and pocket The tendency of most of these ...

"Philosophy of Charles G. Finney: Higher Law and Revivalism, The," by Russell D. Parker. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 142-153.
... RUSSELL D RUSSELL D PARKER The Philosophy of Charles G Finney Higher Law and Revivalism As it related to the antislavery crusade in the United States the higher law doctrine involved an insistence that slavery was contrary to the principles upon which the nation was established in that there were rules of right existing in the public mind prior to the framing of the Constitution These rules were expressed in the Declaration of Independence the true basis of government In American history the ...

"Ohio Canals: Public Enterprise on the Frontier, The," by Chester E. Finn. Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 1-40.
... THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE ON THE FRONTIER By CHESTER E FINN On July 4 1825 the little town of Newark Ohio celebrated the grandest and most glorious fourth of its history The notables of the State and of other States were congregated there and a momentous event in the history of Ohio was about to take place After suitable celebrations in the town the group adjourned to Licking Summit escorted by brilliantly uniformed troops of militia and followed by ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 395-400.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA EXHIBIT AT ST LOUIS Few exhibits in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St Louis attract more interest than that of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society excellently located in the Anthropological Building The Society is certainly to be congratulated upon the success of its exhibit and the commendations it has received from archaeological students and scholars who visit it and give it patient attention There is no presentation of the remains of the ...

"Ohio and Western Expansion," by Willis Arden Chamberlin. Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 304-336.
... OHIO AND WESTERN EXPANSION OHIO AND WESTERN EXPANSION BY PROFESSOR WILLIS ARDEN CHAMBERLIN DENISON UNIVERSITY Wonderful opportunity matched by daring enterprise - that is the formula to account for the marvelous development of the Buckeye State The growth of Ohio is the epitome of national expansion Its transformation from the wilderness in which roamed savage Redmen and wild beasts prowled to the present well-ordered commonwealth is the epic of American civilization Ohio was the first orderly ...

"The Hayes Bequests," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 591-599.
... THE HAYES BEQUESTS THE HAYES BEQUESTS When future generations shall make their pilgrimages to the historic scenes of Fremont Ohio they will ask What means this beautiful park with its winding roads through a forest of gigantic trees and this artistic building of stone at its northern entrance with this commodious but simple brick mansion in the background and what is this magnificent collection of building in a spacious field outside approached by well-worn roads and pathways The answer will ...