Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For totero

"Judge Tourgee and Reconstruction," by Russel B. Nye. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 101-114.
... JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION By RUSSEL B NYE Albion Winegar Tourgee Ohioan novelist political thinker soldier editor jurist and diplomat was a man whose comments upon the political and social questions of the late nineteenth century form an interesting chapter in the development of American thought Born in Williamsfield Ohio in 1838 of Huguenot German and Yankee stock he spent a normal boyhood amid the farms and villages of northern Ohio1 After study at ...

"Ohio in the Mexican War," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 277-295.
... OHIO IN THE MEXICAN WAR OHIO IN THE MEXICAN WAR BY DANIEL J RYAN This article is a chapter from Volume IV of the History of Ohio by Messrs Randall and Ryan It is printed by permission of the publishers The Century History Company 54 Dey St New York N YEDITOR The office of Governor did not prove attractive to Mr Corwin It afforded no opportunity to display either his talents or abilities In those days it was a position more of dignity than of power He used to say that his principal duties were ...

"Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 72-97.
... SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It has been usual heretofore to delay the printing of the proceedings of the annual meeting for the yearly report of the secretary to the Governor and the Society made at the end of the calendar year But hereafter the report of the annual meeting will appear in the succeeding issue of the QUARTERLYSEC'Y The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and ...

"Daniel Joseph Ryan," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 571-589.
... DANIEL JOSEPH RYAN DANIEL JOSEPH RYAN BY C B GALBREATH As announced in the last isue of the QUARTERLY Honorable Daniel J Ryan long an active life member of this Society and the oldest in term of service on the Board of Trustees passed from our midst in the early morning of June 15 1923 It thus becomes our sad duty for the third time within a little more than three years to record the death of one of our fellow members who from almost the beginning of our Society was prominently identified in ...

"The Middle West and the Coming of World War I," by Arthur S. Link. Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 109-121.
... THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF WORLD WAR I by ARTHUR S LINK Associate Professor of History Northwestern University It is difficult to avoid elaborating the obvious in describing the general attitude of the leaders and people of the Middle West toward the European War from its outbreak until the intervention of the United States in 1917 Nourished as they had been upon a tradition of the uniqueness of American democratic virtue and upon the concept of the ...

"William Medill's War with the Indian Traders, 1847," by Robert A. Trennert, Jr.. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 46-62.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A TRENNERT JR William Medill's War with the Indian Traders 1847 William Medill's tenure as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Polk administration came at the critical time of continental expansion which resulted in forceful removal of the Indian from lands desired by white settlers Soon after he took office Medill attempted to make some basic reforms in policy governing relations with the Indians One of the most controversial aspects of his reforming activities as ...

"River Namesakes of the State of Ohio," by Capt. Frederick Way, Jr.. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 283-291.
... RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO by CAPT FREDERICK WAY JR It is quite probable that no one will know precisely how many steamboats of the western rivers were named to honor the state of Ohio A share at least of those named Ohio honor the river they plied and not the state Actually in only one isolated case is it possible to be sure the state of Ohio was honored and not the river That is the steam towboat Ohio built in 1930 for the Standard Unit ...

"Ohio WCTU and the Prohibition Amendment Campaign of 1883," by F. M. Whitaker. Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 84-102.
... F M WHITAKER F M WHITAKER Ohio WCTU and the Prohibition Amendment Campaign of 1883 The Woman's Christian Temperance Union may be said to be a product of Ohio in at least two ways One its foundation is the only lasting result of a phenomenon of the winter and spring of 1873-1874 known as the Woman's Crusade which achieved its first success and national recognition in Ohio This movement in which bands of respectable ladies marched in groups upon saloons in various locations singing praying and ...

"Collections of the Rutherford B. Hayes State Memorial," Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 51-157.
... DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT 51 DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT 51 Saturday 29 Very cold night--heavy frost No ax to be had My mess tried to make an apology for last nights treatment but I told them that I had been with my friend--out upon such selfishness Such is the action of a large portion of the prisoners Cannot send letters through without a CS stamp on them Wrote yesterday to wife but am waiting to get a stamp Lt Thos Hare gave me a stamp and I put the letter in the box Slept with Lt Anderson 3rd Iowa ...

"A New Deal in History: An Abstract of Address Given," by John W. Oliver. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 324-326.
... 324 Ohio Arch 324 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing them without political compromise our cooperation in return for greater consideration on their part Encourage Columbus-Franklin County membership approximately one-third of our total to serve as a nucleus of interest and activity these being close at hand can and do avail themselves of the Museum and Library and should be amenable to further interest provided something worth-while is provided for them Utilize these nearby members ...

"The American Historical Association," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 219-221.
... Editorialana Editorialana 219 they have been exterminated by war disease and failure of accustomed food supply consequented upon the advent of the whites The simple and primitive existence and the peculiar characteristics of these children of the forest are entertainingly depicted This chapter is followed by a valuable and full appendix of statistics concerning the Indians-treaties of the United States with the tribes the cost to the government in the case of these aboriginal wards the ...

"Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 47-70.
... WILLIAM M WILLIAM M DONNELLY Disappointments and Distresses The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War The Ohio National Guard's 37th Buckeye Infantry Division had a short and unhappy Korean War A division with a proud record in two world wars it did not enter Federal service until early 1952 and it never deployed overseas Indeed by the end of the war in July 1953 the 37th had ceased to exist both as an Ohio National Guard division and as a tactical unit To provide individual ...

"Rise of Homeopathy, The," by Lucy Stone Hertzog. Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 332-346.
... THE RISE OF HOMEOPATHY THE RISE OF HOMEOPATHY By LUCY STONE HERTZOG M D In the course of correspondence concerning this paper Dr Frederick Waite wrote me One of the questions is What was the previous relation of those who became homeopaths in the early era All the homeopathic histories stress the point that many of the homeopaths had previously been in regular medicine but he was unable to prove this true except of only a small minority Dr Waite also raised the question Whence come the ...

"Ohio and Western Sectionalism (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:)," by Isaac J. Cox. Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 362-374.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OF ISAAC J COX The subject of Prof Cox's address was Ohio and Western Sectionalism Prof Cox is professor of American History in the University of Cincinnati He is president of the Mississippi Valley Historical Society and was formerly president of the Ohio Valley Historical Society It is a truism to state that natural forces determine the essential facts of history but at the same time we may assert that men of vision show the ...

"Clement L. Vallandigham," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 256-267.
... CLEMENT L CLEMENT L VALLANDIGHAM BY W H VAN FOSSAN LISBON OHIO In my library is a pencil-marked volume of the miscellaneous works of Sir Philip Sidney Knt It is not the contents of this book however that leads me to refer to it but the carefully punctuated autograph of its purchaser C L Vallandigham London Canada West April 22 1 864 Fifty years after it may be of interest to ask Who was this man his followers called the martyr in exile the man who in part at least occasioned the writing of ...

"The Grand Review," by D. A. Randall. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 140-141.
... 140 Ohio Arch 140 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE GRAND REVIEW It was indeed a rare opportunity for a boy of fifteen to visit Washington and witness the grand review of the victorious Union armies in May 1865 Some idea of what this implied may be gathered from a communication describing the event written by Mr Randall's father Rev D A Randall and published in a Cincinnati paper As already stated the two were companions on this occasion and seated side by side opposite the reviewing ...

"Address of D. J. Ryan" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 34-36.
... 34 Ohio Arch 34 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications search history other than that of our own state for noble ideas The story of the foundation of our state and its progress is like a romance Well did Washington say in the dark days of the Revolution when he was questioned as to what he would do if he met defeat that he would come out here and settle in the valley of the Muskingum Several years ago a friend of mine a lady of Ohio met an English woman whose whole idea of America was based ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 216-224.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE AVERY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A philosophical essayist on the study of history tritely remarks that a historian should be possessed of industry conscience and imagination Industry and patience to faithfully exhume the facts conscience to truthfully and impartially exploit them and imagination to vividly portray the scenes and events involved that the reader in his mind's eye may perceive them realistically reproduced Such is the ideal historian Such an one to ...

Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 89-92.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Illinois Census Returns 1 80 -1818 Edited by Margaret Cross Norton Illinois State Historical Library Collections XXIV Statistical Series II Springfield Illinois Illinois State Historical Library 1935 32 9p Illinois Cens u s Ret urn s 1820 Edited by Margaret Cross Norton Illinois State Historical Library Collections XXVI Statistical Series III Springfield Illinois Illinois State Historical Library I934 466p The first volume of the Statistical Series Illinois Election ...

"Benjamin F. Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 33-43.
... BENJAMIN F BENJAMIN F WADE AND THE ATROCITY PROPAGANDA OF THE CIVIL WAR By HARRY WILLIAMS The atrocity propaganda issued in the North during the Civil War flowered in bewildering abundance from a variety of persons and agencies Heads of governmental departments semi-official bodies editors members of Congress and private individuals devoted their efforts to the dissemination of tales of cruelties and barbarisms practiced by the Confederate Government and its soldiery1 Although these ...