Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Bowman's Campaign-1779," by Henry Hall. Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 515-519.
... BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BY HENRY HALL A Survivor Bourbon Co Ky From the Draper MSS in the Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society Notes taken in April 1844 From Henry Hall of Bourbon Co Ky born near Phila 24th May 1760-Apr 1844 Mr Hall was in Wm Harrod's company of about 60 men from the Falls of Ohio Edward Bulger who was subsequently killed at the Blue Licks was ensign of Harrod's company Mr Hall does not think James Harrod nor John Haggin were out-recollects but ...

"The Part That the Pioneer Physicians of Ohio Played in the Community as Exemplified in the Church and Lodge," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 231-242.
... THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO PLAYED IN THE COMMUNITY AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE CHURCH AND LODGE By JAMES J TYLER MD The church has had an important place in the development of the frontier The first forty years of religious development in Ohio is full of absorbing interest and vital realities It produced permanent results in the establishment of our Commonwealth The minister of the Gospel the lawyer the teacher and the doctor comprised the ...

"Johnson's Island," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 470-476.
... JOHNSON'S ISLAND JOHNSON'S ISLAND BY HEWSON L PEEKE This island lies three miles north of Sandusky in the bay It is nearly a mile long half a mile wide and contains about three hundred acres rising gradually in the center to a height of fifty feet It was originally covered with heavy timber and was a favorite resort of the Indians who came there to fish feast and torture their captives Its first owner was E W Bull and it was originally called Bull's Island until 1852 when it was called ...

"The Roush Family in America: The Contribution to the 'New Country,'" by L. L. Roush. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 116-144.
... THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA Their Contribution to the New Country BY REV L L ROUSH In these days when almost every one is writing and when so many details of history are brought out of their hiding-places by some historian especially equipped for that purpose and whose chief business is to bring to the public eye such discoveries one hesitates before he sets himself to the task of adding anything to this voluminous collection However no student dares venture far ...

"Me-She-Kun-Nogh-Quah, or Little Turtle-1783-1812," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 115-148.
... ME -SHE -KUN-NOGH -QUAH ME -SHE -KUN-NOGH -QUAH OR LITTLE TURTLE-1783-1812 N B C LOVE D D O River weird historic water What tales of bloody human slaughter What scenes of hate and tragic acts What woeful pictures solemn facts Thou couldst before the world portray What greed and hate and wrong betray No subject claimed the attention of President Washington more after the close of the War of the Revolution 1784 up to his death 1799 than the settlement and occupancy of the territory ceded to the ...

"Are the Hopewell Copper Objects Prehistoric?," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 317-321.
... ARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISTORIC BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD At the Washington meeting of the American Anthropological Association held conjointly with Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science I read a brief paper on the Hopewell copper objects and it is now my wish to present a more extended communication on the subjest Mr Clarence B Moore whose valuable work in southeastern United States is so favorably known to all who ...

"John Stewart: Pioneer Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 337-349.
... JOHN STEWART JOHN STEWART PIONEER MISSIONARY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH N B C LOVE DD The Methodist Episcopal Church from its organization in 1773 was missionary in its spirit It made continuous efforts towards the conversion of the w hites and blacks but the red men of the forest were passed by The minutes of the annual conferences at the beginning of the last century reported in separate columns the numbers of whites and blacks in each society but no figures for the Indians The ...

"Fine Timber," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 16-24.
... medicines from the East and abroad to augment the supply of homegrown herbs and homemade salves Margaret Blennerhassett brought over the mountains vaccine matter and herself vaccinated the children of the vicinity The Blennerhassetts bought books--and loaned them freely They gave dances and teas and less formal affairs Mrs B begs of you to invite Mrs E Sproat to her what do you call it wrote Blennerhassett Tradition has it that there were many ...

"Origin of Public Education in Ohio, The," by William McAlpine. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 409-447.
... THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO BY WILLIAM MC ALPINE M A A certain very excellent history of education says that in Ohio public education was a victory of the New England element over the other parts of Ohio's population In the same work there are certain maps taken from Mathews' Expansion of New England Certain parts of the state where the New England population is supposed to have predominated are marked white The remainder is black The ...

Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 411-418.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII A Banks - Concluded Agriculture Ideal pioneer plantation 250 Exchange 320 Possibilities of Ohio 232-256 Franklin of Columbus 319 Akron Founder of 284 287 Legislation regulating 314 Algonquins 107 Mechanics' Savings Institute 320 Allen Gov William 35 Notes issued by 313 315 American-British Peace Treaty 28 Ohio State 316 Americanists Visit of 381 Pioneer bankers 318 American State Papers Extracts from Private 321 relating to Dohrman 227 Thompson's ...

"General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of 'Fallen Timbers': Centennial Oration," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 214-237.

"Editorialana," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 572-589.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No4 OCTOBER 1 909 AVERY'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Volume VI of A History of the United States and its People by Elroy M Avery is just received In elegance of paper and mechanical effect in richness of illustration maps charts fac-similes of documents and reproductions of paintings in original colors this volume is fully equal to its predecessors We have in notices of the previous volumes sufficiently commented upon the typographical character of the ...

"Address of Prof. M. R. Andrews" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 30-32.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Battle of Point Pleasant Treaty twenty years before was its beginning Had the pioneers been successful in that conflict the Americans would not have rebelled It would have shown the impossibility of success But Colonel Lewis was successful and Anthony Wayne was successful The Revolution culminated in independence but not for Ohio until Wayne fought the last battle that gave our people instead of England the land upon which we now stand ...

"Josiah Harmar and His Indian Expedition," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 227-241.
... JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION By HOWARD H PECKHAM When the Revolutionary War ended the new United States of America faced a problem that is acutely familiar to us today Nobody wanted to remain in the Army or Navy At the conclusion of the Revolution there were probably 20000 to 30000 men under arms The single unifying aim of the war -- independence from Great Britain - - appeared to have been won at least on the battlefield Acknowledgement of ...

"The Indians Who Opposed Harmar," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 55-59.
... THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR By OTHO WINGER We have a few original sources of information about the Indians of the Northwest in and about Kekionga now Fort Wayne at the time of Harmar's expedition in the fall of 1790 George Croghan in 1765 traveled the length of the Wabash to Kekionga and gave an excellent report to his superiors in the East In the winter of 1789-90 Henry Hay representing British merchants in Detroit visited Kekionga and kept a diary of his ...

"Address of Judge Joseph Cox: The Building of the State" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 150-173.
... ADDRESS OF JUDGE JOSEPH COX ADDRESS OF JUDGE JOSEPH COX THE BUILDING OF T HE STATE THE first settlement in this State at Marietta and organization of the Northwest Territory under the Ordinance of 1787 were the most notable events in the history of our country and deserve to rank among the greatest of the civilized world The Territory having been wrested from the domination of foreign nations by the combined strength of the American Colonies after the eight years' struggle of the Revolutionary ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 57-86.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795 Edited by R I CHARD C KNOPF On May 4 1792 Joseph Gardner Andrews enlisted in the army of the United States as a surgeon's mate His qualifications for the position were considered adequate by the standards of his day he had graduated from Harvard College in 1785 and since that time had been employed as a schoolmaster at Dorchester Massachusetts Perhaps partly from a spirit ...

"Last Survivor of Fort Stephenson" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 80-86.
... 80 Ohio Arch 80 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications arrive at its position till the first assault was nearly over After a volley or two in which the British sustained some slight loss the troops at this point also were ordered to retire The loss amounted to 26 killed 29 wounded and missing and 41 wounded most of them slightly and brought away total 96 The Americans state their loss at one killed and seven wounded Considering the way in which they were sheltered and the circumstances of the ...

"Moravian Massacre, The," by William M. Farrar. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 276-300.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VoL 3 with its annual receipts from members' dues interest sale of publications etc will keep it on a plane with the best societies in the country and enable it to do its full share of usefulness The General Assembly has provided for the purchase and preservation of that remarkable earth-work--Fort Ancient-in the Little Miami valley It is the largest and most extensive prehistoric remains now in Ohio The move was most commendable and ...

"Pickaway County," by Arista Arledge. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 141-144.
... Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet 141 vation of their historic sites mounds circles squares and the tokens of a bygone civilization found therein To you and to your keeping we present this Tablet and are happy in so doing We realize that you and the great State of Ohio are leading in the procession of progress To you the custodian of the glories of the past peoples records and their trophies of valor we consign this Tablet and leave it under your protection and that ...