Ohio History Journal

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"General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of 'Fallen Timbers': Centennial Oration," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 214-237.

"Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 191-200.
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO PREPARED BY MRS CYRUS THOMAS FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Continued from page 7 8 ANY observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in addition to those here stated will confer a favor upon the world by forwarding such information to Professor G F Wright Oberlin 0 the member of the Editorial Committee in charge of this department by whom the facts will be classified and published in future ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 578-583.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE CAPTURE OF OLD VINCENNES This is the title of a timely and most interesting volume edited by Dr Milo M Quaife Managing Editor of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review It includes the original narratives of George Rogers Clark the leader of the American expedition and Sir Henry Hamilton Lieutenant Governor of Detroit The special occasion for the appearance of ...

"Fowke's Book Again," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 324-328.
... FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN The following review of Mr Fowke's volume appears in the Nation of December 25 1902 As it is the policy of the Nation to expose defects wherever they exist and to speak well only of that which deserves high praise its general approval of Mr Fowke's work is something upon which he is to be congratulatedE 0 R Archaeological History of Ohio The Mound Builders and Later Indians By Gerard Fowke Published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"History of Fort Hamilton," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 97-111.
... HISTORY OF FORT HAMILTON HISTORY OF FORT HAMILTON W C MILLER Butler County Ohio the eighteenth county established in the seventeenth state of the Union can present many points of interest archaeological and historical Chief among these is Fort Hamilton the first of a chain of forts established by the Government in the Miami valley for the protection of the pioneers In compiling this sketch of Fort Hamilton the writer a resident of Hamilton for fifty years has had access to the official records ...

"Mac-o-chee Valley," by Keren Jane Gaumer. Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 455-469.
... MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY BY MISS KEREN JANE GAUMER URBANA As the American people rush along in their hurried life often observing only the big things of the world they sometimes forget the pleasure and value which may be derived from the smaller ones Let us consider the importance and significance of the lesser May we go into a very little valley which has been prominent in our country's history When one scans the broad Ohio which affords so many commercial advantages he thinks of ...

Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 597-613.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII Alder Jonathan early pioneer honored Bible Indian translates Gospels into with marker 533-536 sketch of life Shawnee language 339-340 Bibles proby great-granddaughter 534-535 advided for prisoners at Ohio Penidresses by C B Galbreath L C tentiary 390 Dick and others 535 unveiling by Bibliography Shorthorn Cattle 65-66 descendants 535 list of descendants works of George Kennan 226 Mitchpresent 535-536 ener's Legend of the White Woman Alford Thomas ...

"Address of Prof. M. R. Andrews" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 30-32.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Battle of Point Pleasant Treaty twenty years before was its beginning Had the pioneers been successful in that conflict the Americans would not have rebelled It would have shown the impossibility of success But Colonel Lewis was successful and Anthony Wayne was successful The Revolution culminated in independence but not for Ohio until Wayne fought the last battle that gave our people instead of England the land upon which we now stand ...

"First Battle of the American Revolution," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 93-102.
... FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY W H HUNTER CHILLICOTHE This article was prepared for and read by author at the Banquet of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution held at the Neil House Columbus April 19 1902 It is herewith published at the request of the editor of the Quarterly-E 0 R At the time the dreadful battle of Point Pleasant was fought at the mouth of the Kanawha river on October 10 1774 the American colonies were in ...

"Joseph Badger, The First Missionary to the Western Reserve," by Byron R. Long. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 1-42.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSEPH BADGER THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO THE WESTERN RESERVE BY BYRON R LONG A preliminary word to the writing of this document is not unlike that which I wrote to the last article furnished for publication in this historical record In the sketch of Isaac N Walter printed in the April number of 1915 I dwelt at some length on the story of the Christian denomination with which he labored for many years as a minister My own personal connection ...

"Wyandot Mission, The," by Emil Schlup. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 163-181.
... THE WYANDOT MISSION THE WYANDOT MISSION EMIL SCHLUP The present generation can scarcely comprehend the hardships and privations the early missionaries had to endure when the Ohio country was in a wilderness state But brave men risked their lives in promulgating the Christian doctrine among the aboriginals of the forest The earliest Protestant denomination to enter the new field were the Moravians Christian Frederick Post who had been a missionary among the Moravian Indians in New York and ...

"Editorialana," Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 256-263.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA Although this number of our Quarterly namely No 2 Vol XI is only the second number of its publication year we decide to have it conclude the eleventh volume thus making a volume complete from the July and October 1902 Quarterlies This volume however will also include a complete index of the previous ten volumes and the eleventh volume herewith issued Volume eleven therefore will have if not the usual amount of reading matter an adequate value in the complete index of ...

"An Indian Camp Meeting," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 39-43.
... AN INDIAN CAMP MEETING AN INDIAN CAMP MEETING REV N B C LOVE The greater part of the following data the writer had from Levi Savage in 1885 He was at this time old and blind but in possession of his mental faculties His memory seemed clear and tenacious I wrote down at the time what he said word for word and from this written account I draw also from government and church publications A camp meeting was held by the Christian Wyandots on the east side of the Sandusky river opposite the big ...

"General Harmar's Expedition," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 74-108.
... GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION BY BASIL MEEK FREMONT OHIO JOSIAH HARMAR was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1753 and there died in 1813 He was a captain in the First Pennsylvania Regiment Continental Army Lieutenant Colonel of the same and served till the close of the Revolutionary War He was in Washington's army from 1778 to 1780 In 1783 he was made Brevet Colonel First U S Regiment In 1787 he was breveted Brigadier General by Congress and assigned to duty in ...

"Significance of Memorials," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 477-491.
... SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS BY DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman and Fellow Citizens The Guests At the outset let me express the appreciation in which we all join of the patriotic generosity on the part of the General Assembly of the state of Ohio in making an appropriation for the erection of the statue which today we dedicate I may also express our appreciation of the presence on this occasion of His Excellency the Honorable A V Donahey Governor of Ohio of former Governor ...

"Address of Hon. Samuel D. Dodge" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 18-26.
... 18 Ohio Arch 18 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications Time like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day 0 God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our Guard while troubles last And our eternal home Thou who hearest prayer for Jesus' sake give ear to these our prayers and praises which we sum up in the words of our Lord Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth ...

"Lucas Sullivant Tablet Dedicated," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 161-176.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...

Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 605-617.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV NOTE -That portion of this volume embracing the monograph entitled A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War contained in pages 235-533 is separately indexed on pages 534-539 and is therefore not included in the General Index of this volume A Articles Editorialana - Concluded First Catholic Church in Ohio 226 Adair Gen John Burr's associate 121 History of Banking and Currency Be123 fore the Civil War 235 Adams County Early ...

"Mound Builders' Fort Within Toldeo's Limits," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 381-384.
... Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits 381 MOUND BUILDERS' FORT WITHIN TOLEDO'S LIMITS BY S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO OHIO It will probably surprise most of the readers of the Quarterly to be told that there once existed an ancient defensive earthwork on the banks of the Maumee within the present city limits The writer was unaware of the fact until some time ago when he found a reference to it in a somewhat rare book-the first volume of the ...

"Western Reserve Historical Society, The," by Meredith B. Colket, Jr.. Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 140-149.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY by MEREDITH B COLKET JR IN THE DAY S before the Civil War when Cleveland was emerging as a city a group of dedicated young men banded together to form an organization known as the Ark The members were from founding families and had a deep interest in cultural matters Their activities are memorialized in a famous oil painting by Julius Gollman dated 1858 Although the group has since passed out of existence its members inspired the ...