Ohio History Journal

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"Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Clark County, Ohio," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 86-100.
... REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS BURIED REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS BURIED IN CLARK COUNTY OHIO BY A L SLAGER The attached roster of men who served on the side of the Colonists during the War of American Independence and who are buried in Clark County has been compiled from partial lists of names furnished by Colonel George I Gunckel Dayton Ohio president of the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution and a similar list taken from the records of the George Rogers Clark Chapter S A R of ...

"News from the Muskingum," Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 208-209.
... NEWS FROM THE MUSKINGUM1 NEWS FROM THE MUSKINGUM1 SALEM September 9 Extract of a letter from a gentleman at the new settlement on the Muskingum to a person in this town dated July 20th We had a beautiful passage down the Ohio from Pittsburg in company with 3 Kentucke boats Without sails or oars we glided down the fair river and in 48 hours arrived at the enchanting spot It is really a delightful situation The first thing which presented itself when we ascended the bank by a grand and easy pair ...

"Fort Fizzle," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 23-51.
... FORT FIZZLE FORT FIZZLE Judge James Story Drake son of Colonel James L Drake on June 3 1929 wrote to his niece Mrs Luella Hughes Gillette of Indianapolis Indiana His description of the Holmes County Rebellion is in part as follows I suppose I have told you that I had a part in that War I was between eleven and twelve years old at that time We lived on our farm in Holmes County then and when the Governor sent two companies of hard-boiled soldiers to put down the Rebellion Mother got a message ...

"The Ohio Frontier in 1812: Diary 'of the Indian Congregation at Goshen on the River Muskingum' for the Year 1812," by Benjamin Mortimer. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 205-266.
... THE OHIO FRONTIER IN 1812 THE OHIO FRONTIER IN 1812 DIARY OF THE INDIAN CONGREGATION AT GOSHEN ON THE RIVER MUSKINGUM FOR THE YEAR 1812 WRITTEN BY REV BENJAMIN MORTIMER In the Summer of 1798 David Zeisberger accompanied by several brethren of the Moravian Colony departed from their then temporary home the town of Fairfield on the Thames in Canada and proceeded to the Tuscarawas Valley where they founded the settlement called Goshen located seven miles northeast of Gnadenhutten In the party of ...

"Historic Address" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) by James I. Allread. Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 120-128.
... 120 Ohio Arch 120 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tablets in the city of Greenville Ohio commemorating the establishment of the fort there in 1793 the first treaty with the Indians August 3 1795 and the second treaty July 22 1814 together with statues of General St Clair General Anthony Wayne and General William H Harrison the hero of the victory of the battle of the river Thames which resulted in the death of Tecumseh and the restoration of a permanent peace with the Indians This ...

"The Grand Review," by D. A. Randall. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 140-141.
... 140 Ohio Arch 140 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE GRAND REVIEW It was indeed a rare opportunity for a boy of fifteen to visit Washington and witness the grand review of the victorious Union armies in May 1865 Some idea of what this implied may be gathered from a communication describing the event written by Mr Randall's father Rev D A Randall and published in a Cincinnati paper As already stated the two were companions on this occasion and seated side by side opposite the reviewing ...

"General William Hull and His Critics," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 168-182.
... GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS By M M QUAIFE The Detroit campaign of 1 812 lasted in all but little over two months June 10-August 16 a century and a quarter has passed since its conclusion during which General William Hull's countrymen have continued to load upon him the heavy measure of condemnation which was meted out to him by his contemporary associates and critics This attitude has been perpetuated by three generations of historians most of whom ...

"Four Buckeye Argonauts in California," by Schuyler C. Marshall. Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 368-377.
... FOUR BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS IN CALIFORNIA FOUR BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS IN CALIFORNIA by SCHUYLER C MARSHALL President Polk's message to congress in December 1848 set of the gold mania in the East The following year thousands of young men left their farms to follow one of the overland trails or perhap go round the Horn or across the isthmus of Panama to the dig gings While we often speak of those who went to California a Forty-Niners the Gold Rush was by no means limited to tha year Early in 1850 many ...

"The Centennial Celebration of the Siege of Fort Meigs: Perrysburg, July 27, 1913," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 34-48.
... THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS PERRYSBURG JULY 27 1913 BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Hadst thou my three kingdoms to range in said James the First to a fly and yet must thou needs get into my eye Which homely speech might be paraphrased for the present purpose of introduction to this subject to read Had Great Britain and America their vast extent of territory and all the ocean between to range in and must they needs select the shores of ...

"Flatboating Down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio, Part II," edited by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 385-418.
... FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI 1867-1873 Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta Ohio PART II edited by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College V More material remains from William Dudley Devol's fourth flatboating expedition than from the other three put together In addition to the letters which passed back and forth it includes two diaries covering the first six weeks of his trip printed ...

"Diary of Aaron Miller: Written While in Quest of Ohio Wheat Lands," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 67-79.
... DIARY OF AARON MILLER DIARY OF AARON MILLER WRITTEN WHILE IN QUEST OF OHIO WHEAT LANDS Aaron Miller the author of the following diary was born in Louden County Virginia in 1784 died in Highland County Ohio in 1872 -- at the age of 88 years He had five brothers Moses Daniel Jesse Peter and Jacob all natives of Louden County Virginia In the spring of 1832 Aaron Miller together with his brother Daniel made the trip as narrated in the diary on horseback into Ohio for the purpose of seeking new ...

"Winfield Scott's Visit to Columbus," by Henry Beebee Carrington. Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 278-291.
... WINFIELD SCOTT'S VISIT TO COLUMBUS WINFIELD SCOT T' S VISIT TO COLUMBUS BY GEN H B CARRINGTON U S A General Henry Beebee Carrington is one of the very few su viving generals of the Civil War He has led a distinguished ar eventful life Born in Wallingford Conn March 2 1824 he is now the age of eighty-six hale and hearty a writer of clearness and precisio and a speaker forceful and entertaining He graduated at Yale 1845 and in November 1848 arrived in Columbus to there take up his pe manent ...

"President William McKinley: Main Events in His Life," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 232-235.
... 232 Ohio Arch 232 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications PRESIDENT WILLIAM McKINLEY MAIN EVENTS IN HIS LIFE William McKinley was born at Niles Trumbull County Ohio and was descended from Scotch and Irish ancestry James and William McKinley the heads of the two branches of the McKinley family in this country one in the Southern the other in the Northern States came from the north of Ireland James was the father of David McKinley the great-grandfather of the late President James McKinley settled ...

"Monument at Fort Jefferson," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 112-131.
... MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON On Thursday October 24 1907 through the efforts and under the auspices of the Greenville Historical Society a monument was erected to mark the site of Fort Jefferson and to commemorate the historic events connected with that military post The monument unique in form and material is twenty feet in height seven feet broad at the base with a shoulder about two feet from the ground and a gracefully tapering shaft as shown in the accompanying ...

"The Copus Battle Centennial," by Eugene Ellis Williams. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 379-395.
... THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL BY REV EUGENE ELLIS WILLIAMS Sept 15 191 2 the day of the centennial of the Copus Battle was a very gloomy day with rain from early morning until evening But despite the inclement weather about 1000 people gathered in Milligan's grove near the Copus monument situated near Mifflin ten miles east of Mansfield At 11 o'clock Prof G F Wright of Oberlin called the meeting to order and after singing America Rev Eugene E Williams offered prayer ...

"Indians in Union County," by W. L. Curry. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 263-271.
... INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY BY COLONEL W L CURRY In 1797 before a white settler had found a home in the tract of country now forming the county of Union a town was laid out on a large scale in what is now Darby Township on the south side of Big Darby Creek by Lucas Sullivant who named it North Liberty Doubtless Mr Sullivant expected his town would at some not distant day be a busy metropolis but he ruined its prospects by laying out in August of the same year 1797 the town ...

"The Civil War Lithographs of Alfred Edward Mathews," (Collections and Exhibits) by Elizabeth R. Martin. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 230-242.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE CIVIL WAR LITHOGRAPHS OF ALFRED EDWARD MATHEWS by ELIZABETH R MARTIN THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan Alfred Edward Mathews in the Ohio Historical Society collections are representative of the contribution made by the soldier artist to the pictorial record of the Civil War No war before or since has been so fully portrayed by amateurs and professionals in the art media of its time--oil water color ...

"An Adventure with the Indians: August 4th and 5th, 1875," by W. H. Holmes. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 513-517.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Holmes to the log and skin the bear The only note regarding the adventure found in my report of the day's doing was my bear skin is a beauty AN ADVENTURE WITH THE INDIANS AUGUST 4TH AND 5TH 1 875 BY W H HOLMES August 4th Moved 14 miles down the San Juan Valley in south-western Colorado within a few miles of our western line -- 109 30' Passed by the mouth of the Montezuma a deep valley with a dry bed but ...

"Winthrop Sargent," by B. H. Pershing. Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 583-602.
... WINTHROP SARGENT WINTHROP SARGENT BY B H PERSHING PROFESSOR WITTENBERG COLLEGE The fate which history metes out to various men is not always the same Some are recognized by the age in which they live as men of eminence and worth who have rendered a real service to their generation This prominence they retain even at the hands of the most critical of historians Others are spoken of for some years as illustrious among men but when the day comes that they must pass the test of the historical ...

"Clark's Conquest of the Northwest," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 67-94.
... CLARK'S CONQUEST OF THE NORTHWEST CLARK'S CONQUEST OF THE NORTHWEST BY E O RANDALL The French were the first to discover and explore the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys While the English were establishing colonial settlements between the Alleghany mountains and the Atlantic coast the French adventurers were locating missionary stations military posts and trading centers on the Great Lakes and the river ways of the Northwest Such lodging places in the western wilderness were Detroit Vincennes ...